As a conservative attorney, I will admit that whites have it better in court than blacks or Hispanic

Why would I care?

A number of things in your post don't pass the smell test and frankly, I'm tired of people with agendas trying to put Me down for something I had no hand in.

Everyone is trying to get it better for themselves. That is why progressives lie like they do. They want it better for them, and they won't care if it is unfair to others.

So I don't care. If I get a break because I"m white, even though I didn't ask for it, good for Me and screw the rest of you.

Why do you equate acknowledging that biases exist in the system with trying to put you down?

Is it just part of the whole victim complex thing, or is it something else?
Simple. The attempts to define the bias are in fact, bias' themselves.

It is done by people who have an anti-white agenda, or some kind of guilt complex.

If they simply said, "The courts are being unfair in this situation" they may have a point.....but it never goes that way. It is a blame game.

The blacks have it bad in the court system because the whites don't! As if getting a break because your white is somehow a conspiracy.

As I said. I no longer care.

Do you know how you don't get screwed in the justice system?

Stay out of troubled with the law.
Why would I care?

A number of things in your post don't pass the smell test and frankly, I'm tired of people with agendas trying to put Me down for something I had no hand in.

Everyone is trying to get it better for themselves. That is why progressives lie like they do. They want it better for them, and they won't care if it is unfair to others.

So I don't care. If I get a break because I"m white, even though I didn't ask for it, good for Me and screw the rest of you.

Why do you equate acknowledging that biases exist in the system with trying to put you down?

Is it just part of the whole victim complex thing, or is it something else?
Simple. The attempts to define the bias are in fact, bias' themselves.

It is done by people who have an anti-white agenda, or some kind of guilt complex.

If they simply said, "The courts are being unfair in this situation" they may have a point.....but it never goes that way. It is a blame game.

The blacks have it bad in the court system because the whites don't! As if getting a break because your white is somehow a conspiracy.

As I said. I no longer care.

Do you know how you don't get screwed in the justice system?

Stay out of troubled with the law.
Your post is retarded. You get in trouble with the law because you fit the description.
Blackrock, you're part of a profession i have no respect for. In my mind the only job of a Defense Attorney who knows their client is guilty is to get them an appropriate punishment (not over-punishment) abd to save the Court as much time and aggravation as possible while doing so.

Any defense arrorney who provides an aggressive defense for a person they know to be guilty should be drawn and quartered regardless of whether they win or lose the case.
The client I mentioned who got a ticket for possession of marijuana, I will now reveal was one of my three children. She had a bad friend, and started hanging out with the wrong sort of people.

I helped her in court, which was her first offense. I told her, I will help you this time, but if you do it again, I can't save you. She took it to heart. She cut off her contacts with her druggie friends and has built a good life for herself.

And she was white, with a loving father as her attorney. That probably helped me a better deal that they were denying to the other people who didn't have attorneys. Most of them listened to the federal marshals, and plead guilty.

The incident seriously pissed me off. Why in hell were federal marshals giving b
Blackrock, you're part of a profession i have no respect for. In my mind the only job of a Defense Attorney who knows their client is guilty is to get them an appropriate punishment (not over-punishment) abd to save the Court as much time and aggravation as possible while doing so.

Any defense arrorney who provides an aggressive defense for a person they know to be guilty should be drawn and quartered regardless of whether they win or lose the case.
Your lay opinion of what a criminal defense attorney should and shouldn't do is hereby acknowledged, and hereby ignored.

You have no idea how unbalanced criminal cases are. The prosecutor has the entire resources of the state or federal government behind him or her. The defendant has only his/her personal resources, and with most criminal defendants, that means nothing but a public defender, who has a huge caseloads of cases to work on and will do the easiest thing there, make a plea bargain. Even if a defendant is innocent of the charges, the public defender will advise him that if he doesn't take the plea, he will be put on trial, and if is convicted, the judge will throw the book at him.
Blackrock, you're part of a profession i have no respect for. In my mind the only job of a Defense Attorney who knows their client is guilty is to get them an appropriate punishment (not over-punishment) abd to save the Court as much time and aggravation as possible while doing so.

Any defense arrorney who provides an aggressive defense for a person they know to be guilty should be drawn and quartered regardless of whether they win or lose the case.
You should have stopped with your first sentence. "Your mind" is the key phrase. Obviously you dont have a clue how the system works so why dont you let the people who actually work in the system do the thinking?
Also, if you read the Bill of Rights, there are protections in the Fourth and Fifth amendment to protect people accused of crimes.

Do you think the Founding Fathers were flaming liberals when they included these amendments?

Your attitude that the criminal defendant is not entitled to a zealous defense is anti-American.
You should have stopped with your first sentence. "Your mind" is the key phrase. Obviously you dont have a clue how the system works so why dont you let the people who actually work in the system do the thinking?

Almost a decade ago I sat on a Jury. The case never should have gone to court. Yet I WASTED two days of my life dealing with it. Neither side had any sense and my fellow jurors had a,combined IQ of roughly cold coffee. In that 30 hour period i lost all faith in the entire system.
You should have stopped with your first sentence. "Your mind" is the key phrase. Obviously you dont have a clue how the system works so why dont you let the people who actually work in the system do the thinking?

Almost a decade ago I sat on a Jury. The case never should have gone to court. Yet I WASTED two days of my life dealing with it. Neither side had any sense and my fellow jurors had a,combined IQ of roughly cold coffee. In that 30 hour period i lost all faith in the entire system.
Thats relevant because of what?
Anathema, you are a complete idiot, and I have reported your threat to kill me if I do my job as an attorney.

Also, if you are ever summoned to jury duty, please tell them what you just told us, so you can be stricken from the jury for cause.

Also, you are a complete idiot. I thought I would repeat it to emphasize how I now hold complete contempt for you.
Well, it seems to me that if you were on the jury, it was YOUR JOB to ensure that there was a just verdict.

We did. However, what shoild have been able to be done in 4 hours from acceptance of the jury to verdict took a day and a half.

1 of the 2 charges should never have been filed. The ither one should have been plead guilty to. Evidence of the SEVEN prior convictions for the sane crime should have been allowed into evidence. Our 6 hours of deliberation should have been done in 20 minutes.
Here's another story.

We had a very obnoxious German couple living across the street. The German man was one of those old guys who will stay out in front and yell at anyone coming close to his house. I don't know if he was a Nazi, but he was of the right age to be one.

One day, a white kid ran over the German guy's mail box and completely upended it.

The cops showed up, and made the white kids apologize to the German man. The German man did not accept the apology and yelled at the white kid for a few minutes.

But he could haave pressed charges, because destruction of a mailbox is a federal crime.

But he knew the cops would never go along with that, so he just screamed at the kid instead.

And this is how cops handle it when a white kid is involved. They give them a lecture and return them to their parents.

And it made a big difference that the kid and his parents acted respectfully both to the old German man and the cops.

The father of the kid was there, and made sure his kid acted respectfully.

That's usually how it goes down when a white kid gets in trouble. Cops do not want to derail a white kid's future by making an arrest and booking him, which is then put on the internet.

With a black kid the cop's attitude is, he'll eventually commit a crime, so let's get him in the system now.
Here's another story.

We had a very obnoxious German couple living across the street. The German man was one of those old guys who will stay out in front and yell at anyone coming close to his house. I don't know if he was a Nazi, but he was of the right age to be one.

One day, a white kid ran over the German guy's mail box and completely upended it.

The cops showed up, and made the white kids apologize to the German man. The German man did not accept the apology and yelled at the white kid for a few minutes.

But he could haave pressed charges, because destruction of a mailbox is a federal crime.

But he knew the cops would never go along with that, so he just screamed at the kid instead.

See, I would have forced them to press the charges. Regardless of the kid's age, race, or gender.
I was sitting in court one day with some people from the Public Defender's office. I has asked them if I could volunteer.

While I was sitting there, a black man was the defendant at a preliminary hearing to determine if there was probable cause to prosecute him for shoplifting.

What this guy did was he grabbed two armfuls of hair conditioner and walk out of the store. An elderly security guard tried to get in his way, so the defendant pushed past him.

After the testimony of the security guard, the judge ordered that this black man be prosecuted for shoplifting, assault and battery committed against an elderly person.

The defense attorneys did nothing to help this black man. They just sat there and watched it happen.

They told me that some stores deliberately hire elderly security guards so they can get that enhancement of the assault charge.

Had this man been white, the story would have a much different ending. If he was a first offender, he would hae the charges dismissed in return for community service. He would not have a public defender, he would have an expensive private attorney representing him. His family would have put up the money to pay the attorney, borrowing if they had to, or putting a mortgage on their home.

And my guess is the assault and battery charge would have dismissed, because all he did is brush by him.

I am not a liberal, but I'm willing to admit this. People in the criminal system consider all blacks and Hispanics to be potential criminals, so they might as well get them in prison as soon as possible.
I partially agree. But damn! There is a pantload of "assumption" in your post. What if the "white man" had tattoos? Or piercings? What if he had no teeth? What if he had long hair and wore a leather coat? What if he was ugly as hell? What makes you assume that all "whites' have families willing to pay for "expensive attorneys" or that they own homes that they can mortgage?

The reason the criminal justice system is biased towards blacks and hispanics is simple- they commit a disproportionate amount of criminal acts...


Or maybe they are convicted of a disproportionate amount of criminal acts...
There needs to be a major fix to our criminal justice system, and we can't use the usual liberal v. conservative bullshit. This is a problem that everyone needs to be concerned with.

Wish I could give rep!
Blackrock, you're part of a profession i have no respect for. In my mind the only job of a Defense Attorney who knows their client is guilty is to get them an appropriate punishment (not over-punishment) abd to save the Court as much time and aggravation as possible while doing so.

Any defense arrorney who provides an aggressive defense for a person they know to be guilty should be drawn and quartered regardless of whether they win or lose the case.

I disagree. They have a job to do. Everyone is entitled to a defense. If an EMT saved the life of a serial killer who had been shot - would you have him drawn and quartered?
Here's another story.

We had a very obnoxious German couple living across the street. The German man was one of those old guys who will stay out in front and yell at anyone coming close to his house. I don't know if he was a Nazi, but he was of the right age to be one.

One day, a white kid ran over the German guy's mail box and completely upended it.

The cops showed up, and made the white kids apologize to the German man. The German man did not accept the apology and yelled at the white kid for a few minutes.

But he could haave pressed charges, because destruction of a mailbox is a federal crime.

But he knew the cops would never go along with that, so he just screamed at the kid instead.

See, I would have forced them to press the charges. Regardless of the kid's age, race, or gender.
I'm sure this old, retired German wanted to do that. He was a very nasty person. But the cops would refuse to write a police report.

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