As Biden threatens to increase inflation, what changes have you made?

You made no stew...:uhoh3: Then you really don't know what you are talking about. Food preparation takes a long time. We frequent stores that sell these things so we can direct our time elsewhere. You can make everything in the store. Why don't we? The speg. sauce I make simmers all day. Most mothers are at work. They buy their sauce from the store so they can serve spaghetti too. Get it why stores are important yet?
By the way to make that laborious consomme you need to buy beef. It's up 20% since Biden took office...
My parents and their siblings all lived into mid-90s, and later. Uncle died a few months ago at 98. I need to plan for a LONG old age.

Well I hope they are good years for you. I really wouldn't want to live into the 90's. Seems like torture.
You made no stew...:uhoh3: Then you really don't know what you are talking about. Food preparation takes a long time. We frequent stores that sell these things so we can direct our time elsewhere. You can make everything in the store. Why don't we? The speg. sauce I make simmers all day. Most mothers are at work. They buy their sauce from the store so they can serve spaghetti too. Get it why stores are important yet?
By the way to make that laborious consomme you need to buy beef. It's up 20% since Biden took office...
I made no stew, but I do cook.
Till whenever they come down again. Won't be that long till they do. We started a new construction on March. Will be ready in Oct, so we could just now lock in a rate. Not the end of the world, we put down 20% and have excellent credit scores.
If you didn't lock it in today you might be in for another surprise. The feds are up to no good again....

Will mortgage rates go down again? From
It's unlikely mortgage rates will go down in 2022. Inflation has been climbing at a record rate over the last few months. And the Fed is planning to raise interest rates after each of its scheduled FOMC meetings. Both these factors should lead to significantly higher mortgage rates in 2022
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You made no stew...:uhoh3: Then you really don't know what you are talking about. Food preparation takes a long time. We frequent stores that sell these things so we can direct our time elsewhere. You can make everything in the store. Why don't we? The speg. sauce I make simmers all day. Most mothers are at work. They buy their sauce from the store so they can serve spaghetti too. Get it why stores are important yet?
By the way to make that laborious consomme you need to buy beef. It's up 20% since Biden took office...
I really love hanging out with the person who can make consomme -- I have about 5 dozen home canned pints of it in my pantry. Inflation hurts a lot less when you know how to do things. I just went to the Hutterite colony near me and bought fresh veggies for $2 a pound and canned 50 pints, assorted. I have about 100 pounds of beef in the freezer waiting to be canned, so I can refill the freezer with more beef that I paid for a year ago, before the inflation made it so much more expensive. I'll probably harvest three hundred pounds of tomatoes, onions, squash and cabbage from my garden.

The people in the shithole cities -- you know, the ones who voted for JoeBob Skidmark -- will start to panic when the McDonald's closes.

They don't get to come to my house to eat.
We are spending less, eating at home more often, and actually it is healthier for us, so that is a plus. Other than that, we have just continued to save up since Covid hit. Mush slower and easier lifestyle.
If you didn't lock it in today you might be in for another surprise. The feds are up to no good again....

Will mortgage rates go down again? From
It's unlikely mortgage rates will go down in 2022. Inflation has been climbing at a record rate over the last few months. And the Fed is planning to raise interest rates after each of its scheduled FOMC meetings. Both these factors should lead to significantly higher mortgage rates in 2022

It was locked in as of yesterday .

I would not expect them to go down before maybe 2024 or 25.
Well I hope they are good years for you. I really wouldn't want to live into the 90's. Seems like torture.
Thank you. And yes, from what I’ve observed with my own parents, it goes downhill beginning at 90. Even late 80s was OK, with some easy travel, but after that….life becomes very difficult. Running out of money at that point would be unthinkable.
Didn't you just say you were going to lock it in soon?

I said this....The biggest thing inflation has cost us is an extra percent on my mortgage as we could just now lock it in

We literally e-signed the paperwork last night.
I may start making changes when we get to former President Reagan's 13.5% inflation rate, but honestly, I wouldn't need to. I'm already as frugal as the day is long.
You did well, grasshopper...


Just got an email from our mortgage lady and rates had dropped this morning a little bit and we add in a bit more into closing amount to buy some points and we are down .625% from last night.

She is as good as we were told.

So damn ready to move. Meeting the window treatment people tomorrow to measure all the windows, the wife really wants plantation shutter.
Biden is fighting the Fed. As they raise rates to reduce the money supply and control inflation, Biden is talking about another spending plan to pump more money into the economy. The question is: what changes have you been forced to make, as a middle class person, to cope with Bidinflation?


1) I have canceled a September trip to Texas to visit a long-time friend.

2) I have reduced my meat purchases to ground beef, and even then, much more infrequently.

3) I now prepare breakfast with one egg, rather than two, to stretch out the carton.

4) I have cut back on eating out, and have eliminated dinners out entirely.

5) Pleasure drives to the West Virginia countryside, which I had previously enjoyed, are out of the question.

6) I have not had a “staycation” in six months, where I drive about an hour away to an interesting locale and stay overnight, down from about once a month previously.

The point is that the above are examples of what a middle-class person could previously enjoy, and now Biden is threatening to make it even worse. As he said a few months ago, “Americans will have learn to lower their expectations” as he destroys the economy and moves us closer to a third world country.
Do you have a link supporting your assertion that Biden THREATENED to increase inflation?
Not sure how I missed that.

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