As a protest to the election theft, maybe all Trump voters should pull all of their money out of the bank

It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme.

We need to abolish the federal reserve.

I think there are better ways to protest, but you should not have any money in the bank anyway after the helicopter drops.

What next? No go zones, look up to the Muslims and Amish how to do it. No one should respect an illegitimate government.

It's quite interesting that the left is creating their own no go zones - which invariably end up just like the utopia we all know. Leftist no go zone or a "shithole" is a laughable idea, but for others it is viable.
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It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme.

We need to abolish the federal reserve.

I think there are better way to protest, but you should not have any money in the bank anyway after the helicopter drops.

What next? No go zones, look up to the Muslims and Amish how to do it. No one should respect an illegitimate government.

It's quite interesting that the left is creating their own no go zones - which invariably end up just like the utopia we all know. Leftist no go zone or a "shithole" is a laughable idea, but for others it is viable.

Christmas morning mimosas were doing some of the talking when I posted, but something has to give. We are sitting on 2700 tons on ammonium nitrate in the port of Beirut.

It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme.

We need to abolish the federal reserve.
It does not matter because the Fed will just print up the shortage behind the shortage. They have been for many years. Behind the scenes even though it is not legal.
These people are absolutely off the rails.

The con continues.

And we wonder how Jonestown happened

It's absolutely ridiculous to expect people to just let a stolen election go... absolutely ridiculous. No one is ever going to do this, if you are too cucked to oppose it, get out of the way while Americans take care of the issue.
These people are absolutely off the rails.

The con continues.

And we wonder how Jonestown happened

It's absolutely ridiculous to expect people to just let a stolen election go... absolutely ridiculous. No one is ever going to do this, if you are too cucked to oppose it, get out of the way while Americans take care of the issue.

Americans did take care of it. They voted you out of the White House
These people are absolutely off the rails.

The con continues.

And we wonder how Jonestown happened

It's absolutely ridiculous to expect people to just let a stolen election go... absolutely ridiculous. No one is ever going to do this, if you are too cucked to oppose it, get out of the way while Americans take care of the issue.

Americans did take care of it. They voted you out of the White House

By illegal votes.

No one is going to accept an illegitimate election. Move out the way, cuck. Should be easier than ever with the new pegging toys that Santa undoubtedly brought.
It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme.

We need to abolish the federal reserve.
You are such a wonderful example of a true American patriot! Burn the house down. Inflict maximum pain. Destroy our institutions. All for a bullshit conspiracy about a stolen election. What the fuck is wrong with you??!!
That is destroy the corruption. Here's a bullshit conspiracy for you; imagine a world ruled by lords who dominate all trade, all commerce, all services and all industries. Imagine that all lords aforementioned are dependent on a banking system consisting of a central bank who is serviced by an international cartel who deal strictly in international monetary funds who even have and control their own bank. The value of their script is based on the debt of all members who have joined and participated in receiving such international monetary funds. This has been tried in America and was defeated twice. Why? Because those are those of us in America who do not wish to participate in the IMF, central western banks in their efforts to float the interest of the queen of England and her various lords, houses of lords and houses of commons. Nor will those of us Americans kiss the ass of her popeness but you feel free to do so if you wish. Europe has made its bed in a den of scorpions and after two bailouts by the west this one is on England. I and many others would prefer a sound currency reflective of an assigned value based on real actual value and not the debt of members of an international monetary fund whose last gasp for breath belies their intent to keep Europe and England from ruination due their membership in the Europeon Union. They not us have employed many nations to 'straighten our asses out and the president we duly elected to toe the mark the mark and walk the line of the Euro. Funny how British inteligence, Scotland yard and just about every country in the world including China, Iran and Russia have done their damnest to pull Donald Trump's claws out of their asses. Your problem is you've failed, he is still here and we are still backing him.

Now preach to me about what you call, "a bullshit conspiracy about a stolen election".
These people are absolutely off the rails.

The con continues.

And we wonder how Jonestown happened

It's absolutely ridiculous to expect people to just let a stolen election go... absolutely ridiculous. No one is ever going to do this, if you are too cucked to oppose it, get out of the way while Americans take care of the issue.

Americans did take care of it. They voted you out of the White House
They'll never believe it. Trump told them the only way he could lose is if the election were rigged.

Trump's words are gospel. They'll never believe anything else.
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It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme. We need to abolish the federal reserve.

Wouldn't it be funny if the day Joe is inaugurated, everyone cashed out their bank and investment accounts and stopped paying all taxes? Everyone stopped working, traveling and buying all but the absolute essential?

America STOPS, demanding the election be redone, this time with the usual election methods and rules done for the other 45 of them. This time with full supervision, tracing and accountability.

Never happen, people are sheep, but it would be funny to see it.
These people are absolutely off the rails.

The con continues.

And we wonder how Jonestown happened

It's absolutely ridiculous to expect people to just let a stolen election go... absolutely ridiculous. No one is ever going to do this, if you are too cucked to oppose it, get out of the way while Americans take care of the issue.

Americans did take care of it. They voted you out of the White House

Hey, Jo Jorgensen. Do you honestly believe...all bullshit aside, that there were absolutely no shenanigans in that election?
It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme.

We need to abolish the federal reserve.
Banks won’t let you cash out more than 10 grand anyway.
It would be interesting to see this bullshit republic crumble and then we can build it back up properly. Even a mild run on the banks at this point would crumble the fractional reserve ponzi scheme.

We need to abolish the federal reserve.
Banks won’t let you cash out more than 10 grand anyway.

That wont cover Hunter’s crack for a week.
Actually, there are companies out there recommending getting out of gold and buying Bitcoin instead. I hear it's making a comeback.
I wonder what righties would use to barter and trade with if the apocalypse hit? That cash stashed in the mattress would be useless.
Gold is better. What is bitcoin worth if computers go down? Gold also has real world uses other than just currency. The dollar goes down so does the world. Nukes would fly.
What good is buying gold, if the banking system goes down? Do you think Target or your mortgage company will accept a "gold IOU"? Where do you plan to go to cash in your certificate for actual gold? Do you think the "gold warehouse" will be the one location that is immune to society-wide collapse? Then how do you plan to spend it? Gold will not be currency if society collapses, because nobody will have any use for it whatsoever. Same for bitcoin. The value of gold is no less "fiat" than the value of a dollar bill.

What value will gold have in an economic collapse? The only things of value would be hard goods, food, and things that people need use. Hard metals like copper, iron, will have more value than gold or silver.
Gold has been used as currency since the beginning of time.
The only time it was standard currency is when someone decided its value by fiat.
These people are absolutely off the rails.

The con continues.

And we wonder how Jonestown happened

It's absolutely ridiculous to expect people to just let a stolen election go... absolutely ridiculous. No one is ever going to do this, if you are too cucked to oppose it, get out of the way while Americans take care of the issue.
Who cares if you let it go or not? Nobody. Believe any idiotic thing you wish.
These people are absolutely off the rails.

The con continues.

And we wonder how Jonestown happened

It's absolutely ridiculous to expect people to just let a stolen election go... absolutely ridiculous. No one is ever going to do this, if you are too cucked to oppose it, get out of the way while Americans take care of the issue.

Americans did take care of it. They voted you out of the White House

Hey, Jo Jorgensen. Do you honestly believe...all bullshit aside, that there were absolutely no shenanigans in that election?
None. That is why there isn't a shred of evidence of any.
Our petitions have been slighted, our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne…we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us!”
Patrick Henry
That is some bold talk from a guy in jammies on his couch.
If I pulled all my money out of the bank, just what the fuck could I do with $14.93 hard cash?
Actually, there are companies out there recommending getting out of gold and buying Bitcoin instead. I hear it's making a comeback.
I wonder what righties would use to barter and trade with if the apocalypse hit? That cash stashed in the mattress would be useless.
Gold is better. What is bitcoin worth if computers go down? Gold also has real world uses other than just currency. The dollar goes down so does the world. Nukes would fly.
What good is buying gold, if the banking system goes down? Do you think Target or your mortgage company will accept a "gold IOU"? Where do you plan to go to cash in your certificate for actual gold? Do you think the "gold warehouse" will be the one location that is immune to society-wide collapse? Then how do you plan to spend it? Gold will not be currency if society collapses, because nobody will have any use for it whatsoever. Same for bitcoin. The value of gold is no less "fiat" than the value of a dollar bill.
Nope but the guy with toilet paper and moon shine will.
The guy with toilet paper and moonshine will laugh at your "gold IOU". If society collapses, gold will be worth less than moonshine.

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