As a man, I find the stereotypical "manly" man obnoxious

How about you just admit that even though you like to think you're an "alpha male", you're deep down self-conscious, insecure, and angry.
You started this. Come clean and fess up to being a snowflake beta-male and loser, but it is likely the few remaining vestiges of machismo which prevents you from acknowledging the obvious.

Then I'll think about it.
You're the one that celebrates the "alpha male" mentality. Only someone deeply insecure and pathetic would declare themselves as such.
You simply saying "beta-male" only further illustrates my point. Thanks for that.
Welcome, and I understand why you don't like labels like snowflake, beta-male and loser, but that changes nothing.


Do you honestly believe that you're impressing anyone?
Well this is the Internet. He can be whoever he wants.

He can be whoever he wants - and so can everyone else. That's what makes the macho bluster so pathetic.
Men should take a 50% role in raising the babies that are theirs. Men should dress as women at these times and use a bottle to feed their babies for the real young ones and cook meals for them when they get older.

Men Should hate war, fighting and violence! We'd all be better off.

Men love their families and never take it for granted.

FUCK MUCHOISM!!!! FUCK BEING TOUGH! What is it for??? YOu'll die earlier.
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!

Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.

View attachment 134959

10. Real Men


A "real man" doesn't need to talk about how manly he is on the internet. You may be impressed with bluster and posturing, but me not so much.
How about you just admit that even though you like to think you're an "alpha male", you're deep down self-conscious, insecure, and angry.
You started this. Come clean and fess up to being a snowflake beta-male and loser, but it is likely the few remaining vestiges of machismo which prevents you from acknowledging the obvious.

Then I'll think about it.

Do you believe yourself to be an "alpha male"?
A real man cares about his wife and children.

A real man would tell his sons how bad war is and how they shouldn't ever be violent assholes. One that cares about his children survival.
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!

Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.

View attachment 134959

10. Real Men


A "real man" doesn't need to talk about how manly he is on the internet. You may be impressed with bluster and posturing, but me not so much.

I'm not talking about men on the internet.
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!

Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.

View attachment 134959

10. Real Men


A "real man" doesn't need to talk about how manly he is on the internet. You may be impressed with bluster and posturing, but me not so much.

I'm not talking about men on the internet.



Because I'm pretty sure that we're on the internet right now.
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!

Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.

View attachment 134959

10. Real Men

I must admit the female perspective on this is interesting. Your personality, Tilly, is so 1-dimensional that you actually think typical "manly" stereotypes are attractive. I mean I get it. You like a "no non-sense" man, but you come across as laughable if you think a guy isn't full of shit when he goes out of his way to express these qualities. You're really just a pawn if you fall for it.
I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!
Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.

View attachment 134959

10. Real Men


A "real man" doesn't need to talk about how manly he is on the internet. You may be impressed with bluster and posturing, but me not so much.
I'm not talking about men on the internet.



Because I'm pretty sure that we're on the internet right now.
What??? Ummm....yes we're on the internetz but I'm talking about men in general.
Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.

View attachment 134959

10. Real Men


A "real man" doesn't need to talk about how manly he is on the internet. You may be impressed with bluster and posturing, but me not so much.
I'm not talking about men on the internet.



Because I'm pretty sure that we're on the internet right now.
What??? Ummm....yes we're on the internetz but I'm talking about men in general.


No, you're posting dumb internet memes about "liberals".
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!

Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.

View attachment 134959

10. Real Men

I must admit the female perspective on this is interesting. Your personality, Tilly, are so 1-dimensional that you actually think typical "manly" stereotypes are attractive. I mean I get it. You like a "no non-sense" man, but you come across as laughable if you think a guy isn't full of shit when he goes out of his way to express these qualities. You're really just a pawn if you fall for it.

Actually, I'm not attracted to snowflake liberal men, and neither am I attracted to men who are overtly macho or aggressive. You know there are plenty of men in between these two stereotypes, don't you?
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!

Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.

View attachment 134959

10. Real Men

I must admit the female perspective on this is interesting. Your personality, Tilly, are so 1-dimensional that you actually think typical "manly" stereotypes are attractive. I mean I get it. You like a "no non-sense" man, but you come across as laughable if you think a guy isn't full of shit when he goes out of his way to express these qualities. You're really just a pawn if you fall for it.

Actually, I'm not attracted to snowflake liberal men, and neither am I attracted to men who are overtly macho or aggressive. You their are plenty of men in between these two stereotypes, don't you?

lol so who are they? What is their political orientation?
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!


Do you consider yourself a "manly man"?

The wife seems to think so.

I also wade chest deep in alligator infested waters to gig frogs at 2:00am. with a .45 cross holstered on my chest.
And I've actually had to use it.......several times.

Come on down to my world bitch.
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!

Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.

View attachment 134959

10. Real Men

I must admit the female perspective on this is interesting. Your personality, Tilly, are so 1-dimensional that you actually think typical "manly" stereotypes are attractive. I mean I get it. You like a "no non-sense" man, but you come across as laughable if you think a guy isn't full of shit when he goes out of his way to express these qualities. You're really just a pawn if you fall for it.

Actually, I'm not attracted to snowflake liberal men, and neither am I attracted to men who are overtly macho or aggressive. You their are plenty of men in between these two stereotypes, don't you?

I doubt you've actually ever met a "snowflake liberal" in the real world.

They don't actually exist, just like 1-dimensional cliches of right-wingers don't actually exist.

In reality, every man is their own personal combination of prides and insecurities, and those manifest in many ways different ways.
Lets be honest...Instead of teaching our sons to be mucho and tough, we should teach them to be that kids second parent that cares for their children just as much as his wife. It should be the most disgraceful thing any man can do when they leave their wife and children! Because the man should be just like the woman as the children is as much theirs as hers.


A "real man" doesn't need to talk about how manly he is on the internet. You may be impressed with bluster and posturing, but me not so much.
I'm not talking about men on the internet.



Because I'm pretty sure that we're on the internet right now.
What??? Ummm....yes we're on the internetz but I'm talking about men in general.


No, you're posting dumb internet memes about "liberals".
I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!
Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.

View attachment 134959

10. Real Men
I must admit the female perspective on this is interesting. Your personality, Tilly, are so 1-dimensional that you actually think typical "manly" stereotypes are attractive. I mean I get it. You like a "no non-sense" man, but you come across as laughable if you think a guy isn't full of shit when he goes out of his way to express these qualities. You're really just a pawn if you fall for it.
Actually, I'm not attracted to snowflake liberal men, and neither am I attracted to men who are overtly macho or aggressive. You their are plenty of men in between these two stereotypes, don't you?
lol so who are they? What is their political orientation?
Who are they? Lol.
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!

Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.

View attachment 134959

10. Real Men


A "real man" doesn't need to talk about how manly he is on the internet. You may be impressed with bluster and posturing, but me not so much.

Guess there isnt much to bluster about sitting on your ass in the den.
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!


Do you consider yourself a "manly man"?

The wife seems to think so.

I also wade chest deep in alligator infested waters to gig frogs at 2:00am. with a .45 cross holstered on my chest.
And I've actually had to use it.......several times.

Come on down to my world bitch.
View attachment 134960


Oh my lordy, I'm so impressed and intimidated that I just don't know what to do!

You must feel like Chuck Norris when you do that!

Please, tell me more about how amazing and manly you are. If you do it enough, maybe you'll even convince yourself.

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