Armed Teachers...

Well, we know that being unarmed doesn't work. If you have any doubt about that you can ask Irma Garcia's children.

But I have a question for you: If your child were in a classroom when a shooter entered the room, would you prefer your child's teacher be in a position to protect your child, or would you prefer that the shooter murder your child?

Because that's what happened to Irma Garcia and her students...
‘Good guy with a gun’ is a myth.

“It's also not a common outcome in previous active shooter episodes, according to the FBI. From 2000-2019, 119 of 345 active shooters committed suicide, the bureau said in a long-trend report. Another 119 were apprehended by police, 67 were killed by police, and five are at large. In only four cases did citizens kill the shooters – and none of those four happened at an educational setting.”

Is a dreadful idea.

Reckless and irresponsible, armed teachers would only result in more dead children, killed by teachers devoid of the skill, experience, and training to be proficient with a firearm during an active shooter event.

Indeed, there are sworn officers who lack the skill and experience to effectively neutralize an active shooter situation.

Clearly those who advocate for arming teachers have no experience with shooting handguns – semi-auto handguns in particular; shooting at stationary targets in the controlled setting of a pistol range in no manner prepares someone for an active shooter crisis.

There are a couple of reasons why teachers (or any competent adult) would have tactical advantage over an LEO in a active shooter scenario.

First, a classroom is a relatively secure environment -- typical one or two entrances. The teacher already knows who should, and who should not, be in the room. No one is saying teachers should gear up and then start clearing rooms. The teacher would lock the door, take a firearm they've been trained to use, hunker down behind a desk and shoot the first thing that pokes its head inside that door, hoping it's not a first responder.

LEOs entering a active shooter scenario would not be familiar with the layout. They would not know exactly who should, or should not be there, they will have to move from room to room offensively seeking the shooter. As opposed to the teacher who is only defending a secure position.

It's not a perfect situation, but a minimally trained, and willing, teacher, could put up a decent defense while waiting for tactical forces to neutralize the threat.
If more guns are not the answer to crime, then why do we arm police?
I would much rather have armed teachers or ANYONE, rather than armed police.
Police are trained in military rules of engagement, which is to kill anything remotely associated with the enemy.
Teachers would refrain unless it was absolutely necessary.
If more guns are the answer then why… with more guns than anywhere…do we have more gun deaths than any first world nation by FAR?

We need less access to guns. Less mass shooter guns. Less not more. Only a brain washed coward would think we need more guns.
If more guns are the answer then why… with more guns than anywhere…do we have more gun deaths than any first world nation by FAR?

We need less access to guns. Less mass shooter guns. Less not more. Only a brain washed coward would think we need more guns.
You want all guns gone. Stop playing stupid games. Your politicians who have armed security slip up and show their true colors all the time. They ever pack SCOTUS they will try and do it. They lost SCOTUS and lost their minds because this set them back decades on their agenda.


Not more guns. One gun is all it takes to stop a killer.

I'm not surprised you couldn't figure that out all on your own.

That’s moronic. Your 11th grade education lead you to that conclusion? Let’s meet in an ally… I’ll have an AR 15 and body Armour…. You wear a 3rd grade teacher’s dress, heels, and carry a 9mm while protecting your kids. Awesome. Great solution. Moron.
That’s moronic. Your 11th grade education lead you to that conclusion? Let’s meet in an ally… I’ll have an AR 15 and body Armour…. You wear a 3rd grade teacher’s dress, heels, and carry a 9mm while protecting your kids. Awesome. Great solution. Moron.
"Let's meet in an ally".

We'll talk about education.

You want all guns gone. Stop playing stupid games. Your politicians who have armed security slip up and show their true colors all the time. They ever pack SCOTUS they will try and do it. They lost SCOTUS and lost their minds because this set them back decades on their agenda.


Absolutely. We want all the guns because obviously there is no middle solution where restricting mass murderer weapons and making it harder to get a gun to catch 18 year old unbalanced fuckers is acceptable.
Absolutely. We want all the guns because obviously there is no middle solution where restricting mass murderer weapons and making it harder to get a gun to catch 18 year old unbalanced fuckers is acceptable.
Then come and take them and lets get this over with. Your not taking them. If you want them .........BRING IT.

The 2nd shall not be infringed. If you want to go full Tyrant on this.............Then we can just go to War with you. Anytime you feel skippy.
If more guns are the answer then why… with more guns than anywhere…do we have more gun deaths than any first world nation by FAR?

We need less access to guns. Less mass shooter guns. Less not more. Only a brain washed coward would think we need more guns.
More guns is a response by Americans who see crime rising to unprecedented levels as a direct result of Democrat policies that promote crime.

Less democrats is a better policy.
If states and/or districts do not offer the kind of immunity police officers get, I'm here to tell you that teachers will not arm. Not even teachers I personally know who are very proficient with firearms.

And who would blame them?
If more guns are the answer then why… with more guns than anywhere…do we have more gun deaths than any first world nation by FAR?

We need less access to guns. Less mass shooter guns. Less not more. Only a brain washed coward would think we need more guns.
More recently?

1) the democrat party war on police…they have attacked The police to the point the police have backed off doing their jobs for fear of persecution by the democrat party…they only respond to actual 911 calls, and have stopped pro active police work……..the most experienced officers are retiring early and the younger officers are quiting or going to friendlier departments out of democrat party controlled cities and states…..

this is allowing criminals to run wild.

2) democrat party prosecutors are refusing to press charges against criminals caught with guns….even with actual video of their gun crimes…they are dropping the gun charges even on felons caught with illegal guns…the democrat party judges are releasing felons with long criminal histories of gun violence with no bail required putting them back on the streets within days of capture… party politicians are getting rppassing laws that allow repeat gun offenders to walk free…

3) for 7 months the democrat party ordered their briwnshitprts…blm\ antics to burn, loot and kill in black neighborhoods, ordering the police to stand don and do nothing….

Criminals have received the message from the democrats and now are no longer afraid of getting caught or even pursued by the cops….

Longer term?

Our gun crime is isolated to tiny areas of democrat party controlled cities…….in these areas the out of wedlock birth rate in black neighborhoods is over 75%……fatherless homes are the breeding ground for violent criminals…fatherless boys who turn to gangs and crime because they have had no guidance….

As to Europe….?

They experienced culture shocks that we did not….Two World wars that devastated their societies….while our country was experiencing the family destruction of the Great Society…Europe had to rebuild after the destruction of the Two World Wars…..because of this destruction, their social welfare states have taken longer to create the family destruction that leads to young fatherless by poi’s and the violence they create.

Those reasons are just the beginning……..
If states and/or districts do not offer the kind of immunity police officers get, I'm here to tell you that teachers will not arm. Not even teachers I personally know who are very proficient with firearms.

And who would blame them?

14 states already arm their teachers…so far no problems that you claim….

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