Armed BLM "Protester" Shot Dead in Austin, TX

The one thing that ties the shooting in Colo to the one in Texas, is that traffic control was NOT in sight... How did the cars get to mingle with the marchers???

Prolly because the local leftist authorities kept the police FAR away and hands off from the protests.. Besides the fact that either march was LARGE enough and UNSAFE enough to REQUIRE A FUCKING PERMIT --- those local authorities are RESPONSIBLE for the deaths and injuries...

In peaceful assembly, the police provide the SAFETY for both protesters and the public.. Not some random guys hoisting AK-47s in the crowd...
Plenty of people at that time recognized evil for what it is.
Yes, and many others didnt

slavery was a practice in virtually every society around the world

and older than any living American at the time

yes most white Americans looked down on black people as inferior

and if you look you can still find that attitude in China or Japan today

or India where darker Indians are looked down on by lighter Indians

old habits are habits to break, but America worked harder at it than almost anyplace else on earth

and this hate for American history coming from the left today is unjustified and harmful to every living American

Placing the issue of slavery within it's proper context and place in our history is no "hate for American history" - what's hateful is white-washing it.

Now stop that! I agree. How's it go? Them that forget history are doomed to repeat it? We have to see it all so we learn. Judging by the scene today, armed stand off in KC I think it was? People ripping down statues? Folks burning the businesses they need to live life over what? Do t say George Floyd, he played a part in getting him self killed, but what is the chant now? Notice it's not "what's his name"? No advances in race relations will come out of this mess. It will just make it so it's an issue for the election in 2024.
......Floyd was a jackass criminal ...the cop was not trying to kill him..race had nothing to do with it
..there is no problem of police brutality

I agree to an extent. It's my opinion that when a LE has his guy cuffed up they are then 100% responsible for that dirt bags life. So I do agree, George Floyd, shit sack that be was should not have died face down in the gutter under a cops knee. I also don't like that the only video we see shows Floyd being cuffed up, then the next one shows him on the ground. This isn't enough for me to riot, and the fact everyone forgot his name says allot. It's all crap. I think the cop killed him on accident, not because he was black. I also think this is a training issue due to a comment an officer made when it was pointed out Floyd couldn't breathe the officer responded that if Floyd could talk he could breathe. These cops need to be held to a higher standard, but they also need better training.
..yes yes, the cop screwed up and should be charged/etc ...and --and --he WAS! .....
..of course he isn't dead because of his skin color
Plenty of people at that time recognized evil for what it is.
Yes, and many others didnt

slavery was a practice in virtually every society around the world

and older than any living American at the time

yes most white Americans looked down on black people as inferior

and if you look you can still find that attitude in China or Japan today

or India where darker Indians are looked down on by lighter Indians

old habits are habits to break, but America worked harder at it than almost anyplace else on earth

and this hate for American history coming from the left today is unjustified and harmful to every living American

Placing the issue of slavery within it's proper context and place in our history is no "hate for American history" - what's hateful is white-washing it.

Now stop that! I agree. How's it go? Them that forget history are doomed to repeat it? We have to see it all so we learn. Judging by the scene today, armed stand off in KC I think it was? People ripping down statues? Folks burning the businesses they need to live life over what? Do t say George Floyd, he played a part in getting him self killed, but what is the chant now? Notice it's not "what's his name"? No advances in race relations will come out of this mess. It will just make it so it's an issue for the election in 2024.
......Floyd was a jackass criminal ...the cop was not trying to kill him..race had nothing to do with it
..there is no problem of police brutality

I agree to an extent. It's my opinion that when a LE has his guy cuffed up they are then 100% responsible for that dirt bags life. So I do agree, George Floyd, shit sack that be was should not have died face down in the gutter under a cops knee. I also don't like that the only video we see shows Floyd being cuffed up, then the next one shows him on the ground. This isn't enough for me to riot, and the fact everyone forgot his name says allot. It's all crap. I think the cop killed him on accident, not because he was black. I also think this is a training issue due to a comment an officer made when it was pointed out Floyd couldn't breathe the officer responded that if Floyd could talk he could breathe. These cops need to be held to a higher standard, but they also need better training.
..yes yes, the cop screwed up and should be charged/etc ...and --and --he WAS! .....
..of course he isn't dead because of his skin color

The cop did screw up, but did he know you can still be strangled to death even if you can still talk? Did the other three cops who got charged know this? The cops were not a bunch of crackers looking for a colored to kill. Not saying that. What I am saying is that ignorance is no plea in the eyes of the law. So yeah, they should have to account for the death, and as you pointed out they are. Defunding cops ain't the answer. Better training is, and that's only if people still want to be cops after watching cops get thrown under the bus for political reasons.
Plenty of people at that time recognized evil for what it is.
Yes, and many others didnt

slavery was a practice in virtually every society around the world

and older than any living American at the time

yes most white Americans looked down on black people as inferior

and if you look you can still find that attitude in China or Japan today

or India where darker Indians are looked down on by lighter Indians

old habits are habits to break, but America worked harder at it than almost anyplace else on earth

and this hate for American history coming from the left today is unjustified and harmful to every living American

Placing the issue of slavery within it's proper context and place in our history is no "hate for American history" - what's hateful is white-washing it.

Now stop that! I agree. How's it go? Them that forget history are doomed to repeat it? We have to see it all so we learn. Judging by the scene today, armed stand off in KC I think it was? People ripping down statues? Folks burning the businesses they need to live life over what? Do t say George Floyd, he played a part in getting him self killed, but what is the chant now? Notice it's not "what's his name"? No advances in race relations will come out of this mess. It will just make it so it's an issue for the election in 2024.
......Floyd was a jackass criminal ...the cop was not trying to kill him..race had nothing to do with it
..there is no problem of police brutality

I agree to an extent. It's my opinion that when a LE has his guy cuffed up they are then 100% responsible for that dirt bags life. So I do agree, George Floyd, shit sack that be was should not have died face down in the gutter under a cops knee. I also don't like that the only video we see shows Floyd being cuffed up, then the next one shows him on the ground. This isn't enough for me to riot, and the fact everyone forgot his name says allot. It's all crap. I think the cop killed him on accident, not because he was black. I also think this is a training issue due to a comment an officer made when it was pointed out Floyd couldn't breathe the officer responded that if Floyd could talk he could breathe. These cops need to be held to a higher standard, but they also need better training.
..yes yes, the cop screwed up and should be charged/etc ...and --and --he WAS! .....
..of course he isn't dead because of his skin color

The cop did screw up, but did he know you can still be strangled to death even if you can still talk? Did the other three cops who got charged know this? The cops were not a bunch of crackers looking for a colored to kill. Not saying that. What I am saying is that ignorance is no plea in the eyes of the law. So yeah, they should have to account for the death, and as you pointed out they are. Defunding cops ain't the answer. Better training is, and that's only if people still want to be cops after watching cops get thrown under the bus for political reasons.'ll never see that common sense in the news
Plenty of people at that time recognized evil for what it is.
Yes, and many others didnt

slavery was a practice in virtually every society around the world

and older than any living American at the time

yes most white Americans looked down on black people as inferior

and if you look you can still find that attitude in China or Japan today

or India where darker Indians are looked down on by lighter Indians

old habits are habits to break, but America worked harder at it than almost anyplace else on earth

and this hate for American history coming from the left today is unjustified and harmful to every living American

Placing the issue of slavery within it's proper context and place in our history is no "hate for American history" - what's hateful is white-washing it.

Now stop that! I agree. How's it go? Them that forget history are doomed to repeat it? We have to see it all so we learn. Judging by the scene today, armed stand off in KC I think it was? People ripping down statues? Folks burning the businesses they need to live life over what? Do t say George Floyd, he played a part in getting him self killed, but what is the chant now? Notice it's not "what's his name"? No advances in race relations will come out of this mess. It will just make it so it's an issue for the election in 2024.
......Floyd was a jackass criminal ...the cop was not trying to kill him..race had nothing to do with it
..there is no problem of police brutality

I agree to an extent. It's my opinion that when a LE has his guy cuffed up they are then 100% responsible for that dirt bags life. So I do agree, George Floyd, shit sack that be was should not have died face down in the gutter under a cops knee. I also don't like that the only video we see shows Floyd being cuffed up, then the next one shows him on the ground. This isn't enough for me to riot, and the fact everyone forgot his name says allot. It's all crap. I think the cop killed him on accident, not because he was black. I also think this is a training issue due to a comment an officer made when it was pointed out Floyd couldn't breathe the officer responded that if Floyd could talk he could breathe. These cops need to be held to a higher standard, but they also need better training.
..yes yes, the cop screwed up and should be charged/etc ...and --and --he WAS! .....
..of course he isn't dead because of his skin color

The cop did screw up, but did he know you can still be strangled to death even if you can still talk? Did the other three cops who got charged know this? The cops were not a bunch of crackers looking for a colored to kill. Not saying that. What I am saying is that ignorance is no plea in the eyes of the law. So yeah, they should have to account for the death, and as you pointed out they are. Defunding cops ain't the answer. Better training is, and that's only if people still want to be cops after watching cops get thrown under the bus for political reasons.
..even with better training, you will still have humans making mistakes
The cop did screw up, but did he know you can still be strangled to death even if you can still talk? Did the other three cops who got charged know this? The cops were not a bunch of crackers looking for a colored to kill. Not saying that. What I am saying is that ignorance is no plea in the eyes of the law. So yeah, they should have to account for the death, and as you pointed out they are. Defunding cops ain't the answer. Better training is, and that's only if people still want to be cops after watching cops get thrown under the bus for political reasons.

That was the first BLM and now I think it has passed. This one was about if you point your rifle at somebody, then you better use it or not point your rifle at anybody.

The problem is racist cops get results even though they may not bring in the guy that committed the crime that was called in. They bring in another guilty black guy. The problem is the poor blacks have not been able to get out of the ghetto. There are no fathers to take care of their children, especially the young boys, because they do not take responsibility and the leave the family and situation.
The cop did screw up, but did he know you can still be strangled to death even if you can still talk? Did the other three cops who got charged know this? The cops were not a bunch of crackers looking for a colored to kill. Not saying that. What I am saying is that ignorance is no plea in the eyes of the law. So yeah, they should have to account for the death, and as you pointed out they are. Defunding cops ain't the answer. Better training is, and that's only if people still want to be cops after watching cops get thrown under the bus for political reasons.

That was the first BLM and now I think it has passed. This one was about if you point your rifle at somebody, then you better use it or not point your rifle at anybody.

The problem is racist cops get results even though they may not bring in the guy that committed the crime that was called in. They bring in another guilty black guy. The problem is the poor blacks have not been able to get out of the ghetto. There are no fathers to take care of their children, especially the young boys, because they do not take responsibility and the leave the family and situation.

Mm, that's mostly a cop out. Grown ass men can't say
Plenty of people at that time recognized evil for what it is.
Yes, and many others didnt

slavery was a practice in virtually every society around the world

and older than any living American at the time

yes most white Americans looked down on black people as inferior

and if you look you can still find that attitude in China or Japan today

or India where darker Indians are looked down on by lighter Indians

old habits are habits to break, but America worked harder at it than almost anyplace else on earth

and this hate for American history coming from the left today is unjustified and harmful to every living American

Placing the issue of slavery within it's proper context and place in our history is no "hate for American history" - what's hateful is white-washing it.

Now stop that! I agree. How's it go? Them that forget history are doomed to repeat it? We have to see it all so we learn. Judging by the scene today, armed stand off in KC I think it was? People ripping down statues? Folks burning the businesses they need to live life over what? Do t say George Floyd, he played a part in getting him self killed, but what is the chant now? Notice it's not "what's his name"? No advances in race relations will come out of this mess. It will just make it so it's an issue for the election in 2024.
......Floyd was a jackass criminal ...the cop was not trying to kill him..race had nothing to do with it
..there is no problem of police brutality

I agree to an extent. It's my opinion that when a LE has his guy cuffed up they are then 100% responsible for that dirt bags life. So I do agree, George Floyd, shit sack that be was should not have died face down in the gutter under a cops knee. I also don't like that the only video we see shows Floyd being cuffed up, then the next one shows him on the ground. This isn't enough for me to riot, and the fact everyone forgot his name says allot. It's all crap. I think the cop killed him on accident, not because he was black. I also think this is a training issue due to a comment an officer made when it was pointed out Floyd couldn't breathe the officer responded that if Floyd could talk he could breathe. These cops need to be held to a higher standard, but they also need better training.
..yes yes, the cop screwed up and should be charged/etc ...and --and --he WAS! .....
..of course he isn't dead because of his skin color

The cop did screw up, but did he know you can still be strangled to death even if you can still talk? Did the other three cops who got charged know this? The cops were not a bunch of crackers looking for a colored to kill. Not saying that. What I am saying is that ignorance is no plea in the eyes of the law. So yeah, they should have to account for the death, and as you pointed out they are. Defunding cops ain't the answer. Better training is, and that's only if people still want to be cops after watching cops get thrown under the bus for political reasons.
..even with better training, you will still have humans making mistakes

Oh for sure, it's the same with everything else. But if you can educate cops on things like being able to be strangled while you can breathe may have prevented all this rioting, well, no it wouldn't have as these twerps have been planning the riots for three years, but at least 4 cops would not be charged for murder over a piece of trash like George Floyd. Like I said, I don't believe the cop woke up with killing a kneegra on his mind. I honestly believe the guy killed him on accident.
Wow. So I hear things like “police need better training” and reform not defund ... like no one ever thought of that. Until now.

Imagine that. We’ve been saying that for years!

Protests and riots don’t appear out of nowhere. Nor are they typically instigated, micromanaged, or controlled by shadowy conspiracies intent to on overturning the mythical American Way of Life. This one was brewing for a long time. Rodney So why is it that no one listens?

Oh wait. They did listen. After Ferguson. The DoJ implemented a series of reforms. But guess what? Rightists scrapped them. In their (by now) typical Rightist fashion, they purged the DoJ of all Obama era reforms.

The Trump administration has dismantled key federal tools for imposing accountability on police forces engaging in systemic racial discrimination, severely hampering efforts to heal the wounds of the police killing of George Floyd and the ongoing protests convulsing the country.

Under Donald Trump, the US justice department has allowed federal mechanisms designed to impose change on racist police agencies to wither on the vine. As a result, law enforcement agencies that practice racial profiling, use excessive force and other forms of unconstitutional policing are now free from federal oversight.

The most important of those tools, known as consent decrees, were deployed extensively by the Barack Obama administration in the wake of previous high-profile police killings of unarmed black men. They included the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014; 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, that same year; and the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland.

Under Obama, 14 consent decrees were enforced upon troubled and discriminatory police agencies. By contrast, none have been issued in the more than three years of the Trump administration.

By scrapping the use of consent decrees, Trump has effectively made it much harder for the US to recover from the turmoil roiling the nation. In the absence of federal pressure, any reform impetus will have to come from cities and states acting in isolation or from inside police agencies that are likely to be resistant to change.

This article was written June 7th. ... “The protests aren’t going to die down. We have a very long summer ahead of us,” he said.

Boy was he right.
Wow. So I hear things like “police need better training” and reform not defund ... like no one ever thought of that. Until now.

Imagine that. We’ve been saying that for years!

Protests and riots don’t appear out of nowhere. Nor are they typically instigated, micromanaged, or controlled by shadowy conspiracies intent to on overturning the mythical American Way of Life. This one was brewing for a long time. Rodney So why is it that no one listens?

Oh wait. They did listen. After Ferguson. The DoJ implemented a series of reforms. But guess what? Rightists scrapped them. In their (by now) typical Rightist fashion, they purged the DoJ of all Obama era reforms.

The Trump administration has dismantled key federal tools for imposing accountability on police forces engaging in systemic racial discrimination, severely hampering efforts to heal the wounds of the police killing of George Floyd and the ongoing protests convulsing the country.

Under Donald Trump, the US justice department has allowed federal mechanisms designed to impose change on racist police agencies to wither on the vine. As a result, law enforcement agencies that practice racial profiling, use excessive force and other forms of unconstitutional policing are now free from federal oversight.

The most important of those tools, known as consent decrees, were deployed extensively by the Barack Obama administration in the wake of previous high-profile police killings of unarmed black men. They included the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014; 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, that same year; and the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland.

Under Obama, 14 consent decrees were enforced upon troubled and discriminatory police agencies. By contrast, none have been issued in the more than three years of the Trump administration.

By scrapping the use of consent decrees, Trump has effectively made it much harder for the US to recover from the turmoil roiling the nation. In the absence of federal pressure, any reform impetus will have to come from cities and states acting in isolation or from inside police agencies that are likely to be resistant to change.

This article was written June 7th. ... “The protests aren’t going to die down. We have a very long summer ahead of us,” he said.

Boy was he right.
Every one of your mentioned victims except for the 12 year old were career criminals. Are you that fucking stupid that you can't add two and two?

Wow. So I hear things like “police need better training” and reform not defund ... like no one ever thought of that. Until now.

Imagine that. We’ve been saying that for years!

Protests and riots don’t appear out of nowhere. Nor are they typically instigated, micromanaged, or controlled by shadowy conspiracies intent to on overturning the mythical American Way of Life. This one was brewing for a long time. Rodney So why is it that no one listens?

Oh wait. They did listen. After Ferguson. The DoJ implemented a series of reforms. But guess what? Rightists scrapped them. In their (by now) typical Rightist fashion, they purged the DoJ of all Obama era reforms.

The Trump administration has dismantled key federal tools for imposing accountability on police forces engaging in systemic racial discrimination, severely hampering efforts to heal the wounds of the police killing of George Floyd and the ongoing protests convulsing the country.

Under Donald Trump, the US justice department has allowed federal mechanisms designed to impose change on racist police agencies to wither on the vine. As a result, law enforcement agencies that practice racial profiling, use excessive force and other forms of unconstitutional policing are now free from federal oversight.

The most important of those tools, known as consent decrees, were deployed extensively by the Barack Obama administration in the wake of previous high-profile police killings of unarmed black men. They included the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014; 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, that same year; and the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland.

Under Obama, 14 consent decrees were enforced upon troubled and discriminatory police agencies. By contrast, none have been issued in the more than three years of the Trump administration.

By scrapping the use of consent decrees, Trump has effectively made it much harder for the US to recover from the turmoil roiling the nation. In the absence of federal pressure, any reform impetus will have to come from cities and states acting in isolation or from inside police agencies that are likely to be resistant to change.

This article was written June 7th. ... “The protests aren’t going to die down. We have a very long summer ahead of us,” he said.

Boy was he right.

No, it's always been an issue. Cops like Dr.'s should redo training every year considering what they do. Also, cops get away with to much shit. DUI, domestic violence, theft of evidence and they never go to prison for it. Still, better training would have made it so 4 cops diddnt go to jail and half the country wouldn't have been set on fire over a dirt bag.
My m.i.l., who’s hometown is Portland wrote this...she is right.

Protesters: You have driven these pitiful, poorly trained, federal minions to the brink. A few of you have injured some of them (You are not all nonviolent). In turn they have increased your numbers and organization, your power, exponentially. Yet some of these federal minions are said to be armed with lethal weapons. If this is true, the next escalation will be bloody Sunday. Do you want that? Could your energy and organization be focused somewhere else, where it's needed even more? If you all just leave in mass the feds will not have won and they will have nothing to fight. This is your decision.

They need to focus their protest at the ballot box. At their legislators.
Wow. So I hear things like “police need better training” and reform not defund ... like no one ever thought of that. Until now.

Imagine that. We’ve been saying that for years!

Protests and riots don’t appear out of nowhere. Nor are they typically instigated, micromanaged, or controlled by shadowy conspiracies intent to on overturning the mythical American Way of Life. This one was brewing for a long time. Rodney So why is it that no one listens?

Oh wait. They did listen. After Ferguson. The DoJ implemented a series of reforms. But guess what? Rightists scrapped them. In their (by now) typical Rightist fashion, they purged the DoJ of all Obama era reforms.

The Trump administration has dismantled key federal tools for imposing accountability on police forces engaging in systemic racial discrimination, severely hampering efforts to heal the wounds of the police killing of George Floyd and the ongoing protests convulsing the country.

Under Donald Trump, the US justice department has allowed federal mechanisms designed to impose change on racist police agencies to wither on the vine. As a result, law enforcement agencies that practice racial profiling, use excessive force and other forms of unconstitutional policing are now free from federal oversight.

The most important of those tools, known as consent decrees, were deployed extensively by the Barack Obama administration in the wake of previous high-profile police killings of unarmed black men. They included the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014; 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, that same year; and the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland.

Under Obama, 14 consent decrees were enforced upon troubled and discriminatory police agencies. By contrast, none have been issued in the more than three years of the Trump administration.

By scrapping the use of consent decrees, Trump has effectively made it much harder for the US to recover from the turmoil roiling the nation. In the absence of federal pressure, any reform impetus will have to come from cities and states acting in isolation or from inside police agencies that are likely to be resistant to change.

This article was written June 7th. ... “The protests aren’t going to die down. We have a very long summer ahead of us,” he said.

Boy was he right.

No, it's always been an issue. Cops like Dr.'s should redo training every year considering what they do. Also, cops get away with to much shit. DUI, domestic violence, theft of evidence and they never go to prison for it. Still, better training would have made it so 4 cops diddnt go to jail and half the country wouldn't have been set on fire over a dirt bag.

Totally agree. So what is the obstacle?
So we remember who we are talking about.


And that's only alittle. While he should not have been killed in police custody, he was still a sack of shit and the world is better off with him gone. Gentile soil he was.
Wow. So I hear things like “police need better training” and reform not defund ... like no one ever thought of that. Until now.

Imagine that. We’ve been saying that for years!

Protests and riots don’t appear out of nowhere. Nor are they typically instigated, micromanaged, or controlled by shadowy conspiracies intent to on overturning the mythical American Way of Life. This one was brewing for a long time. Rodney So why is it that no one listens?

Oh wait. They did listen. After Ferguson. The DoJ implemented a series of reforms. But guess what? Rightists scrapped them. In their (by now) typical Rightist fashion, they purged the DoJ of all Obama era reforms.

The Trump administration has dismantled key federal tools for imposing accountability on police forces engaging in systemic racial discrimination, severely hampering efforts to heal the wounds of the police killing of George Floyd and the ongoing protests convulsing the country.

Under Donald Trump, the US justice department has allowed federal mechanisms designed to impose change on racist police agencies to wither on the vine. As a result, law enforcement agencies that practice racial profiling, use excessive force and other forms of unconstitutional policing are now free from federal oversight.

The most important of those tools, known as consent decrees, were deployed extensively by the Barack Obama administration in the wake of previous high-profile police killings of unarmed black men. They included the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014; 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, that same year; and the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland.

Under Obama, 14 consent decrees were enforced upon troubled and discriminatory police agencies. By contrast, none have been issued in the more than three years of the Trump administration.

By scrapping the use of consent decrees, Trump has effectively made it much harder for the US to recover from the turmoil roiling the nation. In the absence of federal pressure, any reform impetus will have to come from cities and states acting in isolation or from inside police agencies that are likely to be resistant to change.

This article was written June 7th. ... “The protests aren’t going to die down. We have a very long summer ahead of us,” he said.

Boy was he right.

No, it's always been an issue. Cops like Dr.'s should redo training every year considering what they do. Also, cops get away with to much shit. DUI, domestic violence, theft of evidence and they never go to prison for it. Still, better training would have made it so 4 cops diddnt go to jail and half the country wouldn't have been set on fire over a dirt bag.

Totally agree. So what is the obstacle?

Ask the Mayers and governors who hire police chiefs. This is their fault
Wow. So I hear things like “police need better training” and reform not defund ... like no one ever thought of that. Until now.

Imagine that. We’ve been saying that for years!

Protests and riots don’t appear out of nowhere. Nor are they typically instigated, micromanaged, or controlled by shadowy conspiracies intent to on overturning the mythical American Way of Life. This one was brewing for a long time. Rodney So why is it that no one listens?

Oh wait. They did listen. After Ferguson. The DoJ implemented a series of reforms. But guess what? Rightists scrapped them. In their (by now) typical Rightist fashion, they purged the DoJ of all Obama era reforms.

The Trump administration has dismantled key federal tools for imposing accountability on police forces engaging in systemic racial discrimination, severely hampering efforts to heal the wounds of the police killing of George Floyd and the ongoing protests convulsing the country.

Under Donald Trump, the US justice department has allowed federal mechanisms designed to impose change on racist police agencies to wither on the vine. As a result, law enforcement agencies that practice racial profiling, use excessive force and other forms of unconstitutional policing are now free from federal oversight.

The most important of those tools, known as consent decrees, were deployed extensively by the Barack Obama administration in the wake of previous high-profile police killings of unarmed black men. They included the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014; 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, that same year; and the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland.

Under Obama, 14 consent decrees were enforced upon troubled and discriminatory police agencies. By contrast, none have been issued in the more than three years of the Trump administration.

By scrapping the use of consent decrees, Trump has effectively made it much harder for the US to recover from the turmoil roiling the nation. In the absence of federal pressure, any reform impetus will have to come from cities and states acting in isolation or from inside police agencies that are likely to be resistant to change.

This article was written June 7th. ... “The protests aren’t going to die down. We have a very long summer ahead of us,” he said.

Boy was he right.
Every one of your mentioned victims except for the 12 year old were career criminals. Are you that fucking stupid that you can't add two and two?

Ya, I keep forgetting that with you assholes, if a man isn’t perfect he deserves to be killed. I‘ve always thought that was kind of barberic, but what the hell :dunno:
So we remember who we are talking about.

View attachment 368500

And that's only alittle. While he should not have been killed in police custody, he was still a sack of shit and the world is better off with him gone. Gentile soil he was.
Remind me....where is the part that says it’s ok for a police man to kneel on his neck for nine minutes and kill him long after he had stopped struggling? I don’t see capital punishment in there. Looks like there was no way to appeal the conviction by popular opinion that he deserved to be killed because he was a flawed human being. Who needs courts? :dunno:
Wow. So I hear things like “police need better training” and reform not defund ... like no one ever thought of that. Until now.

Imagine that. We’ve been saying that for years!

Protests and riots don’t appear out of nowhere. Nor are they typically instigated, micromanaged, or controlled by shadowy conspiracies intent to on overturning the mythical American Way of Life. This one was brewing for a long time. Rodney So why is it that no one listens?

Oh wait. They did listen. After Ferguson. The DoJ implemented a series of reforms. But guess what? Rightists scrapped them. In their (by now) typical Rightist fashion, they purged the DoJ of all Obama era reforms.

The Trump administration has dismantled key federal tools for imposing accountability on police forces engaging in systemic racial discrimination, severely hampering efforts to heal the wounds of the police killing of George Floyd and the ongoing protests convulsing the country.

Under Donald Trump, the US justice department has allowed federal mechanisms designed to impose change on racist police agencies to wither on the vine. As a result, law enforcement agencies that practice racial profiling, use excessive force and other forms of unconstitutional policing are now free from federal oversight.

The most important of those tools, known as consent decrees, were deployed extensively by the Barack Obama administration in the wake of previous high-profile police killings of unarmed black men. They included the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014; 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, that same year; and the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland.

Under Obama, 14 consent decrees were enforced upon troubled and discriminatory police agencies. By contrast, none have been issued in the more than three years of the Trump administration.

By scrapping the use of consent decrees, Trump has effectively made it much harder for the US to recover from the turmoil roiling the nation. In the absence of federal pressure, any reform impetus will have to come from cities and states acting in isolation or from inside police agencies that are likely to be resistant to change.

This article was written June 7th. ... “The protests aren’t going to die down. We have a very long summer ahead of us,” he said.

Boy was he right.

No, it's always been an issue. Cops like Dr.'s should redo training every year considering what they do. Also, cops get away with to much shit. DUI, domestic violence, theft of evidence and they never go to prison for it. Still, better training would have made it so 4 cops diddnt go to jail and half the country wouldn't have been set on fire over a dirt bag.

Totally agree. So what is the obstacle?

Ask the Mayers and governors who hire police chiefs. This is their fault

How dastardly of them to dismantle the reforms the DoJ was making. Yup. Totally their fault.

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