As boomers die off will America finally start divesting itself from Israel?

No. The US will never divest itself of Israel. They're an ally and a partner. Hopefully, as boomers die off and more progressive politicians come to power, they will sit down and make a real effort to solve the Palestinian issue.
"the Palestinian issue" is not our problem. Start there, and then you get a really good fix on the issue.
Israel was NOT the reason Iran was our enemy
Still isn't "our enemy"- it's an enemy of our gov't.

More than terrorism, more than domestic extremism, more than gun violence and organized crime, even more than the perceived threat posed by any single politician, the U.S. government remains a greater menace to the life, liberty and property of its citizens than any of the so-called dangers from which the government claims to protect us.

2. Iraq was our friend--until they invaded Kuwait
3. SA has been our friend
Friendship can't be bought and sold- it's not a commodity- Saudi has been loyal to Federal Reserve Note status- Federal Reserve Notes are a commodity
Iraq threatened to trade oil ( a commodity) in Euro's (a commodity) to get around the war crime of sanctions imposed by "our gov't"- the threat threatened to sanctity and hegemony of Federal Reserve Notes-
Your other option is supporting Muslims.
They think God will destroy them and blot out their names if they don't bend over for circumcised dick and let their kids be molested by the rabbis and taught to die for Israel. The rabbis and Israel lobby happily agree with them. In a sense jews are their living gods.
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No American soldier has ever had to die defending Israel. They're more than capable of defending themselves.
Why, from Israel's prospective, should precious jewish blood be shed when they can just get a stupid shegetz to do it instead?

"Die for us, goyim! Remember the Holocaust! You owe us and we own you!" might as well be their catchphrase.

I had to look that up

You are a loathsome human being.
If you think God has abandoned Israel you have another think coming. Nations that turn against Israel will be judged and punished also. That has been the case all through history. This is also why the US is not mentioned in End Times Prophecy. We will no doubt be under leftist control and we will make the Obamabow to the Anti-christ.
I don't think there is *a* God- I know there are many claims- I know that allegedly "a" God allowed near genocide in the US against a people that didn't get the memo that "a" God would save them from eternal fire and damnation if only they would believe/accept Christ (that jews don't believe in the way Christians do) as their Savior but, those who did were massacred anyway- what gave jews special status to Christians?
I don't think there is *a* God- I know there are many claims- I know that allegedly "a" God allowed near genocide in the US against a people that didn't get the memo that "a" God would save them from eternal fire and damnation if only they would believe/accept Christ (that jews don't believe in the way Christians do) as their Savior but, those who did were massacred anyway- what gave jews special status to Christians?
Jews did. Primarily Shoah business.
The list of reasons to not take this... Marŝi tra la Cindro... this joke... seriously just continues to grow every time he clicks on "Post reply."
The fact the programming didn't take hold is evidence you weren't around much leaded gas.
LOL- buddy, cars didn't have a choice when I was a kid- I was born in Dec 1947- my "formal" education stopped in the 9th grade- I loved the smell of gasoline, washed many a part in it- and everything else you can imagine- no, you're wrong on that count- I *choose* to not be ignorant-
The only reason we have all of these enemies in the Middle East is boomers' utter loyalty to Israel and iron will to send their own children to die in stupid ass wars in the name of furthering Israel's policy objectives. Luckily their grandkids and great grandkids are smarter and see through the endless lies and obfuscations they were collectively more than retarded enough to fall for. As they die off will Americans learn to divorce themselves from their favorite adversary nation and kick out their spies and lapdogs in our government?

If I had my druthers, I would support Israel against any of its neighbors.

But -- being an impartial observer -- I have long agreed with the OP that as America "changes" (what a beautiful euphemism), support for Israel will start to dip.

To be a little franker, as two certain ethnicities (no need to name them) eventually become the majority of the American people (by the end of this century), it is only logical IMHO that they will not be so interested in Israel's well-being and more interested in her neighbors' well-being.

The Israelis, of course, are very intelligent people, so they know that in the next century, they will need some new genuine friends.

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