As a conservative attorney, I will admit that whites have it better in court than blacks or Hispanic

You'd shoot someone over a mailbox? Don't you think that's a bit crazy? Like lock you up in a padded room and shoot you full of Thorazine crazy?

I'd shoot someone over tire tracks across the corner of the driveway. They wouldn't get the opportunity to take me alive.
You'd shoot someone over a mailbox? Don't you think that's a bit crazy? Like lock you up in a padded room and shoot you full of Thorazine crazy?

I'd shoot someone over tire tracks across the corner of the driveway. They wouldn't get the opportunity to take me alive.

I don't think they should even try to take you alive, Anathema! We have SWAT teams because of nut cases like you!
I was sitting in court one day with some people from the Public Defender's office. I has asked them if I could volunteer.

While I was sitting there, a black man was the defendant at a preliminary hearing to determine if there was probable cause to prosecute him for shoplifting.

What this guy did was he grabbed two armfuls of hair conditioner and walk out of the store. An elderly security guard tried to get in his way, so the defendant pushed past him.

After the testimony of the security guard, the judge ordered that this black man be prosecuted for shoplifting, assault and battery committed against an elderly person.

The defense attorneys did nothing to help this black man. They just sat there and watched it happen.

They told me that some stores deliberately hire elderly security guards so they can get that enhancement of the assault charge.

Had this man been white, the story would have a much different ending. If he was a first offender, he would hae the charges dismissed in return for community service. He would not have a public defender, he would have an expensive private attorney representing him. His family would have put up the money to pay the attorney, borrowing if they had to, or putting a mortgage on their home.

And my guess is the assault and battery charge would have dismissed, because all he did is brush by him.

I am not a liberal, but I'm willing to admit this. People in the criminal system consider all blacks and Hispanics to be potential criminals, so they might as well get them in prison as soon as possible.

he would have an expensive private attorney representing him. His family would have put up the money to pay the attorney, borrowing if they had to, or putting a mortgage on their home.

i have seen too many white males and females go through the PD out here to agree with that
I don't think they should even try to take you alive, Anathema! We have SWAT teams because of nut cases like you!

Just make sure you put the expendable ones up front.

Dude, you're not even going to see it coming. Some sniper is going to take you out from a couple hundred yards away like he's plinking targets at the range. Calm your ass down...put the guns back in your gun safe...take your a little football...have a couple beers and chill!
You should have stopped with your first sentence. "Your mind" is the key phrase. Obviously you dont have a clue how the system works so why dont you let the people who actually work in the system do the thinking?

Almost a decade ago I sat on a Jury. The case never should have gone to court. Yet I WASTED two days of my life dealing with it. Neither side had any sense and my fellow jurors had a,combined IQ of roughly cold coffee. In that 30 hour period i lost all faith in the entire system.
hey i wasted 2 days on dam parking ticket that the cop should have handled right there on the spot...the jury dumped on the cop for being incompetent and gave the cabbie the win.......
You'd shoot someone over a mailbox? Don't you think that's a bit crazy? Like lock you up in a padded room and shoot you full of Thorazine crazy?

I'd shoot someone over tire tracks across the corner of the driveway. They wouldn't get the opportunity to take me alive.

At work, some people.....and prior shifts leave fire extinguishers for me to fill. I just.....two nights ago had to fill two fire extinguishers that someone left me. many -many times before, I have had to fill fire extinguishers that someone did not fill

Some of my colleagues ( as well as my supervisors ) are on their I-phone, or on the computer ( on the internet )....most likely "Facebook" approximately 8 hours a day....or more, out of a 12 hours shift. Even on day shift, Monday through Friday they are on. Working the Gate 3 on day shift, or Gate one on Nights...I can see spending time on the internet. But being "In the Facility" ( opening gates - issuing permits - transporting people ) I do not see it spending 8 hours a day or more...on the I-phone internet...or on the computer with internet ( 90% of the time it is "Facebook" ). Supervisors ( some - they bring their own computer and hook up to the internet through an external connection or Wi-Fi ) are on the internet 10 hours a night. Some Guards run ragged....and the supervisor does not leave his desk, computer or internet connection, instead of helping out. my department, in the supervisors office...on their I-Phone, on day shift Monday through Friday...for about 8 to 9 hours a day. And they gripe at a subordinate whom does not do their job, or does not do a job adequate or thorough enough. They tell, instead of show how to do.

I work holidays that my company ( I work for a contractor... for an industrial company and the industrial company is a Department of Defense Contractor ) I work for, does not recognize certain holidays, so I get cheated out of time and half pay on holidays that I work.

I have been "Raked over the coals" the past 14 years. Few people could put up with the mental anguish and the extreme psychological hardships that I have had to deal with the past 14 years at my current work location, nor could they deal with the extreme physical hardships and problems I have had at work.

Some of the "children" and immature people I have had to deal with.

Shadow 355
What I saw would be shocking. I was defending pro-life demonstrators who were given a ticket for trespassing.

The cop lied about what happened, and in the court his son was watching to watch his father commit perjury.

The D.A. would not release a copy of the video our defendant took.

That's an ethical violation. All evidence showing the defendant might be innocent must be release. But the D.A. didn't.

Fortunately for our side, the demonstrator who was taking the video switched it out before the cops grabbed it.

We used it as surprise evidence, and demonstrated to the court that our clients were not guilty of trespassing.

The female D.A. was literally in tears. She told all her other cop witnesses to clear out before we could catch them.

That experience proved to me that our criminal justice system is corrupt. DA's can do anything they want, and no one will ever call them for it.
Its shocking to see someone admit what I have seen too many times where I grew up. I've watched cops plant evidence, rob, assault, and do many other illegal things all my life and get away with it numerous times.
Which is why ALL cops should be required to wear body cameras on duty, and deactivating them should be a felony.
Blackrock, you're part of a profession i have no respect for. In my mind the only job of a Defense Attorney who knows their client is guilty is to get them an appropriate punishment (not over-punishment) abd to save the Court as much time and aggravation as possible while doing so.

So, let's add "duty of a defense attorney" to the long list of things Anachronism is wrong about!

Any defense arrorney who provides an aggressive defense for a person they know to be guilty should be drawn and quartered regardless of whether they win or lose the case.

Would you off yourself already! Put us out of your misery!
This site is pretty tolerant to trolls, but I think your "promise" to shoot me if I did my job as an attorney is just as bad as saying you would come to my home and shoot me now.

That's nice. Your opinion holds no weight with me as mine holds none with you. Guess thst makes us even.

Though i do wonder what you would do if you ever ended up with me as a client.... since i would refuse to be of any assistance in my own defense. Not just with you but with any attorney
Why would you refuse to cooperate in your defense? That doesn't even make sense.

Because he is a psychotic nut.
Who in god's name would arrest someone for running over a mailbox? The police are going to give whoever did it the chance to make it right and then go on about their business and I don't think it would matter one iota what color anyone was who was involved! The complaint would go nowhere because if the person who caused the damage promised to make restitution then it SHOULDN'T go anywhere!

I would have no interest in restitution but I would get my pound of FLESH from them for certain.

So instead of having the person buy you a new'd rather see them get arrested, put in jail, brought to court...where the judge would most likely simply have them buy you a new mailbox? Yeah, that's an intelligent approach to the situation!:blowup:

He's not big on "intelligent". He is batshit insane and needs to be locked up.
Can you trade that pound of flesh in for a new mailbox at the Home Depot? Just saying...

No. But it earns them a nice new pine box.

You'd shoot someone over a mailbox? Don't you think that's a bit crazy? Like lock you up in a padded room and shoot you full of Thorazine crazy?

He's beyond that. He is well into the territory of: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in full restraints, in a padded cell with the door welded closed, in a maximum-security mental ward, with a GPS monitor implanted in his leg and hooked to a 2 ounce charge of C4 that can be remotely detonated if he ever leaves the grounds of the nut house. I truly think that we WILL see the aftermath of his mental breakdown on the news some day.
OP is full of sh**.
what if we change the Persons involved to the least wealthy, regardless of skin color under our form of Capitalism?

For comparison and contrast; the wealthiest can even retain their multimillion dollar bonuses while on "means tested corporate welfare" while the least wealthy seem to not even be able to afford Faith-full execution of our own laws regarding the concept of employment at will, even with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge, implying the bearing of True Witness to our own laws as a social and Religious moral.

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