As a gesture, why don't the family's of the slave owners pay compensation to the BLM.......

… be distributed in poor black area's and pay for educational projects for young blacks. This might go someway towards redressing the injustice and help in reconciliation. With the power of the internet and and modern DNA techniques, It should be easy to trace modern descendant's of the slavers.
Obviously it would have to be based on the ability to pay, but wealthy offspring's could pay a 'family shame tax'.

In Britain already wealthy slave trading families were paid compensation in 1837 by the British Government after slavery was abolished. Those families should now be made to pay it back plus the proceeds of their profits from slavery.

Were Trump to announce such a police in the US, it just might save his presidency and give him a legacy. Why some of the money raised could go to building a Lincoln type memorial to him.... In-fact I think I will write him and suggest it!

I oppose reparations.

just enforce equal and fair laws
equal and fair employment
equal and fair schools
equal and fair wages
equal and fair housing
equal and fair justice
“I conservatively estimate that tens of millions of people have been exposed to ‘Irish slaves’ disinformation in one form or another on social media.”

Liam Hogan

From 2015 until 2019, Liam Hogan compiled some 52 different articles debunking the tale of Irish slavery. The intent here is not to denigrate nonracist Irish citizens of this country, but to destroy a popular white supremacist meme that has plagued social media and American culture for years. According to Hogan and other Irish historians in his compilation, the Irish were indentured servants and not slaves. The fallacy in using indentured servitude as an argument lies in the fact that indentured servitude was a contractual agreement made between 2 or more parties. One party agreed that for payment of passage to America, the individual(s) would work for a specified term to repay the cost of passage. To say it was not much better than slavery is simply a lie. Slavery was permanent. Slavery was also generational. If you we born into a slave family, you were a slave. When you had children, they were slaves. There was no 7 years and a headright.

“The tale of the Irish slaves is rooted in a false conflation of indentured servitude and chattel slavery. These are not the same. Indentured servitude was a form of bonded labour, whereby a migrant agreed to work for a set period of time (between two and seven years) and in return the cost of the voyage across the Atlantic was covered. Indentured servitude was a colonial innovation that enabled many to emigrate to the New World while providing a cheap and white labour force for planters and merchants to exploit. Those who completed their term of service were awarded ‘freedom dues’ and were free. The vast majority of labourers who agreed to this system did so voluntarily, but there were many who were forcibly transplanted from the British Isles to the colonies and sold into indentured service against their will. While these forced deportees would have included political prisoners and serious felons, it is believed that the majority came from the poor and vulnerable. This forced labour was in essence an extension of the English Poor Laws, e.g. in 1697. John Locke recommended the whipping of those who ‘refused to work’ and the herding of beggars into workhouses. Indeed this criminalisation of the poor continues into the 21st century. In any case, all bar the serious felons were freed once the term of their contract expired.”

Liam Hogan
… be distributed in poor black area's and pay for educational projects for young blacks. This might go someway towards redressing the injustice and help in reconciliation. With the power of the internet and and modern DNA techniques, It should be easy to trace modern descendant's of the slavers.
Obviously it would have to be based on the ability to pay, but wealthy offspring's could pay a 'family shame tax'.

In Britain already wealthy slave trading families were paid compensation in 1837 by the British Government after slavery was abolished. Those families should now be made to pay it back plus the proceeds of their profits from slavery.

Were Trump to announce such a police in the US, it just might save his presidency and give him a legacy. Why some of the money raised could go to building a Lincoln type memorial to him.... In-fact I think I will write him and suggest it!

I oppose reparations.

just enforce equal and fair laws
equal and fair employment
equal and fair schools
equal and fair wages
equal and fair housing
equal and fair justice
We're owed money. It's easy for whites to oppose reparations for blacks but when are you going to stop paying reparations to Native Americans?
Why would I pay you?

SNAP - I'm Oirish too!

I was born in Dublin Eire.
Ya see my dad born in Wicklow met my mother born in Donegal in the mid forties in Dublin.
My dad a very keen flyer was in the Irish Army but jumped at the chance to join the RAF.
His family like my mothers were all staunch republican as were all my ancesters and dads step father never spoke to him again.
After marrying, my mum joined my dad in Germany. By this time the war was over
My mum always made a point of going 'home' to have her children in Ireland no matter where my dad was stationed. So two weeks after I was born in Dublin I was flown over to Germany. Later my parents were posted to
the south of England. So I have only ever been on holiday to Ireland - I have duel nationality!
The main reason I use the Union flag is because I know how hopeless you yanks are at geography or anything outside your own borders. Trump thinking Finland was part of Russia - bet he couldn't point out Russia on a map.
I did think some of you might have seen the flag before!

So your from Oregan - did you know it was originally for whites only?
My brothers brother in law is a yank and lives there. My brother went to visit a few times and said when the plane
landed and he got off, all he could smell is cannabis.
Cannabis is illegal here......I don't suppose you could se..............Na forget it!
Why would you being irish matter? White people who never had ancestors who skwned slaves are expected to pay for black reparations, so why shouldnt you pay reparations to other irish people?
Reparations are not just for slavery and the united states government that made slavery legal is being held responsible.
As long as they dont use tax payer money for reparations im ok with it, but i dont think they have money that doesnt come from tax payers, so nah, no reparations for you guys.
… be distributed in poor black area's and pay for educational projects for young blacks. This might go someway towards redressing the injustice and help in reconciliation. With the power of the internet and and modern DNA techniques, It should be easy to trace modern descendant's of the slavers.
Obviously it would have to be based on the ability to pay, but wealthy offspring's could pay a 'family shame tax'.

In Britain already wealthy slave trading families were paid compensation in 1837 by the British Government after slavery was abolished. Those families should now be made to pay it back plus the proceeds of their profits from slavery.

Were Trump to announce such a police in the US, it just might save his presidency and give him a legacy. Why some of the money raised could go to building a Lincoln type memorial to him.... In-fact I think I will write him and suggest it!

I oppose reparations.

just enforce equal and fair laws
equal and fair employment
equal and fair schools
equal and fair wages
equal and fair housing
equal and fair justice
That's been happening for decades but people put In charge of implementing such laws are usually white become corrupted to allow those that they identify with (usually white) and pay the most (usually white).
To get all the advantages.
Why would I pay you?

SNAP - I'm Oirish too!

I was born in Dublin Eire.
Ya see my dad born in Wicklow met my mother born in Donegal in the mid forties in Dublin.
My dad a very keen flyer was in the Irish Army but jumped at the chance to join the RAF.
His family like my mothers were all staunch republican as were all my ancesters and dads step father never spoke to him again.
After marrying, my mum joined my dad in Germany. By this time the war was over
My mum always made a point of going 'home' to have her children in Ireland no matter where my dad was stationed. So two weeks after I was born in Dublin I was flown over to Germany. Later my parents were posted to
the south of England. So I have only ever been on holiday to Ireland - I have duel nationality!
The main reason I use the Union flag is because I know how hopeless you yanks are at geography or anything outside your own borders. Trump thinking Finland was part of Russia - bet he couldn't point out Russia on a map.
I did think some of you might have seen the flag before!

So your from Oregan - did you know it was originally for whites only?
My brothers brother in law is a yank and lives there. My brother went to visit a few times and said when the plane
landed and he got off, all he could smell is cannabis.
Cannabis is illegal here......I don't suppose you could se..............Na forget it!
Why would you being irish matter? White people who never had ancestors who skwned slaves are expected to pay for black reparations, so why shouldnt you pay reparations to other irish people?
Reparations are not just for slavery and the united states government that made slavery legal is being held responsible.
As long as they dont use tax payer money for reparations im ok with it, but i dont think they have money that doesnt come from tax payers, so nah, no reparations for you guys.
Tax payer money that black put in the pot built the suburbs whites live in, provided the low interest guaranteed government home loans whites got to live in them and built the highways that run through black communities which broke up and you benefited from it.
… be distributed in poor black area's and pay for educational projects for young blacks. This might go someway towards redressing the injustice and help in reconciliation. With the power of the internet and and modern DNA techniques, It should be easy to trace modern descendant's of the slavers.
Obviously it would have to be based on the ability to pay, but wealthy offspring's could pay a 'family shame tax'.

In Britain already wealthy slave trading families were paid compensation in 1837 by the British Government after slavery was abolished. Those families should now be made to pay it back plus the proceeds of their profits from slavery.

Were Trump to announce such a police in the US, it just might save his presidency and give him a legacy. Why some of the money raised could go to building a Lincoln type memorial to him.... In-fact I think I will write him and suggest it!

Well, there is a catch to that. African Americans have on average about a quarter European ancestry. We can guess where a lot of that came from.
The black descendants of slaves should pay the white descendants of slaveholders compensation for the benefit of the selective breeding programs.
I am of Irish descent, Oz.

When you send me my reparations, please remember the proper postage, k? it coats a bit more to send all those unmarked bills across the pond than it does domestically.


Hey, I'm scottish. Don't forget mine! Large bills are fine, if that helps.
Why would I pay you?

SNAP - I'm Oirish too!

I was born in Dublin Eire.
Ya see my dad born in Wicklow met my mother born in Donegal in the mid forties in Dublin.
My dad a very keen flyer was in the Irish Army but jumped at the chance to join the RAF.
His family like my mothers were all staunch republican as were all my ancesters and dads step father never spoke to him again.
After marrying, my mum joined my dad in Germany. By this time the war was over
My mum always made a point of going 'home' to have her children in Ireland no matter where my dad was stationed. So two weeks after I was born in Dublin I was flown over to Germany. Later my parents were posted to
the south of England. So I have only ever been on holiday to Ireland - I have duel nationality!
The main reason I use the Union flag is because I know how hopeless you yanks are at geography or anything outside your own borders. Trump thinking Finland was part of Russia - bet he couldn't point out Russia on a map.
I did think some of you might have seen the flag before!

So your from Oregan - did you know it was originally for whites only?
My brothers brother in law is a yank and lives there. My brother went to visit a few times and said when the plane
landed and he got off, all he could smell is cannabis.
Cannabis is illegal here......I don't suppose you could se..............Na forget it!
Why would you being irish matter? White people who never had ancestors who skwned slaves are expected to pay for black reparations, so why shouldnt you pay reparations to other irish people?
Reparations are not just for slavery and the united states government that made slavery legal is being held responsible.
As long as they dont use tax payer money for reparations im ok with it, but i dont think they have money that doesnt come from tax payers, so nah, no reparations for you guys.
Tax payer money that black put in the pot built the suburbs whites live in, provided the low interest guaranteed government home loans whites got to live in them and built the highways that run through black communities which broke up and you benefited from it.
Black people can move into those suburbs too. What are you talking about?
We're owed money.

You betcha.

You can either be recompensed by the hour or the bale. All you need to do is provide a little documentation as to the number of hours you spent picking cotton for whoever it was who enslaved you IM2, or else the bills of lading for the bales you produced and a check is on its way!!

BTW _ I do offer my most sincere condolences for your period of enslavement.

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