Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

Everyone should have pride about their heritage.

The are many black Civil War reenactor's who honor their ancestors who fought for the Confederate side. ..... :cool:
Yeah, this year. Next year they will be on the Union side. Reenactors don't care. Most of them are of a heritage where their ancestors arrived long after the civil war was over. They do it because it's a fun thing to do. There is no deeper meaning.
The are many black Civil War reenactor's who honor their ancestors who fought for the Confederate side. ..... :cool:
Yeah, this year. Next year they will be on the Union side. Reenactors don't care. Most of them are of a heritage where their ancestors arrived long after the civil war was over. They do it because it's a fun thing to do. There is no deeper meaning.
Oh there damn sure is at Renaissance Fairs...

Thats a fake picture you know?

Notice how they cropped out the White Union Officer?


Whoever cropped out that white officer was wrong to do so.

BUt the presence of a white officer does not disprove or really affect Sunni's point at all.

Those blacks served in the Confederate forces. A quick look at wikepeida doesn't make it clear whether they saw actual combat, but they certainly served.
"Artists" smeared the Catholic icon Virgin Mary with animal dung and placed the Crucifix upside down in a vat of urine and called it "art" so why should we take anything they do seriously? The Confederacy only lasted about four years. The flag that flew from the stern of slave ships for the other 196 years was the Stars and Stripes, the Union Jack and the French and Spanish flags. When are ignorant prog "artists" going to start burning books?
Black College Student Wins Fight to Display Confederate Flag in Dorm Room

A black college student has won the fight to keep a Confederate flag in his dorm room after school officials initially told him to take it down.

The University of South Carolina Beaufort told 19-year-old Byron Thomas on Thursday he could keep the flag up, after the freshman was told two weeks ago to remove it because of student complaints.

University spokeswoman Candace Brasseur told theBeaufort Gazette Thomas was initially asked to remove the flag because it violates a student code of conduct discouraging bigotry, but the school’s legal counsel ultimately advised the university to allow him to display the flag.

“It’s not racist for me,” Thomas, a Georgia native, said in the video. “All it is is a symbol that I see as a sign of respect, and people don’t want to see it that way.”


Black College Student Wins Fight to Display Confederate Flag in Dorm Room Video

Black College Student Wins Fight to Display Confederate Flag in Dorm Room

A black college student has won the fight to keep a Confederate flag in his dorm room after school officials initially told him to take it down.

The University of South Carolina Beaufort told 19-year-old Byron Thomas on Thursday he could keep the flag up, after the freshman was told two weeks ago to remove it because of student complaints.

University spokeswoman Candace Brasseur told theBeaufort Gazette Thomas was initially asked to remove the flag because it violates a student code of conduct discouraging bigotry, but the school’s legal counsel ultimately advised the university to allow him to display the flag.

When he was first told in November to take the flag down, Thomas posted a four-minute video on YouTube saying he views the Confederate flag as a sign of Southern pride, not of racism, and was not going to remove it. The video was re-posted on CNN’s iReport, where it has been viewed more than 70,000 times.

“It’s not racist for me,” Thomas, a Georgia native, said in the video. “All it is is a symbol that I see as a sign of respect, and people don’t want to see it that way.”

Before the school relented, Thomas said he felt his First Amendment rights were being violated, and said he considered legal action if he was not allowed to display the flag.


Black College Student Wins Fight to Display Confederate Flag in Dorm Room Video


Thats a fake picture you know?

Notice how they cropped out the White Union Officer?


Whoever cropped out that white officer was wrong to do so.

BUt the presence of a white officer does not disprove or really affect Sunni's point at all.

Those blacks served in the Confederate forces. A quick look at wikepeida doesn't make it clear whether they saw actual combat, but they certainly served.

It is not a photo of southern troops

Want to know the best way to tell southern troops from Union soldiers?

Look at their shoes. If everyone has the same shoes and they are not worn and beat up, they are Union
Think about it, the black flag of ISIS is spreading over the Mid East and Christians are being lined up and shot or beheaded as we speak. The world is falling apart and the American left is so worried about the Confederate flag that they discus it on the political forum. What's wrong with these people? Did the American left fret over the Confederate flag while the Nazis were murdering Jews? Probably.
Think about it, the black flag of ISIS is spreading over the Mid East and Christians are being lined up and shot or beheaded as we speak. The world is falling apart and the American left is so worried about the Confederate flag that they discus it on the political forum. What's wrong with these people? Did the American left fret over the Confederate flag while the Nazis were murdering Jews? Probably.
Yeah I wonder how many Christians in the middle east fly the ISIS flag because, hey, it's just a symbol of middle eastern pride?

Thats a fake picture you know?

Notice how they cropped out the White Union Officer?


Whoever cropped out that white officer was wrong to do so.

BUt the presence of a white officer does not disprove or really affect Sunni's point at all.

Those blacks served in the Confederate forces. A quick look at wikepeida doesn't make it clear whether they saw actual combat, but they certainly served.

It is not a photo of southern troops

Want to know the best way to tell southern troops from Union soldiers?

Look at their shoes. If everyone has the same shoes and they are not worn and beat up, they are Union

Err, I can't really tell how worn their shoes are from the photo.

THe unit existed. Your resistance on this point is just making you look petty.

Is it really that dangerous to you to admit that blacks served in the COnfederate military?
Negro soldiers did fight for the Southern cause under the Confederate flag during the Civil War.

1st Louisiana Native Guard CSA - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Louisiana State Legislature passed a law in January 1862 that reorganized the militia into only “ white males capable of bearing arms… ”.[9]
The Native Guards regiment was affected by this law. It was forced to disband on February 15, 1862, when the new law took effect

Funny you left out the rest of that paragraph.

"Their demise was only temporary, however, for Governor Moore reinstated the Native Guards on March 24 after theU.S. Navy under AdmiralDavid G. Farragut entered the Mississippi River." [10] As the regular Confederate forces underMajor GeneralMansfield Lovell abandoned New Orleans, the militia units were left to fend for themselves. The Native Guards were again, and in finality, ordered to disband byGeneralJohn L. Lewis, of the Louisiana Militia, on April 25, 1862, as Federal ships arrived opposite the city. General Lewis cautioned them to hide their arms and uniforms before returning home"

It's almost like you are tying to be misleading...

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