Art of the Deal: Saudi's Move to Crush Iran's Economy

My guess is that Iranian supported Hezbullah (sp?) will reek havoc in the ME.
They will certainly try. But, when the sanctions are fully in place they will have a hell of a time funding it.

Too late:

From the Jerusalem Post:

“The arsenals that surround us are increasing in their quantity, quality as well as in their accuracy,” a senior IDF officer said on Tuesday. For example, the officer said, by 2017 the IDF believes that Syria, Hezbollah and Iran will have close to 1,000 rockets with accuracy of a few dozen meters.

In addition, the IDF said Hezbollah has built up an arsenal of around 4,000 sophisticated Russian-made anti-tank missiles alongside 11,500 in Syria and several hundred in the Gaza Strip.

That was 6 years ago. Lord knows how many they have now.

Not enough. That is the whole point of stopping their bullshit now. In a couple of more years they would be an actual real existential threat. Right now they aren't.
Filthy Don supports Saudi Arabia's proxy war in Yemen to beat down Iran. Israel gets more military money above $10B a year, Saudis get our planes, bombs, missiles and other defensive equipment. Filthy Don and Jared get a large sum of money to pay off 666 Building.

It's all about the money...and therefore the sexy Saudi Muslim War Dance.


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