Armed Teachers...

But you're never going to achieve that.

Every single gun owner I know is in favor of a common sense approach to addressing gun violence. Unfortunately, the anti-gun crowd does not want that. They don't want people to have guns, period.

Again, that's a pipe dream. That will never happen.

And, yes, I certainly acknowledge that there are some serious whack-jobs on the far right who are vehemently opposed to any type of law or restriction on any type of weapon. Those people are an extreme minority, though...
Link one piece of legislation proposed by a democrat or one single serious leader in the dem party coming for everyone’s guns? Remember when Obama was coming for them? It’s a ruse. The right wingers scare you with the slippery slope and you’ve bought it. Answer my questions please.
Link one piece of legislation proposed by a democrat or one single serious leader in the dem party coming for everyone’s guns? Remember when Obama was coming for them? It’s a ruse. The right wingers scare you with the slippery slope and you’ve bought it. Answer my questions please.

I remember Irish Bob saying "Hell yes, we want to take your" guns.

That's good enough for me.

If that stupid sonofabitch had gotten into office, he would've gone for confiscation. He fucking admitted it..

And what questions are you referring to. I responded to this post by you:

"That was sarcasm. There is no middle ground with 2A crowd. They assume every little thing is a step towards banning guns so they oppose everything…. So we might as well come for them all!"

I don't see a question there.

What I do see is you being a hypocrite. You accuse the 2nd Amendment supporters as having no middle ground while, in the same breath, prove that you don't, either.

Propose something from a common sense perspective and see what happens...
I remember Irish Bob saying "Hell yes, we want to take your" guns.

That's good enough for me.

If that stupid sonofabitch had gotten into office, he would've gone for confiscation. He fucking admitted it...
Like I thought. Nothing-burger. Sigh. Honestly why do you even try to debate when you clearly have no grounding in facts? You’re an emotional irrational lemming led around by your balls that the GOP squeezes tight. You should be embarrassed.
Like I thought. Nothing-burger. Sigh. Honestly why do you even try to debate when you clearly have no grounding in facts? You’re an emotional irrational lemming led around by your balls that the GOP squeezes tight. You should be embarrassed.

You're retarded.

A Presidential candidate from the left said he would go after them. Of course democrats haven't put forth such a bill, simply because they know that decent Americans would never stand for it. But when Irish Bob stands up and says what he said, and the crowd goes nuts for it, good, decent Americans should take notice...
Link one piece of legislation proposed by a democrat or one single serious leader in the dem party coming for everyone’s guns? Remember when Obama was coming for them? It’s a ruse. The right wingers scare you with the slippery slope and you’ve bought it. Answer my questions please.
Biden's agenda.

Biden's executive orders

You're retarded.

A Presidential candidate from the left said he would go after them. Of course democrats haven't put forth such a bill, simply because they know that decent Americans would never stand for it. But when Irish Bob stands up and says what he said, and the crowd goes nuts for it, good, decent Americans should take notice...
Thank you for admitting you have no ground to stand on for your position. Most people lie but you just feel comfy being in quicksand.

I have no idea what an Irish bob is you toad. Use English. The fucking sub culture you guys on the right carve out via name calling is indicative of your lack of intellect and maturity.
Biden's agenda.

Biden's executive orders

all really good policy and zero initiative to take all guns away from Americans.
Thank you for admitting you have no ground to stand on for your position. Most people lie but you just feel comfy being in quicksand.

It's laughable.

You're whining like a little bitch because I don't provide a link to any proposed legislation, when the fact of the matter is that I never claimed there was proposed legislation.

But when Irish Bob, the darling of the left, says he's going to take the guns, it's enough to be worrisome...

I have no idea what an Irish bob is you toad. Use English.

It's not a "what", dipshit, it's a "who".

And the fact that you don't know who he is tells me just how uninformed you really are...

The fucking sub culture you guys on the right carve out via name calling is indicative of your lack of intellect and maturity.

This from the side who refers to a former President as "Drumpf".

'Da fuck outta' with your bullshit, pissant...
It's laughable.

You're whining like a little bitch because I don't provide a link to any proposed legislation, when the fact of the matter is that I never claimed there was proposed legislation.

But when Irish Bob, the darling of the left, says he's going to take the guns, it's enough to be worrisome...

It's not a "what", dipshit, it's a "who".

And the fact that you don't know who he is tells me just how uninformed you really are...

This from the side who refers to a former President as "Drumpf".

'Da fuck outta' with your bullshit, pissant...
That a lot of nothing to simply reinforce you have nothing backing up of your claim. You guys are priceless and clueless.
That a lot of nothing to simply reinforce you have nothing backing up of your claim. You guys are priceless and clueless.


A candidate for the office of President of the United States said he wanted to confiscate guns.

And you're mentally retarded...
Is a dreadful idea.
Not if you want to stop massacres.

Reckless and irresponsible, armed teachers would only result in more dead children, killed by teachers devoid of the skill, experience, and training to be proficient with a firearm during an active shooter event.

And no one is opposing giving the teachers a bit of training.

Clearly those who advocate for arming teachers have no experience with shooting handguns – semi-auto handguns in particular; shooting at stationary targets in the controlled setting of a pistol range in no manner prepares someone for an active shooter crisis.
What do handguns have to do with anything? Arm the teachers with rifles.
If more guns are the answer then why… with more guns than anywhere…do we have more gun deaths than any first world nation by FAR?
Who cares? People who are killed with guns are not "more dead" than people who are killed with some other weapon.

We need less access to guns. Less mass shooter guns. Less not more. Only a brain washed coward would think we need more guns.
No. America chooses to remain free.

That’s moronic. Your 11th grade education lead you to that conclusion? Let’s meet in an ally… I’ll have an AR 15 and body Armour…. You wear a 3rd grade teacher’s dress, heels, and carry a 9mm while protecting your kids. Awesome. Great solution. Moron.
Why are you limiting the teachers' firepower to handguns?

Absolutely. We want all the guns because obviously there is no middle solution where restricting mass murderer weapons and making it harder to get a gun to catch 18 year old unbalanced fuckers is acceptable.
Mass murder weapons have been restricted for 90 years now.

We're living in the 21st century now.

Your moronic point stands as moronic.
His point is not moronic in any way.

Arming teachers is as dumb as voting for Trump.
Both are very good ideas.

Link one piece of legislation proposed by a democrat or one single serious leader in the dem party coming for everyone’s guns?
Traitor Joe.

Remember when Obama was coming for them?
Yes. It is a good thing that the NRA defeated his attempt to do so.

all really good policy and zero initiative to take all guns away from Americans.
You don't get it. Taking away AR-15s is just as bad as taking away all guns. One thing is just as bad as the other thing.
You're right. They wouldn't.
She didn't.
View attachment 653787
and now she's dead.
It's a shame she didn't have a rifle.

So no children will die in a classroom with a shooter with automatic weapon against 1 teacher with a pistol?
What an absurd example. No full-auto weapon has ever been used in a school shooting. And why are you limiting the teacher to a handgun?
Trained and armed professional security is what’s needed.

Relatively few teachers have the desire, temperament or ability to function as armed defenders. Trying to force them to do so will only result in a worse teacher shortage than there already is.

Low wages for all staff in public schools plays a huge role in any attempt to make these school secure. Most schools already have security staff (not sure if most are armed or not). But schools do this on the cheap. They outsource to shitty security agencies that pay $10-$15 an hour, the same rent-a-cops that man Wal Mart exits.

Pay shitty wages, you usually get shitty employees. How many trained, experienced security professionals are you gonna get at the same wage fast food workers make?

We need to bite the bullet and actually *pay* for adequate armed security staff. But I guess our kids aren’t worth the tax increase…..
Trained and armed professional security is what’s needed.

Relatively few teachers have the desire, temperament or ability to function as armed defenders. Trying to force them to do so will only result in a worse teacher shortage than there already is.

Low wages for all staff in public schools plays a huge role in any attempt to make these school secure. Most schools already have security staff (not sure if most are armed or not). But schools do this on the cheap. They outsource to shitty security agencies that pay $10-$15 an hour, the same rent-a-cops that man Wal Mart exits.

Pay shitty wages, you usually get shitty employees. How many trained, experienced security professionals are you gonna get at the same wage fast food workers make?

We need to bite the bullet and actually *pay* for adequate armed security staff. But I guess our kids aren’t worth the tax increase…..
I agree. I think it should be another branch of the Sheriff's Department.

They should be specially trained in child psychology, de-escalation, and other specialized aspects of training for the school environment, and their mission should be clearly defined so that they are not used for discipline, intimidation, and so on. They should be members of their own community whenever possible, and should be equal in pay, prestige, and equipment as the rest of the force. Schools should also be required to have a full compliment of counselors, nurses, administrators, and psychologists; other departments should not be defunded to provide the SROs.

I think most people would be OK with their taxes going up by a few dollars a year or so to afford this. I wouldn't mind.
Relatively few teachers have the desire, temperament or ability to function as armed defenders.

Why do you believe that?

Trying to force them to do so will only result in a worse teacher shortage than there already is.

No one is talking about forcing anyone to do anything so, please, dispense with the left-wing rhetoric....

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