As a long time USMB member:

By contrast, I recognize that I’d never be nominated; and I would expect (and be entitled to) not a speck of support. FFS, I wouldn’t vote for me, either. 👍

There are some mods here who lack objectivity and fairness. But the job, itself, still sucks. What a major pain in the nadz. Even for the few who do it fairly and objectively and reasonably.
I'd vote for you!
Long time member over thirteen years, we need to vet or elect moderators.
At a guess I'm gonna say they have a hard enough time finding anyone who will do it at all, much less go through an election/ vetting process.
At a guess I'm gonna say they have a hard enough time finding anyone who will do it at all, much less go through an election/ vetting process.
Excuse me? You liberals support HAMAS and hate and genocide. I really don't care about your reasons or explanations.
Here we go again. Wise guys chime in. How about real actual practical responses, guys? Just for once?
You're absolutely right. Practical action is needed right now. I suggest we start with some of those cones the vet puts around dogs necks to keep them from licking themselves in public.
When you say vet , will they require having sensitive bits snipped off them ?
I am done with some rando mod pushing a thread of mine into oblivion for reasons they don't elaborate upon. Just because I don't know, "reasons".
I am done with some rando mod pushing a thread of mine into oblivion for reasons they don't elaborate.
You gonna hold your breath till you turn blue? That will teach them a lesson.
When you say vet , will they require having sensitive bits snipped off them ?

That and they'll need to be up to date on their rabies' shots. There's a couple to a few of them currently on the staff team that I'm not quite sure about for the time being though.
Democrats are the mind killers, the destroyers of democracy and facts. Mods: Let's move this thread to a thread far far away. For inexplicable reasons because...just because.
I don't see a big problem. I have only had a half dozen or so run ins over the years.

I don't like when they prejudice some posts be shoving them into Conspiracy Theories.

They will delete a post and don't tell you which one it was.

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