Armed BLM "Protester" Shot Dead in Austin, TX

Some of them are surprisingly well-armed: AR's and AK's, Glocks, and body armor.

the arms race is on

thats why liberals who claim to be for peace should put a end to these nightly riots before it goes too far

It looks that way.

View attachment 367645
Promoting terrorism?

not me .... but .... are you on the side of domestic terrorists waving AK47s on the faces of innocent drivers?

That is really kind of funny because normally you all would have no problem and defending the guy with a gun. If you REALLY had a problem with you would have spoken up when armed protesters forced their way into Michigan Statehouse.
that's really funny cause normally you bitch endlessly at the ones with the guns..

apply these things to yourself please.
Says Mr. Hypocrite.

I think it is stupid to carry a gun in a protest, but he didn’t shoot it. The other guy did and some one else in the crowd fired back Mr. Expert.

Go back and listen to the APD briefing. He pointed the AK at the driver. That in itself is reasonable and legal grounds for the use of deadly force.
Hmmm....then someone should have shot the McCloskey’s in St. Louis.

The driver was reported by witnesses as accelerating into the crowd.
under missouri law the mccloskys had every right to shoot the rioters,,,,
They pointed guns at people passing, no riot was occurring. That, according to you, gives some the right to shoot them. Or do you pick and choose?

Does a guy have the right to point his gun at
a car driving into a crowd?
what about fire it? he's already said people are too big a pussy to do anything about him and his AK.

YET you keep defending him with the most fucked up of
Some of them are surprisingly well-armed: AR's and AK's, Glocks, and body armor.

the arms race is on

thats why liberals who claim to be for peace should put a end to these nightly riots before it goes too far

It looks that way.

View attachment 367645
Promoting terrorism?

not me .... but .... are you on the side of domestic terrorists waving AK47s on the faces of innocent drivers?

That is really kind of funny because normally you all would have no problem and defending the guy with a gun. If you REALLY had a problem with you would have spoken up when armed protesters forced their way into Michigan Statehouse.

Do you really not know the difference? The Michigan Statehouse protesters were not there in support of left-wing Marxists like their Governor, who ultimately want to ban all firearms.

BLM and antifa are on the side of the Democrats who would, if they could, pass legislation prohibiting the possession of the same weapon Mr. Deaded AK Man was carrying.
what's funny is all the leftists defending the violence til it hits them.

suddenly it's wrong.
Who are “all these leftists” defending violence? I don’t. But I absolutely defend the rights of peaceful protesters.

I think this says more about our gun liberal gun laws than protests. Why where either of them armed?
how many peaceful protesters are out with ak47s and flipping off and attack police stations?

Everyone in Texas goes armed. (Exaggeration but you get the point).

I think it is nuts personally but that is our crazy gun culture.
I love in Texas. born and raised in austin

fuck your stereotype excuse for his bullshit.
Oh put-lease. Cut the crap about stereotypes when you endlessly promote them about the left.

Point is a lot of people are armed. That is choice. Why was the protestors armed? Why was the driver armed?
We have beaten this topic to death without much progress

do you support these endless protests by the anarchists?

if so you are as much responsible for the more than 50 deaths so far as the actual killers themselves
Does that mean Trump is responsible for the death of Heather Heyer and the injury of many other people because he supported the protestors in Charlottesville?
you have a tendency to get pissed when people speculate motivations yet you have zero issue intentionally misconstruing what was said so you can be pissed for your own made up reasons.

fucking old, dude.

what was the actual quote said FULLY and IN CONTEXT you are referring to. here's your chance buckwheat.

Sure as hell looks like you missed the entire point of what I was posting.

The point here is that support for some protestors does not mean support for everyone involved, nor their actions.

Wouldn’t you agree?
ok - maybe i did.

do you think trump said he was supporting white supremacists during that rally when he said there are good people on both sides of the issue?
It was a white supremacy rally, so...
so you are saying you do feel that trump was saying white supremacists are good people, correct?
What I actually believe is that Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about and said something stupid which made it look like he supports white supremacists when taken on face value.

It was a white supremacist rally, organized and advertised as such.
So I was right. You are going to accuse Trump of bullshit speculation while in the same breath make sure YOU are NOT misconstrued.

Pretty fucking hypocritical dude.

What we know happened is that Trump said there were fine people at a white supremacist rally.

So we can speculate why he said that. What’s so hypocritical about that?
Nothing as long as you don't get pissed we speculate on what you said AND THEN pretend it's true.

It's a fucking lie. You know it but like most of the left want to call it something "less offensive" while you go for MOST Offensive on others.

Like I said, fucking hypocrite. I backed up to let you explain why I was wrong yet you proved my analysis balls on accurate of you.

Good move.
Some of them are surprisingly well-armed: AR's and AK's, Glocks, and body armor.

the arms race is on

thats why liberals who claim to be for peace should put a end to these nightly riots before it goes too far

It looks that way.

View attachment 367645
Promoting terrorism?

not me .... but .... are you on the side of domestic terrorists waving AK47s on the faces of innocent drivers?

That is really kind of funny because normally you all would have no problem and defending the guy with a gun. If you REALLY had a problem with you would have spoken up when armed protesters forced their way into Michigan Statehouse.
that's really funny cause normally you bitch endlessly at the ones with the guns..

apply these things to yourself please.
Says Mr. Hypocrite.

I think it is stupid to carry a gun in a protest, but he didn’t shoot it. The other guy did and some one else in the crowd fired back Mr. Expert.

Go back and listen to the APD briefing. He pointed the AK at the driver. That in itself is reasonable and legal grounds for the use of deadly force.
Hmmm....then someone should have shot the McCloskey’s in St. Louis.

The driver was reported by witnesses as accelerating into the crowd.
under missouri law the mccloskys had every right to shoot the rioters,,,,
They pointed guns at people passing, no riot was occurring. That, according to you, gives some the right to shoot them. Or do you pick and choose?

Does a guy have the right to point his gun at
a car driving into a crowd?
what about fire it? he's already said people are too big a pussy to do anything about him and his AK.

YET you keep defending him with the most fucked up of
Some of them are surprisingly well-armed: AR's and AK's, Glocks, and body armor.

the arms race is on

thats why liberals who claim to be for peace should put a end to these nightly riots before it goes too far

It looks that way.

View attachment 367645
Promoting terrorism?

not me .... but .... are you on the side of domestic terrorists waving AK47s on the faces of innocent drivers?

That is really kind of funny because normally you all would have no problem and defending the guy with a gun. If you REALLY had a problem with you would have spoken up when armed protesters forced their way into Michigan Statehouse.

Do you really not know the difference? The Michigan Statehouse protesters were not there in support of left-wing Marxists like their Governor, who ultimately want to ban all firearms.

BLM and antifa are on the side of the Democrats who would, if they could, pass legislation prohibiting the possession of the same weapon Mr. Deaded AK Man was carrying.
what's funny is all the leftists defending the violence til it hits them.

suddenly it's wrong.
Who are “all these leftists” defending violence? I don’t. But I absolutely defend the rights of peaceful protesters.

I think this says more about our gun liberal gun laws than protests. Why where either of them armed?
how many peaceful protesters are out with ak47s and flipping off and attack police stations?

Everyone in Texas goes armed. (Exaggeration but you get the point).

I think it is nuts personally but that is our crazy gun culture.
I love in Texas. born and raised in austin

fuck your stereotype excuse for his bullshit.
Oh put-lease. Cut the crap about stereotypes when you endlessly promote them about the left.

Point is a lot of people are armed. That is choice. Why was the protestors armed? Why was the driver armed?
We have beaten this topic to death without much progress

do you support these endless protests by the anarchists?

if so you are as much responsible for the more than 50 deaths so far as the actual killers themselves
Does that mean Trump is responsible for the death of Heather Heyer and the injury of many other people because he supported the protestors in Charlottesville?
you have a tendency to get pissed when people speculate motivations yet you have zero issue intentionally misconstruing what was said so you can be pissed for your own made up reasons.

fucking old, dude.

what was the actual quote said FULLY and IN CONTEXT you are referring to. here's your chance buckwheat.

Sure as hell looks like you missed the entire point of what I was posting.

The point here is that support for some protestors does not mean support for everyone involved, nor their actions.

Wouldn’t you agree?
ok - maybe i did.

do you think trump said he was supporting white supremacists during that rally when he said there are good people on both sides of the issue?
It was a white supremacy rally, so...
so you are saying you do feel that trump was saying white supremacists are good people, correct?
What I actually believe is that Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about and said something stupid which made it look like he supports white supremacists when taken on face value.

It was a white supremacist rally, organized and advertised as such.
Some of them are surprisingly well-armed: AR's and AK's, Glocks, and body armor.

the arms race is on

thats why liberals who claim to be for peace should put a end to these nightly riots before it goes too far

It looks that way.

View attachment 367645
Promoting terrorism?

not me .... but .... are you on the side of domestic terrorists waving AK47s on the faces of innocent drivers?

That is really kind of funny because normally you all would have no problem and defending the guy with a gun. If you REALLY had a problem with you would have spoken up when armed protesters forced their way into Michigan Statehouse.
that's really funny cause normally you bitch endlessly at the ones with the guns..

apply these things to yourself please.
Says Mr. Hypocrite.

I think it is stupid to carry a gun in a protest, but he didn’t shoot it. The other guy did and some one else in the crowd fired back Mr. Expert.

Go back and listen to the APD briefing. He pointed the AK at the driver. That in itself is reasonable and legal grounds for the use of deadly force.
Hmmm....then someone should have shot the McCloskey’s in St. Louis.

The driver was reported by witnesses as accelerating into the crowd.
under missouri law the mccloskys had every right to shoot the rioters,,,,
They pointed guns at people passing, no riot was occurring. That, according to you, gives some the right to shoot them. Or do you pick and choose?

Does a guy have the right to point his gun at
a car driving into a crowd?
what about fire it? he's already said people are too big a pussy to do anything about him and his AK.

YET you keep defending him with the most fucked up of
Some of them are surprisingly well-armed: AR's and AK's, Glocks, and body armor.

the arms race is on

thats why liberals who claim to be for peace should put a end to these nightly riots before it goes too far

It looks that way.

View attachment 367645
Promoting terrorism?

not me .... but .... are you on the side of domestic terrorists waving AK47s on the faces of innocent drivers?

That is really kind of funny because normally you all would have no problem and defending the guy with a gun. If you REALLY had a problem with you would have spoken up when armed protesters forced their way into Michigan Statehouse.

Do you really not know the difference? The Michigan Statehouse protesters were not there in support of left-wing Marxists like their Governor, who ultimately want to ban all firearms.

BLM and antifa are on the side of the Democrats who would, if they could, pass legislation prohibiting the possession of the same weapon Mr. Deaded AK Man was carrying.
what's funny is all the leftists defending the violence til it hits them.

suddenly it's wrong.
Who are “all these leftists” defending violence? I don’t. But I absolutely defend the rights of peaceful protesters.

I think this says more about our gun liberal gun laws than protests. Why where either of them armed?
how many peaceful protesters are out with ak47s and flipping off and attack police stations?

Everyone in Texas goes armed. (Exaggeration but you get the point).

I think it is nuts personally but that is our crazy gun culture.
I love in Texas. born and raised in austin

fuck your stereotype excuse for his bullshit.
Oh put-lease. Cut the crap about stereotypes when you endlessly promote them about the left.

Point is a lot of people are armed. That is choice. Why was the protestors armed? Why was the driver armed?
We have beaten this topic to death without much progress

do you support these endless protests by the anarchists?

if so you are as much responsible for the more than 50 deaths so far as the actual killers themselves
Does that mean Trump is responsible for the death of Heather Heyer and the injury of many other people because he supported the protestors in Charlottesville?
you have a tendency to get pissed when people speculate motivations yet you have zero issue intentionally misconstruing what was said so you can be pissed for your own made up reasons.

fucking old, dude.

what was the actual quote said FULLY and IN CONTEXT you are referring to. here's your chance buckwheat.

Sure as hell looks like you missed the entire point of what I was posting.

The point here is that support for some protestors does not mean support for everyone involved, nor their actions.

Wouldn’t you agree?
ok - maybe i did.

do you think trump said he was supporting white supremacists during that rally when he said there are good people on both sides of the issue?
It was a white supremacy rally, so...
so you are saying you do feel that trump was saying white supremacists are good people, correct?
What I actually believe is that Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about and said something stupid which made it look like he supports white supremacists when taken on face value.

It was a white supremacist rally, organized and advertised as such.
So I was right. You are going to accuse Trump of bullshit speculation while in the same breath make sure YOU are NOT misconstrued.

Pretty fucking hypocritical dude.

What we know happened is that Trump said there were fine people at a white supremacist rally.

So we can speculate why he said that. What’s so hypocritical about that?

He did not single out one side. He said that there were fine people on both sides.

Can you dispute that? To make a broad generalization that all people among the white supremacists were "bad people", would be as idiotic as making the same assumption that all of the leftists there were good people.
Some of them are surprisingly well-armed: AR's and AK's, Glocks, and body armor.

the arms race is on

thats why liberals who claim to be for peace should put a end to these nightly riots before it goes too far

It looks that way.

View attachment 367645
Promoting terrorism?

not me .... but .... are you on the side of domestic terrorists waving AK47s on the faces of innocent drivers?

That is really kind of funny because normally you all would have no problem and defending the guy with a gun. If you REALLY had a problem with you would have spoken up when armed protesters forced their way into Michigan Statehouse.
that's really funny cause normally you bitch endlessly at the ones with the guns..

apply these things to yourself please.
Says Mr. Hypocrite.

I think it is stupid to carry a gun in a protest, but he didn’t shoot it. The other guy did and some one else in the crowd fired back Mr. Expert.

Go back and listen to the APD briefing. He pointed the AK at the driver. That in itself is reasonable and legal grounds for the use of deadly force.
Hmmm....then someone should have shot the McCloskey’s in St. Louis.

The driver was reported by witnesses as accelerating into the crowd.
under missouri law the mccloskys had every right to shoot the rioters,,,,
They pointed guns at people passing, no riot was occurring. That, according to you, gives some the right to shoot them. Or do you pick and choose?

Does a guy have the right to point his gun at
a car driving into a crowd?
what about fire it? he's already said people are too big a pussy to do anything about him and his AK.

YET you keep defending him with the most fucked up of
Some of them are surprisingly well-armed: AR's and AK's, Glocks, and body armor.

the arms race is on

thats why liberals who claim to be for peace should put a end to these nightly riots before it goes too far

It looks that way.

View attachment 367645
Promoting terrorism?

not me .... but .... are you on the side of domestic terrorists waving AK47s on the faces of innocent drivers?

That is really kind of funny because normally you all would have no problem and defending the guy with a gun. If you REALLY had a problem with you would have spoken up when armed protesters forced their way into Michigan Statehouse.

Do you really not know the difference? The Michigan Statehouse protesters were not there in support of left-wing Marxists like their Governor, who ultimately want to ban all firearms.

BLM and antifa are on the side of the Democrats who would, if they could, pass legislation prohibiting the possession of the same weapon Mr. Deaded AK Man was carrying.
what's funny is all the leftists defending the violence til it hits them.

suddenly it's wrong.
Who are “all these leftists” defending violence? I don’t. But I absolutely defend the rights of peaceful protesters.

I think this says more about our gun liberal gun laws than protests. Why where either of them armed?
how many peaceful protesters are out with ak47s and flipping off and attack police stations?

Everyone in Texas goes armed. (Exaggeration but you get the point).

I think it is nuts personally but that is our crazy gun culture.
I love in Texas. born and raised in austin

fuck your stereotype excuse for his bullshit.
Oh put-lease. Cut the crap about stereotypes when you endlessly promote them about the left.

Point is a lot of people are armed. That is choice. Why was the protestors armed? Why was the driver armed?
We have beaten this topic to death without much progress

do you support these endless protests by the anarchists?

if so you are as much responsible for the more than 50 deaths so far as the actual killers themselves
Does that mean Trump is responsible for the death of Heather Heyer and the injury of many other people because he supported the protestors in Charlottesville?
you have a tendency to get pissed when people speculate motivations yet you have zero issue intentionally misconstruing what was said so you can be pissed for your own made up reasons.

fucking old, dude.

what was the actual quote said FULLY and IN CONTEXT you are referring to. here's your chance buckwheat.

Sure as hell looks like you missed the entire point of what I was posting.

The point here is that support for some protestors does not mean support for everyone involved, nor their actions.

Wouldn’t you agree?
ok - maybe i did.

do you think trump said he was supporting white supremacists during that rally when he said there are good people on both sides of the issue?
It was a white supremacy rally, so...
so you are saying you do feel that trump was saying white supremacists are good people, correct?
What I actually believe is that Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about and said something stupid which made it look like he supports white supremacists when taken on face value.

It was a white supremacist rally, organized and advertised as such.
So I was right. You are going to accuse Trump of bullshit speculation while in the same breath make sure YOU are NOT misconstrued.

Pretty fucking hypocritical dude.

What we know happened is that Trump said there were fine people at a white supremacist rally.

So we can speculate why he said that. What’s so hypocritical about that?
Nothing as long as you don't get pissed we speculate on what you said AND THEN pretend it's true.

It's a fucking lie. You know it but like most of the left want to call it something "less offensive" while you go for MOST Offensive on others.

Like I said, fucking hypocrite. I backed up to let you explain why I was wrong yet you proved my analysis balls on accurate of you.

Good move.

There’s a difference between speculating meaning behind ambiguous statements (which Trump makes often) and misrepresenting what was said.

Besides, you don’t even need to speculate with me, just ask me. We can’t ask Trump.

But whatever. I can’t please you and never will be able to because at the end of the day, you’re just going to believe whatever you wanted to believe anyway. You make all these indignant demands and any attempt to comply is just you ranting and raving like a lunatic.
Some of them are surprisingly well-armed: AR's and AK's, Glocks, and body armor.

the arms race is on

thats why liberals who claim to be for peace should put a end to these nightly riots before it goes too far

It looks that way.

View attachment 367645
Promoting terrorism?

not me .... but .... are you on the side of domestic terrorists waving AK47s on the faces of innocent drivers?

That is really kind of funny because normally you all would have no problem and defending the guy with a gun. If you REALLY had a problem with you would have spoken up when armed protesters forced their way into Michigan Statehouse.
that's really funny cause normally you bitch endlessly at the ones with the guns..

apply these things to yourself please.
Says Mr. Hypocrite.

I think it is stupid to carry a gun in a protest, but he didn’t shoot it. The other guy did and some one else in the crowd fired back Mr. Expert.

Go back and listen to the APD briefing. He pointed the AK at the driver. That in itself is reasonable and legal grounds for the use of deadly force.
Hmmm....then someone should have shot the McCloskey’s in St. Louis.

The driver was reported by witnesses as accelerating into the crowd.
under missouri law the mccloskys had every right to shoot the rioters,,,,
They pointed guns at people passing, no riot was occurring. That, according to you, gives some the right to shoot them. Or do you pick and choose?

Does a guy have the right to point his gun at
a car driving into a crowd?
what about fire it? he's already said people are too big a pussy to do anything about him and his AK.

YET you keep defending him with the most fucked up of
Some of them are surprisingly well-armed: AR's and AK's, Glocks, and body armor.

the arms race is on

thats why liberals who claim to be for peace should put a end to these nightly riots before it goes too far

It looks that way.

View attachment 367645
Promoting terrorism?

not me .... but .... are you on the side of domestic terrorists waving AK47s on the faces of innocent drivers?

That is really kind of funny because normally you all would have no problem and defending the guy with a gun. If you REALLY had a problem with you would have spoken up when armed protesters forced their way into Michigan Statehouse.

Do you really not know the difference? The Michigan Statehouse protesters were not there in support of left-wing Marxists like their Governor, who ultimately want to ban all firearms.

BLM and antifa are on the side of the Democrats who would, if they could, pass legislation prohibiting the possession of the same weapon Mr. Deaded AK Man was carrying.
what's funny is all the leftists defending the violence til it hits them.

suddenly it's wrong.
Who are “all these leftists” defending violence? I don’t. But I absolutely defend the rights of peaceful protesters.

I think this says more about our gun liberal gun laws than protests. Why where either of them armed?
how many peaceful protesters are out with ak47s and flipping off and attack police stations?

Everyone in Texas goes armed. (Exaggeration but you get the point).

I think it is nuts personally but that is our crazy gun culture.
I love in Texas. born and raised in austin

fuck your stereotype excuse for his bullshit.
Oh put-lease. Cut the crap about stereotypes when you endlessly promote them about the left.

Point is a lot of people are armed. That is choice. Why was the protestors armed? Why was the driver armed?
We have beaten this topic to death without much progress

do you support these endless protests by the anarchists?

if so you are as much responsible for the more than 50 deaths so far as the actual killers themselves
Does that mean Trump is responsible for the death of Heather Heyer and the injury of many other people because he supported the protestors in Charlottesville?
you have a tendency to get pissed when people speculate motivations yet you have zero issue intentionally misconstruing what was said so you can be pissed for your own made up reasons.

fucking old, dude.

what was the actual quote said FULLY and IN CONTEXT you are referring to. here's your chance buckwheat.

Sure as hell looks like you missed the entire point of what I was posting.

The point here is that support for some protestors does not mean support for everyone involved, nor their actions.

Wouldn’t you agree?
ok - maybe i did.

do you think trump said he was supporting white supremacists during that rally when he said there are good people on both sides of the issue?
It was a white supremacy rally, so...
so you are saying you do feel that trump was saying white supremacists are good people, correct?
What I actually believe is that Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about and said something stupid which made it look like he supports white supremacists when taken on face value.

It was a white supremacist rally, organized and advertised as such.
What do you know of Richard Spencer?
The seat of power they were fighting for was demanding the ability to own slaves, so whether you like it or not, that’s the cause.
That was not the only issue

you are trying to judge 19th century men by 21 st standard
Some of them are surprisingly well-armed: AR's and AK's, Glocks, and body armor.

the arms race is on

thats why liberals who claim to be for peace should put a end to these nightly riots before it goes too far

It looks that way.

View attachment 367645
Promoting terrorism?

not me .... but .... are you on the side of domestic terrorists waving AK47s on the faces of innocent drivers?

That is really kind of funny because normally you all would have no problem and defending the guy with a gun. If you REALLY had a problem with you would have spoken up when armed protesters forced their way into Michigan Statehouse.
that's really funny cause normally you bitch endlessly at the ones with the guns..

apply these things to yourself please.
Says Mr. Hypocrite.

I think it is stupid to carry a gun in a protest, but he didn’t shoot it. The other guy did and some one else in the crowd fired back Mr. Expert.

Go back and listen to the APD briefing. He pointed the AK at the driver. That in itself is reasonable and legal grounds for the use of deadly force.
Hmmm....then someone should have shot the McCloskey’s in St. Louis.

The driver was reported by witnesses as accelerating into the crowd.
under missouri law the mccloskys had every right to shoot the rioters,,,,
They pointed guns at people passing, no riot was occurring. That, according to you, gives some the right to shoot them. Or do you pick and choose?

Does a guy have the right to point his gun at
a car driving into a crowd?
what about fire it? he's already said people are too big a pussy to do anything about him and his AK.

YET you keep defending him with the most fucked up of
Some of them are surprisingly well-armed: AR's and AK's, Glocks, and body armor.

the arms race is on

thats why liberals who claim to be for peace should put a end to these nightly riots before it goes too far

It looks that way.

View attachment 367645
Promoting terrorism?

not me .... but .... are you on the side of domestic terrorists waving AK47s on the faces of innocent drivers?

That is really kind of funny because normally you all would have no problem and defending the guy with a gun. If you REALLY had a problem with you would have spoken up when armed protesters forced their way into Michigan Statehouse.

Do you really not know the difference? The Michigan Statehouse protesters were not there in support of left-wing Marxists like their Governor, who ultimately want to ban all firearms.

BLM and antifa are on the side of the Democrats who would, if they could, pass legislation prohibiting the possession of the same weapon Mr. Deaded AK Man was carrying.
what's funny is all the leftists defending the violence til it hits them.

suddenly it's wrong.
Who are “all these leftists” defending violence? I don’t. But I absolutely defend the rights of peaceful protesters.

I think this says more about our gun liberal gun laws than protests. Why where either of them armed?
how many peaceful protesters are out with ak47s and flipping off and attack police stations?

Everyone in Texas goes armed. (Exaggeration but you get the point).

I think it is nuts personally but that is our crazy gun culture.
I love in Texas. born and raised in austin

fuck your stereotype excuse for his bullshit.
Oh put-lease. Cut the crap about stereotypes when you endlessly promote them about the left.

Point is a lot of people are armed. That is choice. Why was the protestors armed? Why was the driver armed?
We have beaten this topic to death without much progress

do you support these endless protests by the anarchists?

if so you are as much responsible for the more than 50 deaths so far as the actual killers themselves
Does that mean Trump is responsible for the death of Heather Heyer and the injury of many other people because he supported the protestors in Charlottesville?
you have a tendency to get pissed when people speculate motivations yet you have zero issue intentionally misconstruing what was said so you can be pissed for your own made up reasons.

fucking old, dude.

what was the actual quote said FULLY and IN CONTEXT you are referring to. here's your chance buckwheat.

Sure as hell looks like you missed the entire point of what I was posting.

The point here is that support for some protestors does not mean support for everyone involved, nor their actions.

Wouldn’t you agree?
ok - maybe i did.

do you think trump said he was supporting white supremacists during that rally when he said there are good people on both sides of the issue?
It was a white supremacy rally, so...
so you are saying you do feel that trump was saying white supremacists are good people, correct?
What I actually believe is that Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about and said something stupid which made it look like he supports white supremacists when taken on face value.

It was a white supremacist rally, organized and advertised as such.
So I was right. You are going to accuse Trump of bullshit speculation while in the same breath make sure YOU are NOT misconstrued.

Pretty fucking hypocritical dude.

What we know happened is that Trump said there were fine people at a white supremacist rally.

So we can speculate why he said that. What’s so hypocritical about that?

you know damn well he was not praising ws. you just want to dishonestly make the assertion again and again as a form of propaganda.

you are a vile race baiting piece of shit.
Fighting to maintain people as property sounds pretty evil to me.
There were more issues involved than just slavery

America was still a work in progress with people still alive from the time of th Constitutional Convention

In the south many people still thought of their state as the ultimate seat of power and where their loyalty belonged

and not every slave state joined the Confederacy

The seat of power they were fighting for was demanding the ability to own slaves, so whether you like it or not, that’s the cause.

except that that is a comic book simplification of the situation and you know it. that is why you did it. as a a form of a lie.

a lie you committed to justify being an asshole bully towards innocent people today.
The seat of power they were fighting for was demanding the ability to own slaves, so whether you like it or not, that’s the cause.
That was not the only issue

you are trying to judge 19th century men by 21 st standard
Give me one good reason why we should honor a man who lead an army in rebellion to the country, killed many thousands of Americans for the purposes of maintaining chattel slavery?

If slavery weren’t an issue, the civil war never would have happened. Don’t try to rewrite history.
Some of them are surprisingly well-armed: AR's and AK's, Glocks, and body armor.

the arms race is on

thats why liberals who claim to be for peace should put a end to these nightly riots before it goes too far

It looks that way.

View attachment 367645
Promoting terrorism?

not me .... but .... are you on the side of domestic terrorists waving AK47s on the faces of innocent drivers?

That is really kind of funny because normally you all would have no problem and defending the guy with a gun. If you REALLY had a problem with you would have spoken up when armed protesters forced their way into Michigan Statehouse.
that's really funny cause normally you bitch endlessly at the ones with the guns..

apply these things to yourself please.
Says Mr. Hypocrite.

I think it is stupid to carry a gun in a protest, but he didn’t shoot it. The other guy did and some one else in the crowd fired back Mr. Expert.

Go back and listen to the APD briefing. He pointed the AK at the driver. That in itself is reasonable and legal grounds for the use of deadly force.
Hmmm....then someone should have shot the McCloskey’s in St. Louis.

The driver was reported by witnesses as accelerating into the crowd.
under missouri law the mccloskys had every right to shoot the rioters,,,,
They pointed guns at people passing, no riot was occurring. That, according to you, gives some the right to shoot them. Or do you pick and choose?

Does a guy have the right to point his gun at
a car driving into a crowd?
what about fire it? he's already said people are too big a pussy to do anything about him and his AK.

YET you keep defending him with the most fucked up of
Some of them are surprisingly well-armed: AR's and AK's, Glocks, and body armor.

the arms race is on

thats why liberals who claim to be for peace should put a end to these nightly riots before it goes too far

It looks that way.

View attachment 367645
Promoting terrorism?

not me .... but .... are you on the side of domestic terrorists waving AK47s on the faces of innocent drivers?

That is really kind of funny because normally you all would have no problem and defending the guy with a gun. If you REALLY had a problem with you would have spoken up when armed protesters forced their way into Michigan Statehouse.

Do you really not know the difference? The Michigan Statehouse protesters were not there in support of left-wing Marxists like their Governor, who ultimately want to ban all firearms.

BLM and antifa are on the side of the Democrats who would, if they could, pass legislation prohibiting the possession of the same weapon Mr. Deaded AK Man was carrying.
what's funny is all the leftists defending the violence til it hits them.

suddenly it's wrong.
Who are “all these leftists” defending violence? I don’t. But I absolutely defend the rights of peaceful protesters.

I think this says more about our gun liberal gun laws than protests. Why where either of them armed?
how many peaceful protesters are out with ak47s and flipping off and attack police stations?

Everyone in Texas goes armed. (Exaggeration but you get the point).

I think it is nuts personally but that is our crazy gun culture.
I love in Texas. born and raised in austin

fuck your stereotype excuse for his bullshit.
Oh put-lease. Cut the crap about stereotypes when you endlessly promote them about the left.

Point is a lot of people are armed. That is choice. Why was the protestors armed? Why was the driver armed?
We have beaten this topic to death without much progress

do you support these endless protests by the anarchists?

if so you are as much responsible for the more than 50 deaths so far as the actual killers themselves
Does that mean Trump is responsible for the death of Heather Heyer and the injury of many other people because he supported the protestors in Charlottesville?
you have a tendency to get pissed when people speculate motivations yet you have zero issue intentionally misconstruing what was said so you can be pissed for your own made up reasons.

fucking old, dude.

what was the actual quote said FULLY and IN CONTEXT you are referring to. here's your chance buckwheat.

Sure as hell looks like you missed the entire point of what I was posting.

The point here is that support for some protestors does not mean support for everyone involved, nor their actions.

Wouldn’t you agree?
ok - maybe i did.

do you think trump said he was supporting white supremacists during that rally when he said there are good people on both sides of the issue?
It was a white supremacy rally, so...
so you are saying you do feel that trump was saying white supremacists are good people, correct?
What I actually believe is that Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about and said something stupid which made it look like he supports white supremacists when taken on face value.

It was a white supremacist rally, organized and advertised as such.
So I was right. You are going to accuse Trump of bullshit speculation while in the same breath make sure YOU are NOT misconstrued.

Pretty fucking hypocritical dude.

What we know happened is that Trump said there were fine people at a white supremacist rally.

So we can speculate why he said that. What’s so hypocritical about that?

He did not single out one side. He said that there were fine people on both sides.

Can you dispute that? To make a broad generalization that all people among the white supremacists were "bad people", would be as idiotic as making the same assumption that all of the leftists there were good people.
The libs and the media have been lying about that day since it happened...I said back then that the media is trying to flame up a race war....I didn't know how right I was....if innocent commuters start defending themselves this will end the protests....the media does not want them to matter who gets shot....
Some of them are surprisingly well-armed: AR's and AK's, Glocks, and body armor.

the arms race is on

thats why liberals who claim to be for peace should put a end to these nightly riots before it goes too far

It looks that way.

View attachment 367645
Promoting terrorism?

not me .... but .... are you on the side of domestic terrorists waving AK47s on the faces of innocent drivers?

That is really kind of funny because normally you all would have no problem and defending the guy with a gun. If you REALLY had a problem with you would have spoken up when armed protesters forced their way into Michigan Statehouse.
that's really funny cause normally you bitch endlessly at the ones with the guns..

apply these things to yourself please.
Says Mr. Hypocrite.

I think it is stupid to carry a gun in a protest, but he didn’t shoot it. The other guy did and some one else in the crowd fired back Mr. Expert.

Go back and listen to the APD briefing. He pointed the AK at the driver. That in itself is reasonable and legal grounds for the use of deadly force.
Hmmm....then someone should have shot the McCloskey’s in St. Louis.

The driver was reported by witnesses as accelerating into the crowd.
under missouri law the mccloskys had every right to shoot the rioters,,,,
They pointed guns at people passing, no riot was occurring. That, according to you, gives some the right to shoot them. Or do you pick and choose?

Does a guy have the right to point his gun at
a car driving into a crowd?
what about fire it? he's already said people are too big a pussy to do anything about him and his AK.

YET you keep defending him with the most fucked up of
Some of them are surprisingly well-armed: AR's and AK's, Glocks, and body armor.

the arms race is on

thats why liberals who claim to be for peace should put a end to these nightly riots before it goes too far

It looks that way.

View attachment 367645
Promoting terrorism?

not me .... but .... are you on the side of domestic terrorists waving AK47s on the faces of innocent drivers?

That is really kind of funny because normally you all would have no problem and defending the guy with a gun. If you REALLY had a problem with you would have spoken up when armed protesters forced their way into Michigan Statehouse.

Do you really not know the difference? The Michigan Statehouse protesters were not there in support of left-wing Marxists like their Governor, who ultimately want to ban all firearms.

BLM and antifa are on the side of the Democrats who would, if they could, pass legislation prohibiting the possession of the same weapon Mr. Deaded AK Man was carrying.
what's funny is all the leftists defending the violence til it hits them.

suddenly it's wrong.
Who are “all these leftists” defending violence? I don’t. But I absolutely defend the rights of peaceful protesters.

I think this says more about our gun liberal gun laws than protests. Why where either of them armed?
how many peaceful protesters are out with ak47s and flipping off and attack police stations?

Everyone in Texas goes armed. (Exaggeration but you get the point).

I think it is nuts personally but that is our crazy gun culture.
I love in Texas. born and raised in austin

fuck your stereotype excuse for his bullshit.
Oh put-lease. Cut the crap about stereotypes when you endlessly promote them about the left.

Point is a lot of people are armed. That is choice. Why was the protestors armed? Why was the driver armed?
We have beaten this topic to death without much progress

do you support these endless protests by the anarchists?

if so you are as much responsible for the more than 50 deaths so far as the actual killers themselves
Does that mean Trump is responsible for the death of Heather Heyer and the injury of many other people because he supported the protestors in Charlottesville?
you have a tendency to get pissed when people speculate motivations yet you have zero issue intentionally misconstruing what was said so you can be pissed for your own made up reasons.

fucking old, dude.

what was the actual quote said FULLY and IN CONTEXT you are referring to. here's your chance buckwheat.

Sure as hell looks like you missed the entire point of what I was posting.

The point here is that support for some protestors does not mean support for everyone involved, nor their actions.

Wouldn’t you agree?
ok - maybe i did.

do you think trump said he was supporting white supremacists during that rally when he said there are good people on both sides of the issue?
It was a white supremacy rally, so...
so you are saying you do feel that trump was saying white supremacists are good people, correct?
What I actually believe is that Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about and said something stupid which made it look like he supports white supremacists when taken on face value.

It was a white supremacist rally, organized and advertised as such.
So I was right. You are going to accuse Trump of bullshit speculation while in the same breath make sure YOU are NOT misconstrued.

Pretty fucking hypocritical dude.

What we know happened is that Trump said there were fine people at a white supremacist rally.

So we can speculate why he said that. What’s so hypocritical about that?

He did not single out one side. He said that there were fine people on both sides.

Can you dispute that? To make a broad generalization that all people among the white supremacists were "bad people", would be as idiotic as making the same assumption that all of the leftists there were good people.

except he specified that he was referring to both sides of the statue issue, and he specifically and explicitly stated that he was not referring to WS.
The seat of power they were fighting for was demanding the ability to own slaves, so whether you like it or not, that’s the cause.
That was not the only issue

you are trying to judge 19th century men by 21 st standard
Give me one good reason why we should honor a man who lead an army in rebellion to the country, killed many thousands of Americans for the purposes of maintaining chattel slavery?

If slavery weren’t an issue, the civil war never would have happened. Don’t try to rewrite history.

because he was doing so in defense of his homeland and his people. and he did so fairly well and bravely.
The seat of power they were fighting for was demanding the ability to own slaves, so whether you like it or not, that’s the cause.
That was not the only issue

you are trying to judge 19th century men by 21 st standard
Give me one good reason why we should honor a man who lead an army in rebellion to the country, killed many thousands of Americans for the purposes of maintaining chattel slavery?

If slavery weren’t an issue, the civil war never would have happened. Don’t try to rewrite history.

because he was doing so in defense of his homeland and his people. and he did so fairly well and bravely.
In defense of his homeland? You must be confused at who started the war.
What were they trying to rewrite?
that the confederates were evil when most of them were not

they fought bravely for the union before and after the civil war and deserve to be remembered respectfully

What they are trying to do is counter your rewriting of history that puts slavery down as a footnote in American History and renames slavery as "immigration". The soldiers themselves fought for a variety of reasons but there was nothing "noble" about their cause - it was straight up about the right to keep slaves and that cause was evil.

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