Arrested for Possession of an Imaginary Gun

The 'acting out' of the child, with previous instances and counseling and parental notification, required necessary action by school authorities.

The child will hopefully understand that prohibited actions (pointing imaginary weapons of death when angry) will result in handcuffs and physical restraint.

Democrats hate kids. I know.
That is a troll comment. Conroe ISD is in conservative area north of Houston. Most of the people in the district are conservative culturally and vote GOP. It is about 50% white, 35% Hispanic, about 7% black, and 8% other.
100 percent liberals.
The boy made a threat and that made the pointing-the-gun action.

This was not the first time the boy acted out.

Don't act out!
A 12 year old child with mental issues...

Get a grip

I’m curious as to how the schools action works with the Americans with Disability Act.

Perhaps, instead of hiring an attorney to bring suit, they need to contact the Justice Department and file a grievance with them?
Sue each individual involved separately and personally for child abuse. You might not win, but you can make their lives a living hell, and the fact that they were once sued for child abuse will remain on the record.
Counter sue the parent makes such frivolous law suits and break them financially.

The school sets the standards, not the parents.

No judge would find a suit concerning child abuse with such clear evidence frivolous.
The child had done such before and had been counseled that it must not happen. If a parent filed a frivolous law suit in revenge, the judge would come down on the parent. Hard.
You progressives are fucking pussies... Political correctness has made you sorry sacks of shit...
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Suppose he had an imaginary rocket launcher. What then? If someone got on the roof with an imaginary rocket launcher and threatened to shoot down imaginary planes what should the punishment be?
What has happened to this country ?

Oh I know the 60's and the 70's happened that's what.

Now the nation is reeping what it has sewn in an out of control way.
Public schools are self-destruction before our very eyes. Something is seriously wrong with our public school system

OK, help me out here. I’m honestly confused. One of the complaints that was made after Parkland was how the police, and the schools had dropped the ball and not taken the action they should have, could have, by law to take care of th shooter before he killed. The cops were roundly made, by myself, was that the police had been called and done nothing many times.

Now, you’re angry that the schools are doing something. Well, which is it to be? Are we going to demand that the police enforce the law, and the schools identify potential threats for action to prevent madmen from mass murder? Or are we going to insist they continue doing nothing, and then blame them for doing nothing when something happens?

You can’t have it both ways folks. Before common sense can break out, and the child who was arrested can be judged, we have to have some time to consider the matter don’t we? That psychological evaluation that the Parkland shooter never got.
SM hits the mark squarely.

You don't want Parklands in the future?

Be pro-active now.

The 12-year old can learn safely that consequences will happen if he does not follow the rules. If the corrections are done in a safe manner, if the reasons why are explained in a kind and caring way, and if the parents will get on board, then only good can come from this situation.
The school are indoctrinating these kids, and if you step back and look at how schools are visually laid out esp. outside it is as if they have them ready for prison.....

Public Schools Are Preparing America’s Children For Life In A Police State

Our children are the future of America, and our public schools are systematically training them to become accustomed to living in a “Big Brother” police state. All across the United States today, public schools have essentially become “prison grids” that are run by control freaks that are absolutely obsessed with micromanaging the lives of their students down to the smallest detail.

Schools didn't use to have twenty foot high so called fences, security cameras...... etc.

Parents have no rights over their kids...........

Now look a kid gets into trouble for an imaginary gun.......

just like the pop tart gun

the bubble gun

YOu liberals are pathetically mentally ill.


Is this going to be your child this school year?

It used to be a given that unless one committed murder, juveniles under the age of 18 did not go to jail or prison. That is no longer the case. The incarceration of our youth is big business. There are almost 75,000 juveniles in prison and the rates are skyrocketing because of a phenomenon that is now being referred to as the school to prison pipeline in which schools are increasingly refusing to deal with even minor discipline issues and are placing juveniles in police custody.

Children Increasingly Comprise the Rapidly Growing Prison Slave Labor Force
Follow the rules and the rules will tell you what to think. Unapproved thoughts will be dealt with.

Down with Big Brother.
SM hits the mark squarely.

You don't want Parklands in the future?

Be pro-active now.

The 12-year old can learn safely that consequences will happen if he does not follow the rules. If the corrections are done in a safe manner, if the reasons why are explained in a kind and caring way, and if the parents will get on board, then only good can come from this situation.

Ignoring what caused Parkland, Columbine and other mass shootings is the problem. They were NOT caused by finger pointing. They were caused by the effect SSRI antidepressants had on children who should never have been on them in the first place.

If we don’t come to accord on this, no matter what you ban, the killings will continue.
Public schools are self-destruction before our very eyes. Something is seriously wrong with our public school system

OK, help me out here. I’m honestly confused. One of the complaints that was made after Parkland was how the police, and the schools had dropped the ball and not taken the action they should have, could have, by law to take care of th shooter before he killed. The cops were roundly made, by myself, was that the police had been called and done nothing many times.

Now, you’re angry that the schools are doing something. Well, which is it to be? Are we going to demand that the police enforce the law, and the schools identify potential threats for action to prevent madmen from mass murder? Or are we going to insist they continue doing nothing, and then blame them for doing nothing when something happens?

You can’t have it both ways folks. Before common sense can break out, and the child who was arrested can be judged, we have to have some time to consider the matter don’t we? That psychological evaluation that the Parkland shooter never got.
Was this kid the same threat as the parkland shooter ?? Give us at least your best answer in honesty of. Please compare the two since you put them in the same category with each other. We will be waiting.
My grandkids watch TV, and Hollywood ain't lacking on their shows or movies that show the good guys battling the bad guy's, and winning. So my grandkids take their toy starwars weapons, pool water guns, plastic swords, air dart guns, Nerf guns, and they do battle with that mean ole Grandpa who undoubtedly represents Darth Vader or whom ever else they want me to be. LOL.

At least their recognizing the difference in good and bad even if they have made me the villan in their games for training purposes.

I tell them, "now don't go pointing your fingers at school, and playing make believe" because the teacher might be highly offended of them wanting to be a policeman one day.

Oh no I done went and told the crats here that my grandkids want to be in the forces of good against evil in life... My bad.

People still teaching their grandkids not to be tolerant of evilness, now who would have thunk it ??
Play with imaginary weapons has always been part of childhood. An active imagination is part of healthy mental well being.
Play with imaginary weapons has always been part of childhood. An active imagination is part of healthy mental well being.
Yep, and especially if they are always the good guys. Most children (99.9%) are always the good guys when playing cops and robbers or super heroes verses villans.

Heck if no villan is available, then someone has to be appointed the villan temporarily. LOL. Most don't want to be the villan because the villan always loses, at least in the kid world that is the case. Sadly the sicko adults these days are attempting to change all that.
The villains are always imaginary too.

The left is actually robbing children of even their imagination.
The boy made a threat and that made the pointing-the-gun action.

This was not the first time the boy acted out.

Don't act out!
Only a pantywaist snowflake would think a 12 year old shooting a finger gun at you was a threat

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