As Biden threatens to increase inflation, what changes have you made?

Do you have a link supporting your assertion that Biden THREATENED to increase inflation?
Not sure how I missed that.
He said he would continue to push through more spending, which all students of Econ 101 kmow increases inflation.
You missed his 10 second interview where he stated that people should get accustomed to paying more for goods than they are now?!
He also said that Americans need to learn to lower their expectations. That’s the spirit we want from our president!
Biden is selling oil from our reserves to a Chinese company connected to Hunter. So, we aren't even going to benefit from the hit to our reserve. I just saw the news headline. This shit has to stop.
OMG. How blatant does this crap have to be before enough is enough? He is enriching his own family while making Americans suffer the cost.
Biden is selling oil from our reserves to a Chinese company connected to Hunter

Come on, back to the hyperbole again

The POTUS has no control over who buys the oil, it is sold by auction to the highest bidder as the law demands
So, he didn't sell oil to China Golf?

No, Biden did not see oil to anyone. The POTUS does not sell the oil. The POTUS gives the ok for the oil to be sold, and then it is sold via auction that nothing to do with the POUTS and the POTUS has nothing to do with it.

Exact same process when oil from the SPR was sold while Trump was POTUS and China bought it. Why were none of you calling him a traitor over it?
No, Biden did not see oil to anyone. The POTUS does not sell the oil. The POTUS gives the ok for the oil to be sold, and then it is sold via auction that nothing to do with the POUTS and the POTUS has nothing to do with it.

Exact same process when oil from the SPR was sold while Trump was POTUS and China bought it. Why were none of you calling him a traitor over it?
We were drilling and selling with Trump. And reaping the benefits at the pump. America first. That's a good thing. Crippling our gas and oil production and then depleateing our reserves to sell to Hunter's and the big guy's friends in China, while strangling us at the pump is a completely different story...
We were drilling and selling with Trump.

And we are doing the same thing now. Where did you get the idea the US is not producing or selling any oil?

Have you seen the profits for our oil companies?

Crippling our gas and oil production and then depleateing our reserves to sell to Hunter's and the big guy's friends in China, while strangling us at the pump is a completely different story...

There you go with that hyperbole again. What is the point of it all?
Well the Dem geniuses in congress are patting themselves on the back today for agreeing to a $739 billion TAX INCREASE and a $450 billion SPENDING INCREASE. Those idiots never learn. Dems have never met a TAX INCREASE they didn't love.

See the pattern...Dems LIE their way into control of congress, then cram through all the taxes and spending they can before the people kick them to the curb in the next election.

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