As a gesture, why don't the family's of the slave owners pay compensation to the BLM.......

Oz and the Orchestra

Platinum Member
May 25, 2020
… be distributed in poor black area's and pay for educational projects for young blacks. This might go someway towards redressing the injustice and help in reconciliation. With the power of the internet and and modern DNA techniques, It should be easy to trace modern descendant's of the slavers.
Obviously it would have to be based on the ability to pay, but wealthy offspring's could pay a 'family shame tax'.

In Britain already wealthy slave trading families were paid compensation in 1837 by the British Government after slavery was abolished. Those families should now be made to pay it back plus the proceeds of their profits from slavery.

Were Trump to announce such a police in the US, it just might save his presidency and give him a legacy. Why some of the money raised could go to building a Lincoln type memorial to him.... In-fact I think I will write him and suggest it!
… be distributed in poor black area's and pay for educational projects for young blacks. This might go someway towards redressing the injustice and help in reconciliation. With the power of the internet and and modern DNA techniques, It should be easy to trace modern descendant's of the slavers.
Obviously it would have to be based on the ability to pay, but wealthy offspring's could pay a 'family shame tax'.

In Britain already wealthy slave trading families were paid compensation in 1837 by the British Government after slavery was abolished. Those families should now be made to pay it back plus the proceeds of their profits from slavery.

Were Trump to announce such a police in the US, it just might save his presidency and give him a legacy. Why some of the money raised could go to building a Lincoln type memorial to him.... In-fact I think I will write him and suggest it!
England profited from all the slave trading, they should pay.

PS: GTFO here with that bullshit!
Fuck you, and the commies, and the wealth redistribution scheme.
How much tax did the Brit slavers have to pay to the queen, hmm? The Queen should pay.
… be distributed in poor black area's and pay for educational projects for young blacks. This might go someway towards redressing the injustice and help in reconciliation. With the power of the internet and and modern DNA techniques, It should be easy to trace modern descendant's of the slavers.
Obviously it would have to be based on the ability to pay, but wealthy offspring's could pay a 'family shame tax'.

In Britain already wealthy slave trading families were paid compensation in 1837 by the British Government after slavery was abolished. Those families should now be made to pay it back plus the proceeds of their profits from slavery.

Were Trump to announce such a police in the US, it just might save his presidency and give him a legacy. Why some of the money raised could go to building a Lincoln type memorial to him.... In-fact I think I will write him and suggest it!

Why don't you British filth pay reparations to us Americans, for the abuses and oppression that your ancestors inflicted on ours?
Great idea of the OP's.

I bet a lot of leading Dem politicians (no names, of course) had slave-owning ancestors.

How delicious to see them outed.

And how much more delicious to see them pay reparations.

We can dream, can't we?
… be distributed in poor black area's and pay for educational projects for young blacks. This might go someway towards redressing the injustice and help in reconciliation. With the power of the internet and and modern DNA techniques, It should be easy to trace modern descendant's of the slavers.
Obviously it would have to be based on the ability to pay, but wealthy offspring's could pay a 'family shame tax'.

In Britain already wealthy slave trading families were paid compensation in 1837 by the British Government after slavery was abolished. Those families should now be made to pay it back plus the proceeds of their profits from slavery.

Were Trump to announce such a police in the US, it just might save his presidency and give him a legacy. Why some of the money raised could go to building a Lincoln type memorial to him.... In-fact I think I will write him and suggest it!
They can’t be improved...we have invested $22T in them via welfare with no improvement...We spend billions to incarcerate and police the subhumans....Tell them to kindly FUCK OFF please. Thank you in advance.
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… be distributed in poor black area's and pay for educational projects for young blacks. This might go someway towards redressing the injustice and help in reconciliation. With the power of the internet and and modern DNA techniques, It should be easy to trace modern descendant's of the slavers.
Obviously it would have to be based on the ability to pay, but wealthy offspring's could pay a 'family shame tax'.

In Britain already wealthy slave trading families were paid compensation in 1837 by the British Government after slavery was abolished. Those families should now be made to pay it back plus the proceeds of their profits from slavery.

Were Trump to announce such a police in the US, it just might save his presidency and give him a legacy. Why some of the money raised could go to building a Lincoln type memorial to him.... In-fact I think I will write him and suggest it!

Reparations programs stand as an extraordinary remedy to attempt to right the wrongs of the past. In law, there is the concept of "reparations justice" that permits payment to be extracted in part from those who did not themselves wrong anyone, through taxes or other mechanisms.

A notable precedent is illustrated in the negotiations between West Germany and the State of Israel over reparations that began in early 1952. The discussions between the two delegations were not easy. It had been only seven years since the liberation of the concentration camps and the end of Second World War, but it was not possible to make direct reparations to victims of genocide since so few people had survived.

Most of the population in West Germany opposed the reparations. The German public mainly was against the large sum that Chancellor Konrad Adenauer was prepared to accept as a starting point of the negotiations, some four billion German marks. However, Adenauer understood that there was no alternative to reaching a compromise with the Israeli side, in order to restore West Germany's sovereignty and end the occupation by the western Allies.

Historically in the United States, reparations programs have often been cases in which sovereign immunity or some other bar to recovery has thrown the issue out of the courts and into legislatures. An example is the statute compensating Japanese-American internees, which was enacted only after, and in part because, the courts had denied compensation suits against the government.

The first US reparations program passed by Congress was in 1946 to redress a wide range of claims pressed by Native American tribes, including violations of treaties for which a judicial remedy was denied, and the loss of lands under treaties signed under duress. Compensation has been paid to numerous Native American groups in the decades since.

Other notable reparations programs by the United States besides the payments to Japanese-American internees confined during the Second World War; include compensation to people exposed to radiation from nuclear tests and mining; and victims of syphilis experiments who were denied treatment. An unusual case of reparations was paid by the state of Florida to the survivors and descendants of residents of the black town of Rosewood, Florida, destroyed following a race riot in 1923.

The history of reparations for past injustices have a number of important elements in the process of effectively compensating the victims and their descendants. There is the importance of financial compensation as the tangible token of society's recognition and commitment. There must be some measure of punishment for the perpetrator's crimes against the victims. There must be strong financial and political backing for the process to move forward. Finally, there is the element of lasting moral responsibility driving the process of commemorating and rectifying past wrongs.
Why don't you British filth pay reparations to us Americans, for the abuses and oppression that your ancestors inflicted on ours?
What are you on about? You stole King George III's colonies. Who do you think Georgia is named after? And Carolina his Queen - its no wonder he went mad.
If it weren't for us New York would be called New Amsterdam.
The British actually offered the blacks their freedom if they would fight against traitor & slave owner Washington (with the bad teeth) and his slave trading gang. Many accepted given their freedom and were settled in either Nova Scotia or England after the war. Brits making good our promise.
… be distributed in poor black area's and pay for educational projects for young blacks. This might go someway towards redressing the injustice and help in reconciliation. With the power of the internet and and modern DNA techniques, It should be easy to trace modern descendant's of the slavers.
Obviously it would have to be based on the ability to pay, but wealthy offspring's could pay a 'family shame tax'.

In Britain already wealthy slave trading families were paid compensation in 1837 by the British Government after slavery was abolished. Those families should now be made to pay it back plus the proceeds of their profits from slavery.

Were Trump to announce such a police in the US, it just might save his presidency and give him a legacy. Why some of the money raised could go to building a Lincoln type memorial to him.... In-fact I think I will write him and suggest it!

No and no. The Blacks have had more than 200 years to get their shit together. Since the 1960s they have been in America given Affirmative Action - which itself is racist as it rewards Blacks on SKIN colour and NOT Merit - to help them also get their shit together.

"to be distributed in poor black area's and pay for educational projects for young blacks."

Those poor areas are the DIRECT result of being run by Democrats for 50-55 years. The educational projects, they already have it it's called Affirmative Action.
… be distributed in poor black area's and pay for educational projects for young blacks. This might go someway towards redressing the injustice and help in reconciliation. With the power of the internet and and modern DNA techniques, It should be easy to trace modern descendant's of the slavers.
Obviously it would have to be based on the ability to pay, but wealthy offspring's could pay a 'family shame tax'.

In Britain already wealthy slave trading families were paid compensation in 1837 by the British Government after slavery was abolished. Those families should now be made to pay it back plus the proceeds of their profits from slavery.

Were Trump to announce such a police in the US, it just might save his presidency and give him a legacy. Why some of the money raised could go to building a Lincoln type memorial to him.... In-fact I think I will write him and suggest it!
So how does that work? Say my great-great-great grandmother's cousin through was a slaveowner, would I be liable?

The entire question of reparations is nonsense. Even most Democrats get that.
… be distributed in poor black area's (sic) and pay for educational projects for young blacks. This might go someway towards redressing the injustice and help in reconciliation. With the power of the internet and and modern DNA techniques, It should be easy to trace modern descendant's (sic) of the slavers.
Obviously it would have to be based on the ability to pay, but wealthy offspring's (sic) could pay a 'family shame tax'.

In Britain already wealthy slave trading families were paid compensation in 1837 by the British Government after slavery was abolished. Those families should now be made to pay it back plus the proceeds of their profits from slavery.

Oz, you haven't even learned proper English. Don't be lecturing Americans on anything.
Your very title is ignorant, viz.,
As a gesture, why don't the family's (sic) of the slave owners pay compensation to the BLM.......
… be distributed in poor black area's and pay for educational projects for young blacks. This might go someway towards redressing the injustice and help in reconciliation. With the power of the internet and and modern DNA techniques, It should be easy to trace modern descendant's of the slavers.
Obviously it would have to be based on the ability to pay, but wealthy offspring's could pay a 'family shame tax'.

In Britain already wealthy slave trading families were paid compensation in 1837 by the British Government after slavery was abolished. Those families should now be made to pay it back plus the proceeds of their profits from slavery.

Were Trump to announce such a police in the US, it just might save his presidency and give him a legacy. Why some of the money raised could go to building a Lincoln type memorial to him.... In-fact I think I will write him and suggest it!
you really don't know what you are talking are foolish
..stick with England's crap--they have fkd over more people and more countries than the US has
So how does that work? Say my great-great-great grandmother's cousin through was a slaveowner, would I be liable?

The entire question of reparations is nonsense. Even most Democrats get that.
So you say your ..... great great great - that's three generations!
Grandmother's cousin....hmm - is that first cousin?
Reparations programs stand as an extraordinary remedy to attempt to right the wrongs of the past. In law, there is the concept of "reparations justice" that permits payment to be extracted in part from those who did not themselves wrong anyone, through taxes or other mechanisms.

A notable precedent is illustrated in the negotiations between West Germany and the State of Israel over reparations that began in early 1952. The discussions between the two delegations were not easy. It had been only seven years since the liberation of the concentration camps and the end of Second World War, but it was not possible to make direct reparations to victims of genocide since so few people had survived.

Most of the population in West Germany opposed the reparations. The German public mainly was against the large sum that Chancellor Konrad Adenauer was prepared to accept as a starting point of the negotiations, some four billion German marks. However, Adenauer understood that there was no alternative to reaching a compromise with the Israeli side, in order to restore West Germany's sovereignty and end the occupation by the western Allies.

Historically in the United States, reparations programs have often been cases in which sovereign immunity or some other bar to recovery has thrown the issue out of the courts and into legislatures. An example is the statute compensating Japanese-American internees, which was enacted only after, and in part because, the courts had denied compensation suits against the government.

The first US reparations program passed by Congress was in 1946 to redress a wide range of claims pressed by Native American tribes, including violations of treaties for which a judicial remedy was denied, and the loss of lands under treaties signed under duress. Compensation has been paid to numerous Native American groups in the decades since.

Other notable reparations programs by the United States besides the payments to Japanese-American internees confined during the Second World War; include compensation to people exposed to radiation from nuclear tests and mining; and victims of syphilis experiments who were denied treatment. An unusual case of reparations was paid by the state of Florida to the survivors and descendants of residents of the black town of Rosewood, Florida, destroyed following a race riot in 1923.

The history of reparations for past injustices have a number of important elements in the process of effectively compensating the victims and their descendants. There is the importance of financial compensation as the tangible token of society's recognition and commitment. There must be some measure of punishment for the perpetrator's crimes against the victims. There must be strong financial and political backing for the process to move forward. Finally, there is the element of lasting moral responsibility driving the process of commemorating and rectifying past wrongs.
Actually I think the insurance companies, those still in business should face heavy damages for classing humans as 'cargo'. I can see were the Nazi's got some of their ideas from!
… be distributed in poor black area's and pay for educational projects for young blacks. This might go someway towards redressing the injustice and help in reconciliation. With the power of the internet and and modern DNA techniques, It should be easy to trace modern descendant's of the slavers.
Obviously it would have to be based on the ability to pay, but wealthy offspring's could pay a 'family shame tax'.

In Britain already wealthy slave trading families were paid compensation in 1837 by the British Government after slavery was abolished. Those families should now be made to pay it back plus the proceeds of their profits from slavery.

Were Trump to announce such a police in the US, it just might save his presidency and give him a legacy. Why some of the money raised could go to building a Lincoln type memorial to him.... In-fact I think I will write him and suggest it!

The democrats don't want to pay they want the taxpayer to pay
… be distributed in poor black area's and pay for educational projects for young blacks. This might go someway towards redressing the injustice and help in reconciliation. With the power of the internet and and modern DNA techniques, It should be easy to trace modern descendant's of the slavers.
Obviously it would have to be based on the ability to pay, but wealthy offspring's could pay a 'family shame tax'.

In Britain already wealthy slave trading families were paid compensation in 1837 by the British Government after slavery was abolished. Those families should now be made to pay it back plus the proceeds of their profits from slavery.

Were Trump to announce such a police in the US, it just might save his presidency and give him a legacy. Why some of the money raised could go to building a Lincoln type memorial to him.... In-fact I think I will write him and suggest it!

sir ..they have been compensated with trillions in welfare and A.Action

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