Article: Scientists may find life on Earth-like planets covered in oceans within the next few years

I agree Einstein was one of the greatest scientists in history.

As for being religious, I agree, too, but there is more than that. I agree through worshipping that we can achieve a higher state of being or power, but we can elevate ourselves to heaven by believing Jesus saved us. IOW, we do good works for Christianity, but we also have a relationship with God in believing that he sent his only son to save us from original sin.
"higher state of being", "heaven", "Jesus saved us".

Lots of slogans but no reason for anyone to accept any of it. Tales and fables written by largely unknown authors who lived with fears and superstitious beliefs of what they didn't understand.

It seems you who need an angry father figure to keep you from misbehaving and to remove the hate /self-hate you harbor.
From the "Singularity" resulting in a "Big-Bang" is the implication of a Future contraction back into that "Singularity"; hence a Big Contraction.
Also is the implication of the Big Rip, by which the universe expands forever.
"God" is another way of saying "I have no idea".
Einstein didn't use the word "God", but he did say a Spirit of great intelligence was running the universe. Are you smarter than Einstein?
The first half of you post was about Einstein being a deist. I agree with Einstein. I was responding to the second part of your post.
Don't edit my words. When you quote me, quote me correctly or don't bother responding.
These are the words of
"God" is another way of saying "I have no idea".
Einstein was a pretty smart guy. Jesus said "God is a Spirit". Remember that as you read this.
"higher state of being", "heaven", "Jesus saved us".

Lots of slogans but no reason for anyone to accept any of it. Tales and fables written by largely unknown authors who lived with fears and superstitious beliefs of what they didn't understand.

It seems you who need an angry father figure to keep you from misbehaving and to remove the hate /self-hate you harbor.
Oh sister :icon_rolleyes:!
"God" is another way of saying "I have no idea".
It prolly means that to you and the atheists here, but God means things such as truth and real science. The creationists are constantly amazed by God's work and how he did/does things. For example, the power involved in the EMS is no simple feat.
I was reading a UFOlogist blog a few years ago ... and the guy made a good point ... this thread has mostly been about US detecting THEM ... what do things look like for THEM detecting US ...

He's right ... the Earth should stand out like a sore thumb we just hit with our 10 pound sledge hammer ... O2 is extremely rare in the universe, so it's thought to be strictly a product of life here on Earth ... and O2 has a very distinct emission spectrum, slap a grating on that exoplanet and the presence of O2 will be profound and obvious ... the downside is that this would be evidence of advanced life ... there's only been O2 in Earth's atmosphere for 2.2 billion years ... before then it was mostly CO2 and just guessing there'd be N2 ...

We don't care about alien microbes ... we want cute adorable woodland creatures with infantile faces ... and if their proteins spin the same way as ours, maybe they'll taste good too ...

Today we're limited to the Earth's diameter for the base line of an interferometer ... the wider the better I do believe ... it's not expensive putting one in space and get a couple AUs for a base line ... just all available money is being spent on the STUPIDITY of habitable spaces for people ... in space ... 200 miles above the ground ...

So ... my answer to the OP is "any day now" ... maybe someone has our clear and convincing evidence in hand, just is keeping quiet about it ... who wants to be in the middle of that shit storm ... we all saw what the press did to Princess Diana ... sometimes it's best to leave Great Discoveries to the charlatans ...
Einstein didn't use the word "God", but he did say a Spirit of great intelligence was running the universe. Are you smarter than Einstein?
I am truly astounded by the universe - the delicate balance of the elementary forces and particles, the hugeness, the age; the elementary particles that give rise to a wide variety of stellar structures down to the elements, atoms, molecules and life.

The cause of this is unknown. I have no idea of the entity if there was one behind the creation. Saying god did it is vacuous. Religious people want to use the word "God" but I prefer the word "Entity", because god also refers to some sort of animate being that you pray to and praise and perform rituals for.

Like Einstein, I think the study of basic physics is the highest form of response to the mysteries of the universe. He uses the words, spirit and intelligence, but I prefer the more inanimate term, entity.
I am truly astounded by the universe - the delicate balance of the elementary forces and particles, the hugeness, the age; the elementary particles that give rise to a wide variety of stellar structures down to the elements, atoms, molecules and life.

The cause of this is unknown. I have no idea of the entity if there was one behind the creation. Saying god did it is vacuous. Religious people want to use the word "God" but I prefer the word "Entity", because god also refers to some sort of animate being that you pray to and praise and perform rituals for.

Like Einstein, I think the study of basic physics is the highest form of response to the mysteries of the universe. He uses the words, spirit and intelligence, but I prefer the more inanimate term, entity.
An intelligent Spirit means there is a Creator behind all this. A designer.
An intelligent Spirit means there is a Creator behind all this. A designer.
Right, but I think that is a bit too specific since we really don't know what is behind the laws of physics and the huge mass of the universe. Intelligence is more of a human term.
Right, but I think that is a bit too specific since we really don't know what is behind the laws of physics and the huge mass of the universe. Intelligence is more of a human term.
And that idea explains nothing, yields no useful predictions, and is not needed in any scientific process. So its usefulness seems limited to making ourselves feel nice about a universe that defies the firm grasp of our very limited little brains.
And that idea explains nothing, yields no useful predictions, and is not needed in any scientific process. So its usefulness seems limited to making ourselves feel nice about a universe that defies the firm grasp of our very limited little brains.
Right. As I said before "god" is a substitute for the phrase, "I have no idea".
An intelligent Spirit means there is a Creator behind all this. A designer.
Nothing in the natural world indicates any past or current participation or meddling by spirits, supernatural entities or gods of any kind.

It is evident that if any spirits, supernatural entities or gods are "behind all this", they have chosen not to take credit for any of it. We know with certainty that all "holy texts" referencing all of the various gods ruling over men are books written by men. Never has any book of the gods been delivered by any gods.

I understand that people like to see "order" in the universe as evidence of the gods but that is a misleading assumption. We live in a profoundly violent and chaotic universe, but are spared direct experience with most of that chaos because it occurs on cosmic and geologic time scales, while we exist on a human time scale. This (luckily for us) means most of us live our lifetimes in the brief moments of calm between supernovae, asteroid impact, and cometary bombardment.
Right, but I think that is a bit too specific since we really don't know what is behind the laws of physics and the huge mass of the universe. Intelligence is more of a human term.
God is behind all this. It just didn't suddenly happen. It's too intricate. Take a bunch of Scrabble blocks and toss them on the table until they all spell a coherent sentence.
God is behind all this. It just didn't suddenly happen. It's too intricate. Take a bunch of Scrabble blocks and toss them on the table until they all spell a coherent sentence.
Do you actually know what God is?

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