Article: Scientists may find life on Earth-like planets covered in oceans within the next few years

You don't believe in quantum mechanics or the theory of relativity. Those are very fundamental aspects of science, yet you come here trolling and bible thumping at a science forum.
Your post goes to show how STUPID you are, are, are. Just pulverize your own face with a sledgehammer. You do not even know how the EMS came first. Without that we could not have spacetime as light was used to separate the light from darkness. It's you who do not know creation science.

Notice I said your face and not your head (brain) as that is already desiccated.

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Life outside our solar system may be found within just a few years, thanks to the discovery of a new class of super hot, Earth-like planets, according to astronomers from the University of Cambridge.

The Cambridge researchers identified a new class of exoplanet, called Hycean planets, that, much like Earth, are covered in oceans and have atmospheres rich with hydrogen, an element that is essential for life. Many of the planets are "bigger and hotter than Earth"— up to 2.6 times larger than our planet and reaching atmospheric temperatures up to nearly 200 degrees Celsius, or 392 degrees Fahrenheit.

Hyceans are further categorized as either "dark" or "cold," with dark worlds only having habitable conditions on their permanent night sides and cold worlds receiving just a little radiation from the stars they orbit. But researchers believe that they could support microbial lifeforms that are similar to those found in the extreme aquatic environments on Earth, and that Hycean planets are likely common throughout space. ..."


It is going to be a interesting few years in the field. Finding and classifying/understanding the "biosignatures" is a field of science just now being born.

And another thing about all this is that it's just not planets, but moons too. Hell, in our own solar system, it's possible that there could be some kind of life on Enceladus, Titan and Europa.

Trillions of potential planets that could hold life and EVEN MORE MOONS.

If we found life on a moon in our solar system, that would mean that life is everywhere.

Buy your tickets now, ladies! I'll chip in.
Your post goes to show how STUPID you are, are, are. Just pulverize your own face with a sledgehammer. You do not even know how the EMS came first. Without that we could not have spacetime as light was used to separate the light from darkness. It's you who do not know creation science.

Notice I said your face and not your head (brain) as that is already desiccated.
How can you be my BFF if you exhibit such non-christian emotional vitriol. But you don't even do your ranting correctly. How can you have light before space and time. You might recall that light travels at 186,000 miles per second. Miles=space; second=time. Do you understand? Light needs space and time before it can exist, not the other way around.

And also, creation science is an oxymoron.

Just wanted to be clear. ;)
What is crystal clear is that the foundation of quantum mechanics was laid by Max Planck, creation scientist. His resonator could emit energy in discrete units called quanta. The believers win again and again and again.
How can you be my BFF if you exhibit such non-christian emotional vitriol. But you don't even do your ranting correctly. How can you have light before space and time. You might recall that light travels at 186,000 miles per second. Miles=space; second=time. Do you understand? Light needs space and time before it can exist, not the other way around.

And also, creation science is an oxymoron.

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:. I'm not your BFF, but your BUTT KICKER FOREVER or BKF. It just goes to show that creation scientists came up with what you were gloating about and claimed which I did not know. Instead, it is you who do not know about quantum mechanics and TOR. You didn't explain :9:
"They're Not Here, They're Not Coming"
by Don Henley

From the Arizona desert
To the Salisbury Plain
Lights on the horizon
Patterns on the grain
Anxious eyes turned upward
Clutching souvenirs
Carrying our highest hopes and our darkest fears

They swear there was an accident back in '47
Little man with a great big head
Splattered down from heaven
Government conspiracy; cover-ups and lies
Hidden in the desert under endless skies

Well, it's a cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold
Post, postmodern world
No time for heroes, no place for good guys
No room for Rocky The Flying Squirrel

They're not here, they're not coming
Not in a million years
Turn your weary eyes back homeward
Stop your trembling, dry your tears
You may see the heavens flashing
You may hear the cosmos humming
But I promise you, my brother
They're not here, they're not coming

Would they pile into the saucer
Find Orlando's rat and hug it?
Go screaming through the universe
Just to get McNuggets?
Well, I don't think so, I don't think so
It's much too dangerous, it's much too strange
Here in a world that won't give Oprah no home on the range

Well, it's a cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold
Post, postmodern world
No authenticity, no sign of soul
The radio won't play George and Merle

They're not here, they're not coming
Not in a million years
'Til we put away our hatred
'Til we lay aside our fears
You may see the heavens flashing
You may hear the cosmos humming
But I promise you, my sister
They're not here, they're not coming

To this garden we were given
And always took for granted
It's like my daddy told me, "You just bloom where you're planted."
Now you long to be delivered
From this world of pain and strife
That's a sorry substitution for a spiritual life
I'm not your BFF, but your BUTT KICKER FOREVER or BKF. It just goes to show that creation scientists came up with what you were gloating about and claimed which I did not know. Instead, it is you who do not know about quantum mechanics and TOR. You didn't explain
Hey bestie, you are a bit incoherent. Yes, certainly lots of Christian scientists came up with important discoveries. And quantum mechanics 101 covers the ultraviolet catastrophe. What is TOR and what didn't I explain?
Hey bestie, you are a bit incoherent. Yes, certainly lots of Christian scientists came up with important discoveries. And quantum mechanics 101 covers the ultraviolet catastrophe. What is TOR and what didn't I explain?
Jeez, you didn't explain JACK SHIT. Thus, go ahead and explain how QM 101 covers the ultraviolet catastrophe. Is there an atheist scientist involved or is it another creation scientist :happy-1:?

Furthermore, if you don't know what TOR is, then you do not belong here. TOR is a scientific theory that explains the effects caused by the constant speed of light and how space and time are altered by the motion of the observer.
Jeez, you didn't explain JACK SHIT. Thus, go ahead and explain how QM 101 covers the ultraviolet catastrophe. Is there an atheist scientist involved or is it another creation scientist
It was Planck, the Christian scientist, who explained Raleigh-Jeans's Ultraviolet catastrophe. I thought you would have known that since Planck was mentioned . I don't know if the other two were Christians or not. That seems to be important to you.
Furthermore, if you don't know what TOR is, then you do not belong here. TOR is a scientific theory that explains the effects caused by the constant speed of light and how space and time are altered by the motion of the observer.
I have never seen Einstein's relativity referred to as TOR in any textbook or in class. I thought you might have made a typo on the TOE, the theory of everything since R is next to E on the keyboard. Or it might have been a religious abbreviation having to do with the Torah. Who knows what goes through your mind.

It was Planck, the Christian scientist, who explained Raleigh-Jeans's Ultraviolet catastrophe. I thought you would have known that since Planck was mentioned . I don't know if the other two were Christians or not. That seems to be important to you.

I have never seen Einstein's relativity referred to as TOR in any textbook or in class. I thought you might have made a typo on the TOE, the theory of everything since R is next to E on the keyboard. Or it might have been a religious abbreviation having to do with the Torah. Who knows what goes through your mind.

Well, go ahead and explain, Wuwei. I asked you a question and you didn't answer it. Instead, you expect me to know. How did Max Planck come up with it? Also, please explain the TOE. Isn't that on the atheist side?

Furthermore, I don't see much talk about atheist scientists here. I think it goes to show that creation scientists have contributed more to science and technology throughout history. Thus, when they say evolution is a lie, you should follow up on it.

ETA: It goes to show that creation scientists were the greatest scientists before evolution and atheism took over in the 1850s. This is why creation science should be taught in public schools.
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Life outside our solar system may be found within just a few years, thanks to the discovery of a new class of super hot, Earth-like planets, according to astronomers from the University of Cambridge.

The Cambridge researchers identified a new class of exoplanet, called Hycean planets, that, much like Earth, are covered in oceans and have atmospheres rich with hydrogen, an element that is essential for life. Many of the planets are "bigger and hotter than Earth"— up to 2.6 times larger than our planet and reaching atmospheric temperatures up to nearly 200 degrees Celsius, or 392 degrees Fahrenheit.

Hyceans are further categorized as either "dark" or "cold," with dark worlds only having habitable conditions on their permanent night sides and cold worlds receiving just a little radiation from the stars they orbit. But researchers believe that they could support microbial lifeforms that are similar to those found in the extreme aquatic environments on Earth, and that Hycean planets are likely common throughout space. ..."


It is going to be a interesting few years in the field. Finding and classifying/understanding the "biosignatures" is a field of science just now being born.
Yeah.......another example of "real science" in action. Enlighten us, where do the phrases "BELIEVE they could (support life)", "LIKELY common throughout space".......exist in actual science?

Its not science when you attempt to compare observable examples of life on earth with other planets that can't be OBSERVED ............... one must "assume" facts that not in evidence. The supposed science of Cosmology bases everything upon nothing but human thought....i.e., IDEAS it has no way of demonstrating to be factual, its conjecture, speculation and assumption. Thus the colorful language.

One can't help but laugh every time one of these ;) "scientific articles is parroted as some type of evidence.
Well, go ahead and explain, @Wuwei. I asked you a question and you didn't answer it. Instead, you expect me to know. How did Max Planck come up with it? Also, please explain the TOE. Isn't that on the atheist side?
You want me to explain physics that's easily found by a simple search? Raleigh and Jeans tried to compute EM radiation from a black body at any temperature. They used the classical understanding that thermal energy emitted was a continuum. But calculations lead to an infinite radiation at high frequencies. (The "Ultraviolet catastrophe") I don't know what motivated Planck to limit the energy to discrete amounts, but he did and used a fudge factor as a parameter. He found a fudge factor that worked. It's now called Planck's Constant, and denoted by h. Planck did not make the creative leap to quantum mechanics. It was done shortly thereafter by other physicists including Einstein. The constant h became a fundamental part of quantum mechanics. If you want more. Search the web.
Furthermore, I don't see much talk about atheist scientists here. I think it goes to show that creation scientists have contributed more to science and technology throughout history. Thus, when they say evolution is a lie, you should follow up on it.
It is a given that most early scientists believed in creationism. Once science became mature, YEC didn't hold up. Although many scientists are still Christian, they are not YEC.
ETA: It goes to show that creation scientists were the greatest scientists before evolution and atheism took over in the 1850s. This is why creation science should be taught in public schools.
That does not follow. Although some were mavericks for that time, the science of that period didn't hold up. It is now considered to be science history, not contemporary science. That history, such as Planck's work, is taught as a preamble to advanced graduate courses, there is no reason to teach it in lower grades. The concept of atoms wasn't established until the early 1900s. To most scientists the largest contributions happened later in the 1900s with Quantum Electrodynamics and the Standard Model of particles. I suppose you want to call that atheist science, but it describes the basic laws of nature to an unprecedented accuracy.

What is crystal clear is that the foundation of quantum mechanics was laid by Max Planck, creation scientist. His resonator could emit energy in discrete units called quanta. The believers win again and again and again.
It's a rather desperate and dishonest tactic to ascribe your extremist religious beliefs to others.
You want me to explain physics that's easily found by a simple search?
If the whole world thought like you, then there is no need to ask questions you worthless, spineless, cowardly and ignorant POS. I'll just say you look it up to you from now on. That'll be my answer to you from now on China man. I won't ask you any more questions nor reply to you China man. I don't enjoy talking to people who do not want to discuss S&T and have a conversation. It pisses me off that you just say look it up yourself. If you don't want to discuss, then stop replying to me or put me on ignore and I'll do the same China man.

Like I said, bash your face in with a sledgehammer b/c your brain is desiccated.

It is a given that most early scientists believed in creationism. Once science became mature, YEC didn't hold up. Although many scientists are still Christian, they are not YEC.
Yep. Just continue to believe in your atheist lies.

Although some were mavericks for that time, the science of that period didn't hold up. It is now considered to be science history, not contemporary science.
The main point is to teach creation science in public schools, just the science parts.
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