Arteries of Terror

Should they flood the tunnel system with sea water??

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Diamond Member
May 17, 2013

Arteries of Terror is what Israel calls the Gaza tunnel systems. This video shows how Egypt has been trying to destroy them.

This is what the IDF must deal with to take out Hamas. Should they flood the tunnel system with sea water??
Let's then hope this Space Alien whom
they call God decides to evaporate the whole Israeli tribe in a fit of pique .
Ironic and highly comical .
Your camel is double parked again.
So, they deceived us when they bombed 10,000+ civilians (mostly children and women, Medics, hospitals, refugees, mosques and churches) above the ground?
So, they deceived us when they bombed 10,000+ civilians (mostly children and women, Medics, hospitals, refugees, mosques and churches) above the ground?
Blah blah blah

They are dropping buildings on tunnel entrances
Even notice in the IDF strike pics that the buildings collapse as if from a controlled demolition?

The reason is that there are so many tunnels under them that they collapse straight down due to undermining.
I think they are sealing tunnels
Blah blah blah

They are dropping buildings on tunnel entrances
Am backing the Palestinians to easily win long term.
If Nutty Yahoo et al continue with their present brainless strategy . it could cost Israel its identity and the US to become Chinese and Russian agricultural territory .
If Turkey is suckered to get involved there will be some real fireworks .
My Camel , Lucifer , will be with me as I capture it all on camera .
Am backing the Palestinians to easily win long term.
If Nutty Yahoo et al continue with their present brainless strategy . it could cost Israel its identity and the US to become Chinese and Russian agricultural territory .
If Turkey is suckered to get involved there will be some real fireworks .
My Camel , Lucifer , will be with me as I capture it all on camera .
Nothing new here. You camel jockeys always hated us anyway. Your current goal get us....China...and ....Russia to kill each other.

And our WEF losers wanting to make money off we cant stomp you properly. Thats been going on since Peanut Head.
:safetocomeoutff: .....they tried this for over a decade in vietnam.....~S~
Yup. Not fighting to win been going on too long.

Riddle me this. Had we invaded with large forces into N. Vietnam could they have stopped us??

Then what the living hell would we have done with it after?
Nothing new here. You camel jockeys always hated us anyway. Your current goal get us....China...and ....Russia to kill each other.

And our WEF losers wanting to make money off we cant stomp you properly. Thats been going on since Peanut Head.
You forgot to provide a translation .

Ask the Mods to delete it for you and save yourself from embarrassment .

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