As a protest to the election theft, maybe all Trump voters should pull all of their money out of the bank

People still having a problem using search.

155 million votes cast and only 1.7 million are questionable? I mean right at the top of the page of your site. Which makes it about one percent of the total votes cast. Confirming what Trump's own agencies have said, confirming what we have known all along, confirming what dozens, yes dozens, of courts have ruled, that there was NO WIDESPREAD FRAUD, and most certainly not enough to change the results of the election. Trump is stupid. You guys supporting this horseshit are even stupider, yeah, I know that is not a word but damn, I mean it is embarrassing.
It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme.

We need to abolish the federal reserve.

Trump's actual voters don't have enough money between them to cause that to happen. Look at all of the 1000 post a month voters here - all 40 and 50 men somethings in their peak earning years. You can't be making money posting 40 times a day on a message board for free. I'm retired and in lock down and I don't post as much as these supposed small business owners are doing while supposedly trying to provide for their families.

I really like this post. I have noticed the very same thing, but I have to correct something, it is not all men, there are some psycho women that post that much as well. I just don't understand it. Trump is not smart. He is actually a piss poor business man. And the Apprentice, it was a stupid show, it really was. It was nothing more than a vehicle for Trump to entertain is mental disease level narcissism. Even the whole "Make America Great Again", that shit is insulting. When did we not become great? When we elected a half black president? Because that is the truth behind that mantra.
It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme.

We need to abolish the federal reserve.

Trump's actual voters don't have enough money between them to cause that to happen. Look at all of the 1000 post a month voters here - all 40 and 50 men somethings in their peak earning years. You can't be making money posting 40 times a day on a message board for free. I'm retired and in lock down and I don't post as much as these supposed small business owners are doing while supposedly trying to provide for their families.

I really like this post. I have noticed the very same thing, but I have to correct something, it is not all men, there are some psycho women that post that much as well. I just don't understand it. Trump is not smart. He is actually a piss poor business man. And the Apprentice, it was a stupid show, it really was. It was nothing more than a vehicle for Trump to entertain is mental disease level narcissism. Even the whole "Make America Great Again", that shit is insulting. When did we not become great? When we elected a half black president? Because that is the truth behind that mantra.
Spot on, sir. Every business Trump has run has either failed completely, recorded staggering losses, or ended up being shuttered by successful fraud lawsuits. His income streams come from lending his brand to businesses others run and from loan proceeds. For over a decade, he has managed only to pay the interest on his debt to Deutschebank. He had to beg his followers for "legal fees", which he plans to steal to try to meet his loan obligations.
It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme.

We need to abolish the federal reserve.

Trump's actual voters don't have enough money between them to cause that to happen. Look at all of the 1000 post a month voters here - all 40 and 50 men somethings in their peak earning years. You can't be making money posting 40 times a day on a message board for free. I'm retired and in lock down and I don't post as much as these supposed small business owners are doing while supposedly trying to provide for their families.

I really like this post. I have noticed the very same thing, but I have to correct something, it is not all men, there are some psycho women that post that much as well. I just don't understand it. Trump is not smart. He is actually a piss poor business man. And the Apprentice, it was a stupid show, it really was. It was nothing more than a vehicle for Trump to entertain is mental disease level narcissism. Even the whole "Make America Great Again", that shit is insulting. When did we not become great? When we elected a half black president? Because that is the truth behind that mantra.
Spot on, sir. Every business Trump has run has either failed completely, recorded staggering losses, or ended up being shuttered by successful fraud lawsuits. His income streams come from lending his brand to businesses others run and from loan proceeds. For over a decade, he has managed only to pay the interest on his debt to Deutschebank. He had to beg his followers for "legal fees", which he plans to steal to try to meet his loan obligations.

Opportunity costs. Very few people really understand the concept. Even Economists with Phd's. But the truth is, had Trump simply placed the money he got from his Dad into an index fund he would be worth far more than he actually is today. He could have spent all his time chasing porn stars and playing golf, sleeping late and eating well done steak with ketchup every night. He is a fool, no doubt about it. And had he actually done that, this world would be a much better place. Carnegie had it right. Inheritance is a responsibility, and in almost all cases, children are not prepared for that responsibility. Trump is a glaring example of exactly that. The adulation of those that blindly support him is more a reflection of their own lack of intelligence, lack of education, than a reflection on his leadership ability. Which, when you cut to the chase, are less than that of a den mother.
It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme.

We need to abolish the federal reserve.

Trump's actual voters don't have enough money between them to cause that to happen. Look at all of the 1000 post a month voters here - all 40 and 50 men somethings in their peak earning years. You can't be making money posting 40 times a day on a message board for free. I'm retired and in lock down and I don't post as much as these supposed small business owners are doing while supposedly trying to provide for their families.

I really like this post. I have noticed the very same thing, but I have to correct something, it is not all men, there are some psycho women that post that much as well. I just don't understand it. Trump is not smart. He is actually a piss poor business man. And the Apprentice, it was a stupid show, it really was. It was nothing more than a vehicle for Trump to entertain is mental disease level narcissism. Even the whole "Make America Great Again", that shit is insulting. When did we not become great? When we elected a half black president? Because that is the truth behind that mantra.
Spot on, sir. Every business Trump has run has either failed completely, recorded staggering losses, or ended up being shuttered by successful fraud lawsuits. His income streams come from lending his brand to businesses others run and from loan proceeds. For over a decade, he has managed only to pay the interest on his debt to Deutschebank. He had to beg his followers for "legal fees", which he plans to steal to try to meet his loan obligations.

Opportunity costs. Very few people really understand the concept. Even Economists with Phd's. But the truth is, had Trump simply placed the money he got from his Dad into an index fund he would be worth far more than he actually is today. He could have spent all his time chasing porn stars and playing golf, sleeping late and eating well done steak with ketchup every night. He is a fool, no doubt about it. And had he actually done that, this world would be a much better place. Carnegie had it right. Inheritance is a responsibility, and in almost all cases, children are not prepared for that responsibility. Trump is a glaring example of exactly that. The adulation of those that blindly support him is more a reflection of their own lack of intelligence, lack of education, than a reflection on his leadership ability. Which, when you cut to the chase, are less than that of a den mother.
Yep. And as much of a grifter and conman Trump is, there are much smarter grifters and conmen that have bled him and his failed businesses. Look into what he did with the proceeds from the casinos he ran into the ground. His responses to his frequent, spectacular failures have always been to blame others, going so far as to countersue the banks on which he defaulted for causing his losses. What Trump has done for nearly 40 years is kick the can down the road and borrow Peter to pay Paul while the Judases surrounding him rob him blind. Well the pyramid scheme is up. Nobody will lend to him, now. So the new crop of gullible investors is his base, but that comes to an end on 1/20/21. No longer can he rob them under the auspices of political action. Then his loans will come due and his old tax bills will have to be paid. And there will be nobody left to steal from.
Our petitions have been slighted, our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne…we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us!”
Patrick Henry

You can’t be serious.

Trump supporters are nuts.

Trump lost a fair, honest, legal election devoid of fraud or cheating.

Trump and his supporters have neither been ‘disregarded’ nor ‘spurned’ – they lost an election consistent with the Constitution, our democratic institutions, the rule of law, and the will of the people.
These people are absolutely off the rails.

The con continues.

And we wonder how Jonestown happened

It's absolutely ridiculous to expect people to just let a stolen election go... absolutely ridiculous. No one is ever going to do this, if you are too cucked to oppose it, get out of the way while Americans take care of the issue.
What’s absolutely ridiculous is the lie that the election was ‘stolen.’
It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme.

We need to abolish the federal reserve.

if he gets in through cheating, 80 million trumpians could stop spending and kill his economy. oh and we could stop buying products from NY, and ca.
It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme.

We need to abolish the federal reserve.

if he gets in through cheating, 80 million trumpians could stop spending and kill his economy. oh and we could stop buying products from NY, and ca.
But you won't. So there's that.
It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme.

We need to abolish the federal reserve.

if he gets in through cheating, 80 million trumpians could stop spending and kill his economy. oh and we could stop buying products from NY, and ca.
But you won't. So there's that.

I bought 1st quarter needs ahead of time.

no new appliances, no home improvement, no new car, all of which I intended to purchase.

I will save my stimulus or send it to Sydney Powell and will only frequent my 3 favorite restaurants. i even gave all the Christmas cash early so it wouldn't count as Christmas revenue and bought summer clothes ahead of time. imagine if millions of us did that?

of course, if trump is inaugurated: let the spending begin.
It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme.

We need to abolish the federal reserve.

if he gets in through cheating, 80 million trumpians could stop spending and kill his economy. oh and we could stop buying products from NY, and ca.
But you won't. So there's that.

Many of us already have there is that, dumbass.
It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme.

We need to abolish the federal reserve.

All wage earners could claim 99 dependents, sit on their own cash all year and bust the treasury.

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