As a once Iraq war supporter I say if the cowards that live there won't defend themselves...

Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.

You tried to do it....but you couldn't.
Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.
One might have a better feel for what's going on there if we had reporters on the ground. Ernie Pyle is long dead.
Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.
One might have a better feel for what's going on there if we had reporters on the ground. Ernie Pyle is long dead.
Regardless there is no point to doing something if you're just gonna half ass it
Just think, none of this would be happening had we not invaded in the first place.
Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.

I say find the nearest strongman and put him back into power.
Obama cut and ran, why should they stand their ground with no support from Obama and die?
Where the hell is this bullshit in the US media that Iraqis are running coming from?

I've just picked up at the Daily Mail that they are ready to launch an offensive to take Ramadi.

And what is freaking outrageous is the PM and the US advisers haven't wanted to send in Shiite troops into Sunni areas.

How fucking whacked out is this bullshit in a time of war against ISIS?

Holy freaking toledo. Is the ROE really going to boil down to only Sunni Iraqis are allowed to fight against Sunni ISIS?


Here's the article. My hairs on fire and I'm spitting bullets after reading this bullshit.

"Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and his US allies had been reluctant to deploy Iran-backed Shi'ite militia in Anbar, a predominantly Sunni province."

Shi ite militia and Iraq army launches bid to take back Ramadi from ISIS Daily Mail Online

great idea------hand Iranians American armaments whilst they dance to the tune of DEATH TO AMERICA

A real president may kick the living shit out of Iran one day, they are asking for it.
You right wingers lied to the world claiming Iraq had WODs and Saddam was involved in 911 attacks on US. That's the crux of the problem right there. The rest as they say is history.
OP- So you and the other RWers basically agree Obama is doing the right thing. Thank god your chickenhawk/economy ruiners are out...
Where the hell is this bullshit in the US media that Iraqis are running coming from?

I've just picked up at the Daily Mail that they are ready to launch an offensive to take Ramadi.

And what is freaking outrageous is the PM and the US advisers haven't wanted to send in Shiite troops into Sunni areas.

How fucking whacked out is this bullshit in a time of war against ISIS?

Holy freaking toledo. Is the ROE really going to boil down to only Sunni Iraqis are allowed to fight against Sunni ISIS?


Here's the article. My hairs on fire and I'm spitting bullets after reading this bullshit.

"Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and his US allies had been reluctant to deploy Iran-backed Shi'ite militia in Anbar, a predominantly Sunni province."

Shi ite militia and Iraq army launches bid to take back Ramadi from ISIS Daily Mail Online
Do you not understand the great animosity between Shia and Sunni???
Where the hell is this bullshit in the US media that Iraqis are running coming from?

I've just picked up at the Daily Mail that they are ready to launch an offensive to take Ramadi.

And what is freaking outrageous is the PM and the US advisers haven't wanted to send in Shiite troops into Sunni areas.

How fucking whacked out is this bullshit in a time of war against ISIS?

Holy freaking toledo. Is the ROE really going to boil down to only Sunni Iraqis are allowed to fight against Sunni ISIS?


Here's the article. My hairs on fire and I'm spitting bullets after reading this bullshit.

"Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and his US allies had been reluctant to deploy Iran-backed Shi'ite militia in Anbar, a predominantly Sunni province."

Shi ite militia and Iraq army launches bid to take back Ramadi from ISIS Daily Mail Online

great idea------hand Iranians American armaments whilst they dance to the tune of DEATH TO AMERICA
Do they have strippers in Iran?
Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.
You understand our involvement there isnt charity, right? We have an interest in seeing ISIS defeated and destroyed for our own security, not just Iraq's.
You understand that as long as Obama is president there will be no real effort put forth to defeat isis right?
15 bombs a day is nothing more than a fool Poking a hornets nest with a stick
That seems like a non sequitur. No, actually it is one.
Just because Obama favors a weak policy of vacillation that will end inevitably in failure doesnt mean our alternative should be cut and run.
Yes it does.
If your wife doesnt support you as her husband how long till you wise up?

Everything Obama does over there right now has had ZERO impact. Stop throwing good money after bad. Exercise some common sense. Shit or get off the pot.
What? Is Obama the husband or the wife?

a sheep

you can have the strongest military in the world

if it is led a by a sheep

it will be ineffective
Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.
What's happening in the ME is the consequence of GWB's failed, illegal invasion of Iraq; Iraq and its aftermath will forever belong to GWB, regardless the current administration, democratic or republican.

It's the sole responsibility of Iraq to defend itself, not the president's, where the president is doing the correct thing as an ally providing the appropriate amount of support to Baghdad and not sending conventional American ground forces to needlessly fight and die in the ME.

If Iraq is going to have any chance at peace and stability it needs to defeat the terrorists itself; and if Iraq is either incapable or unwilling to do so, then only Iraq and GWB are responsible for the consequences.
Fucke 'em. Let them handle it themselves....better yet, send in the Euromites....they are more affected by ISIS than we are.

Again, as I have said from the begining...fuck them. They are killing each other by the 10,000's...American blood isn't being spilled.
What's the problem?

We are winning by doing nothing.
Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.
We shouldn't have got involved in the Middle East in the first place.

If we hadn't:
- Supported Al Qaeda/Taliban in Afghanistan, then it would be a semi-stable country today.
- Replaced the elected government of Iran with the Shah, we wouldn't have an Iranian theocracy in power.
- Encouraged Saddam, he wouldn't have invaded Kuwait, nor invaded Iran and given the Iranian theocracy an excuse to wipe out their political opponents.
- Invaded Iraq for the second time, then Al Qaeda and ISIS wouldn't exist in Iraq.
- Assisted the overthrow of Qaddafi's regime, then the US ambassador would still be alive, and Libya would still be a semi-stable country.
- Attempted to overthrow Assad via funding so-called 'moderate rebels', then ISIS wouldn't exist in Syria or Iraq.
And so on, then the Middle East wouldn't be the mess it is today.
Where the hell is this bullshit in the US media that Iraqis are running coming from?

I've just picked up at the Daily Mail that they are ready to launch an offensive to take Ramadi.

And what is freaking outrageous is the PM and the US advisers haven't wanted to send in Shiite troops into Sunni areas.

How fucking whacked out is this bullshit in a time of war against ISIS?

Holy freaking toledo. Is the ROE really going to boil down to only Sunni Iraqis are allowed to fight against Sunni ISIS?


Here's the article. My hairs on fire and I'm spitting bullets after reading this bullshit.

"Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and his US allies had been reluctant to deploy Iran-backed Shi'ite militia in Anbar, a predominantly Sunni province."

Shi ite militia and Iraq army launches bid to take back Ramadi from ISIS Daily Mail Online

great idea------hand Iranians American armaments whilst they dance to the tune of DEATH TO AMERICA

A real president may kick the living shit out of Iran one day, they are asking for it.

Yes, Jeb Bush might get 40,000 Americans killed in Iran for no good reason. It's in his blood.

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