Armed Teachers...

The children are the sacrificial lambs because teachers refuse to protect them. And the teachers sacrifice themselves along with the lambs.

By not being prepared to protect the kids they are "teaching" them that they have no responsibility for their own safety but must always rely on someone else to protect them. That people are arming themselves by the millions (as adults) shows that they have finally come to their senses and have rejected their teacher's past (tacit) instructions in this regard.
It’s the teachers job to teach children, not to kill for them.
Yes. Those teachers who died trying to confront school shooters were bad teachers. A good teacher would have stayed out of the shooters' way and let them continue their massacres unimpeded.
Unfortunately I think I need to point out that this post is sarcasm. Consider it pointed out.
After every school shooting the conversation, sooner or later, becomes a discussion of whether or not we should allow teachers to be armed.

I believe we should.

I'm not advocating that every teacher be armed. The last thing I would want to have is someone who, for whatever reason, either cannot or will not use a gun properly. If a teacher doesn't want to be armed, I can respect that. What I can't respect, though, is when those who choose to be unarmed want to insist that others should not be allowed to be armed.

Opponents of this idea are quick to say that it's a bad idea, yet, thus far, every single one has failed to offer a valid reason as to why it would be a bad idea. Apparently, opponents are of the belief that a teacher can't be properly trained in the use of a firearm, or in the use of deadly force. I reject that idea. Once upon a time, every single person who is a cop today did not know how use a firearm. They learned how to use a firearm. If a teacher is smart enough to teach, doesn't it fit that the teacher should be smart enough to learn, too?

Let those who wish to be armed be armed, and those who don't wish to be armed can remain unarmed.

Often mentioned is the idea of "crossfire". Let's discuss that for a minute, because it's really an invalid concern.

In order for crossfire to occur, a minimum of two people need to be shooting at the same target, which is between them. Now, I'm not entirely sure why, but opponents seem to believe that once law enforcement shows up, an armed teacher will still be blasting away. That's simply not the case. A simple doctrine would be that the teacher secures his or her weapon when police arrive. That way there's no chance that the teacher is misidentified as the active shooter, and the teacher can get to the task of comforting students instead of protecting them.

Opponents will also often say that the teachers aren't police officers, and that police officers should be allowed to do their jobs. Well, that sounds nice, doesn't it? Unfortunately, at Robb Elementary, the police were on hand yet they failed to do their job for 78 minutes. That means, for well over an hour, Salvador Ramos was able to kill. The police made a bad call and it resulted in 21 deaths. Could an armed teacher have stopped Ramos? Maybe, maybe not. We'll never know. What we do know is that the police didn't. Isn't having a slight chance at stopping an active shooter better than having no chance to stop an active shooter?

Or how about Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida? That's another example of police being on the scene but failing to do their jobs. As a result, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz was able to walk through the school, killing people along the way, simply because there was no one to challenge him, and no one to stop him.

In 2001 my daughter was a freshman at Santana High School in Santee, California. Her classmate, Andy Williams, shot 15 people, killing two of them. A 23 year old security officer, Peter Ruiz, was shot three times in the back as he was going for help. Peter is still a dear friend to this day. He doesn't mince words when he speaks of the incident. He told me once "Steve, if I had a gun I could've stopped him."

And not that it was a school shooting, but it shows how an ordinary person with a gun can have an impact: In December of 2012 I was living in Portland, Oregon and was in a store not far from the food court at Clackamas Town Center when 22 year old Jacob Roberts entered the shopping mall and started shooting. A shopper in the food court, who was legally carrying a concealed weapon (a Glock), drew his weapon and aimed it at Roberts. Roberts saw the man, ran into a stairwell, and blew his brains out.

You don't have to be a police officer to stop a shooter...
Liberalism Is a Death Wish, Which Quickly Turns Into a Kill Wish

It would be a bad idea except that we live in bad times, which makes it a good idea. We can't live in the liberal fantasy that there are no bad people except THOSE HORRIBLE WHITE PEOPLE. Under that perspective, they turned the fake-victimized bad people loose on us and also, with their creation of toxic entertainment, made harmless depressed losers into excited predators.
You're retarded.

A Presidential candidate from the left said he would go after them. Of course democrats haven't put forth such a bill, simply because they know that decent Americans would never stand for it. But when Irish Bob stands up and says what he said, and the crowd goes nuts for it, good, decent Americans should take notice...
You’re a liar.

There is no legislation proposed by Democrats that seeks to ‘ban’ guns or ‘confiscate’ firearms; there is no serious leader in the Democratic Party advocating for ‘banning’ guns or ‘confiscating’ firearms.
The children are the sacrificial lambs because teachers refuse to protect them. And the teachers sacrifice themselves along with the lambs.

By not being prepared to protect the kids they are "teaching" them that they have no responsibility for their own safety but must always rely on someone else to protect them. That people are arming themselves by the millions (as adults) shows that they have finally come to their senses and have rejected their teacher's past (tacit) instructions in this regard.
Clearly you don’t know anything about handguns – semi-automatic pistols in particular.

It takes years of training and experience to be proficient with a semi-auto; shooting at a stationary target in the controlled environment of a pistol range in no manner prepares someone for the chaos of an actual active shooter event.

Not only will armed teachers fail to prevent a mass school shooting, but unqualified, inexperienced teachers would end up killing children and other innocent bystanders.

Arming teachers is unmitigated idiocy.
Opponents of this idea are quick to say that it's a bad idea, yet, thus far, every single one has failed to offer a valid reason as to why it would be a bad idea.

It's a bad idea for a number of reasons:

1. Literally no person went into teaching elementary school so they could act as a first-responder gunslinger

2. There is no value in turning America into an armed encampment. If you can't solve the problem without adding MORE GUNS then your solution is a sign of mental illness.

3. This happens almost NO WHERE ELSE ON THE PLANET with the frequency it does here. Yet every other place on earth has exactly the same type of creatures (humans) with the full set of evils and mental illnesses. The big difference is America LOVES GUNS. We need to fix that, not just bring more guns into ridiculous places.

I honestly wish gun advocates would wake up one day and realize how fucked up it is to suggest ARMING TEACHERS as a SOLUTION!

The gun advocates have now turned America into a hellscape that is NOT worthy of respect, NOT worthy of defense. It is quickly becoming a killing field.

Let's GROW UP.
So fuck it. Let the little rugrats keep dying.

...because the answer you would never consider might actually work. So of course the only other option is to let kids continue dying because America can't possibly give up its guns.

They give us "freedom"

The freedom to die at the grocery store.
The freedom to die at the school.
The freedom to die at the theater.
The freedom to die at church.
The freedom to die on the road to work.

America is a deathcult.
It's a bad idea for a number of reasons:

1. Literally no person went into teaching elementary school so they could act as a first-responder gunslinger

2. There is no value in turning America into an armed encampment. If you can't solve the problem without adding MORE GUNS then your solution is a sign of mental illness.

3. This happens almost NO WHERE ELSE ON THE PLANET with the frequency it does here. Yet every other place on earth has exactly the same type of creatures (humans) with the full set of evils and mental illnesses. The big difference is America LOVES GUNS. We need to fix that, not just bring more guns into ridiculous places.

I honestly wish gun advocates would wake up one day and realize how fucked up it is to suggest ARMING TEACHERS as a SOLUTION!

The gun advocates have now turned America into a hellscape that is NOT worthy of respect, NOT worthy of defense. It is quickly becoming a killing field.

Let's GROW UP.
...because the answer you would never consider might actually work. So of course the only other option is to let kids continue dying because America can't possibly give up its guns.

They give us "freedom"

The freedom to die at the grocery store.
The freedom to die at the school.
The freedom to die at the theater.
The freedom to die at church.
The freedom to die on the road to work.

America is a deathcult.
No. The American left is a death cult.
I am confused. Are they Marxists grooming your kids with CRT, or are they Rambo mercenaries ready to shoot it out with Spetznatz?
...because the answer you would never consider might actually work. So of course the only other option is to let kids continue dying because America can't possibly give up its guns.

They give us "freedom"

The freedom to die at the grocery store.
The freedom to die at the school.
The freedom to die at the theater.
The freedom to die at church.
The freedom to die on the road to work.

America is a deathcult.
After every school shooting the conversation, sooner or later, becomes a discussion of whether or not we should allow teachers to be armed.

I believe we should.

I'm not advocating that every teacher be armed. The last thing I would want to have is someone who, for whatever reason, either cannot or will not use a gun properly. If a teacher doesn't want to be armed, I can respect that. What I can't respect, though, is when those who choose to be unarmed want to insist that others should not be allowed to be armed.

Opponents of this idea are quick to say that it's a bad idea, yet, thus far, every single one has failed to offer a valid reason as to why it would be a bad idea. Apparently, opponents are of the belief that a teacher can't be properly trained in the use of a firearm, or in the use of deadly force. I reject that idea. Once upon a time, every single person who is a cop today did not know how use a firearm. They learned how to use a firearm. If a teacher is smart enough to teach, doesn't it fit that the teacher should be smart enough to learn, too?

Let those who wish to be armed be armed, and those who don't wish to be armed can remain unarmed.

Often mentioned is the idea of "crossfire". Let's discuss that for a minute, because it's really an invalid concern.

In order for crossfire to occur, a minimum of two people need to be shooting at the same target, which is between them. Now, I'm not entirely sure why, but opponents seem to believe that once law enforcement shows up, an armed teacher will still be blasting away. That's simply not the case. A simple doctrine would be that the teacher secures his or her weapon when police arrive. That way there's no chance that the teacher is misidentified as the active shooter, and the teacher can get to the task of comforting students instead of protecting them.

Opponents will also often say that the teachers aren't police officers, and that police officers should be allowed to do their jobs. Well, that sounds nice, doesn't it? Unfortunately, at Robb Elementary, the police were on hand yet they failed to do their job for 78 minutes. That means, for well over an hour, Salvador Ramos was able to kill. The police made a bad call and it resulted in 21 deaths. Could an armed teacher have stopped Ramos? Maybe, maybe not. We'll never know. What we do know is that the police didn't. Isn't having a slight chance at stopping an active shooter better than having no chance to stop an active shooter?

Or how about Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida? That's another example of police being on the scene but failing to do their jobs. As a result, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz was able to walk through the school, killing people along the way, simply because there was no one to challenge him, and no one to stop him.

In 2001 my daughter was a freshman at Santana High School in Santee, California. Her classmate, Andy Williams, shot 15 people, killing two of them. A 23 year old security officer, Peter Ruiz, was shot three times in the back as he was going for help. Peter is still a dear friend to this day. He doesn't mince words when he speaks of the incident. He told me once "Steve, if I had a gun I could've stopped him."

And not that it was a school shooting, but it shows how an ordinary person with a gun can have an impact: In December of 2012 I was living in Portland, Oregon and was in a store not far from the food court at Clackamas Town Center when 22 year old Jacob Roberts entered the shopping mall and started shooting. A shopper in the food court, who was legally carrying a concealed weapon (a Glock), drew his weapon and aimed it at Roberts. Roberts saw the man, ran into a stairwell, and blew his brains out.

You don't have to be a police officer to stop a shooter...
Flash bangs in every classroom

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