Armed Teachers...

Again. Do they encourage and/or support teachers being armed, or do they simply say yeah we have no right to take your guns on school property? That's for starters.

A school district can absolutely keep guns off of school property.

If you were really a teacher you would know that...
So no children will die in a classroom with a shooter with automatic weapon against 1 teacher with a pistol?
You didn't know that automatic weapons require a specific FFL? The license and the automatic weapon are expensive and difficult to obtain.

It's generally thought to be a good idea to know facts when arguing matters you don't seem to understand.
So no children will die in a classroom with a shooter with automatic weapon against 1 teacher with a pistol?

No one has said that. Why do you insist on stupidly trying to put words into the mouths of others?

Ad no one is going to be walking into a classroom with an automatic weapon. I'm getting the impression that you're out of your depth here. You simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

21 people were killed in Texas. Wouldn't it have been better if a teacher would've been able to get off a shot or two and, maybe, killing the shooter before he got to #21?
96% of the summer protests were peaceful. You don’t look at any of that video. None of them tried to overthrow a duly elected president. There are plenty of bad actors in America you fuck. How about you look at the leaders and policies put forth? Can’t you read? No democratic movement to defund. Minneapolis had a crisis for sure from the raw effect of that nasty murder. But police budgets are way the fuck up. Way up. Not down.

It was the other percent of blm/antifa that burned, looted, and murdered about 40 people over 7 months while the democrat party, their political masters......ordered the police to stand back and do nothing....and then, with kamala harris, bailed out the worst of the worst...causing close to 2 billion dollars in damage.....
It's been a while since I was in school. When I went the teachers were inside the classroom with the children.


Comments like this will end the discussion.

Then stop being stupid. Stop trying to put words in the mouths of others and stop talking about automatic weapons. You're making it glaringly clear that you're clueless. Why you insist on putting that on display is a mystery...
So no children will die in a classroom with a shooter with automatic weapon against 1 teacher with a pistol?

The shooter did not have an automatic weapon.........he had a normal rifle.......The AR-15 is a civilian rifle......the police also use it.

And yes.....someone with a pistol can stop someone armed with an AR015 rifle...the only advantage the rifle has is at long distances........50 to 400 yards.....

For example.....likely you don't know about this because the media didn't give it coverage....not the 24/7 coverage of the mass public shooting.....why? Because the woman with her pistol stopped the mass public shooter with his AR-15.........that would have deflated some of the joy for the democrat party anti-gunners.....and their celebration of the school shooting opportunity...

This happened the same week as the school shooting, but because this woman had a gun, the killer was stopped dead....literally stopped dead...West Virginia mass shooting stopped...

People like this

West Virginia woman who stopped

what could have become a mass shooting just a day after Uvalde.

Police said a woman who was lawfully carrying a pistol shot and killed a man who began shooting at a crowd of people Wednesday night in Charleston.
Dennis Butler was killed after allegedly shooting at dozens of people attending a graduation party Wednesday near the Vista View Apartment complex. No injuries were reported from those at the party.
Investigators said Butler was warned about speeding in the area with children present before he left. He later returned with an AR-15-style firearm and began firing into the crowd before he was shot and killed.
“Instead of running from the threat, she engaged with the threat and saved several lives last night,” Charleston Police Department Chief of Detectives Tony Hazelett said.
Officers did not go into detail, but said Butler did have an extensive criminal history.

Now, doesn’t that sound like an attempted mass shooting to you?
But it wasn’t.
It wasn’t because the woman was there, had a gun, and had the will to use it at that crucial moment. Hazelett noted the woman won’t be facing any charges, which she shouldn’t.
A school district can absolutely keep guns off of school property.

If you were really a teacher you would know that...

Yes I know. A school district allowing guns on property is different from one actively encouraging teachers to get trained and armed.
Yes I know. A school district allowing guns on property is different from one actively encouraging teachers to get trained and armed.

I don't know of a single school district in the country that does that. But, if a teacher wants to be armed in a district which allows it, yes, the school should very much insist on that teacher being trained...
I don't know of a single school district in the country that does that. But, if a teacher wants to be armed in a district which allows it, yes, the school should very much insist on that teacher being trained...

Yes......if they want better security, arming some teachers and support staff would act as 1. a deterrent against attack, and 2. a last line of defense...

I think support staff would be the better option....a Teacher's responsibilty is the kids in their classroom....while an administrator, a clerk, a librarian, .....the shooter won't know exactly where they are in the building at any particular time....therefore this random threat will act as a deterrent for any attack.....
I think support staff would be the better option....a Teacher's responsibilty is the kids in their classroom....while an administrator, a clerk, a librarian, .....the shooter won't know exactly where they are in the building at any particular time....therefore this random threat will act as a deterrent for any attack.....

Likewise, with armed teachers, the shooter won't know which teachers are armed and which ones aren't...
Likewise, with armed teachers, the shooter won't know which teachers are armed and which ones aren't...


The only thing is a teacher with a gun will need to stay in their classroom with their own children....if the shooter knows the schedule for the building he will know when teachers are in their staff could be anywhere in the building, creating an unknown factor that will deter attack more...
Likewise, with armed teachers, the shooter won't know which teachers are armed and which ones aren't...

Of course........this is all really moot.......

A determined killer, in the face of armed staff, and a secure building, will attack before the kids go into the building, or at the end of the day when they are leaving the building...

If they are really determined to kill a lot of kids and adults...they will simply rent a truck.....

Show a nationwide map and go SEE THE 200 CITIES WE BURNED IN DIDN'T MATTER...........In red states there were protests...........but they understood that if they go postal they will get hammered............not so much is blue cities.

Mostly peaceful my ass.
You’re a moron who arrives without fact. Peace out turd.
It was the other percent of blm/antifa that burned, looted, and murdered about 40 people over 7 months while the democrat party, their political masters......ordered the police to stand back and do nothing....and then, with kamala harris, bailed out the worst of the worst...causing close to 2 billion dollars in damage.....
The narrative your masters get you to believe is insane. People saw a vicious murder by police on video and protested all summer…. Very few incidents were violent. All you do is focus on the few outliers because your masters want you to be all for police brutality so when the time comes you won’t object to the authoritarian in time. “When they came for my neighbor I said nothing…”
This is the one great failing of the anti-gun crowd.

You want something which you will never achieve: the banning of all firearms. It will never, ever happen. Ever. There would never be enough votes to repeal the 2nd Amendment. If your IQ exceeded your shoe size you would know this.

Instead, why not try to work with the the pro-2nd Amendment crowd on formulating some ideas that are actually viable. As long as you insist on getting "all the guns" you're going to get nothing but pushback...
That was sarcasm. There is no middle ground with 2A crowd. They assume every little thing is a step towards banning guns so they oppose everything…. So we might as well come for them all!
That was sarcasm. There is no middle ground with 2A crowd. They assume every little thing is a step towards banning guns so they oppose everything…. So we might as well come for them all!
But you're never going to achieve that.

Every single gun owner I know is in favor of a common sense approach to addressing gun violence. Unfortunately, the anti-gun crowd does not want that. They don't want people to have guns, period.

Again, that's a pipe dream. That will never happen.

And, yes, I certainly acknowledge that there are some serious whack-jobs on the far right who are vehemently opposed to any type of law or restriction on any type of weapon. Those people are an extreme minority, though...

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