Art As Servant of The State

Still no comment on the subject.

Glad to see you working to ability.
I don't comment on your threads because I reject the premise. You employ specious logic and create a rhetorical maypole for your opposition to dance around.

Post #155 is definitive.

There is no argument....that's why you don't 'comment.'

Isn't it time you recognize that everything I post is correct?

Wise up.
Post #155 expects us to imagine Franklin Roosevelt as the moral and political equivalent of Hitler and Mussolini. A premise I roundly reject.

It proves he was the political and economic twin of Mussolini and Hitler....

...and Stalin.

I am never wrong....largely due to the fact that my education is so much more extensive than yours, and the other Liberal drones.

  1. Comparisons of the New Deal with totalitarian ideologies were provided from all sides. A Republican senator described the NRA as having gone “too far in the Russian direction,” and a Democrat accused FDR of trying “to transplant Hitlerism to every corner of this country.” Schivelbusch, “Three New Deals,” p. 27.
    1. Herbert Hoover: “We must fight again for a government founded on individual liberty and opportunity that was the American vision. If we lose we will continue down this New Deal road to some sort of personal government based on collectivist theories. Under these ideas ours can become some sort of Fascist government.”
    2. The similarities of the economics of the New Deal to the economics of Mussolini’s corporative state or Hitler’s totalitarian state are both close and obvious.” Norman Thomas, head of the American Socialist Party.
c. “Schivelbusch occasionally overreaches, as when he writes that Roosevelt once referred to Stalin and Mussolini as “his ‘blood brothers.’ ” (In fact, it seems clear in Schivelbusch’s source—Arthur Schlesinger’s The Age of Roosevelt—that FDR was saying communism and fascism were blood brothers to each other, not to him.) But overall, this is a formidable piece of scholarship.” Hitler Mussolini Roosevelt -

d. Roosevelt’s Sec’y of the Interior, proclaimed: “What we are doing in this country were some of the things that were being done in Russia and even some things that were being done under Hitler in Germany.” Confirmed Roosevelt Ended the Great Depression When He Died

Again, you will find it impossible to comment in the opposite direction.
You post comments and criticisms from FDR's contemporaries and drape them in specious logic by calling them proof. They are the types of criticisms any great man would endure from his political opposition, nothing more and certainly not approaching the threshold of proof and fact. Your premises are constantly skewed, full of straw man arguments and inept. One might read these quotes out of context and then mistakenly accept the comments as proof to bolster a previously held position. Critical thinking is absent.

Your premise presents an argument akin to "Do you still beat your wife?" Hardly a question to stand firmly upon and present as factual.

Crow all you want about what you perceive as a superior education. I am confident in the education I received.

A really stupid post....the sort an uneducated but indoctrinated Liberal might attempt. are an uneducated, indoctrinated Liberal!

"....comments and criticisms from FDR's contemporaries and drape them in specious logic by calling them proof. They are the types of criticisms any great man would endure from his political opposition, nothing more...."

"Wolfgang Schivelbusch (born November 26, 1941 in Berlin) is a German scholar of cultural studies, historian, and book author.
Schivelbusch studied literature, sociology, and philosophy. He has lived in New York since 1973.
Schivelbusch is well known for using the method of history of mentalities. Schivelbusch works also on the history of perception and cultural history. In 2003 he was awarded the Heinrich Mann prize of the Academie of Arts in Berlin."
Wolfgang Schivelbusch - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You've been lead down the garden path.
All your teachers have been Liberals, the media is Liberal, the movies you gain you 'knowledge' of history from is Liberal.

My posts are the most accurate and truthful you will ever be exposed to.

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