Armored vehicles added in latest 2.6 billion going to ukraine


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
what's really sad is all this weaponry is going to stay there and never come home just like afghanistan....if ya know what i mean.

what's really sad is all this weaponry is going to stay there and never come home just like afghanistan....if ya know what i mean.

Maybe Joey Xi will ask the Taliban if he can buy back some of the armor, we left at Bagram air base?
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It is all to deplete our munitions and equipment. It fits right in with mothballing our ships and not having new ones.

Hah! Just like the eve of WWII. Rater than build our Joey Xi is depleting our military. We are also losing men by the thousands because they don't want to re-enlist.

what's really sad is all this weaponry is going to stay there and never come home just like afghanistan....if ya know what i mean.
Most of these out of date and condition tanks will be blown away , as have over 8400 already since February last year.
You cannot move a tank off road in Khazaria presently due to mud, and even when they get movng at 50 mph the Russian artillery will just pick them off with their vastly superior resources ( minimum 10 to 1 ratio ) and with their smaller Zircon missiles using drones to spot targets up to 20 km away. And then disintegrating them .

The only hope the Khazarians have is to launch an offensive with the tens of thousands of smuggled in NATO troops who serve as independent mercenaries having resigned their NATO contracts under coercion.

Where is that mentioned in the Fake MSM ?
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It is all to deplete our munitions and equipment. It fits right in with mothballing our ships and not having new ones.

If you're going with America First, and not acting as the World's police force, why do you need the largest best equipped army in the world? Why do you need 1 million people in uniform?
Most of these out of date and condition tanks will be blown away , as have over 8400 already since February last year.
You cannot move a tank off road in Khazaria presently due to mud, and even when they get movng at 50 mph the Russian artillery will just pick them off with their vastly superior resources ( minimum 10 to 1 ratio ) and with their smaller Zircon missiles using drones to spot targets up to 20 km away. And then disintegrating them .

The only hope the Khazarians have is to launch an offensive with the tens of thousands of smuggled in NATO troops who serve as independent mercenaries having resigned their NATO contracts under coercion.

Where is that mentioned in the Fake MSM ?

The fact remains that Russian tactics have cost them thousands of tanks, armored vehicles and nearly 200,000 men while the Ukraine army has not suffered as badly.
The Ukraine army does not spend their personnel or armor as Russia does.

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If you're going with America First, and not acting as the World's police force, why do you need the largest best equipped army in the world? Why do you need 1 million people in uniform?
Ask your saber waving Chinese Commies that question?
Your mentality is what caused our entry into WWII, and 9-11.
Most of these out of date and condition tanks will be blown away , as have over 8400 already since February last year.
You cannot move a tank off road in Khazaria presently due to mud, and even when they get movng at 50 mph the Russian artillery will just pick them off with their vastly superior resources ( minimum 10 to 1 ratio ) and with their smaller Zircon missiles using drones to spot targets up to 20 km away. And then disintegrating them .

The only hope the Khazarians have is to launch an offensive with the tens of thousands of smuggled in NATO troops who serve as independent mercenaries having resigned their NATO contracts under coercion.

Where is that mentioned in the Fake MSM ?
Just say no to drugs!

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