Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

It would have had a greater impact had the Koran be burned, since there actually is an islam, but since there isn't a confederacy, this is a pretty weak statement.
Here's a clue....if there wasn't a confederacy there wouldn't be a confederate flag flying over many southern states. Yours was a stupid post.
Yes you have a right to be an asshole and piss all over people. It's what America great.
Is that your excuse for being in the KKK?
Correction....Is that your excuse for being a con?
Is that your excuse for being an idiot?
Wow! You're such a fart smeller. You cons are sooooo witty.
Negro soldiers did fight for the Southern cause under the Confederate flag during the Civil War.

1st Louisiana Native Guard CSA - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Louisiana State Legislature passed a law in January 1862 that reorganized the militia into only “ white males capable of bearing arms… ”.[9]
The Native Guards regiment was affected by this law. It was forced to disband on February 15, 1862, when the new law took effect

Funny you left out the rest of that paragraph.

"Their demise was only temporary, however, for Governor Moore reinstated the Native Guards on March 24 after theU.S. Navy under AdmiralDavid G. Farragut entered the Mississippi River." [10] As the regular Confederate forces underMajor GeneralMansfield Lovell abandoned New Orleans, the militia units were left to fend for themselves. The Native Guards were again, and in finality, ordered to disband byGeneralJohn L. Lewis, of the Louisiana Militia, on April 25, 1862, as Federal ships arrived opposite the city. General Lewis cautioned them to hide their arms and uniforms before returning home"

It's almost like you are tying to be misleading...
Lol when their lives were on they line they reinstated the n*ggers they hated in a last ditch effort to win, then immediately disbanded them when they were safe. :rofl:

Actually it sounds more like they disbanded them when the war was lost, and took at least one step to protect them from potentially vengeful Union troops.

It certainly seems as though at the very least, Gen Lewis did not hate them.
That's OK....I wiped my ass then pissed on then burned an Amurican flag. Damn it made me feel good...had Dixie playing in the background as well....was a beautiful sight.

man you have some serious mental problems. it only took 39 post to come out too. sheesh
7 minute Documentary featuring Nelson W. Winbush, a black son of confederate black soldier Luis Napoleon Nelson who fought under Nathan Bedford Forest, founder of the KKK. A series of interviews, documentation, stock footage, and reenactments all collaberate to help defend the Confederacy and it's soldiers against it's notorious reputation in regards to black slavery and what the confederate flag actually stood for.

Ah so he's the son of a moron. Followed in his father's footsteps I see.

So much for diversity.
Negro soldiers did fight for the Southern cause under the Confederate flag during the Civil War.

1st Louisiana Native Guard CSA - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Louisiana State Legislature passed a law in January 1862 that reorganized the militia into only “ white males capable of bearing arms… ”.[9]
The Native Guards regiment was affected by this law. It was forced to disband on February 15, 1862, when the new law took effect

Funny you left out the rest of that paragraph.

"Their demise was only temporary, however, for Governor Moore reinstated the Native Guards on March 24 after theU.S. Navy under AdmiralDavid G. Farragut entered the Mississippi River." [10] As the regular Confederate forces underMajor GeneralMansfield Lovell abandoned New Orleans, the militia units were left to fend for themselves. The Native Guards were again, and in finality, ordered to disband byGeneralJohn L. Lewis, of the Louisiana Militia, on April 25, 1862, as Federal ships arrived opposite the city. General Lewis cautioned them to hide their arms and uniforms before returning home"

It's almost like you are tying to be misleading...
Lol when their lives were on they line they reinstated the n*ggers they hated in a last ditch effort to win, then immediately disbanded them when they were safe. :rofl:

Actually it sounds more like they disbanded them when the war was lost, and took at least one step to protect them from potentially vengeful Union troops.

It certainly seems as though at the very least, Gen Lewis did not hate them.
Yeah sure that's one way, albeit it complicated, to spin how the General treated those people he thought of as subhuman n*ggers; who he was fighting for the right to keep enslaved.
Their economy still hasn't recovered. Tells you something about the quality of people in the South.

And shall we talk about literacy.
Negro soldiers did fight for the Southern cause under the Confederate flag during the Civil War.

1st Louisiana Native Guard CSA - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Louisiana State Legislature passed a law in January 1862 that reorganized the militia into only “ white males capable of bearing arms… ”.[9]
The Native Guards regiment was affected by this law. It was forced to disband on February 15, 1862, when the new law took effect

Funny you left out the rest of that paragraph.

"Their demise was only temporary, however, for Governor Moore reinstated the Native Guards on March 24 after theU.S. Navy under AdmiralDavid G. Farragut entered the Mississippi River." [10] As the regular Confederate forces underMajor GeneralMansfield Lovell abandoned New Orleans, the militia units were left to fend for themselves. The Native Guards were again, and in finality, ordered to disband byGeneralJohn L. Lewis, of the Louisiana Militia, on April 25, 1862, as Federal ships arrived opposite the city. General Lewis cautioned them to hide their arms and uniforms before returning home"

It's almost like you are tying to be misleading...
Lol when their lives were on they line they reinstated the n*ggers they hated in a last ditch effort to win, then immediately disbanded them when they were safe. :rofl:

Actually it sounds more like they disbanded them when the war was lost, and took at least one step to protect them from potentially vengeful Union troops.

It certainly seems as though at the very least, Gen Lewis did not hate them.
Yeah sure that's one way, albeit it complicated, to spin how the General treated those people he thought of as subhuman n*ggers; who he was fighting for the right to keep enslaved.


When the situation was hopeless he ordered these troops to disband and to go home and hide the fact that they had been Confederate Soldiers.

Considering how many times soldiers lives have been wasted when the situation was hopeless, that seems like a good thing to me.

And to the credit of Gen Lewis personally.

YOur claim that he disbanded them when he "was safe" with the arrival of superior Union forces seems to be based on an odd idea of what "safe" means.
Their economy still hasn't recovered. Tells you something about the quality of people in the South.

And shall we talk about literacy.

Do you think that they are genetically inferior, or is it some cultural thing?

YOu know, is their culture inferior?
That's OK....I wiped my ass then pissed on then burned an Amurican flag. Damn it made me feel good...had Dixie playing in the background as well....was a beautiful sight.

man you have some serious mental problems. it only took 39 post to come out too. sheesh
I respect and salute MY flag not the flag of the nation that burned my land,raped our women and destroyed the greatest place on earth and still thinks it was a great idea. Lincoln ya know the REPUBLICAN parties lincoln was the godfather of big government....let that sink in.
MUAHAHA! Should have figured the flag burner is a ******. Sims my mothers maiden name..boy we OWNED your ancestors! LMAO HAHAHA! I would be pissed as well.
Anyone ever tell you're a dumbshit?
Anyone ever tell you I don't give a shit about a jews opinion?
Their economy still hasn't recovered. Tells you something about the quality of people in the South.

And shall we talk about literacy.

Do you think that they are genetically inferior, or is it some cultural thing?

YOu know, is their culture inferior?

I think bigotry has been taught one generation to the next.

Fear-based bigotry as neurosis--a mental illness caused by nurture, not nature.

Their culture is no more inferior than the urban city blacks'.
That's OK....I wiped my ass then pissed on then burned an Amurican flag. Damn it made me feel good...had Dixie playing in the background as well....was a beautiful sight.

man you have some serious mental problems. it only took 39 post to come out too. sheesh
I respect and salute MY flag not the flag of the nation that burned my land,raped our women and destroyed the greatest place on earth and still thinks it was a great idea. Lincoln ya know the REPUBLICAN parties lincoln was the godfather of big government....let that sink in.
MUAHAHA! Should have figured the flag burner is a ******. Sims my mothers maiden name..boy we OWNED your ancestors! LMAO HAHAHA! I would be pissed as well.
Anyone ever tell you're a dumbshit?
Anyone ever tell you I don't give a shit about a jews opinion?
^ Here's a man who knows the true meaning of the confederate rag. Speak up brother!

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