"Arrest Napolitano! Janet Must Go!"


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Time to clean the house of education across the this country...

University of California protesters speak the truth to power.
May 25, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley

Dozens of University of California students and workers peacefully assembled at a recent UC regents meeting in San Francisco, but it wasn’t to protest Milo Yiannopoulos, David Horowitz, Ann Coulter or even Donald Trump. The target was Janet Napolitano, president of the University of California.

“Arrest Napolitano! Arrest Napolitano!” and “Janet Must Go!” were the rallying cries, and along with their placards the protesters brought along some facts.

While beating the drum for tuition and fee hikes, president Napolitano has amassed a secret slush fund of $175 million, which she used to shower perks on already overpaid staff and even to renovate the houses of UC chancellors. That’s why the protesters wanted her arrested. The state auditor reported that Napolitano’s office “intentionally interfered” with their investigators, which could be construed as an obstruction of justice.


The UC boss is looking out for number one, as the late Frank Zappa would say, and students, workers and taxpayers aren’t even number two. So the protesters have good reason to cry “Arrest Napolitano!” and “Janet must go!” This time they are speaking the truth to power.

“Arrest Napolitano! Janet Must Go!”
Janet Napolitano’s politburo is corrupt and incompetent as the UC president herself.
May 30, 2017
Lloyd Billingsley

University of California president Janet Napolitano stashed away $175 million in a secret slush fund while publicly beating the drum for tuition and fee increases. Napolitano interfered with state auditors, prompting UC students and workers to call for her arrest and Democratic legislators to demand her resignation. For their part, the UC regents publicly defended Napolitano, and it has now emerged how the regents responded to students and worker protests.


One of president Napolitano’s favorite projects is the UC Davis Firearms Violence Research Center, which will receive its first $5 million on July 1. According to director Garen Wintemute, the Center’s first task will be will be “a survey that looks at who owns guns, why they own them and how they use firearms.” They want “the names,” and Californians have good cause to find this troubling.

As Stephen P. Halbrook noted in Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and “Enemies of the State,” the Nazis also wanted to know “who owns guns” and they ruthlessly suppressed firearm ownership by disfavored groups. At the University of California, that means conservatives.


After approving steep tuition and fee hikes, the regents celebrate by throwing a $15,000 bash in San Francisco. Embattled UC students take note: your once-great university is now a big-time party school and the regents are on permanent spring break.

University of California Regents Party Hearty

Secret slush funds to ensure their personal comforts and push political agendas instead of being utilized to educate.

Makes you wonder how many other agencies are utilizing tax dollars like this.

The money should be confiscated and used as a payment on the national debt while the people in the know about the slush fund should be sent to prison..



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