Arrested for Possession of an Imaginary Gun

The left has screwed this nation big time.

Anyone who can't see it now are just moron's. Sorry !

In many Americans world's in which the Americans live, this stuff is abnormal, and it is not seen as a huge problem yet, but quickly it's closing in on the more normal society in which most people work and live in, and now it is threatening everything they know and care about. They won't be sleeping long.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- hope that you are correct Beagle .
obvious , they are active in changing American Culture . Taxpayer paid Public School Teachers are the biggest problem .
The boy made a threat and that made the pointing-the-gun action.

This was not the first time the boy acted out.

Don't act out!
Only a pantywaist snowflake would think a 12 year old shooting a finger gun at you was a threat
You can misdefine all you want, and you can be laughed at regularly for doing that. The boy was disciplined for refusing to follow the rules that had been explained carefully to him after he did the same thing last time. I know the alt right think they can change or defy the rules without harm, but time will explain to them they are stupid to think that.
Sue each individual involved separately and personally for child abuse. You might not win, but you can make their lives a living hell, and the fact that they were once sued for child abuse will remain on the record.
Counter sue the parent makes such frivolous law suits and break them financially.

The school sets the standards, not the parents.

No judge would find a suit concerning child abuse with such clear evidence frivolous.
The child had done such before and had been counseled that it must not happen. If a parent filed a frivolous law suit in revenge, the judge would come down on the parent. Hard.
like they should on a "revenge" hnt in RUSSIA?
The kid was permanently expelled for possession of an Imaginary gun.

Thank a lib for cleaning up our schools from vermin like this!

You do realize we have no constitutional right to own or fire imaginary guns? Heavens, are you trying to bring down the entire lefty world! :)
The rules are, no unapproved thoughts will be tolerated.

The next time a child pretend climbs the rigging in an imaginary pirate ship there will be consequences.
just changing the culture and putting young American boys under the thumbs of the taxpayer paid public school authorites / teachers . Getting the American Boys to be subjects at an early age as it is in most of the rest of the world .
The kid was permanently expelled for possession of an Imaginary gun.

Thank a lib for cleaning up our schools from vermin like this!

You do realize we have no constitutional right to own or fire imaginary guns? Heavens, are you trying to bring down the entire lefty world! :)
A loophole in our Constitution. I guess they have the right to arrest you for carrying an imaginary gun.
The kid was permanently expelled for possession of an Imaginary gun.

Thank a lib for cleaning up our schools from vermin like this!

You do realize we have no constitutional right to own or fire imaginary guns? Heavens, are you trying to bring down the entire lefty world! :)
A loophole in our Constitution. I guess they have the right to arrest you for carrying an imaginary gun.

I imagine so.
It's not just the Public School System.
Regardless of what they say......

It's Liberals/Democrats/Progressives/Socialists who are destroying the nation. They WILL completely utterly destroy it. Guaranteed.
They are not fit to live responsibly, respectfully and equitably in a free society.

As far as this incident, it's PC gone mad. Won't you please help put a stop to their madness before it's too late (somewhat already is too late)?

Here's yet ANOTHER example.....We now have millions of them disrupting everything from airlines to court houses and businesses.
They get no skill jobs then demand to be CEO (on a GED) or call in Maxine Waters and the FBI.

Disruptive Spirit airlines passenger refuses to leave, forces whole flight to deplane
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Requiring children to behave school is a commie pinko faggot plot apparently!
obvious , they are active in changing American Culture . Taxpayer paid Public School Teachers are the biggest problem .
The abandoning of the public school system years ago by the mainstream conservatives, had opened the doorway up or assisted public schools into becoming government run social experiments that are being led by those who then figured that they could take the vulnerable minds that were left behind (who couldn't escape due to not being financially able to), into a situation where the leftist filled the vacuum to do with those vulnerable minds as they so helped themselves to do with them afterwards.

Now we see the results of this separation over the years looking back now, and in the great gnashing of teeth, and in the great confusion as to why the mainstream conservatives find themselves in a very awkward position in life or so it seems, where as this abandonment or in their mindset (this forced abandonment) of their stations in life due to the fast cultural changes not so readily agreed upon and/or with, has since led them to their new minority status within the many communities in which they do live and serve in now.

Trying to straighten the mess out seems hopeless, as everyone has since run to their own corners in life, and are now trying to protect what they have left and/or to protect their way of life.
Requiring children to behave school is a commie pinko faggot plot apparently!
Are you aware that those rules don't apply to black children?
----------------------------------- i think that you,make a good point . mrobama and libs wanted to slow or close down the ' school to prison' pipeline so school discipline of minority kids and reporting of crime to police has become very lax on those minority kids DAngel .
The boy made a threat and that made the pointing-the-gun action.

This was not the first time the boy acted out.

Don't act out!
Only a pantywaist snowflake would think a 12 year old shooting a finger gun at you was a threat
You can misdefine all you want, and you can be laughed at regularly for doing that. The boy was disciplined for refusing to follow the rules that had been explained carefully to him after he did the same thing last time. I know the alt right think they can change or defy the rules without harm, but time will explain to them they are stupid to think that.

Calling the cops was a gross overreaction.
The boy made a threat and that made the pointing-the-gun action.

This was not the first time the boy acted out.

Don't act out!
Only a pantywaist snowflake would think a 12 year old shooting a finger gun at you was a threat
You can misdefine all you want, and you can be laughed at regularly for doing that. The boy was disciplined for refusing to follow the rules that had been explained carefully to him after he did the same thing last time. I know the alt right think they can change or defy the rules without harm, but time will explain to them they are stupid to think that.

Calling the cops was a gross overreaction.
The school resource officer is a campus position. The third time the child acted out was not an overreaction in the slightest. The kid now finishes this year in disciplinary school.
The boy made a threat and that made the pointing-the-gun action.

This was not the first time the boy acted out.

Don't act out!
Only a pantywaist snowflake would think a 12 year old shooting a finger gun at you was a threat
You can misdefine all you want, and you can be laughed at regularly for doing that. The boy was disciplined for refusing to follow the rules that had been explained carefully to him after he did the same thing last time. I know the alt right think they can change or defy the rules without harm, but time will explain to them they are stupid to think that.

Calling the cops was a gross overreaction.
The school resource officer is a campus position. The third time the child acted out was not an overreaction in the slightest. The kid now finishes this year in disciplinary school.

Of course it was an oerreaction

Cuffing a kid an hauling him off to jail for pointing at a person is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of

That you can't see that is beyond me
The boy made a threat and that made the pointing-the-gun action.

This was not the first time the boy acted out.

Don't act out!
Only a pantywaist snowflake would think a 12 year old shooting a finger gun at you was a threat
You can misdefine all you want, and you can be laughed at regularly for doing that. The boy was disciplined for refusing to follow the rules that had been explained carefully to him after he did the same thing last time. I know the alt right think they can change or defy the rules without harm, but time will explain to them they are stupid to think that.
Calling the cops was a gross overreaction.
The school resource officer is a campus position. The third time the child acted out was not an overreaction in the slightest. The kid now finishes this year in disciplinary school.
Of course it was an oerreaction Cuffing a kid an hauling him off to jail for pointing at a person is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of That you can't see that is beyond me
Your reaction is ridiculous. You are not the authority on this issue. Your opinion is dead wrong and given the weight it deserves: none.
Only a pantywaist snowflake would think a 12 year old shooting a finger gun at you was a threat
You can misdefine all you want, and you can be laughed at regularly for doing that. The boy was disciplined for refusing to follow the rules that had been explained carefully to him after he did the same thing last time. I know the alt right think they can change or defy the rules without harm, but time will explain to them they are stupid to think that.
Calling the cops was a gross overreaction.
The school resource officer is a campus position. The third time the child acted out was not an overreaction in the slightest. The kid now finishes this year in disciplinary school.
Of course it was an oerreaction Cuffing a kid an hauling him off to jail for pointing at a person is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of That you can't see that is beyond me
Your reaction is ridiculous. You are not the authority on this issue. Your opinion is dead wrong and given the weight it deserves: none.

Yeah and you are the authority.

I never said disciplining the kid was not needed.

What was not needed was cuffing him like a common criminal when he really didn't do anything

But I suppose you're one of those morons who approve of arresting kids for having a plastic butter knife in their lunch bag or some aspirin too right?

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