As Biden threatens to increase inflation, what changes have you made?

It is a fools errand to rely upon a politician to make your life livable. Never once did a politician come and labor for me to profit off their toil.
I just want them to stop interfering with the free market.
Biden is fighting the Fed. As they raise rates to reduce the money supply and control inflation, Biden is talking about another spending plan to pump more money into the economy. The question is: what changes have you been forced to make, as a middle class person, to cope with Bidinflation?


1) I have canceled a September trip to Texas to visit a long-time friend.

2) I have reduced my meat purchases to ground beef, and even then, much more infrequently.

3) I now prepare breakfast with one egg, rather than two, to stretch out the carton.

4) I have cut back on eating out, and have eliminated dinners out entirely.

5) Pleasure drives to the West Virginia countryside, which I had previously enjoyed, are out of the question.

6) I have not had a “staycation” in six months, where I drive about an hour away to an interesting locale and stay overnight, down from about once a month previously.

The point is that the above are examples of what a middle-class person could previously enjoy, and now Biden is threatening to make it even worse. As he said a few months ago, “Americans will have learn to lower their expectations” as he destroys the economy and moves us closer to a third world country.
/------/ I worked too hard for too long to make any major cutbacks. I shop at Costco for most of my food and gas to save $$$ and I am more aware of routing my driving to the most efficient route. I did cancel a few streaming services becuase I just don't watch them enough. Now I'm alone, I don't eat out as often, unless I'm with family, and I trade stock options to generate $$$ weekly.
/------/ I worked too hard for too long to make any major cutbacks. I shop at Costco for most of my food and gas to save $$$ and I am more aware of routing my driving to the most efficient route. I did cancel a few streaming services becuase I just don't watch them enough. Now I'm alone, I don't eat out as often, unless I'm with family, and I trade stock options to generate $$$ weekly.

Other than not the worrying about the driving route that sounds about like us.

Sam's Club for all our "bulk buying" and gas.

It is amazing how those streaming services just seem to multiple. just last week I was like "Why the hell are we paying for Paramount Plus"
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We, fortunately, unlike many retirees, have the ability to increase our income. We can withdraw more money from our 401K if need be. We are having to do that now because of Potatohead's inflation. Recently I increased our income $1K a month and I am not sure it covers all the inflation we have seen since Potatohead stole the election.

Because we have other pensions we will never use up all our 401K. We were hoping to leave all our 401K principle to our two sons and grandkids.

Potatohead's inflation is in effect stealing money from our children and grandchildren.

He is a despicable incompetent piece of shit. Anybody that voted for him is an idiot.
Trump opened the floodgates for hatred, racism, homophobia, sexism. No thank you.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The filthy Democrats are the ones that are inciting racial hatred. Without racial hatred to keep the minorities all riled up they have nothing to sell. They have to preach racial hate and promise more welfare or else they have nothing to offer to the ghetto shitheads.

Trump provided the lowest Black and Brown unemployment this country has ever seen in addition to energy independence, increased family income, lower taxes and he brought jobs back to the US. That benefited Blacks and Browns the same as Whites.

All we are getting out of Potatohead is massive inflation, high cost of energy, reduced family income and a near recession economy. That hurts Blacks and Browns as much as Whites.
People aren’t falling for it anymore, as will be obvious with the midterm results. They know it, which is why they are doubling down on the social justice BS.

In the meantime, regular middle class people are having trouble fillimg the tank, when under Trump it was $2 a gallon. They can’t deny it, so their next step is to say “no big deal.” Nobody is fooled, though.

You're really counting your chickens before they hatch, aren't you.

Poor you!!!! There are people who are being evicted because the landlord can double the rent on their apartment. People who really truly struggling in this economy.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The filthy Democrats are the ones that are inciting racial hatred. Without racial hatred to keep the minorities all riled up they have nothing to sell. They have to preach racial hate and promise more welfare or else they have nothing to offer to the ghetto shitheads.

Trump provided the lowest Black and Brown unemployment this country has ever seen in addition to energy independence, increased family income, lower taxes and he brought jobs back to the US. That benefited Blacks and Browns the same as Whites.

All we are getting out of Potatohead is massive inflation, high cost of energy, reduced family income and a near recession economy. That hurts Blacks and Browns as much as Whites.

You mean the minorities don't get "all riled up" when the police choke one of them death, or shoot them in the back. They're only protesting because Democrats got them "all riled up"?????? Damn those Democrats. And blaming it on the police murdering black people in the streets.

Obama did the low employment for blacks, not Trump. Black employment SLOWED after Trump was elected. And Obama created the energy independence too. Trump just took credit for it all.

Next they're be saying that Donald Trump didn't incite the mob on January 6th. We won't believe that lie either. No matter how many times you try to run it.
Trump opened the floodgates for hatred, racism, homophobia, sexism. No thank you.
That is a lie. The democrats accused him of that and you bought it hook line and sinker. All while Trump was lowering unemployment, giving us a booming economy, closed borders, positive GDP and the ability to save a buck or two. Biden is killing us and if you eat or buy gas, you know that. You are just to stubborn to tell the truth. You don't have to. The, "I did that" stickers speak for themselves, while Biden speaks for China and Russia...
It has got to stop.
That is a lie. The democrats accused him of that and you bought it hook line and sinker. All while Trump was lowering unemployment, giving us a booming economy, closed borders, positive GDP and the ability to save a buck or two. Biden is killing us and if you eat or buy gas, you know that. You are just to stubborn to tell the truth. You don't have to. The, "I did that" stickers speak for themselves, while Biden speaks for China and Russia...
It has got to stop.
Dude. I have seen it with my own eyes. People I’ve known for decades calling for BLM protesters to be murdered. Your bullshit doesn’t fly. Real life says otherwise.

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