As Biden threatens to increase inflation, what changes have you made?

Work harder.

Get a better job.

pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

if you are poor it is all your own fault.

Did I forget any?
Work harder, so you can pay all the Biden taxes. You don't think he's letting you keep that hard earned money do you? Inflation is taxation. This is not about poverty. This is middle class Americans working as hard as they always have but becoming poorer with every paycheck. MY daughter went from saving a good bit of her paychecks under Trump, to spending every thing she makes now just to keep up with inflation. Same job, same work ethic, Biden economy...
Dude. I have seen it with my own eyes. People I’ve known for decades calling for BLM protesters to be murdered. Your bullshit doesn’t fly. Real life says otherwise.
BLM hasn't been around for decades, dumb ass.. BLM is a terrorist organization bought and paid for by Soros, perpetuated by Obama. Those "mostly peaceful" protesters were paid for. BLM murdered people, not the other way around. It is all fake bullshit. That is real life.
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We, fortunately, unlike many retirees, have the ability to increase our income. We can withdraw more money from our 401K if need be. We are having to do that now because of Potatohead's inflation. Recently I increased our income $1K a month and I am not sure it covers all the inflation we have seen since Potatohead stole the election.

Because we have other pensions we will never use up all our 401K. We were hoping to leave all our 401K principle to our two sons and grandkids.

Potatohead's inflation is in effect stealing money from our children and grandchildren.

He is a despicable incompetent piece of shit. Anybody that voted for him is an idiot.

Deserves repeating...
BLM hasn't been around for decades, dumb ass. BLM murdered people, not the other way around. BLM is a terrorist organization bought and paid for by Soros, perpetuated by Obama. Those "mostly peaceful" protesters were paid for. BLM murdered people, not the other way around. It is all fake bullshit. That is real life.
"BLM hasn't been around for decades, dumb ass. "
That's not what he said.
Work harder, so you can pay all the Biden taxes. You don't think he's letting you keep that hard earned money do you? Inflation is taxation. This is not about poverty. This is middle class Americans working as hard as they always have but becoming poorer with every paycheck. MY daughter went from saving a good bit of her paychecks under Trump, to spending every thing she makes now just to keep up with inflation. Same job, same work ethic, Biden economy...

Suck it up buttercup.

you daughter needs to get a better job. Mine is 27 and making 6 figures base with uncapped commission.

If you think that what is going on is the result of one man you are not really worth the time
BLM hasn't been around for decades, dumb ass. BLM murdered people, not the other way around. BLM is a terrorist organization bought and paid for by Soros, perpetuated by Obama. Those "mostly peaceful" protesters were paid for. BLM murdered people, not the other way around. It is all fake bullshit. That is real life.
That is your fantasy. Enjoy!
Haha. Thats funny. You have no idea how much my income is. I can tell you I have no where near the amount of money you think I do. I work a full time job, I receive royalties from my original band, I play with several cover bands (at $250 per show) and I give private music lessons (at $50 an hour)
I know guys like you and you make shit money.
I’m not mocking you as it’s a reality that musicians are always getting screwed.
That’s because racist was so overdone that it lost all meaning. Then they went to calling everyone a white supremacist, and that too was so overused it became meaningless. The new word is colonizer.

You go Lisa Lisa. Your threads always get at least 5 pages of libturd nonsense spewing
Suck it up buttercup.

you daughter needs to get a better job. Mine is 27 and making 6 figures base with uncapped commission.

If you think that what is going on is the result of one man you are not really worth the time
No one’s going to hire anyone 50+ for 100K or more unless they hired that person from another firm.
Suck it up buttercup.

you daughter needs to get a better job. Mine is 27 and making 6 figures base with uncapped commission.

If you think that what is going on is the result of one man you are not really worth the time
It is the result of two men. O'Biden did that...
My daughters are educated and have very good jobs. What they didn't have to do was pay twice as much for energy, gas, food, cars, and other living expenses under Trump. Now prices are the highest they have been since my kids were born.
Under Trump:
Buy gas at $3.00, put $3.00 in savings.
Under Biden:
Buy gas for $6.00.
Get it yet??

Regardless of their incomes, our daughters are making less under inflation, and spending more. And Biden is just getting started with taxing them and us to death. Hope yours have already bought their homes at 3% interest like mine, otherwise....
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No one’s going to hire anyone 50+ for 100K or more unless they hired that person from another firm.

Oh well. Not my problem.

For decades the GOP mantra was to suck it up and pull yourself up by your boot straps and that if you are not doing well to just try harder and get a better job.

Now all of a sudden those things don't apply any longer
It is the result of one man. Biden did that...
My daughters are educated and have good jobs. What they didn't have to do was pay twice as much for energy, gas, food, cars, and other living expenses under Trump. Now prices are the highest they have been since my kids were born.
Under Trump:
Buy gas at $3.00, put $3.00 in savings.
Under Biden:
Buy gas for $6.00.
Get it yet??

The POTUS is not a god, he does not have that sort of power.

if you are paying 6 bucks for a gallon of gas you need to move. I paid 3.50 yesterday.
Oh well. Not my problem.

For decades the GOP mantra was to suck it up and pull yourself up by your boot straps and that if you are not doing well to just try harder and get a better job.

Now all of a sudden those things don't apply any longer
Who says the Rs are any better than the Ds?
It’s simply business practice to hire young people in competitive businesses and try to keep them from jumping Ship.
If these kids suck, they’ll be fired.
Biden is fighting the Fed. As they raise rates to reduce the money supply and control inflation, Biden is talking about another spending plan to pump more money into the economy. The question is: what changes have you been forced to make, as a middle class person, to cope with Bidinflation?


1) I have canceled a September trip to Texas to visit a long-time friend.

2) I have reduced my meat purchases to ground beef, and even then, much more infrequently.

3) I now prepare breakfast with one egg, rather than two, to stretch out the carton.

4) I have cut back on eating out, and have eliminated dinners out entirely.

5) Pleasure drives to the West Virginia countryside, which I had previously enjoyed, are out of the question.

6) I have not had a “staycation” in six months, where I drive about an hour away to an interesting locale and stay overnight, down from about once a month previously.

The point is that the above are examples of what a middle-class person could previously enjoy, and now Biden is threatening to make it even worse. As he said a few months ago, “Americans will have learn to lower their expectations” as he destroys the economy and moves us closer to a third world country.

How much of that is necessary cut backs and how much of it is just self-imposed psychological ones? I mean inflation has affected us too but we really haven't been forced to cut back on anything. We just have a little less each month to throw in the savings account or throw into the stockmarket when we are out of everything else to spend money on. I mean an extra egg a day over a month would be like $7 a month per person total even if you ate them every single day.

I'm not daddy warbucks wealthy and do live in an area where the COL is pretty low, but I will be finishing this month with an extra grand in my checking account over where it was this time last month. COVID, not inflation, got the me part of us out of the habit of spending money like we used to. We do take out once a week still and might randomly hit up a drive through, but we haven't done a formal going out sitting down meal since December 2019.
It is the result of one man. Biden did that...
My daughters are educated and have good jobs. What they didn't have to do was pay twice as much for energy, gas, food, cars, and other living expenses under Trump. Now prices are the highest they have been since my kids were born.
Under Trump:
Buy gas at $3.00, put $3.00 in savings.
Under Biden:
Buy gas for $6.00.
Get it yet??
And if that’s not bad enough, Biden is talking about another Build Back Better to pump MORE money into the economy, and make inflation even worse. Apparently, the upper-middle class isn’t being hurt enough, do the Dems have to ramp it up.
Biden is fighting the Fed. As they raise rates to reduce the money supply and control inflation, Biden is talking about another spending plan to pump more money into the economy.
NOW you're worried about government spending?!?

I didn't hear a peep out of you while Trump was breaking all previous spending records and adding $8 trillion to the debt.

Hypocrites. I'm sick of 'em.
How much of that is necessary cut backs and how much of it is just self-imposed psychological ones? I mean inflation has affected us too but we really haven't been forced to cut back on anything. We just have a little less each month to throw in the savings account or throw into the stockmarket when we are out of everything else to spend money on. I mean an extra egg a day over a month would be like $7 a month per person total even if you ate them every single day.

I'm not daddy warbucks wealthy and do live in an area where the COL is pretty low, but I will be finishing this month with an extra grand in my checking account over where it was this time last month. COVID, not inflation, got the me part of us out of the habit of spending money like we used to. We do take out once a week still and might randomly hit up a drive through, but we haven't done a formal going out sitting down meal since December 2019.
It depends on what you mean “necessary.” Due to the 40-year record inflation, I am now forced to withdraw more than the recommended 4% to keep the standard of living I had before Biden. So I COULD do it, and run a greater risk of running out of money when I’m, say….87….so I am erring on the side of caution and cutting back. It’s the prudent thing to do.

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