Article: Scientists may find life on Earth-like planets covered in oceans within the next few years

Thank you. As I see it, the important point is these were all creation scientists in the age of atheist Darwin or coming from his time. Can you really call Darwin a scientist when he was so wrong?
They were not all creationers. You have this need to arbitrarily and fraudulently attach your religious beliefs to those who are not available to refute that attachment. “Creation scientist” is a recent label used by fundie Christians in an attempt to add some measure of credibility to religious views.

Point us to where any of the people you have labeled as creationer scientists have identified themselves as such.

Otherwise, identify what Charles Darwin was so wrong about. I have to assume you will crib some nonsense from AIG but let’s see if you can provide any meaningful discussion on a topic you know nothing about.
I tended to agree with what you said in this post until this quote.

Papa Francis is in no way Christian. I've never believed that anyway, but this quote proves it.

It is impossible to be a Christian and believe the myth of evolution
That’s a shame. Biological evolution is among the best supported theories in science.

it appears that being a Christian requires one to be a science denier.
Darwin was not an atheist. He said, (Wikipedia)
Hm... what is your point? Some token miscellaneous factoid? Darwin may as well been an atheist. He never believed in the Bible nor Jesus. The Bible was some kind of morality play for him if he used it at all in his life. The important part is he just trusted in nature, not God as creator nor Jesus as Savior.

As far as other scientists,
"Among scientists connected to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 98% say they believe humans evolved over time"
They're atheists and atheist scientists.

The Christians were fooled into believing in evolution through natural selection. Satan hides only too well and is powerful. It never ceases to amaze me how powerful and influential he is. I would say a minority believe in YEC which is the correct interpretation of creation science.

Pope Francis said,
“Evolution in nature is not in contrast with the notion of [divine] creation because evolution requires the creation of the beings that evolve.”
I think Pope Francis believes in theistic evolution. He believes God created the universe and Earth and everything in it, but we evolved through evolution. I think he believes we came from ape-humans. He won't recognize YEC which is creation science.

I don't understand why you are fixated on whether a scientist believes in creation or not. If the science is well done, it should not matter.
Evolution isn't in any way shape of form good science, but you believe in it because of atheism. The only valid theory is natural selection which was created by God. What happens is people stop believing in God because of evolution. If anyone mentions God, you think it's religion. As I stated many times, evolution and evolutionary thinking is opposite of what the Bible says. It contradicts everything that God said. That isn't a coincidence.
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Papa Francis is in no way Christian. I've never believed that anyway, but this quote proves it.
Catholics have their own doctrine and superfluous Catholicism rules. I think they got rid of Limbo, but still have Purgatory They have their own beliefs about the Bible. Pope Francis could have changed all that. I think he has his own version of theistic evolution and does not believe in YEC. I would hate to debate the differences.

Here's an article I found from 2013 on Pope Francis' beliefs -- Does the new Pope believe in evolution?. Sheesh :icon_rolleyes:
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I knew you couldn’t defend your Flat Earth ideology.
Don't worry. I promise you won't fall off the edge, but can't promise that you won't fall off the wagon or end up loony tunes being an atheist.
Don't worry. I promise you won't fall off the edge, but can't promise that you won't fall off the wagon or end up loony tunes being an atheist.
That was quite a deflection.

Point us to where any of the people you have labeled as creationer scientists have identified themselves as such.

Otherwise, identify what Charles Darwin was so wrong about. I have to assume you will crib some nonsense from AIG but let’s see if you can provide any meaningful discussion on a topic you know nothing abou
They're atheists and atheist scientists.

The Christians were fooled into believing in evolution through natural selection. Satan hides only too well and is powerful. It never ceases to amaze me how powerful and influential he is. I would say a minority believe in YEC which is the correct interpretation of creation science.
So you think the 98% scientists who believe in evolution are influenced by the power of Satin.

I think Pope Francis believes in theistic evolution. He believes God created the universe and Earth and everything in it, but we evolved through evolution. I think he believes we came from ape-humans. He won't recognize YEC which is creation science.
Do you think the pope is under the power of Satin just like 98% of all scientists today? After all, it seems that 98% of scientists and the pope have the same origin philosophy.

No. EMS is fine. Knock yourself out -- Introduction to the Electromagnetic Spectrum | Science Mission Directorate

Where does all the energy in our universe come from then? Or you just care about biology?
C'mon you know that I understand the electromagnetism way more than you do. My point is the way you used it does not make any science sense nor biblical sense. But you would rather make a disingenuous response.

Nobody knows where the energy of the big bang came from.
So you think the 98% scientists who believe in evolution are influenced by the power of Satin.
You're overstating your case against me. That's too high a percentage. Why are the percentages important to you? Those who believe in evolution are the majority. Some could just believe in natural selection while others buy Darwinism and the rest. The important thing is you believe in evolution, but don't believe in Satan. You're getting the whole package.

Are you're going to go off your rocker with all the percentages you have miraculously claimed against me now and ignore what is important :biggrin: ?
C'mon you know that I understand the electromagnetism way more than you do. My point is the way you used it does not make any science sense nor biblical sense. But you would rather make a disingenuous response.

Nobody knows where the energy of the big bang came from.
I'll stick to my EMS hypothesis as that which created by God on the first day. God probably did it that way to start space time.

Do you have any idea of the origin of space time and where the energy in the space came from? Do you think God did it?

The big bang is a theory. It may or may not been an explosion, but expansion. I don't know if that's the way it happened, but we have the CMB and the universe expanding. It has a boundary and the boundary is expanding.

You state you know more about electromagnetism, so can you explain its origins? Can you explain how you think the universe and Earth originated?
You're overstating your case against me. That's too high a percentage. Why are the percentages important to you? Those who believe in evolution are the majority. Some could just believe in natural selection while others buy Darwinism and the rest.
I already stated the source. Here it is again. There are 120,000 members of the AAAS.
As far as other scientists,
"Among scientists connected to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 98% say they believe humans evolved over time"
The point is you are saying almost all the members of the AAAS are under the power of satin.
You avoided my major question:
Do you think the pope is under the power of Satin just like the huge majority of all scientists? After all, it seems that those scientists and the pope have the same origin philosophy.​

It is impossible to be a Christian and believe the myth of evolution
Yes, you're so right my bro :smoochEE:.

ETA: What's weird is Wuwei is avoiding you despite you agreeing with him on the high percentage of evolutionists. Lordy, why is that fool bringing it up so often? I rather discuss why liberalism leads to both evolution and atheism?

Here are some numbers:

"These beliefs differ strongly by religious group. White evangelical Protestants are particularly likely to believe that humans have existed in their present form since the beginning of time. Roughly two-thirds (64%) express this view, as do half of black Protestants (50%). By comparison, only 15% of white mainline Protestants share this opinion.

There also are sizable differences by party affiliation in beliefs about evolution, and the gap between Republicans and Democrats has grown. In 2009, 54% of Republicans and 64% of Democrats said humans have evolved over time, a difference of 10 percentage points. Today, 43% of Republicans and 67% of Democrats say humans have evolved, a 24-point gap."
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I already stated the source. Here it is again. There are 120,000 members of the AAAS.

The point is you are saying almost all the members of the AAAS are under the power of satin.
You avoided my major question:
Do you think the pope is under the power of Satin just like the huge majority of all scientists? After all, it seems that those scientists and the pope have the same origin philosophy.​

I read your thread. Here was my point AGAIN!!! You didn't answer my question. Why are the percentages so important to you? Instead you just want to keep your whiny beotching towards me :auiqs.jpg:. It is no wonder why we do not get very far. I should just put you on ignore as we do not get very far due to your lack of understanding.

Again, those who believe evolution unless they just believe in natural selection are under the power of Satan. Haven't I said this to Fort Fun Indiana, Hollie and other atheists here? It's ONLY you who do not get it.

Instead, you just claim to know more about electromagnetism than me and no one knows what you know. You don't answer my questions. I said I think God created EMS the first day and space time started after that. You can't explain any origins, so you just stick to biological evolution. As for the rest, we all will just humor you.
I read your thread. Here was my point AGAIN!!! You didn't answer my question. Why are the percentages so important to you? Instead you just want to keep your whiny beotching towards me :auiqs.jpg:. It is no wonder why we do not get very far. I should just put you on ignore as we do not get very far due to your lack of understanding.

Again, those who believe evolution unless they just believe in natural selection are under the power of Satan. Haven't I said this to Fort Fun Indiana, Hollie and other atheists here? It's ONLY you who do not get it.

Instead, you just claim to know more about electromagnetism than me and no one knows what you know. You don't answer my questions. I said I think God created EMS the first day and space time started after that. You can't explain any origins, so you just stick to biological evolution. As for the rest, we all will just humor you.
I'm simply exploring the mind of an obsessive creationist. To me it amazing how creationists selectively choose only the science that fits them, and disbelieve solid science such as electromagnetic theory and particle physics without really understanding what they disbelieve.

Also what is fascinating is that you believe hundreds of thousands of scientists are under the power of Satan. You think even the Pope is under the power of Satan!!! Fort Fun Indiana and Hollie are largely pointing out your stupidity, but I also have a different interest.

I am going into depth to see just where your rationalizations and self inconsistencies are, and there are many. In science and metaphysics there can be different philosophies and approaches. But, above all it is imperative that any approach whether in religion or science must be self-consistent , a concept that is beyond you ability to handle.

Also what is interesting is how you approach science. You have a surface understanding of some science words, but is interesting how you put those words into sentences that don't make sense. When I try to explore some facets of your avid creationist mind, it is sometimes surprising to see which topics make you blow up, and the manner in which you blow up.

Your arguments vacillate between the bible and a dim view of science without you understanding or realizing that you can't distinguish between the two when you try to sway my opinion. You already know that biblical arguments don't work.

I wouldn't be surprised if you put me on ignore. You have already put the most important aspects of basic science on ignore. Yet you come to the science forum to masochistically be beaten down by those who know more about science. And to top that, you don't even realize you are beaten down.

I'm simply exploring the mind of an obsessive creationist. To me it amazing how creationists selectively choose only the science that fits them, and disbelieve solid science such as electromagnetic theory and particle physics without really understanding what they disbelieve.

Also what is fascinating is that you believe hundreds of thousands of scientists are under the power of Satan. You think even the Pope is under the power of Satan!!! Fort Fun Indiana and Hollie are largely pointing out your stupidity, but I also have a different interest.

I am going into depth to see just where your rationalizations and self inconsistencies are, and there are many. In science and metaphysics there can be different philosophies and approaches. But, above all it is imperative that any approach whether in religion or science must be self-consistent , a concept that is beyond you ability to handle.

Also what is interesting is how you approach science. You have a surface understanding of some science words, but is interesting how you put those words into sentences that don't make sense. When I try to explore some facets of your avid creationist mind, it is sometimes surprising to see which topics make you blow up, and the manner in which you blow up.

Your arguments vacillate between the bible and a dim view of science without you understanding or realizing that you can't distinguish between the two when you try to sway my opinion. You already know that biblical arguments don't work.

I wouldn't be surprised if you put me on ignore. You have already put the most important aspects of basic science on ignore. Yet you come to the science forum to masochistically be beaten down by those who know more about science. And to top that, you don't even realize you are beaten down.

You take too long to getting at your point or are just slow.

I don't think I'm obsessive nor do I selectively choose the science that fits creation. It's just that I disregard the lies of evolution (except natural selection). Nowhere did I said I "disbelieve solid science such as electromagnetic theory and particle physics." What is it that I do not "really understanding what they disbelieve." I still don't see how electromagnetism created the universe from you. Obviously, it took God to use the create EMS and spacetime to create the universe.

I won't debate about Satan on a S&T forum. That's for the R&E forum.

I'm not going to put you on ignore, but won't be taking the bait for the rest of your diatribe.

ETA: Fort Fun Indiana wants to find abiogenesis to disprove God. Hollie has self-disproved God and thinks creationists believe in a flat Earth (ridicule). You are still trying find how EMS started the universe and Earth by itself to disprove God. I've never heard that, so will give you points for originality.
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