Armed BLM "Protester" Shot Dead in Austin, TX

Wow. So I hear things like ā€œpolice need better trainingā€ and reform not defund ... like no one ever thought of that. Until now.

Imagine that. Weā€™ve been saying that for years!

Protests and riots donā€™t appear out of nowhere. Nor are they typically instigated, micromanaged, or controlled by shadowy conspiracies intent to on overturning the mythical American Way of Life. This one was brewing for a long time. Rodney So why is it that no one listens?

Oh wait. They did listen. After Ferguson. The DoJ implemented a series of reforms. But guess what? Rightists scrapped them. In their (by now) typical Rightist fashion, they purged the DoJ of all Obama era reforms.

The Trump administration has dismantled key federal tools for imposing accountability on police forces engaging in systemic racial discrimination, severely hampering efforts to heal the wounds of the police killing of George Floyd and the ongoing protests convulsing the country.

Under Donald Trump, the US justice department has allowed federal mechanisms designed to impose change on racist police agencies to wither on the vine. As a result, law enforcement agencies that practice racial profiling, use excessive force and other forms of unconstitutional policing are now free from federal oversight.

The most important of those tools, known as consent decrees, were deployed extensively by the Barack Obama administration in the wake of previous high-profile police killings of unarmed black men. They included the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014; 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, that same year; and the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland.

Under Obama, 14 consent decrees were enforced upon troubled and discriminatory police agencies. By contrast, none have been issued in the more than three years of the Trump administration.

By scrapping the use of consent decrees, Trump has effectively made it much harder for the US to recover from the turmoil roiling the nation. In the absence of federal pressure, any reform impetus will have to come from cities and states acting in isolation or from inside police agencies that are likely to be resistant to change.

This article was written June 7th. ... ā€œThe protests arenā€™t going to die down. We have a very long summer ahead of us,ā€ he said.

Boy was he right.

I hate to break it to you Coyote, but it is progressive politicians who are to blame. They have consistently lowered the standards for police and have actively trained out the ability to think for themselves.

I am very pro good cop. But I am also very anti bad cop. It is a problem I have been writing about here, for years.
Wow. So I hear things like ā€œpolice need better trainingā€ and reform not defund ... like no one ever thought of that. Until now.

Imagine that. Weā€™ve been saying that for years!

Protests and riots donā€™t appear out of nowhere. Nor are they typically instigated, micromanaged, or controlled by shadowy conspiracies intent to on overturning the mythical American Way of Life. This one was brewing for a long time. Rodney So why is it that no one listens?

Oh wait. They did listen. After Ferguson. The DoJ implemented a series of reforms. But guess what? Rightists scrapped them. In their (by now) typical Rightist fashion, they purged the DoJ of all Obama era reforms.

The Trump administration has dismantled key federal tools for imposing accountability on police forces engaging in systemic racial discrimination, severely hampering efforts to heal the wounds of the police killing of George Floyd and the ongoing protests convulsing the country.

Under Donald Trump, the US justice department has allowed federal mechanisms designed to impose change on racist police agencies to wither on the vine. As a result, law enforcement agencies that practice racial profiling, use excessive force and other forms of unconstitutional policing are now free from federal oversight.

The most important of those tools, known as consent decrees, were deployed extensively by the Barack Obama administration in the wake of previous high-profile police killings of unarmed black men. They included the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014; 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, that same year; and the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland.

Under Obama, 14 consent decrees were enforced upon troubled and discriminatory police agencies. By contrast, none have been issued in the more than three years of the Trump administration.

By scrapping the use of consent decrees, Trump has effectively made it much harder for the US to recover from the turmoil roiling the nation. In the absence of federal pressure, any reform impetus will have to come from cities and states acting in isolation or from inside police agencies that are likely to be resistant to change.

This article was written June 7th. ... ā€œThe protests arenā€™t going to die down. We have a very long summer ahead of us,ā€ he said.

Boy was he right.

I hate to break it to you Coyote, but it is progressive politicians who are to blame. They have consistently lowered the standards for police and have actively trained out the ability to think for themselves.

I am very pro good cop. But I am also very anti bad cop. It is a problem I have been writing about here, for years.

B.S. (Said politely).

I am pro Good Cop. Never had any issue with police. I am very anti bad cop though because it makes the good look bad.

It is a total cop out (Pardon the pun) to boil it down to partisan politics. In fact, I am sick to death of every issue coming down to that.

Law enforcement Is comprised of thousands of departments and jurisdiction, all under different umbrellas, from federal To state to county to a gazillion city and town forces. There is no uniform standard of training for all of them and I am damn sure those small towns in Podunk Missouri and Big Ugly WV and Sasquatch, ND arenā€˜t run by progressives. Sheriffs can elected and police chiefs hired by any partisan arse.

In a talk I listened a tale two police officers. One whoā€™s department focused substantial training on de escalation and whoā€™s training was more focused on when and how to use lethal force. Guess who ended up in court for an unjustified shooting of a mentally man?

So no. It is not progressives.
Wow. So I hear things like ā€œpolice need better trainingā€ and reform not defund ... like no one ever thought of that. Until now.

Imagine that. Weā€™ve been saying that for years!

Protests and riots donā€™t appear out of nowhere. Nor are they typically instigated, micromanaged, or controlled by shadowy conspiracies intent to on overturning the mythical American Way of Life. This one was brewing for a long time. Rodney So why is it that no one listens?

Oh wait. They did listen. After Ferguson. The DoJ implemented a series of reforms. But guess what? Rightists scrapped them. In their (by now) typical Rightist fashion, they purged the DoJ of all Obama era reforms.

The Trump administration has dismantled key federal tools for imposing accountability on police forces engaging in systemic racial discrimination, severely hampering efforts to heal the wounds of the police killing of George Floyd and the ongoing protests convulsing the country.

Under Donald Trump, the US justice department has allowed federal mechanisms designed to impose change on racist police agencies to wither on the vine. As a result, law enforcement agencies that practice racial profiling, use excessive force and other forms of unconstitutional policing are now free from federal oversight.

The most important of those tools, known as consent decrees, were deployed extensively by the Barack Obama administration in the wake of previous high-profile police killings of unarmed black men. They included the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014; 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, that same year; and the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland.

Under Obama, 14 consent decrees were enforced upon troubled and discriminatory police agencies. By contrast, none have been issued in the more than three years of the Trump administration.

By scrapping the use of consent decrees, Trump has effectively made it much harder for the US to recover from the turmoil roiling the nation. In the absence of federal pressure, any reform impetus will have to come from cities and states acting in isolation or from inside police agencies that are likely to be resistant to change.

This article was written June 7th. ... ā€œThe protests arenā€™t going to die down. We have a very long summer ahead of us,ā€ he said.

Boy was he right.

No, it's always been an issue. Cops like Dr.'s should redo training every year considering what they do. Also, cops get away with to much shit. DUI, domestic violence, theft of evidence and they never go to prison for it. Still, better training would have made it so 4 cops diddnt go to jail and half the country wouldn't have been set on fire over a dirt bag.

Totally agree. So what is the obstacle?

Why are "consent decrees" even REQUIRED in Baltimore and Cleveland?? Are those largely black run cities RACIST???

I've written extensively on the Ferguson DOJ report... There was something "systemic" going on -- but WAS NOT racism.. In the report you'll find that there was an average of 3.5 WARRANTS for every household.. Let that sink in.. And 1.5 ARRESTS per household...

Root cause of that was shitty muni govt and an AWFUL "customer interface" to the judicial system.. About 25% of those warrants were BOGUS outright. Either resolved, inaccurate, or in adjudication. But the police HAD to enforce them.. Meaning 25% of the time they cuffed someone for an outstanding warrant -- they were committing a crime.. NOT the fault of the police.

One lady in the report lived in a car, but worked.. Was sending in CASH payments on a couple parking violations.. NONE of them credited -- just returned.. BECAUSE the city doesn't deal with folks of limited means differently from a wealthier town.. She ended up with escalation of charges to the point where she lost her car AND job from doing jail time...

This is SYSTEMIC failure of local govt.. NOT the police.. And the FEDS -- have little role in FORCING local govts to be COMPETENT, MOTIVATED, COMPASSIONATE and ACCURATE. That TRIPLES in harm when those SAME GOVTS blame the police for THEIR FAILURES to deal HARD with the Police Unions who make it almost IMPOSSIBLE to punish the few cops.. Because of the crony relationship that exists between them. That's another LARGE PART of the LOCAL issues that the FEDS cant fix...

And then there's the STUPIDITY multiplier.. Like when you decriminalize shoplifting, eliminate bail for most crimes and just DONT enforce the laws.. Which creates an insurmountable morale and stress problem WITHIN the police departments and leads to frustration, anger, and likely some bad encounters with folks they've been tackling and chasing weekly...
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Wow. So I hear things like ā€œpolice need better trainingā€ and reform not defund ... like no one ever thought of that. Until now.

Imagine that. Weā€™ve been saying that for years!

Protests and riots donā€™t appear out of nowhere. Nor are they typically instigated, micromanaged, or controlled by shadowy conspiracies intent to on overturning the mythical American Way of Life. This one was brewing for a long time. Rodney So why is it that no one listens?

Oh wait. They did listen. After Ferguson. The DoJ implemented a series of reforms. But guess what? Rightists scrapped them. In their (by now) typical Rightist fashion, they purged the DoJ of all Obama era reforms.

The Trump administration has dismantled key federal tools for imposing accountability on police forces engaging in systemic racial discrimination, severely hampering efforts to heal the wounds of the police killing of George Floyd and the ongoing protests convulsing the country.

Under Donald Trump, the US justice department has allowed federal mechanisms designed to impose change on racist police agencies to wither on the vine. As a result, law enforcement agencies that practice racial profiling, use excessive force and other forms of unconstitutional policing are now free from federal oversight.

The most important of those tools, known as consent decrees, were deployed extensively by the Barack Obama administration in the wake of previous high-profile police killings of unarmed black men. They included the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014; 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, that same year; and the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland.

Under Obama, 14 consent decrees were enforced upon troubled and discriminatory police agencies. By contrast, none have been issued in the more than three years of the Trump administration.

By scrapping the use of consent decrees, Trump has effectively made it much harder for the US to recover from the turmoil roiling the nation. In the absence of federal pressure, any reform impetus will have to come from cities and states acting in isolation or from inside police agencies that are likely to be resistant to change.

This article was written June 7th. ... ā€œThe protests arenā€™t going to die down. We have a very long summer ahead of us,ā€ he said.

Boy was he right.

No, it's always been an issue. Cops like Dr.'s should redo training every year considering what they do. Also, cops get away with to much shit. DUI, domestic violence, theft of evidence and they never go to prison for it. Still, better training would have made it so 4 cops diddnt go to jail and half the country wouldn't have been set on fire over a dirt bag.

Totally agree. So what is the obstacle?

Why are "consent decrees" even REQUIRED in Baltimore and Cleveland?? Are those largely black run cities RACIST???

I've written extensively on the Ferguson DOJ report... There was something "systemic" going on -- but WAS NOT racism.. In the report you'll find that there was an average of 3.5 WARRANTS for every household.. Let that sink in.. And 1.5 ARRESTS per household...

Root cause of that was shitty muni govt and an AWFUL "customer interface" to the judicial system.. About 25% of those warrants were BOGUS outright. Either resolved, inaccurate, or in adjudication. But the police HAD to enforce them.. Meaning 25% of the time they cuffed someone for an outstanding warrant -- they were committing a crime.. NOT the fault of the police.

One lady in the report lived in a car, but worked.. Was sending in CASH payments on a couple parking violations.. NONE of them credited -- just returned.. BECAUSE the city doesn't deal with folks of limited means differently from a wealthier town.. She ended up with escalation of charges to the point where she lost her car AND job from doing jail time...

This is SYSTEMIC failure of local govt.. NOT the police.. And the FEDS -- have little role in FORCING local govts to be COMPETENT, MOTIVATED, COMPASSIONATE and ACCURATE. That TRIPLES in harm when those SAME GOVTS blame the police for THEIR FAILURES to deal HARD with the Police Unions who make it almost IMPOSSIBLE to punish the few cops.. Because of the crony relationship that exists between them. That's another LARGE PART of the LOCAL issues that the FEDS cant fix...

And then there's the STUPIDITY multiplier.. Like when you decriminalize shoplifting, eliminate bail for most crimes and just DONT enforce the laws.. Which creates an insurmountable morale and stress problem WITHIN the police departments and leads to frustration, anger, and likely some bad encounters with folks they've been tackling and chasing weekly...

Consent decrees donā€™t just address racism, they address systemic problems that have a dispropornate affect on certain races. You are totally right about the broader problems you outlined because, amazingly, this is not a partisan problem. Yes it is a problem of municipal governments, the police union, AND, yes, tbe police themselves. You are seeming to say there is no federal role in this, will ya there is. If the feds can in and rough up a bunch a bunch of protestors (both deserved and undeserved) then they can also play a role in reform. If legislators can spend so much effort busting up workers unions then can take a whack at tbe police union.

Is it racism? Is it not racism? When officers share racist demeaning tweets and social...well, it is kind of hard to claim it isnā€™t racism In some cases or that It doesnā€™t filter down into how they Interact with people.

Consent decrees and other measures of reform I acted by the DoJ represented an effort at reform,transparency, and more important, that people were being listened to.

Did they work? Were they effective? Hard to say. If Congress wonā€™t advance anything, then this the only tool you have.

From a 2016 article (whole article worth a read, provides pros and cons)

Just how effective the effort has been remains open to debate. A half-dozen criminal justice analysts interviewed by The Baltimore Sun said that, on balance, the investigations and subsequent agreements likely have had an impact. That might be in part because their very creation is politically embarrassing for police and city officials.
"In general it's been successful with deeply troubled police departments ā€” defined as departments that just seem to be unable to reform themselves," said Samuel Walker, a professor emeritus of criminal justice at the University of Nebraska, Omaha who has written several books on police accountability.

So, back to the original question. Why were they expeditiously dismantled? And what replaced them?
Wow. So I hear things like ā€œpolice need better trainingā€ and reform not defund ... like no one ever thought of that. Until now.

Imagine that. Weā€™ve been saying that for years!

Protests and riots donā€™t appear out of nowhere. Nor are they typically instigated, micromanaged, or controlled by shadowy conspiracies intent to on overturning the mythical American Way of Life. This one was brewing for a long time. Rodney So why is it that no one listens?

Oh wait. They did listen. After Ferguson. The DoJ implemented a series of reforms. But guess what? Rightists scrapped them. In their (by now) typical Rightist fashion, they purged the DoJ of all Obama era reforms.

The Trump administration has dismantled key federal tools for imposing accountability on police forces engaging in systemic racial discrimination, severely hampering efforts to heal the wounds of the police killing of George Floyd and the ongoing protests convulsing the country.

Under Donald Trump, the US justice department has allowed federal mechanisms designed to impose change on racist police agencies to wither on the vine. As a result, law enforcement agencies that practice racial profiling, use excessive force and other forms of unconstitutional policing are now free from federal oversight.

The most important of those tools, known as consent decrees, were deployed extensively by the Barack Obama administration in the wake of previous high-profile police killings of unarmed black men. They included the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014; 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, that same year; and the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland.

Under Obama, 14 consent decrees were enforced upon troubled and discriminatory police agencies. By contrast, none have been issued in the more than three years of the Trump administration.

By scrapping the use of consent decrees, Trump has effectively made it much harder for the US to recover from the turmoil roiling the nation. In the absence of federal pressure, any reform impetus will have to come from cities and states acting in isolation or from inside police agencies that are likely to be resistant to change.

This article was written June 7th. ... ā€œThe protests arenā€™t going to die down. We have a very long summer ahead of us,ā€ he said.

Boy was he right.

I hate to break it to you Coyote, but it is progressive politicians who are to blame. They have consistently lowered the standards for police and have actively trained out the ability to think for themselves.

I am very pro good cop. But I am also very anti bad cop. It is a problem I have been writing about here, for years.

B.S. (Said politely).

I am pro Good Cop. Never had any issue with police. I am very anti bad cop though because it makes the good look bad.

It is a total cop out (Pardon the pun) to boil it down to partisan politics. In fact, I am sick to death of every issue coming down to that.

Law enforcement Is comprised of thousands of departments and jurisdiction, all under different umbrellas, from federal To state to county to a gazillion city and town forces. There is no uniform standard of training for all of them and I am damn sure those small towns in Podunk Missouri and Big Ugly WV and Sasquatch, ND arenā€˜t run by progressives. Sheriffs can elected and police chiefs hired by any partisan arse.

In a talk I listened a tale two police officers. One whoā€™s department focused substantial training on de escalation and whoā€™s training was more focused on when and how to use lethal force. Guess who ended up in court for an unjustified shooting of a mentally man?

So no. It is not progressives.

It is a fact that standards have been lowered over the past 30 years. That
Wow. So I hear things like ā€œpolice need better trainingā€ and reform not defund ... like no one ever thought of that. Until now.

Imagine that. Weā€™ve been saying that for years!

Protests and riots donā€™t appear out of nowhere. Nor are they typically instigated, micromanaged, or controlled by shadowy conspiracies intent to on overturning the mythical American Way of Life. This one was brewing for a long time. Rodney So why is it that no one listens?

Oh wait. They did listen. After Ferguson. The DoJ implemented a series of reforms. But guess what? Rightists scrapped them. In their (by now) typical Rightist fashion, they purged the DoJ of all Obama era reforms.

The Trump administration has dismantled key federal tools for imposing accountability on police forces engaging in systemic racial discrimination, severely hampering efforts to heal the wounds of the police killing of George Floyd and the ongoing protests convulsing the country.

Under Donald Trump, the US justice department has allowed federal mechanisms designed to impose change on racist police agencies to wither on the vine. As a result, law enforcement agencies that practice racial profiling, use excessive force and other forms of unconstitutional policing are now free from federal oversight.

The most important of those tools, known as consent decrees, were deployed extensively by the Barack Obama administration in the wake of previous high-profile police killings of unarmed black men. They included the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014; 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, that same year; and the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland.

Under Obama, 14 consent decrees were enforced upon troubled and discriminatory police agencies. By contrast, none have been issued in the more than three years of the Trump administration.

By scrapping the use of consent decrees, Trump has effectively made it much harder for the US to recover from the turmoil roiling the nation. In the absence of federal pressure, any reform impetus will have to come from cities and states acting in isolation or from inside police agencies that are likely to be resistant to change.

This article was written June 7th. ... ā€œThe protests arenā€™t going to die down. We have a very long summer ahead of us,ā€ he said.

Boy was he right.

I hate to break it to you Coyote, but it is progressive politicians who are to blame. They have consistently lowered the standards for police and have actively trained out the ability to think for themselves.

I am very pro good cop. But I am also very anti bad cop. It is a problem I have been writing about here, for years.

B.S. (Said politely).

I am pro Good Cop. Never had any issue with police. I am very anti bad cop though because it makes the good look bad.

It is a total cop out (Pardon the pun) to boil it down to partisan politics. In fact, I am sick to death of every issue coming down to that.

Law enforcement Is comprised of thousands of departments and jurisdiction, all under different umbrellas, from federal To state to county to a gazillion city and town forces. There is no uniform standard of training for all of them and I am damn sure those small towns in Podunk Missouri and Big Ugly WV and Sasquatch, ND arenā€˜t run by progressives. Sheriffs can elected and police chiefs hired by any partisan arse.

In a talk I listened a tale two police officers. One whoā€™s department focused substantial training on de escalation and whoā€™s training was more focused on when and how to use lethal force. Guess who ended up in court for an unjustified shooting of a mentally man?

So no. It is not progressives.

Progressives have been lowering the standards for decades. That is a fact, not an opinion. That has directly led to more police shootings because the cops are not as well trained.
If the feds can in and rough up a bunch a bunch of protestors (both deserved and undeserved) then they can also play a role in reform. If legislators can spend so much effort busting up workers unions then can take a whack at tbe police union.

Kinda shotgunned that one.. Don't NEED to "bust up police unions".. Need to bust up the collusion and GRAFT between the Unions and the City managers... Here's a clue. City election turn-outs are about only 20 to 25% of eligible voters. In some cities, when you add up all the civil workers unions -- you got about 15% to 20% of the workforce.. Whatdoyou think is gonna happen?

How to FIX this? No fed role.. The MEDIA would be helpful but they are brothers in arms with the Democrat Unions.. This is WHY -- the problem is LARGELY in big Blue metro areas.. You're welcome for this insight..

WHY -- you might ask -- are these same metro leaders calling to ABOLISH the police? Because the Dem party is imploding and committing slow public suicide by turning to radical socialism and worst.. So this entire RIFT is rotting big muni govts at the core...

The fact that you think that the Feds are roughing up "protesters" is you're willingly ignoring all the CRIMINAL acts upon Fed facilities and personnel.. Can't help you there. It's dishonest and misinformed...
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Is it racism? Is it not racism? When officers share racist demeaning tweets and social...well, it is kind of hard to claim it isnā€™t racism In some cases or that It doesnā€™t filter down into how they Interact with people.

All of the failures of local govts that result in bad policing or a lousy justice interface to the court system ARE NOT RACIST.. For instance, unarmed blacks killed by cops last year -- NINE.. Unarmed whites killed by cops in the same period -- 19... Number of poor whites that are tipped over the economic edge by ANY interactions with the law or justice or courts FAR OUTNUMBERS the number of blacks in the same city... Because sitting in court ALL DAY for a 6 minute warrant hearing is unconscionable. And not being able to schedule payments for tickets, fines over a period and leads to ESCALATING encounters with the law -- is not racial either..

The "racial bias" is on an INDIVIDUAL LEVEL.. Not a systemic level.. And largely the Unions and bad city oversight is the reason these happen even in the minority controlled cities.. In FACT, in non-Dem controlled cities, there is not this cynical collusion between Unions and the law.. The oversight RESULTS in removing a larger % of the "bad apples"...
If the feds can in and rough up a bunch a bunch of protestors (both deserved and undeserved) then they can also play a role in reform. If legislators can spend so much effort busting up workers unions then can take a whack at tbe police union.

Kinda shotgunned that one.. Don't NEED to "bust up police unions".. Need to bust up the collusion and GRAFT between the Unions and the City managers... Here's a clue. City election turn-outs are about only 20 to 25% of eligible voters. In some cities, when you add up all the civil workers unions -- you got about 15% to 20% of the workforce.. Whatdoyou think is gonna happen?
True, we donā€™t need to bust up the union. In fact we shouldnā€™t be busting any unions, but try telling that to the righties. Reform the unions. Did you know that tbe police union was rooted in preserving racist policies?

So how do you propose to up the turn out?

How to FIX this? No fed role.. The MEDIA would be helpful but they are brothers in arms with the Democrat Unions.. This is WHY -- the problem is LARGELY in big Blue metro areas.. You're welcome for this insight..

I am not thanking you for any insight, as you term it. You are getting ahead of yourself. The problem is largely in urban areas.


But is it?

Think hard in this one.

Ahmed Arbery. Ring a bell? No. He wasnt killed by a cop...but by an ex-cop. was the investigation handled before the video surfaced?

What was subsequently discovered about that precinct?

That wasnā€™t Some Big Blue Urban area. And I doubt it is an anomaly.

Fact: most urban areas tend to vote Dem.
Fact: dense urban areas tend to have higher concentrations of crime. Around the world. Blame biology. Crowding in rats produces a similar behavior trend. WE are rats...

Urban areas also have the BIGGEST LOUDEST VOICES. Who cares what tbe crime rate is in a small town? But Chicago...oh the righties practically pee their pants jostling in condemnation.

The crime and cover up behind Ahmed Arbery could have happened in a thousand small American towns and if there wasnā€™t a video, no one would ever know.

In fact, while you are obsessed with crime in big blue urban completely overlook the violence in Americaā€™s small towns which exceeds that of some of tbe urban areas righties obsess on. Now WHY is that?

WHY -- you might ask -- are these same metro leaders calling to ABOLISH the police? Because the Dem party is imploding and committing slow public suicide by turning to radical socialism and worst.. So this entire RIFT is rotting big muni govts at the core...
Nah...Iā€™m not asking. You wonder why? Cause by and large, Dems arenā€™t talking ABOLISHING police...that is YOU guys taking a fringe and claiming mainstream. Most are for reform. Abolishing police is a pipe dream that ignores human behavior. But it makes a great rightwing talking point to level against tbe left doesnā€™t it?

The fact that you think that the Feds are roughing up "protesters" is you're willingly ignoring all the CRIMINAL acts upon Fed facilities and personnel.. Can't help you there. It's dishonest and misinformed...

oh my...really now? Where do you derive THAT dishonest talking point? Oh...I think I know.

Here is what I said:

...If the feds can in and rough up a bunch a bunch of protestors (both deserved and undeserved)...

Here is what you ignored:
If the feds can in and rough up a bunch a bunch of protestors (both deserved and undeserved)

If you can convince me that a non violent protester hoisting a boom box over his head deserved to be shot in the face with a rubber bullet...or a Navy Vet, wanting to question The constitutionality of their actions deserved to be beaten up...I might reconsider on your claim that they deserved violence.
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So how do you propose to up the turn out?

Simple elect a mayor that decriminalizes EVERYTHING, allows "space for Creative Destruction" by rioting know-nothings in the neighborhoods.. Lose enough business and well to do folks and VOILA -- problem solved...

Could happen in Seattle/Portland.. Even in NYCity by the time that Big Bird leaves his office he's never at...
If the anarchist shot first then Iā€™m glad heā€™s dead

But this will not be the last escalation of violence to come out of the radical lefts attempts to tear down this country

I wish someone in the news would dissect this guys personal life and background to see what was troubling him so deeply

For instance was he the product of a broken home who grew up without a steady male influence in his life?

Was he a bad student who may have graduated high school but was barely literate?

was he a failure with women and frustrated sexually?
Or was one of thousands of liberals who was peacefully protesting. Just ask the mayor.
If the anarchist shot first then Iā€™m glad heā€™s dead

But this will not be the last escalation of violence to come out of the radical lefts attempts to tear down this country

I wish someone in the news would dissect this guys personal life and background to see what was troubling him so deeply

For instance was he the product of a broken home who grew up without a steady male influence in his life?

Was he a bad student who may have graduated high school but was barely literate?

was he a failure with women and frustrated sexually?
Or was one of thousands of liberals who was peacefully protesting. Just ask the mayor.
Seriously tho... Those mayors are TOAST.. Even the black vote.. Especially the Union vote when they start going broke and can't dole out the money..

And anybody that OWNS property or business in the city or lives in these neighborhoods where there's war in their street for 60 nights (and still counting) is GONNA VOTE.... Probably see the LARGEST turnout of "the adults in the room" in history in these mismanaged cities...
A half-dozen criminal justice analysts interviewed by The Baltimore Sun said that, on balance, the investigations and subsequent agreements likely have had an impact. That might be in part because their very creation is politically embarrassing for police and city officials.

Quicker ways to "politically embarrass" inept, and callous city leaders.. Like march on THEIR HOMES when THEY think they are "heroes of the revolution" and immune from the mobs... Or do what Trump is doing and protecting HIS SHIT that's under attack in THEIR city.. Or like the OTHER CLUELESS mayor of Quirkyville that went to a rally expecting to be HONORED for his presence and support of the revolution -- only to be shouted DOWN by the mob with chants of "Resign Resign Resign" AND THEN get tear gassed... :up:

Stupid to argue with the concept of preventing burning down, busting up FEDERAL property that is there BECAUSE it's the interface to the people;s FEDERAL govt.. We won't PAY to rebuild it.. And if after the Fed Ct house is smoking, the anarchists start on the IRS/Soc Sec/Immigration/EPA/FBI/etc properties -- the city OUGHT to have that cost come out of ANY FEDERAL subsidies.. INCLUDING Federal assistance in policing...

That'll send a message that their "defund/abolish the police" hissy fit is pretty juvenile and childish...
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Is it racism? Is it not racism? When officers share racist demeaning tweets and social...well, it is kind of hard to claim it isnā€™t racism In some cases or that It doesnā€™t filter down into how they Interact with people.

All of the failures of local govts that result in bad policing or a lousy justice interface to the court system ARE NOT RACIST.. For instance, unarmed blacks killed by cops last year -- NINE.. Unarmed whites killed by cops in the same period -- 19... Number of poor whites that are tipped over the economic edge by ANY interactions with the law or justice or courts FAR OUTNUMBERS the number of blacks in the same city... Because sitting in court ALL DAY for a 6 minute warrant hearing is unconscionable. And not being able to schedule payments for tickets, fines over a period and leads to ESCALATING encounters with the law -- is not racial either..

In this respect..we might not be too far apart. The system puts an undue and unfair burden on POOR people. Totally agree.

And, a disproportionate number of those poor people happen to be minorities. I totally agree it is a problem..bit this part might shock you. It is as much a problem in red as in blue.

Something else to consider. 9 vs 19.

Blacks make up 13% of our population.

Am I the only one who sees a problem here?

The "racial bias" is on an INDIVIDUAL LEVEL.. Not a systemic level.. And largely the Unions and bad city oversight is the reason these happen even in the minority controlled cities.. In FACT, in non-Dem controlled cities, there is not this cynical collusion between Unions and the law.. The oversight RESULTS in removing a larger % of the "bad apples"...

Individual? No. That implies that the culture of racial bias canā€˜t infect a tire precinct. It wasnā€™t just one cop sharing racist media.

Systemic? If you mean all law enforcement in the US, no. But can the majority of an individual precinct be? Yes. Look at Arbery.
So how do you propose to up the turn out?

Simple elect a mayor that decriminalizes EVERYTHING, allows "space for Creative Destruction" by rioting know-nothings in the neighborhoods.. Lose enough business and well to do folks and VOILA -- problem solved...

Could happen in Seattle/Portland.. Even in NYCity by the time that Big Bird leaves his office he's never at...
Guess what? That is bullshit. Worse, it is thoughtless knee jerk partisan bullshit (yes, I fully GET that you hate the left, no need to belabor that point).

Would it shock you to realize that under DeBlasio crime did not rise much, if at all in 2019...?
Now ... what about 2020? It is going to rise. All the economic drivers are in place: high unemployment, covid, economic collapse, home loss...but I am sure rightists will find a way to blame leftists even though politics has little to do with it.

Now...decriminalize everything...interesting talking point since NO ONE is actually calling for exactly do you mean?

We are looking at a society that has one oftbe largest proportions of itā€™s citizenry BEHIND BARS.

Donā€™t you think there is something, just a teensy something wrong with that picture?
Wow. So I hear things like ā€œpolice need better trainingā€ and reform not defund ... like no one ever thought of that. Until now.

Imagine that. Weā€™ve been saying that for years!

Protests and riots donā€™t appear out of nowhere. Nor are they typically instigated, micromanaged, or controlled by shadowy conspiracies intent to on overturning the mythical American Way of Life. This one was brewing for a long time. Rodney So why is it that no one listens?

Oh wait. They did listen. After Ferguson. The DoJ implemented a series of reforms. But guess what? Rightists scrapped them. In their (by now) typical Rightist fashion, they purged the DoJ of all Obama era reforms.

The Trump administration has dismantled key federal tools for imposing accountability on police forces engaging in systemic racial discrimination, severely hampering efforts to heal the wounds of the police killing of George Floyd and the ongoing protests convulsing the country.

Under Donald Trump, the US justice department has allowed federal mechanisms designed to impose change on racist police agencies to wither on the vine. As a result, law enforcement agencies that practice racial profiling, use excessive force and other forms of unconstitutional policing are now free from federal oversight.

The most important of those tools, known as consent decrees, were deployed extensively by the Barack Obama administration in the wake of previous high-profile police killings of unarmed black men. They included the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014; 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, that same year; and the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland.

Under Obama, 14 consent decrees were enforced upon troubled and discriminatory police agencies. By contrast, none have been issued in the more than three years of the Trump administration.

By scrapping the use of consent decrees, Trump has effectively made it much harder for the US to recover from the turmoil roiling the nation. In the absence of federal pressure, any reform impetus will have to come from cities and states acting in isolation or from inside police agencies that are likely to be resistant to change.

This article was written June 7th. ... ā€œThe protests arenā€™t going to die down. We have a very long summer ahead of us,ā€ he said.

Boy was he right.

I hate to break it to you Coyote, but it is progressive politicians who are to blame. They have consistently lowered the standards for police and have actively trained out the ability to think for themselves.

I am very pro good cop. But I am also very anti bad cop. It is a problem I have been writing about here, for years.

B.S. (Said politely).

I am pro Good Cop. Never had any issue with police. I am very anti bad cop though because it makes the good look bad.

It is a total cop out (Pardon the pun) to boil it down to partisan politics. In fact, I am sick to death of every issue coming down to that.

Law enforcement Is comprised of thousands of departments and jurisdiction, all under different umbrellas, from federal To state to county to a gazillion city and town forces. There is no uniform standard of training for all of them and I am damn sure those small towns in Podunk Missouri and Big Ugly WV and Sasquatch, ND arenā€˜t run by progressives. Sheriffs can elected and police chiefs hired by any partisan arse.

In a talk I listened a tale two police officers. One whoā€™s department focused substantial training on de escalation and whoā€™s training was more focused on when and how to use lethal force. Guess who ended up in court for an unjustified shooting of a mentally man?

So no. It is not progressives.

It is a fact that standards have been lowered over the past 30 years. That
Wow. So I hear things like ā€œpolice need better trainingā€ and reform not defund ... like no one ever thought of that. Until now.

Imagine that. Weā€™ve been saying that for years!

Protests and riots donā€™t appear out of nowhere. Nor are they typically instigated, micromanaged, or controlled by shadowy conspiracies intent to on overturning the mythical American Way of Life. This one was brewing for a long time. Rodney So why is it that no one listens?

Oh wait. They did listen. After Ferguson. The DoJ implemented a series of reforms. But guess what? Rightists scrapped them. In their (by now) typical Rightist fashion, they purged the DoJ of all Obama era reforms.

The Trump administration has dismantled key federal tools for imposing accountability on police forces engaging in systemic racial discrimination, severely hampering efforts to heal the wounds of the police killing of George Floyd and the ongoing protests convulsing the country.

Under Donald Trump, the US justice department has allowed federal mechanisms designed to impose change on racist police agencies to wither on the vine. As a result, law enforcement agencies that practice racial profiling, use excessive force and other forms of unconstitutional policing are now free from federal oversight.

The most important of those tools, known as consent decrees, were deployed extensively by the Barack Obama administration in the wake of previous high-profile police killings of unarmed black men. They included the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014; 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, that same year; and the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland.

Under Obama, 14 consent decrees were enforced upon troubled and discriminatory police agencies. By contrast, none have been issued in the more than three years of the Trump administration.

By scrapping the use of consent decrees, Trump has effectively made it much harder for the US to recover from the turmoil roiling the nation. In the absence of federal pressure, any reform impetus will have to come from cities and states acting in isolation or from inside police agencies that are likely to be resistant to change.

This article was written June 7th. ... ā€œThe protests arenā€™t going to die down. We have a very long summer ahead of us,ā€ he said.

Boy was he right.

I hate to break it to you Coyote, but it is progressive politicians who are to blame. They have consistently lowered the standards for police and have actively trained out the ability to think for themselves.

I am very pro good cop. But I am also very anti bad cop. It is a problem I have been writing about here, for years.

B.S. (Said politely).

I am pro Good Cop. Never had any issue with police. I am very anti bad cop though because it makes the good look bad.

It is a total cop out (Pardon the pun) to boil it down to partisan politics. In fact, I am sick to death of every issue coming down to that.

Law enforcement Is comprised of thousands of departments and jurisdiction, all under different umbrellas, from federal To state to county to a gazillion city and town forces. There is no uniform standard of training for all of them and I am damn sure those small towns in Podunk Missouri and Big Ugly WV and Sasquatch, ND arenā€˜t run by progressives. Sheriffs can elected and police chiefs hired by any partisan arse.

In a talk I listened a tale two police officers. One whoā€™s department focused substantial training on de escalation and whoā€™s training was more focused on when and how to use lethal force. Guess who ended up in court for an unjustified shooting of a mentally man?

So no. It is not progressives.

Progressives have been lowering the standards for decades. That is a fact, not an opinion. That has directly led to more police shootings because the cops are not as well trained.
Prove that ā€œfactā€ and prove it has to do with political policies. I can wait.
A half-dozen criminal justice analysts interviewed by The Baltimore Sun said that, on balance, the investigations and subsequent agreements likely have had an impact. That might be in part because their very creation is politically embarrassing for police and city officials.

Quicker ways to "politically embarrass" inept, and callous city leaders.. Like march on THEIR HOMES when THEY think they are "heroes of the revolution" and immune from the mobs... Or do what Trump is doing and protecting HIS SHIT that's under attack in THEIR city.. Or like the OTHER CLUELESS mayor of Quirkyville that went to a rally expecting to be HONORED for his presence and support of the revolution -- only to be shouted DOWN by the mob with chants of "Resign Resign Resign" AND THEN get tear gassed... :up:
You mean when Trump is defending ā€œhis shitā€ by shooting non violent protesters in the face?

Sorry dude. I am not seeing any difference between the mayor and Trump playintoy soldiers with peopleā€™s rights. Stop excusing him.

Stupid to argue with the concept of preventing burning down, busting up FEDERAL property that is there BECAUSE it's the interface to the people;s FEDERAL govt.. We won't PAY to rebuild it.. And if after the Fed Ct house is smoking, the anarchists start on the IRS/Soc Sec/Immigration/EPA/FBI/etc properties -- the city OUGHT to have that cost come out of ANY FEDERAL subsidies.. INCLUDING Federal assistance in policing...

That'll send a message that their "defund/abolish the police" hissy fit is pretty juvenile and childish...

So. I am curious...should I assume it is ok to send in the feds to: shoot non violent protesters with rubber bullets...beat the shit out of veterans wanting a discussion of rights, kidnap citizens (not active,y engaged in attacks) off the street, rough them up, release them with no charges?

I totally get protecting federal property.

My question to you is...are you ok with the abuses and the subsequent affect on our right of free speech?
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Something else to consider. 9 vs 19.

Blacks make up 13% of our population.

Am I the only one who sees a problem here?

Funny deal is statistics.. The smaller the set of numbers, the less likely you're find ANY WAY to make them statistically significant.. When you're dealing with -- oh maybe -- 20 million police encounters every year -- these results are in the noise... AND not controlled for influences OTHER than race. Like the TYPE of encounter that caused the death.

Don't try this at home.. Works on BIGGER sets of numbers fine..

And, a disproportionate number of those poor people happen to be minorities. I totally agree it is a problem..bit this part might shock you. It is as much a problem in red as in blue.

Those SYSTEMIC issues i mentioned are largely economic and disproportionately affect the poor. But "poor and rural" doesn't present as much of a problem, because the "customer interface" to justice is a handful of people.. People UNDERSTAND the accommodations that can and should be made.. The larger you go -- the more economic disparity affects your experience with the law and the courts.. The problems come in when cities SKIMP on things like number of judges, courthouse employees handling citizen forms, etc.. And when in a BIG city, their FINES become a NEEDED SOURCE OF REVENUE... Ferguson derived almost TWICE the state Average for income from fines.. It's entire budget DEPENDED on it.. Which is a really perverse incentive...

WHY? Because the govt wasn't TAILORED for a community with lower property values and a higher percentage of people on the economic brink.. I've personally SEEN in Tenn where less affluent cities dont TRY to administer policing and justice the way it's done in bigger metros.. And the experience is FAR less traumatic to the poorer in the community...

So unless the "red state" is SYSTEMATICALLY CORRUPT like Louisiana (sorry saints)
You mean when Trump is defending ā€œhis shitā€ by shooting non violent protesters in the face?

Sorry dude. I am not seeing any difference between the mayor and Trump playintoy soldiers with peopleā€™s rights. Stop excusing him.

By what? a tear gas canister? Rubber bullet? Why do you keep insisting there's no RISK in CONFRONTING police.. When the SOLE PURPOSE of the riot is to evoke a police response? You know how many FEDERAL AGENTS were SERIOUSLY INJURED and blindedi n first 12 days?? More than a dozen..

And they are NOT soldiers.. Trump did NOT invoke the Insurrection Act that has been used 10 TIMES by Presidents since about 1955 to bring in ACTUAL ARMY TROOPS to quell riots and enforce segregation and other reasons..

He's using a more measured response that protects the Federal properties and personnel in these cities where the mayors are using Mommie's Basement dwellers as a proxy army for their political insanity..

Like I said, If you dont want FBI/Soc Sec/Fed Courts/EPA in your CITY -- then how come COYOTE WANTS THE FEDS to be there "reforming policing"??? And what does ANY OF THAT BATTLE have to do with protesting Civil Rights issues?

WHYTF would you attack Federal ASSETS and PERSONNEL to rectify a "bad cop" killing a man in ANOTHER STATE???

WHATTF does this have to do with BLM or George Floyld or Defund the LOCAL police?? WHY are you PRETENDING THESE PEOPLE ARE PROTESTING ANYTHING about what happened the past 60 days or so??

Need some answers..

PROVE -- these criminal acts HAVE a known justifiable protest value....

I know what you're thinking.. It's all about Trump AINT IT???? And the election and all the bad news about how your party has WOUNDED ITSELF for 4 freakin years now by "not agreeing to abide by the results of an election"...
You mean when Trump is defending ā€œhis shitā€ by shooting non violent protesters in the face?

Sorry dude. I am not seeing any difference between the mayor and Trump playintoy soldiers with peopleā€™s rights. Stop excusing him.

By what? a tear gas canister? Rubber bullet? Why do you keep insisting there's no RISK in CONFRONTING police.. When the SOLE PURPOSE of the riot is to evoke a police response? You know how many FEDERAL AGENTS were SERIOUSLY INJURED and blindedi n first 12 days?? More than a dozen..

And they are NOT soldiers.. Trump did NOT invoke the Insurrection Act that has been used 10 TIMES by Presidents since about 1955 to bring in ACTUAL ARMY TROOPS to quell riots and enforce segregation and other reasons..

He's using a more measured response that protects the Federal properties and personnel in these cities where the mayors are using Mommie's Basement dwellers as a proxy army for their political insanity..

Like I said, If you dont want FBI/Soc Sec/Fed Courts/EPA in your CITY -- then how come COYOTE WANTS THE FEDS to be there "reforming policing"??? And what does ANY OF THAT BATTLE have to do with protesting Civil Rights issues?

WHYTF would you attack Federal ASSETS and PERSONNEL to rectify a "bad cop" killing a man in ANOTHER STATE???

WHATTF does this have to do with BLM or George Floyld or Defund the LOCAL police?? WHY are you PRETENDING THESE PEOPLE ARE PROTESTING ANYTHING about what happened the past 60 days or so??

Need some answers..

PROVE -- these criminal acts HAVE a known justifiable protest value....

I know what you're thinking.. It's all about Trump AINT IT???? And the election and all the bad news about how your party has WOUNDED ITSELF for 4 freakin years now by "not agreeing to abide by the results of an election"...
Before I even delve intothe body of this crapola....can you at least attempt to explain how a man holding a boom box over his head is deserving of a rubber bullet to the face, Causing serious injury?

I will wait for your justification.

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