As a long time USMB member:

Here we go again. Wise guys chime in. How about real actual practical responses, guys? Just for once?
Long time member over thirteen years, we need to vet or elect moderators.

WE need to install Electors to determine the next flood of Mods. Then we need to claim that the Elections were Rigged and present out own Electors after the fact.
WE need to install Electors to determine the next flood of Mods. Then we need to claim that the Elections were Rigged and present out own Electors after the fact.
oh no.....just let the winners keep the results hidden and ban anyone who wants to talk about it. too many posters anyway..a little culling of the herd can't hurt...can it?
Here we go again. Wise guys chime in. How about real actual practical responses, guys? Just for once?

There really isn't a practical response. The point being, people like me can create message bases in only a few minutes. There are thousands of them already out there. But there are only a few hundred that are worth being on.

Now, let's say enough people were disenfranchised and wanted another board created with the rules like they wish. Okay, that can be done. In fact, it would probably take a message base created to discuss on the rules for the new message board. Okay, you have 20 people like minded. When that new message base is created, there still isn't a guarantee that it will be successful and weather the first fight for it's existence.

The only question that comes up, is it worth attempting to create and alternate Message Base? So far, I haven't seen it.
Who says I'm not serious, what if a sock puppet gets elected grand exhaulted poobah?
Further, what makes you think you can do better if you have some type of elections?
Once, a long time ago here on usmb, there WAS a split. For awhile, there was another us message board, named slightly different, but essentially the same. Were you here then? Someone declared they could do "better".
To my point: there is but one (1) left, this one.
I say read more, post less, stop bitching and either deal with it or find something else to do with your online time. It's your choice to be miserable, or not.
Who says I'm not serious, what if a sock puppet gets elected grand exhaulted poobah?
Further, what makes you think you can do better if you have some type of elections?
Once, a long time ago here on usmb, there WAS a split. For awhile, there was another us message board, named slightly different, but essentially the same. Were you here then? Someone declared they could do "better".
To my point: there is but one (1) left, this one.
I say read more, post less, stop bitching and either deal with it or find something else to do with your online time. It's your choice to be miserable, or not.

Are you talking about the
I recognize that were I nominated, just about everybody would vote for me, but I am far too humble to accept such an outpouring of trust and respect.
By contrast, I recognize that I’d never be nominated; and I would expect (and be entitled to) not a speck of support. FFS, I wouldn’t vote for me, either. 👍

There are some mods here who lack objectivity and fairness. But the job, itself, still sucks. What a major pain in the nadz. Even for the few who do it fairly and objectively and reasonably.

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