Armed Teachers...

The narrative your masters get you to believe is insane. People saw a vicious murder by police on video and protested all summer…. Very few incidents were violent. All you do is focus on the few outliers because your masters want you to be all for police brutality so when the time comes you won’t object to the authoritarian in time. “When they came for my neighbor I said nothing…”

40 people were murdered, businesses were burned and looted for 7 months…..police statins were burned and gutted, police were wounded, court houses were burned

2 billion dollars in damage to black and other minority owned businesses

They weren’t “mostly peaceful.”
That was sarcasm. There is no middle ground with 2A crowd. They assume every little thing is a step towards banning guns so they oppose everything…. So we might as well come for them all!

We only know that the things the anti- gunners want, which do nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters but only harm normal gun owners …are steps toward banning and confiscating guns….

As one article points out….there is never “compromise,” there is only taking by anti- gunners…
The narrative your masters get you to believe is insane. People saw a vicious murder by police on video and protested all summer…. Very few incidents were violent. All you do is focus on the few outliers because your masters want you to be all for police brutality so when the time comes you won’t object to the authoritarian in time. “When they came for my neighbor I said nothing…”

There was no murder….a drug addict with a cocktail of illegal guns with 3 clogged arteries died of his life choices…..he was
Dead before the cops showed up, he just hadn’t stopped moving
I am confused. Are they Marxists grooming your kids with CRT, or are they Rambo mercenaries ready to shoot it out with Spetznatz?

Don't worry, the "arm the teachers" camp is equally confused. They hate teachers 99% of the time but when it comes down to defending their GUNS they will side with anyone, even a CRT-spouting groomer.

It is truly confusing, bordering on the mentally ill.
We only know that the things the anti- gunners want, which do nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters but only harm normal gun owners …are steps toward banning and confiscating guns….

As one article points out….there is never “compromise,” there is only taking by anti- gunners…
You are LYING
What could go wrong?

You guys have all kinds of crazy solutions
I thought I’d throw out another crazy idea.
And I mocked your crazy idea. She how that shit works............BTW........disregard the formula
Clearly you don’t know anything about handguns – semi-automatic pistols in particular.

It takes years of training and experience to be proficient with a semi-auto; shooting at a stationary target in the controlled environment of a pistol range in no manner prepares someone for the chaos of an actual active shooter event.

Not only will armed teachers fail to prevent a mass school shooting, but unqualified, inexperienced teachers would end up killing children and other innocent bystanders.

Arming teachers is unmitigated idiocy.
I have already suggested shoulder-fired weapons for teachers. More stable and more accurate. Accuracy training is easy. It's the mindset that can be difficult.
It's a bad idea for a number of reasons:

1. Literally no person went into teaching elementary school so they could act as a first-responder gunslinger

2. There is no value in turning America into an armed encampment. If you can't solve the problem without adding MORE GUNS then your solution is a sign of mental illness.

3. This happens almost NO WHERE ELSE ON THE PLANET with the frequency it does here. Yet every other place on earth has exactly the same type of creatures (humans) with the full set of evils and mental illnesses. The big difference is America LOVES GUNS. We need to fix that, not just bring more guns into ridiculous places.

I honestly wish gun advocates would wake up one day and realize how fucked up it is to suggest ARMING TEACHERS as a SOLUTION!

The gun advocates have now turned America into a hellscape that is NOT worthy of respect, NOT worthy of defense. It is quickly becoming a killing field.

Let's GROW UP.
No one wants to arm teachers but it has become necessary.

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