Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

Negro soldiers did fight for the Southern cause under the Confederate flag during the Civil War.

1st Louisiana Native Guard CSA - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Louisiana State Legislature passed a law in January 1862 that reorganized the militia into only “ white males capable of bearing arms… ”.[9]
The Native Guards regiment was affected by this law. It was forced to disband on February 15, 1862, when the new law took effect

Funny you left out the rest of that paragraph.

"Their demise was only temporary, however, for Governor Moore reinstated the Native Guards on March 24 after theU.S. Navy under AdmiralDavid G. Farragut entered the Mississippi River." [10] As the regular Confederate forces underMajor GeneralMansfield Lovell abandoned New Orleans, the militia units were left to fend for themselves. The Native Guards were again, and in finality, ordered to disband byGeneralJohn L. Lewis, of the Louisiana Militia, on April 25, 1862, as Federal ships arrived opposite the city. General Lewis cautioned them to hide their arms and uniforms before returning home"

It's almost like you are tying to be misleading...
Lol when their lives were on they line they reinstated the n*ggers they hated in a last ditch effort to win, then immediately disbanded them when they were safe. :rofl:
Former president of the Asheville, NC chapter of the NAAPC speaks about slavery, how black folks have been lied to, and the truth about the Confederacy and its flag.

Well worth the 5 minutes it take to watch the video. ...... :cool:

Former president of the Asheville, NC chapter of the NAAPC speaks about slavery, how black folks have been lied to, and the truth about the Confederacy and its flag.

Well worth the 5 minutes it take to watch the video. ...... :cool:

Yea many black men fought proudly for the Confederacy and its President.

"African slavery, as it exists in the United States, is a moral, a social, and a political blessing."
~ Jefferson Davis

"My own convictions as to negro slavery are strong. It has its evils and abuses...We recognize the negro as God and God's Book and God's Laws, in nature, tell us to recognize him - our inferior, fitted expressly for servitude...You cannot transform the negro into anything one-tenth as useful or as good as what slavery enables them to be."
~Jefferson Davis
In the U.S. you have the right to be an ignorant racist. So fly your stars and bars if that's what gets you off. Just remember that for the vast majority of Americans, you might as well be flying a flag that says: "hey everyone, look what an idiot I am."
The Confederacy only last 4 years but they get all of the blame for slavery.

Yet is was northern ships flying the American flag which brought most of the black slaves to our country. ..... :cool:
Conservatives are butthurt the con flag is burned. Cons love Con flag.

Oh and a reminder to cons: Southern democrats became republicans. Yup, the ones who started slavery and want to disenfranchise minorities are all in the republican party.

Don't believe me? Just look at the minority voting records. As they say, not all cons are racists, but all racists are cons.
..................................^^^ nitwit sure loves using the word "con" ...... :cuckoo: ... :lol::lol:

Even though I'm an Odinist, I'm becoming more convinced every day that Islam might be the only cure for these progressives. No wonder so many whites are converting to Islam in the Europe, it restores some sense of moral values, even if I find those values to be mostly against my own, it's better than NO VALUES which is what these progressives want.

When are you going to show the slaves under the confederacy? I think there were more of them.
DAMN. Too bad I wasn't around.... missed a chance to kill two birds with one bullet..... A bunch of pansie ARTISTS and they also happen to be America Haters too. Just too bad someone didn't pop these worthless wastes when they had the chance.
7 minute Documentary featuring Nelson W. Winbush, a black son of confederate black soldier Luis Napoleon Nelson who fought under Nathan Bedford Forest, founder of the KKK. A series of interviews, documentation, stock footage, and reenactments all collaberate to help defend the Confederacy and it's soldiers against it's notorious reputation in regards to black slavery and what the confederate flag actually stood for.

Conservatives are butthurt the con flag is burned. Cons love Con flag.

Oh and a reminder to cons: Southern democrats became republicans. Yup, the ones who started slavery and want to disenfranchise minorities are all in the republican party.

Don't believe me? Just look at the minority voting records. As they say, not all cons are racists, but all racists are cons.
..................................^^^ nitwit sure loves using the word "con" ...... :cuckoo: ... :lol::lol:

Even though I'm an Odinist, I'm becoming more convinced every day that Islam might be the only cure for these progressives. No wonder so many whites are converting to Islam in the Europe, it restores some sense of moral values, even if I find those values to be mostly against my own, it's better than NO VALUES which is what these progressives want.
Wow, so many stupid things said in such few words. Truly impressive 2ndA.
7 minute Documentary featuring Nelson W. Winbush, a black son of confederate black soldier Luis Napoleon Nelson who fought under Nathan Bedford Forest, founder of the KKK. A series of interviews, documentation, stock footage, and reenactments all collaberate to help defend the Confederacy and it's soldiers against it's notorious reputation in regards to black slavery and what the confederate flag actually stood for.

Ah so he's the son of a moron. Followed in his father's footsteps I see.
Think about it, the black flag of ISIS is spreading over the Mid East and Christians are being lined up and shot or beheaded as we speak. The world is falling apart and the American left is so worried about the Confederate flag that they discus it on the political forum. What's wrong with these people? Did the American left fret over the Confederate flag while the Nazis were murdering Jews? Probably.

If it will make you happy......we can burn the ISIS flag next

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‘The wrong side of history': Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states[/B]

There is hope for the U.S. yet. In the wake of the election of the first black president, we witnessed the awakening go the sleeping bigoted giant - calling itself the Tea Party.

It's time to shame these ugly fat stupid people back into their hateful little caves.

Artists and activists around a purported 13 Southern states followed through on a plan to burn and bury the Confederate flag on Monday, WTVM-TV reported.

“If you don’t see the hate that comes along with it, that has come along with it, if you don’t see the racism behind what has been founded with the usage of it, then you’re ignoring it,” said Terone Allen, who organized a ceremony in Atlanta as part of an exhibit by Sarasota-based artist John Sims.

Artists taking part in the various events shared “eulogies” they composed for the flag before burying it.

“You decided to fight for the wrong side of history,” said a speaker at the Atlanta ceremony, Egypt Robinson X.


I have no issue with groups protesting peacefully. That is what makes America great.

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