Arrested for Possession of an Imaginary Gun

You can misdefine all you want, and you can be laughed at regularly for doing that. The boy was disciplined for refusing to follow the rules that had been explained carefully to him after he did the same thing last time. I know the alt right think they can change or defy the rules without harm, but time will explain to them they are stupid to think that.
Calling the cops was a gross overreaction.
The school resource officer is a campus position. The third time the child acted out was not an overreaction in the slightest. The kid now finishes this year in disciplinary school.
Of course it was an oerreaction Cuffing a kid an hauling him off to jail for pointing at a person is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of That you can't see that is beyond me
Your reaction is ridiculous. You are not the authority on this issue. Your opinion is dead wrong and given the weight it deserves: none.
Yeah and you are the authority.

I never said disciplining the kid was not needed.

What was not needed was cuffing him like a common criminal when he really didn't do anything

But I suppose you're one of those morons who approve of arresting kids for having a plastic butter knife in their lunch bag or some aspirin too right?
That's one.

You can ad hom all you want, but you are still wrong.

Yeah, he did something several times, was told to knock it off, was told what would happen, then he did it again.
Calling the cops was a gross overreaction.
The school resource officer is a campus position. The third time the child acted out was not an overreaction in the slightest. The kid now finishes this year in disciplinary school.
Of course it was an oerreaction Cuffing a kid an hauling him off to jail for pointing at a person is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of That you can't see that is beyond me
Your reaction is ridiculous. You are not the authority on this issue. Your opinion is dead wrong and given the weight it deserves: none.
Yeah and you are the authority.

I never said disciplining the kid was not needed.

What was not needed was cuffing him like a common criminal when he really didn't do anything

But I suppose you're one of those morons who approve of arresting kids for having a plastic butter knife in their lunch bag or some aspirin too right?
That's one.

You can ad hom all you want, but you are still wrong.

Yeah, he did something several times, was told to knock it off, was told what would happen, then he did it again.

And putting handcuffs on him and hauling him to jail was excessive and unnecessary.

You suspend or expel the kid and have his parents come get him you don't throw a kid in jail for acting up in school

and that's one what?
The school resource officer is a campus position. The third time the child acted out was not an overreaction in the slightest. The kid now finishes this year in disciplinary school.
Of course it was an oerreaction Cuffing a kid an hauling him off to jail for pointing at a person is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of That you can't see that is beyond me
Your reaction is ridiculous. You are not the authority on this issue. Your opinion is dead wrong and given the weight it deserves: none.
Yeah and you are the authority. I never said disciplining the kid was not needed. What was not needed was cuffing him like a common criminal when he really didn't do anything

But I suppose you're one of those morons who approve of arresting kids for having a plastic butter knife in their lunch bag or some aspirin too right?
That's one.

You can ad hom all you want, but you are still wrong.

Yeah, he did something several times, was told to knock it off, was told what would happen, then he did it again.
And putting handcuffs on him and hauling him to jail was excessive and unnecessary. You suspend or expel the kid and have his parents come get him you don't throw a kid in jail for acting up in school. and that's one what?
You are not in charge, you are wrong, so get over it.
Of course it was an oerreaction Cuffing a kid an hauling him off to jail for pointing at a person is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of That you can't see that is beyond me
Your reaction is ridiculous. You are not the authority on this issue. Your opinion is dead wrong and given the weight it deserves: none.
Yeah and you are the authority. I never said disciplining the kid was not needed. What was not needed was cuffing him like a common criminal when he really didn't do anything

But I suppose you're one of those morons who approve of arresting kids for having a plastic butter knife in their lunch bag or some aspirin too right?
That's one.

You can ad hom all you want, but you are still wrong.

Yeah, he did something several times, was told to knock it off, was told what would happen, then he did it again.
And putting handcuffs on him and hauling him to jail was excessive and unnecessary. You suspend or expel the kid and have his parents come get him you don't throw a kid in jail for acting up in school. and that's one what?
You are not in charge, you are wrong, so get over it.

I never said I was in charge, Idiot.

And I have every right to say if a school policy is stupid since my tax dollars pay for those morons
Of your do, but that does not change that you are wrong.

And just because you say I'm wrong does not mean I'm wrong
That facts, as they have been explained to you over and over, say you are wrong. Man up, accept it, let it go, and move on.

the facts are an autistic kid was cuffed and hauled off to jail for doing nothing but acting up in class.

The FACT that you think a kid should be arrested for something as trivial as that is evidence of an advanced mental disorder. You might want to get an MRI.
The facts are the child did not respond to patience and counseling. He has responded to the SRO and handcuff. He will spend the remained of the school year in disciplinary school.

Those who disagree have nothing else to offer. IOW, they want to do the same thing and expect a different outcome. They have mental disorders.
The boy made a threat and that made the pointing-the-gun action.

This was not the first time the boy acted out.

Don't act out!
Only a pantywaist snowflake would think a 12 year old shooting a finger gun at you was a threat
You can misdefine all you want, and you can be laughed at regularly for doing that. The boy was disciplined for refusing to follow the rules that had been explained carefully to him after he did the same thing last time. I know the alt right think they can change or defy the rules without harm, but time will explain to them they are stupid to think that.

Calling the cops was a gross overreaction.
The school resource officer is a campus position. The third time the child acted out was not an overreaction in the slightest. The kid now finishes this year in disciplinary school.

Of course it was an oerreaction

Cuffing a kid an hauling him off to jail for pointing at a person is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of

That you can't see that is beyond me
------------------------------- it is INTIMIDATION and will stay with the kid and cow him for a long time and thats the goal SPilot .
Only a pantywaist snowflake would think a 12 year old shooting a finger gun at you was a threat
You can misdefine all you want, and you can be laughed at regularly for doing that. The boy was disciplined for refusing to follow the rules that had been explained carefully to him after he did the same thing last time. I know the alt right think they can change or defy the rules without harm, but time will explain to them they are stupid to think that.
Calling the cops was a gross overreaction.
The school resource officer is a campus position. The third time the child acted out was not an overreaction in the slightest. The kid now finishes this year in disciplinary school.
Of course it was an oerreaction Cuffing a kid an hauling him off to jail for pointing at a person is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of That you can't see that is beyond me
Your reaction is ridiculous. You are not the authority on this issue. Your opinion is dead wrong and given the weight it deserves: none.
That's four.
pismoe has the gist of it: intimidation. If that helps the kid adjust to a world already difficult for him so that he does not get hurt, then, good.
then agin , the kid might say , feck this shlt and that'd be the hope !!
The facts are the child did not respond to patience and counseling. He has responded to the SRO and handcuff. He will spend the remained of the school year in disciplinary school.

Those who disagree have nothing else to offer. IOW, they want to do the same thing and expect a different outcome. They have mental disorders.
all that could have been done without putting the cuffs on him and treating him like a common criminal all for the egregious crime of acting up in class

There was absolutely no need to cuff the kid
Calling the cops was a gross overreaction.
The school resource officer is a campus position. The third time the child acted out was not an overreaction in the slightest. The kid now finishes this year in disciplinary school.
Of course it was an oerreaction Cuffing a kid an hauling him off to jail for pointing at a person is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of That you can't see that is beyond me
Your reaction is ridiculous. You are not the authority on this issue. Your opinion is dead wrong and given the weight it deserves: none.
Yeah and you are the authority.

I never said disciplining the kid was not needed.

What was not needed was cuffing him like a common criminal when he really didn't do anything

But I suppose you're one of those morons who approve of arresting kids for having a plastic butter knife in their lunch bag or some aspirin too right?
That's one.

You can ad hom all you want, but you are still wrong.

Yeah, he did something several times, was told to knock it off, was told what would happen, then he did it again.

Folks who suffer diminished capability are rarely held to the same standard as the general population.

The question is, why is this being treated differently and to a point that required arrest?
Why not ? People salute an imaginary pResident and look for imaginary weapons of mass destruction because they were told to by some drunk who imagines he is "superior" because he has more bottle caps hanging off his shirt. I imagine I'll go have breakfast now and what happens after wont be imaginary....especially if I forget to flush.It will, however, closely resemble any and all post affirmative action US govt entities in full detail.

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