As a once Iraq war supporter I say if the cowards that live there won't defend themselves...

The paragraph headings in textbooks 50 years from now are going to freak you nutters out if you make it that long.

Imagine these for example:

A Huge Mistake: The Invasion of Iraq

America Regrets Decision To Shut Down Iraqi Defense Forces

President Obama Fulfills Promise To End War In Iraq
There are two parts to this story: First, a President who invaded and occupied a sovereign country that had not attacked us, vastly emboldening Iran by taking out Saddam and generally stirring up an even bigger Middle East hornet's nest at the worst possible time. Second, a President who tried to deal with that catastrophe.

We may look back and determine that Obama fucked up his part of the story, I don't know. What I do know that he was clearly against the first part of the story.

Let ISIS do its thing in Iraq. Eventually they'll go head to head with Iran and that will keep both of the parties busy enough to forget about us.

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