Art of the Deal: Saudi's Move to Crush Iran's Economy

I agree with you completely. I was only addressing the sanctions impact upon oil.

BTW, the Saudi's are buying fracking permits in the Permian Basin, Tejas. I owned some mineral rights there at one time but the Texas Railroad Commission finagled them away from me...crooked bastards.
He can only freeze US accounts. Iran learned that lesson in round one. They have little that Trump can directly affect.

The sanctions worked in round one because they were universal in practice - most of the world supported them, including the UN. Now we are going it alone. Alone we will have very little impact. Iran will still find buyers for its oil.

True, but the sanctions are aimed at anybody selling them equipment to further their nuclear program. Germany is up to it's ass in that and Trump can sanction their companies or anybody else's who's in on that. Despite the dog and pony show, the President was PISSED that Macron challenged him in his address to Congress so he best keep his head on a swivel when it comes to EU tariffs.

So now you want to start a trade war with the EU as well as China!

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I agree with you completely. I was only addressing the sanctions impact upon oil.

BTW, the Saudi's are buying fracking permits in the Permian Basin, Tejas. I owned some mineral rights there at one time but the Texas Railroad Commission finagled them away from me...crooked bastards.

When oil cratered, a lot of acreage became real cheap...real quick. The Saudis have the lowest lift costs in the world, so this is just diversification plus recycling US petrodollars back into the US (ergo politics).

Sorry to hear you got screwed on the mineral rights, Tom. Bureaucrats are thieves by nature. They produce nothing and just consume from those that do.
When oil cratered, a lot of acreage became real cheap...real quick. The Saudis have the lowest lift costs in the world, so this is just diversification plus recycling US petrodollars back into the US (ergo politics).

Sorry to hear you got screwed on the mineral rights, Tom. Bureaucrats are thieves by nature. They produce nothing and just consume from those that do.

In my case it was land sold back in the 30's but our family kept the mineral rights. A large chunk of cash was held in suspense because my great uncle (both a Texas and Arizona Ranger) only daughter died without leaving a will. Who knows how much was really sold but anyway, they found us relatives and did a dispersal that went to us kids instead of my Mom. Over the next few years, the leases went to multiple drillers and the gas off the well-heads went to Mobil....a notoriously crooked company...eventually I got a letter that said since I was the only heir who hadn't sold their share, I got to pay PROPERTY TAXES on the land...
WTF? all we owned were the mineral rights. The Railroad Commission (who oversees the oil business) claimed they could sue me for back property taxes, so with the checks dwindling down to peanuts, I surrendered my rights. NOW, the frackers are heading out that way and if they can find enough water, will bring all five of my old wells back to life.....
My guess is the next move is to support a democratic revolution in Iran. Obama helped the Iranians crush the last uprising, but now a new Sherriff is in town and the Iranian people know that we have their back.

How did that work in Iraq, Egypt, Libya and Syria?
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Yes, I understand that. But how do you see Trump's exiting the Iran deal affecting price?

Iran's petrodollars are linked to bank accounts Trump will freeze so they'll have to cut production or try to figure out a scheme with China to avoid sanctions. That's why they say their "pain" should be short-lived.
Trump cannot freeze any bank accounts unless the central bank of the nation interacting with Iran's bank in a sale either agrees to the sanction or unless the funds go though the US central bank.

If Trump tries to freeze any of these accounts, the Euro or the Yuen can be used as the exchange currency.
My guess is the next move is to support a democratic revolution in Iran. Obama helped the Iranians crush the last uprising, but now a new Sherriff is in town and the Iranian people know that we have their back.

How did that work in Egypt, Libya and Syria?
The most unifying issue for Iranians is US interference with Iran's internal politics.
When oil cratered, a lot of acreage became real cheap...real quick. The Saudis have the lowest lift costs in the world, so this is just diversification plus recycling US petrodollars back into the US (ergo politics).

Sorry to hear you got screwed on the mineral rights, Tom. Bureaucrats are thieves by nature. They produce nothing and just consume from those that do.

In my case it was land sold back in the 30's but our family kept the mineral rights. A large chunk of cash was held in suspense because my great uncle (both a Texas and Arizona Ranger) only daughter died without leaving a will. Who knows how much was really sold but anyway, they found us relatives and did a dispersal that went to us kids instead of my Mom. Over the next few years, the leases went to multiple drillers and the gas off the well-heads went to Mobil....a notoriously crooked company...eventually I got a letter that said since I was the only heir who hadn't sold their share, I got to pay PROPERTY TAXES on the land...
WTF? all we owned were the mineral rights. The Railroad Commission (who oversees the oil business) claimed they could sue me for back property taxes, so with the checks dwindling down to peanuts, I surrendered my rights. NOW, the frackers are heading out that way and if they can find enough water, will bring all five of my old wells back to life.....

I hope you spoke with an attorney at the time. I'm not familiar with property taxes and mineral rights but it sure sounds like you wuz robbed.
My guess is the next move is to support a democratic revolution in Iran. Obama helped the Iranians crush the last uprising, but now a new Sherriff is in town and the Iranian people know that we have their back.

How did that work in Egypt, Libya and Syria?

Since Barry was on the side of the jihadists in Libya and Syria, not so well....In Egypt's case he cut off aid to them for throwing out the Muslim Brotherhood. Now we have a President who was born in the US and is looking out for the US....
My guess is the next move is to support a democratic revolution in Iran. Obama helped the Iranians crush the last uprising, but now a new Sherriff is in town and the Iranian people know that we have their back.

How did that work in Egypt, Libya and Syria?

Since Barry was on the side of the jihadists in Libya and Syria, not so well....In Egypt's case he cut off aid to them for throwing out the Muslim Brotherhood. Now we have a President who was born in the US and is looking out for the US....
Muslin Kenyan Socialist Athiest
Day 1: Trump sticks a fork in the lousy deal that guaranteed Iran will have a nuclear weapon.
Day 2: Saudi's flood oil market lowering the revenue Iran will get selling oil. The Saudis opened the spigots wide in the 1980s, helping the West to undercut the Soviet economy. And with oil prices already on the rise, now they can undercut Iran while still filling their own coffers.

Simply brilliant diplomacy. In the next year Iran will be begging for peace and unity just like Rocket Man is today.

Saudi Arabia Pledges to Support Oil Markets. “U.A.E. has also previously said it is willing to boost exports to meet any supply shortage.”

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he was pulling out of a multilateral deal that removed sanctions on Tehran in exchange for Iran abandoning its nuclear ambitions. Washington indicated new U.S. sanctions would limit Iranian exports of crude, although officials didn’t provide specifics.

Saudi Arabia, long a regional rival to Iran and a fierce competitor for global oil market share, quickly telegraphed its willingness to step in. It has limited its own output since 2016, as part of a pact among big producers to help lift prices.

In the wake of Washington’s decision, Saudi Arabia issued a statement saying it remained “committed to supporting the stability of oil markets.” It said that, along with other big producers, the country would help “mitigate the impact of any potential supply shortages” caused by the new sanctions.
Another big friend of the world´s worst regime. What crazy hypocrites. Unbelievable!
Interesting that North Korea, Iran, Burma, Sudan, Yemen are not considered to be on your list of worst nations. But someone who is the friendliest Muslim nation is.

Like I said, you lefties are allied with Islam.

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