As a protest to the election theft, maybe all Trump voters should pull all of their money out of the bank

Actually, there are companies out there recommending getting out of gold and buying Bitcoin instead. I hear it's making a comeback.
I wonder what righties would use to barter and trade with if the apocalypse hit? That cash stashed in the mattress would be useless.
These people are absolutely off the rails.

The con continues.
These idiots are so unhinged by Trump’s loss they are actually proposing destroying this nation. No wonder they don‘t give a damn that Trump is damaging out democratic institutions by his lies and actions. They want to see this nation dragged through the mud.
It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme.

We need to abolish the federal reserve.
Most of them don't have any money.
These idiots are so unhinged by Trump’s loss they are actually proposing destroying this nation. No wonder they don‘t give a damn that Trump is damaging out democratic institutions by his lies and actions. They want to see this nation dragged through the mud.
Precisely. Here's one I had waiting for me this morning:
We live for the destruction of this nation if you are in charge. There is nothing to lose.
They've been whipped into such a paranoid frenzy, literally, that they're not thinking straight.

I hope this is less dangerous than it looks. They are not in their right minds.
Now, my caddie's chauffeur informs me that a bank is a place where people put money that isn't properly invested. Therefore, robbing a bank is tantamount to that most heinous of crimes, theft of money.

Judge Whitey

With the banks only giving 0.01% on savings and such why would I keep any money in the bank?

Better to use it as mattress stuffing than leave it there. Next time the banks lend out too much to people who won't honor the deal, like college loans, the banks will either want another bailout or say they're going to close the doors like they did on 29 October 1929 and keep what they do have.




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It would be a blast just to see the ponzi scheme crumble. For a day...then it would suck.
It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme.

We need to abolish the federal reserve.

Trump's actual voters don't have enough money between them to cause that to happen. Look at all of the 1000 post a month voters here - all 40 and 50 men somethings in their peak earning years. You can't be making money posting 40 times a day on a message board for free. I'm retired and in lock down and I don't post as much as these supposed small business owners are doing while supposedly trying to provide for their families.

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