Art of the Deal: Saudi's Move to Crush Iran's Economy

He can only freeze US accounts. Iran learned that lesson in round one. They have little that Trump can directly affect.

The sanctions worked in round one because they were universal in practice - most of the world supported them, including the UN. Now we are going it alone. Alone we will have very little impact. Iran will still find buyers for its oil.

True, but the sanctions are aimed at anybody selling them equipment to further their nuclear program. Germany is up to it's ass in that and Trump can sanction their companies or anybody else's who's in on that. Despite the dog and pony show, the President was PISSED that Macron challenged him in his address to Congress so he best keep his head on a swivel when it comes to EU tariffs.
I hope you hold your breath waiting for Trump to sanction EU economies for trading with Iran.
Yes and racist too.
Frank Marshall Davis?
Barrack Sr.?

Social justice and wealth redistribution are decidedly Marxist objectives.

And that's just a quick google search.

If you really think Obama doesn't have serious Marxist leanings, you are misinformed.

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST President Obama was FOUR YEARS old when he wrote that. No wonder he got into Harvard!
My guess is the next move is to support a democratic revolution in Iran. Obama helped the Iranians crush the last uprising, but now a new Sherriff is in town and the Iranian people know that we have their back.

How did that work in Egypt, Libya and Syria?

Since Barry was on the side of the jihadists in Libya and Syria, not so well....In Egypt's case he cut off aid to them for throwing out the Muslim Brotherhood. Now we have a President who was born in the US and is looking out for the US....
Good lord, where do you folks come up with this crap? The back of a cereal box?

So you want to turn Iran into another Iraq, and think the fifth time will somehow end differently?
9/11 terrorists....
9/11 terrorists....
And the Fort Hood terrorist was from Georgia, so what's your point?
I don't see any Iranians, but lots of Saudis.
I don't see any Christians, yet that's your #1 bitch topic.

I don't recall bitching about that. You seem confused.
San Bernadino terrorists lived in California. Time to roundup all Californians
My guess is that Iranian supported Hezbullah (sp?) will reek havoc in the ME.

They will certainly try. But, when the sanctions are fully in place they will have a hell of a time funding it.
9/11 terrorists....
And the Fort Hood terrorist was from Georgia, so what's your point?
I don't see any Iranians, but lots of Saudis.
I don't see any Christians, yet that's your #1 bitch topic.

I don't recall bitching about that. You seem confused.
San Bernadino terrorists lived in California. Time to roundup all Californians
The 9/11 terrorists sure killed a lot more, and they were mostly saudi. Seems you are too stupid to not trust them however.
My guess is that Iranian supported Hezbullah (sp?) will reek havoc in the ME.
They will certainly try. But, when the sanctions are fully in place they will have a hell of a time funding it.

Too late:

From the Jerusalem Post:

“The arsenals that surround us are increasing in their quantity, quality as well as in their accuracy,” a senior IDF officer said on Tuesday. For example, the officer said, by 2017 the IDF believes that Syria, Hezbollah and Iran will have close to 1,000 rockets with accuracy of a few dozen meters.

In addition, the IDF said Hezbollah has built up an arsenal of around 4,000 sophisticated Russian-made anti-tank missiles alongside 11,500 in Syria and several hundred in the Gaza Strip.

That was 6 years ago. Lord knows how many they have now.

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