Article: Scientists may find life on Earth-like planets covered in oceans within the next few years

I'm simply exploring the mind of an obsessive creationist. To me it amazing how creationists selectively choose only the science that fits them, and disbelieve solid science such as electromagnetic theory and particle physics without really understanding what they disbelieve.

Also what is fascinating is that you believe hundreds of thousands of scientists are under the power of Satan. You think even the Pope is under the power of Satan!!! Fort Fun Indiana and Hollie are largely pointing out your stupidity, but I also have a different interest.

I am going into depth to see just where your rationalizations and self inconsistencies are, and there are many. In science and metaphysics there can be different philosophies and approaches. But, above all it is imperative that any approach whether in religion or science must be self-consistent , a concept that is beyond you ability to handle.

Also what is interesting is how you approach science. You have a surface understanding of some science words, but is interesting how you put those words into sentences that don't make sense. When I try to explore some facets of your avid creationist mind, it is sometimes surprising to see which topics make you blow up, and the manner in which you blow up.

Your arguments vacillate between the bible and a dim view of science without you understanding or realizing that you can't distinguish between the two when you try to sway my opinion. You already know that biblical arguments don't work.

I wouldn't be surprised if you put me on ignore. You have already put the most important aspects of basic science on ignore. Yet you come to the science forum to masochistically be beaten down by those who know more about science. And to top that, you don't even realize you are beaten down.

Einstein was one of the greatest scientists in history. He believed there is an order to the universe that proved an intelligence beyond anything man knew. Your mistake is assuming God is religious. Man is religious, not God. God is the ultimate scientist.
Life outside our solar system may be found within just a few years, thanks to the discovery of a new class of super hot, Earth-like planets, according to astronomers from the University of Cambridge.

The Cambridge researchers identified a new class of exoplanet, called Hycean planets, that, much like Earth, are covered in oceans and have atmospheres rich with hydrogen, an element that is essential for life. Many of the planets are "bigger and hotter than Earth"— up to 2.6 times larger than our planet and reaching atmospheric temperatures up to nearly 200 degrees Celsius, or 392 degrees Fahrenheit.

Hyceans are further categorized as either "dark" or "cold," with dark worlds only having habitable conditions on their permanent night sides and cold worlds receiving just a little radiation from the stars they orbit. But researchers believe that they could support microbial lifeforms that are similar to those found in the extreme aquatic environments on Earth, and that Hycean planets are likely common throughout space. ..."


It is going to be a interesting few years in the field. Finding and classifying/understanding the "biosignatures" is a field of science just now being born.
Not totally "like us".

Maybe on lower levels of lifeforms, but if you are going to have civilization that results in real tools, machines, etc.; with potential to reach other planets and stars, you need two essential conditions.

Those conditions need to support the ability to;
1) make fire
2) melt ores into metals

If your planetary conditions don't allow for doing both of those, you and your species remain stuck on your rock.

Think about it!
So, like being in a round room, trying to find the corner.
That is an AWESOME analogy. It fits trying to find evidence for abiogenesis or aliens perfectly. It fits those trying to see how electromagnetism started spacetime and the universe. It fits those who keep blabbering about a flat Earth like it exists somewhere.

Your mistake is assuming God is religious. Man is religious, not God. God is the ultimate scientist.
I don't assume anything about God except that he is a metaphor for pre-big bang, if pre-big bang has any meaning at all.
Not totally "like us".

Maybe on lower levels of lifeforms, but if you are going to have civilization that results in real tools, machines, etc.; with potential to reach other planets and stars, you need two essential conditions.

Those conditions need to support the ability to;
1) make fire
2) melt ores into metals

If your planetary conditions don't allow for doing both of those, you and your species remain stuck on your rock.

Think about it!
I think we would be ecstatic if we found mini civilizations such as an ant hill. Fat chance in our solar system.

In a few thousand years, if people die off here, we could be replaced by robots and factories that make and improve robots. Visiting aliens would have to puzzle out the abiogenesis of the robots.
I don't assume anything about God except that he is a metaphor for pre-big bang, if pre-big bang has any meaning at all.
Supposedly "God"(Gawd~YHWH~Allah~Etc.) being "Eternal" by definition has "No Beginning, and No End".


"pre-big bang" is pre-collapse, which resulted from earlier "big-bang", from earlier "big-collapse"; etc. ...

For the Future, this Big-Bang will result in a Big-Collapse, resulting in another Big-Bang, and then another Big-Collapse, Etc.

NO Beginnings ~ NO Ends ~~~~~

Put such in your pipe and smoke it, while trying to pass into slumber and dream-land tonight.
"pre-big bang" is pre-collapse, which resulted from earlier "big-bang", from earlier "big-collapse"; etc. ...
Maybe! Maybe not. Our universe does not seem to be on track to collapse. Could it? Something would have to slow its acceleration first.
Einstein was one of the greatest scientists in history. He believed there is an order to the universe that proved an intelligence beyond anything man knew. Your mistake is assuming God is religious. Man is religious, not God. God is the ultimate scientist.
I agree Einstein was one of the greatest scientists in history.

As for being religious, I agree, too, but there is more than that. I agree through worshipping that we can achieve a higher state of being or power, but we can elevate ourselves to heaven by believing Jesus saved us. IOW, we do good works for Christianity, but we also have a relationship with God in believing that he sent his only son to save us from original sin.
Maybe! Maybe not. Our universe does not seem to be on track to collapse. Could it? Something would have to slow its acceleration first.
It appears the Cosmos/Universe is polar;
Light/Dark; Hot/Cold; Positive/Negative; Plus/Minus; Good/Bad; Etc. ...
Within the concept of polarities would be Expansion and Contraction.

From the "Singularity" resulting in a "Big-Bang" is the implication of a Future contraction back into that "Singularity"; hence a Big Contraction.

Likely such remains millions to billions of years into the future and not within our physical lifetimes.
Life outside our solar system may be found within just a few years, thanks to the discovery of a new class of super hot, Earth-like planets, according to astronomers from the University of Cambridge.

The Cambridge researchers identified a new class of exoplanet, called Hycean planets, that, much like Earth, are covered in oceans and have atmospheres rich with hydrogen, an element that is essential for life. Many of the planets are "bigger and hotter than Earth"— up to 2.6 times larger than our planet and reaching atmospheric temperatures up to nearly 200 degrees Celsius, or 392 degrees Fahrenheit.

Hyceans are further categorized as either "dark" or "cold," with dark worlds only having habitable conditions on their permanent night sides and cold worlds receiving just a little radiation from the stars they orbit. But researchers believe that they could support microbial lifeforms that are similar to those found in the extreme aquatic environments on Earth, and that Hycean planets are likely common throughout space. ..."


It is going to be a interesting few years in the field. Finding and classifying/understanding the "biosignatures" is a field of science just now being born.
It doesn't matter how many "habitable" planets they discover. It could be 1,000 or 1,000,000 and the problem remains....WE CAN'T GET TO THEM!
Supposedly "God"(Gawd~YHWH~Allah~Etc.) being "Eternal" by definition has "No Beginning, and No End".


"pre-big bang" is pre-collapse, which resulted from earlier "big-bang", from earlier "big-collapse"; etc. ...

For the Future, this Big-Bang will result in a Big-Collapse, resulting in another Big-Bang, and then another Big-Collapse, Etc.

NO Beginnings ~ NO Ends ~~~~~

Put such in your pipe and smoke it, while trying to pass into slumber and dream-land tonight.
That was a popular scenario a few decades ago, but is disfavored because the expansion rate is not slowing. A current scenario is that each galaxy may adhere and die an entropy death. But the other galaxies that we now see will disappear beyond the event horizon due to the continuing expansion of space. That would happen in trillions of years -- a dismal future.

However, on a brighter note. Gravity over distances of millions of light years is not completely understood. Some think dark matter affects observed motion, others think MOND, a modified Newton-like law is affecting the motion. It's hard to say what the future has in store for us.


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