As boomers die off will America finally start divesting itself from Israel?

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Active Member
Nov 6, 2020
The only reason we have all of these enemies in the Middle East is boomers' utter loyalty to Israel and iron will to send their own children to die in stupid ass wars in the name of furthering Israel's policy objectives. Luckily their grandkids and great grandkids are smarter and see through the endless lies and obfuscations they were collectively more than retarded enough to fall for. As they die off will Americans learn to divorce themselves from their favorite adversary nation and kick out their spies and lapdogs in our government?
I have nothing against Israel. It's a great country.

I just wish the Christian Zionists weren't deluded into thinking it's some kind of biblical promised land, because it's not. Such nonsense shouldn't be influencing US/Israel relations.
The only reason we have all of these enemies in the Middle East is boomers' utter loyalty to Israel and iron will to send their own children to die in stupid ass wars in the name of furthering Israel's policy objectives. Luckily their grandkids and great grandkids are smarter and see through the endless lies and obfuscations they were collectively more than retarded enough to fall for. As they die off will Americans learn to divorce themselves from their favorite adversary nation and kick out their spies and lapdogs in our government?
you don't know much about history---except that you are a racist/etc
I have nothing against Israel. It's a great country.

I just wish the Christian Zionists weren't deluded into thinking it's some kind of biblical promised land, because it's not. Such nonsense shouldn't be influencing US/Israel relations.
It's a great country that routinely buys freshmen congressmen, subverts our political processes, runs massive and untouchable spy rings at every level of our government, forces us into wars to secure their national security and regional and global influence at no benefit to ourselves, creates enemies for us that we otherwise would not have... If any other nation did the things Israel does to us we would call them our greatest adversary. are a racist/etc
I have nothing against Israel. It's a great country.

I just wish the Christian Zionists weren't deluded into thinking it's some kind of biblical promised land, because it's not. Such nonsense shouldn't be influencing US/Israel relations.
It's a great country that routinely buys freshmen congressmen, subverts our political processes, runs massive and untouchable spy rings at every level of our government, forces us into wars to secure their national security and regional and global influence at no benefit to ourselves, creates enemies for us that we otherwise would not have... If any other nation did the things Israel does to us we would call them our greatest adversary.

The only reason we have all of these enemies in the Middle East is boomers' utter loyalty to Israel and iron will to send their own children to die in stupid ass wars in the name of furthering Israel's policy objectives. Luckily their grandkids and great grandkids are smarter and see through the endless lies and obfuscations they were collectively more than retarded enough to fall for. As they die off will Americans learn to divorce themselves from their favorite adversary nation and kick out their spies and lapdogs in our government? are a racist/etc
What makes you think that the US doesn't do the same in their country?
The only reason we have all of these enemies in the Middle East is boomers' utter loyalty to Israel and iron will to send their own children to die in stupid ass wars in the name of furthering Israel's policy objectives. Luckily their grandkids and great grandkids are smarter and see through the endless lies and obfuscations they were collectively more than retarded enough to fall for. As they die off will Americans learn to divorce themselves from their favorite adversary nation and kick out their spies and lapdogs in our government?
1. Israel was NOT the reason Iran was our enemy--it started in 1953 with the overthrow of Mossaddegh
2. Iraq was our friend--until they invaded Kuwait
3. SA has been our friend
4. Jordan has been in the middle
5. Lebanon was in the middle--with so much chaos and many groups fighting each other
unbelievable. Your other option is supporting Muslims. We're on our way. When God wishes to destroy a nation He removes wisdom from its leaders (and citizens).

Genesis 12:3

I will bless those who bless you (Israel), and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you(Israel)."
unbelievable. Your other option is supporting Muslims. We're on our way. When God wishes to destroy a nation He removes wisdom from its leaders (and citizens).

Genesis 12:3

I will bless those who bless you (Israel), and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you(Israel)."

Like He's doing to the US now.
Unfortunately, people for decades have been brain washed into thinking Israel is our de facto 51st state and must be defended to the last drop of American soldier's blood. ... :cool:
Nope. That is not true. Keep believing smack, dude.
If you think God has abandoned Israel you have another think coming. Nations that turn against Israel will be judged and punished also. That has been the case all through history. This is also why the US is not mentioned in End Times Prophecy. We will no doubt be under leftist control and we will make the Obamabow to the Anti-christ.
unbelievable. Your other option is supporting Muslims. We're on our way. When God wishes to destroy a nation He removes wisdom from its leaders (and citizens).

Genesis 12:3

I will bless those who bless you (Israel), and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you(Israel)."
" When God wishes to destroy a nation "

How do you KNOW what God wishes?
The only reason we have all of these enemies in the Middle East is boomers' utter loyalty to Israel and iron will to send their own children to die in stupid ass wars in the name of furthering Israel's policy objectives. Luckily their grandkids and great grandkids are smarter and see through the endless lies and obfuscations they were collectively more than retarded enough to fall for. As they die off will Americans learn to divorce themselves from their favorite adversary nation and kick out their spies and lapdogs in our government?
You are seriously delusional if you believe this. Muslims killing and attacking others predates the boomers---attacking others is what this religion preaches. Even our founding fathers had problems with muslims attacking us for no obvious reason----Jefferson and Adams asked the Tripoli ambassador to London in their time, why the muslims kept attacking americans who had done nothing to them.

His response was that Islam “was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Quran that all nations who would not acknowledge their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

Islam has built in safeguards to prevent it from ever changing from what it is now and what it was then---ergo it will forever push for the enslaving, murdering, and raping others. This is this religion core belief and main source of spreading its religion. It's abuse of women also ensures that it must always be a religion of attack in order to resupply the women and girls that it kills.
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1. Israel was NOT the reason Iran was our enemy--it started in 1953 with the overthrow of Mossaddegh
2. Iraq was our friend--until they invaded Kuwait
3. SA has been our friend
4. Jordan has been in the middle
5. Lebanon was in the middle--with so much chaos and many groups fighting each other
1. There are a lot of reasons the Iranian government despises us. Israel is most of them.
2. Iraq was subordinate to America to the point Saddam asked for permission before invading Kuwait. That permission was given, then when his armies opened themselves to attack we launched one of the most brutal wars ever waged between nations. It was so bad the UN had to step in and limit us to three days. Why? Iraq was considered a national security threat by Israel.
3. I'm assuming you mean Saudi Arabia and not South Africa. The crypto-Jewish dynasty we installed are not our friends and regularly stab us whenever we try to turn our back. You're forgetting their role in 9/11 among many other attempted and successful terrorist attacks.
4 and 5. The Arab states hate us because we go out of the way to treat the Arab states like shit, because they are threats to Israel and Israel pays our politicians good money to fight their wars.

unbelievable. Your other option is supporting Muslims. We're on our way. When God wishes to destroy a nation He removes wisdom from its leaders (and citizens).
You're missing the third option of supporting ourselves. Somehow that one just never occurs to boomers, which is odd given their shallow yet wide patriotism.

You are seriously delusional if you believe this. Muslims killing and attacking others predates the boomers---attacking others is what this religion preaches. Even our founding fathers had problems with muslims attacking for us no reason----Jefferson and Adams asked the Tripoli ambassador to London in their time, why the muslims kept attacking americans who had done nothing to them.

His response was that Islam “was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Quran that all nations who would not acknowledge their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

Islam has built in safeguards to prevent it from ever changing from it is---ergo it will forever push for the enslaving, murdering, and raping others. This is this religion core belief and main source of spreading its religion. It's abuse of women also ensures that it must always be a religion of attack in order to resupply the women and girls that it kills.
Muh Muzzlums. I'm aware of the history between Christendom and the Ummah. That's completely irrelevant to our problems with the jews. Believe it or not you don't have to decide which foreign nation you're going to sell out your kids to. There's another option you've failed to consider.
Unfortunately, people for decades have been brain washed into thinking Israel is our de facto 51st state and must be defended to the last drop of American soldier's blood. ... :cool:
Nope. That is not true. Keep believing smack, dude.

No American soldier has ever had to die defending Israel. They're more than capable of defending themselves.
No. The US will never divest itself of Israel. They're an ally and a partner. Hopefully, as boomers die off and more progressive politicians come to power, they will sit down and make a real effort to solve the Palestinian issue.
No American soldier has ever had to die defending Israel. They're more than capable of defending themselves.
Why, from Israel's prospective, should precious jewish blood be shed when they can just get a stupid shegetz to do it instead?

"Die for us, goyim! Remember the Holocaust! You owe us and we own you!" might as well be their catchphrase.
If you think God has abandoned Israel you have another think coming. Nations that turn against Israel will be judged and punished also. That has been the case all through history. This is also why the US is not mentioned in End Times Prophecy. We will no doubt be under leftist control and we will make the Obamabow to the Anti-christ.
Straw Man BS. You Orange Internet Trump Preachers are hilarious. 306

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