"As Christians we believe that love is stronger than hate"

Wrong. That's darkness having fellowship with LIGHT and it doesn't mix according to scripture. The church is the body of Christ. Not the body of Satan and the body of Christ joined together praying in the name of a demon god named baal Allah. You must be kidding me. The minister is involved in what is called "interfaithism" and it's a New World Order agenda directive coming straight from the Vatican. Catholicism isn't Christianity and calling yourself a Christian Catholic is like calling yourself a nazi Jew. You're either one or the other. You can't be both. Ditto for Islamists.

Muslims have no business bringing their false religion into a Christian church. Would you let a Satanist have their black mass at your altar too - in the name of unity?
Let me tell you what the bible has to say about unity. There is no unity unless the doctrine of Jesus Christ is agreed upon. Muslims deny Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Muslims teach that you are born pure, without sin. They do not believe in the salvation through Jesus Christ and they do not believe Jesus Christ is LORD and GOD. The Jesus they preach - Issa- is a false Christ - that comes back to murder Jews and Christians. See Matthew chapter 24 and read it.

You're talking about inviting the spirit of anti-Christ into a church and validating it as if it were the same thing as Christianity.
What you are advocating is religion - dead religion without Jesus Christ and the Doctrine of Christ being followed.
Utterly satanic.

If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
2 John 1:10,11

Listen - if the Gospel of Jesus Christ says - DO NOT RECEIVE HIM INTO YOUR HOUSE, NEITHER BID HIM GOD SPEED - That most definitely includes a Church meeting.

Outdoor evangelist meetings - great - let them get saved, converted and join the church. IN THAT ORDER.

Your title isn't scripture. It is written:

Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. - Song of Solomon 8:6

I have no idea what the false Catholic bible says - neither do I care. You're a Catholic and you need to be converted, Tommy. Catholicism cannot save you and the Pope who has openly admitted "he comes in his own name not Christ's" (at the UN he said this) is an imposter and a liar. He denies the word of God just as you have done here. Find another role model. The one you are listening to does not follow Christ or His teachings.
Christians don't want their religion watered down with "feel good, kumbaya, politically correct" b.s. any more than the musloids do.

Muslims wouldn't allow it in THEIR Mosques, Christians shouldn't either.
A real Christian would never honor a Baal god and take off their shoes to enter a mosque. Gideon destroyed the altars of Baal. He didn't get on his knees and pray to Baal. Tommy is way out in left field.

Wrong. That's darkness having fellowship with LIGHT and it doesn't mix according to scripture. The church is the body of Christ. Not the body of Satan and the body of Christ joined together praying in the name of a demon god named baal Allah. You must be kidding me. The minister is involved in what is called "interfaithism" and it's a New World Order agenda directive coming straight from the Vatican. Catholicism isn't Christianity and calling yourself a Christian Catholic is like calling yourself a nazi Jew. You're either one or the other. You can't be both. Ditto for Islamists.

Muslims have no business bringing their false religion into a Christian church. Would you let a Satanist have their black mass at your altar too - in the name of unity?
Let me tell you what the bible has to say about unity. There is no unity unless the doctrine of Jesus Christ is agreed upon. Muslims deny Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Muslims teach that you are born pure, without sin. They do not believe in the salvation through Jesus Christ and they do not believe Jesus Christ is LORD and GOD. The Jesus they preach - Issa- is a false Christ - that comes back to murder Jews and Christians. See Matthew chapter 24 and read it.

You're talking about inviting the spirit of anti-Christ into a church and validating it as if it were the same thing as Christianity.
What you are advocating is religion - dead religion without Jesus Christ and the Doctrine of Christ being followed.
Utterly satanic.

If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
2 John 1:10,11

Listen - if the Gospel of Jesus Christ says - DO NOT RECEIVE HIM INTO YOUR HOUSE, NEITHER BID HIM GOD SPEED - That most definitely includes a Church meeting.

Outdoor evangelist meetings - great - let them get saved, converted and join the church. IN THAT ORDER.

Your title isn't scripture. It is written:

Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. - Song of Solomon 8:6

I have no idea what the false Catholic bible says - neither do I care. You're a Catholic and you need to be converted, Tommy. Catholicism cannot save you and the Pope who has openly admitted "he comes in his own name not Christ's" (at the UN he said this) is an imposter and a liar. He denies the word of God just as you have done here. Find another role model. The one you are listening to does not follow Christ or His teachings.
I cant really see mankind making any progress when people like yourself spew such demented poison. You are from the stone age.

Wrong. That's darkness having fellowship with LIGHT and it doesn't mix according to scripture. The church is the body of Christ. Not the body of Satan and the body of Christ joined together praying in the name of a demon god named baal Allah. You must be kidding me. The minister is involved in what is called "interfaithism" and it's a New World Order agenda directive coming straight from the Vatican. Catholicism isn't Christianity and calling yourself a Christian Catholic is like calling yourself a nazi Jew. You're either one or the other. You can't be both. Ditto for Islamists.

Muslims have no business bringing their false religion into a Christian church. Would you let a Satanist have their black mass at your altar too - in the name of unity?
Let me tell you what the bible has to say about unity. There is no unity unless the doctrine of Jesus Christ is agreed upon. Muslims deny Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Muslims teach that you are born pure, without sin. They do not believe in the salvation through Jesus Christ and they do not believe Jesus Christ is LORD and GOD. The Jesus they preach - Issa- is a false Christ - that comes back to murder Jews and Christians. See Matthew chapter 24 and read it.

You're talking about inviting the spirit of anti-Christ into a church and validating it as if it were the same thing as Christianity.
What you are advocating is religion - dead religion without Jesus Christ and the Doctrine of Christ being followed.
Utterly satanic.

If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
2 John 1:10,11

Listen - if the Gospel of Jesus Christ says - DO NOT RECEIVE HIM INTO YOUR HOUSE, NEITHER BID HIM GOD SPEED - That most definitely includes a Church meeting.

Outdoor evangelist meetings - great - let them get saved, converted and join the church. IN THAT ORDER.

Your title isn't scripture. It is written:

Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. - Song of Solomon 8:6

I have no idea what the false Catholic bible says - neither do I care. You're a Catholic and you need to be converted, Tommy. Catholicism cannot save you and the Pope who has openly admitted "he comes in his own name not Christ's" (at the UN he said this) is an imposter and a liar. He denies the word of God just as you have done here. Find another role model. The one you are listening to does not follow Christ or His teachings.
I cant really see mankind making any progress when people like yourself spew such demented poison. You are from the stone age.

I'm preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Apparently you have an aversion to it as much as your pope. Stone age? You're calling Scripture stone age? Here is another Scripture for you. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Hebrews 13:8 God changes not, Tommy. He's not going along with your revisionist church that has attempted to turn the Word of God into a lie.

God isn't politically correct. You'll have to deal with that because "God changes not" ............another scripture. Buy a KJV Bible, get out of the RCC and seek Jesus Christ. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. Stay there and you'll perish. ........and tell your pope the protest IS NOT OVER. He does not speak for Christians. He does not speak for the Body of Christ.

He may have a future in politics. Let him do that and stop bring shame to the name of Jesus Christ. Enough already. I've got a full schedule today. This is my last reply. Bye now.
You hardly qualify as a Christian because you can spout a few verses. I think that you are one of these American hate preachers who take a narrow literalistic view of the scripture in order to hate everyone who is not like you.
I am not sure why you think I am a Catholic. The product of your fevered imagination I suspect.

And by the way I stated that you were from the stone age, that is based on your primitive postings.
You hardly qualify as a Christian because you can spout a few verses. I think that you are one of these American hate preachers who take a narrow literalistic view of the scripture in order to hate everyone who is not like you.
I am not sure why you think I am a Catholic. The product of your fevered imagination I suspect.

And by the way I stated that you were from the stone age, that is based on your primitive postings.

Maybe now you can understand why I said that how love is expressed necessarily differs from one person to the next?

Is love for neighbor diminished when you give them a tongue lashing they deserve?

could you really claim to love if you accepted your neighbor saying and doing stupid things that will cause them to lose their sanity and ruin their lives?

What loving words would you have for the talking serpent who screwed up Jeremiahs mind?
You hardly qualify as a Christian because you can spout a few verses. I think that you are one of these American hate preachers who take a narrow literalistic view of the scripture in order to hate everyone who is not like you.
I am not sure why you think I am a Catholic. The product of your fevered imagination I suspect.

And by the way I stated that you were from the stone age, that is based on your primitive postings.

Maybe now you can understand why I said that how love is expressed necessarily differs from one person to the next?

Is love for neighbor diminished when you give them a tongue lashing they deserve?

could you really claim to love if you accepted your neighbor saying and doing stupid things that will cause them to lose their sanity and ruin their lives?

What loving words would you have for the talking serpent who screwed up Jeremiahs mind?
Its difficult to say without knowing more about his journey. Most extremists are products of their environment and upbringing.

A simplified message operating on a dull intellect can do a huge amount of damage to an individual.
It is demonizing because you choose to ignore multiple incidents of rape elsewhere in the world, not least in America. You are very selective in making your conclusions.


The problem in the UK, with it ethnic/immigration aspect and the ACTIVE EFFORT put in by the government to IGNORE the problem and thus allow it to continue is certainly different enough from other mass crime rings to justify discussing it as a category by itself.

You should spend less time worry about what is Politically Correct and more time worrying about how to protect the children of your nation from foreign rapists.
Christians don't want their religion watered down with "feel good, kumbaya, politically correct" b.s. any more than the musloids do.

Muslims wouldn't allow it in THEIR Mosques, Christians shouldn't either.
That isnt a Christian response.
Sadly yes it is. Lol.

You can't fight Isis with love bombs

The USA produced the Daesh when it attacked the Iraq without any feeling for love and responsibility. I remember this situation very well. Germany became suddenly an enemy of the USA in the eyes of the USA only because we said "It's wrong to attack the Iraq!" (Btw: It was wrong!!!). In this days the USA was fixed only on this completly unimportant war in the Iraq because of weapons of mass dissappearance from 9/11, while the USA ignored completly the developement of nuclear weapons in North Korea the same time for example. Oh by the way: What mission did accomplish G.W. Bush on the USS Abraham Lincoln in the near of the coast of California in May 1st 2003? To kill the future of president Jeb Bush?

What the fuck was that video all about?

About mucking dwarfs
Far Over the Misty Mountains Cold

You hardly qualify as a Christian because you can spout a few verses. I think that you are one of these American hate preachers who take a narrow literalistic view of the scripture in order to hate everyone who is not like you.
I am not sure why you think I am a Catholic. The product of your fevered imagination I suspect.

And by the way I stated that you were from the stone age, that is based on your primitive postings.

Maybe now you can understand why I said that how love is expressed necessarily differs from one person to the next?

Is love for neighbor diminished when you give them a tongue lashing they deserve?

could you really claim to love if you accepted your neighbor saying and doing stupid things that will cause them to lose their sanity and ruin their lives?

What loving words would you have for the talking serpent who screwed up Jeremiahs mind?
Its difficult to say without knowing more about his journey. Most extremists are products of their environment and upbringing.

A simplified message operating on a dull intellect can do a huge amount of damage to an individual.


People like that should never be in any position of public service. If they get something as simple as love thy neighbor wrong and as important as what constitutes a holy life how could they possibly be right about anything more complicated or less important? They shouldn't even be allowed to operate heavy machinery or work with children.
You hardly qualify as a Christian because you can spout a few verses. I think that you are one of these American hate preachers who take a narrow literalistic view of the scripture in order to hate everyone who is not like you.
I am not sure why you think I am a Catholic. The product of your fevered imagination I suspect.

And by the way I stated that you were from the stone age, that is based on your primitive postings.

Maybe now you can understand why I said that how love is expressed necessarily differs from one person to the next?

Is love for neighbor diminished when you give them a tongue lashing they deserve?

could you really claim to love if you accepted your neighbor saying and doing stupid things that will cause them to lose their sanity and ruin their lives?

What loving words would you have for the talking serpent who screwed up Jeremiahs mind?
Its difficult to say without knowing more about his journey. Most extremists are products of their environment and upbringing.

A simplified message operating on a dull intellect can do a huge amount of damage to an individual.
And you are the perfect example of dull intellect.
Tommy does not love his neighbour. His response to a female nationalist having cakes thrown at her was:

"A house brick would have been more appropriate"

He responds to a females words he dislikes with a desire for physical violence against her.
Christians don't want their religion watered down with "feel good, kumbaya, politically correct" b.s. any more than the musloids do.

Muslims wouldn't allow it in THEIR Mosques, Christians shouldn't either.

jesus was about kindness.

and he'd have laughed at you.
jesus was about kindness.

I think he was about much more than that.

Some people thought he was kind and still do. Some people thought that he was insane and still do. Some people thought that he was a ruthless son of a bitch and still do.

Who else in recorded history ever even came close to inspiring, driving mad, or pissing off so many people for thousands of years?

Had to be much more than a nice guy.
Jesus was an unemployed Liberal who couldn't get himself elected dogcatcher today.
Christians don't want their religion watered down with "feel good, kumbaya, politically correct" b.s. any more than the musloids do.

Muslims wouldn't allow it in THEIR Mosques, Christians shouldn't either.
That isnt a Christian response.
Sadly yes it is. Lol.

You can't fight Isis with love bombs

The USA produced the Daesh when it attacked the Iraq without any feeling for love and responsibility. I remember this situation very well. Germany became suddenly an enemy of the USA in the eyes of the USA only because we said "It's wrong to attack the Iraq!" (Btw: It was wrong!!!). In this days the USA was fixed only on this completly unimportant war in the Iraq because of weapons of mass dissappearance from 9/11, while the USA ignored completly the developement of nuclear weapons in North Korea the same time for example. Oh by the way: What mission did accomplish G.W. Bush on the USS Abraham Lincoln in the near of the coast of California in May 1st 2003? To kill the future of president Jeb Bush?

Freedom fries is a political euphemism for French fries in the United States. The term came to prominence in 2003 when the then Republican Chairman of the Committee on House Administration, Bob Ney, renamed the menu item in three Congressional cafeterias in response to France's opposition to the proposed invasion of Iraq. Although originally supported with several restaurants changing their menus as well, the term fell out of use due to declining support for the Iraq War. Following Ney's resignation as Chairman in 2006, it was quietly reverted.
"As Christians we believe that love is stronger than hate"
If it was true, the Ku Klux Klan wouldn't claim to be Christian, and republicans wouldn't love war.

What for heavens sake has the secret society "KuKluxKlan" to do with the christian religion? They are only misusing christian clothings and symbols. They are even burning crosses.

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You hardly qualify as a Christian because you can spout a few verses. I think that you are one of these American hate preachers who take a narrow literalistic view of the scripture in order to hate everyone who is not like you.
I am not sure why you think I am a Catholic. The product of your fevered imagination I suspect.

And by the way I stated that you were from the stone age, that is based on your primitive postings.

Maybe now you can understand why I said that how love is expressed necessarily differs from one person to the next?

Is love for neighbor diminished when you give them a tongue lashing they deserve?

could you really claim to love if you accepted your neighbor saying and doing stupid things that will cause them to lose their sanity and ruin their lives?

What loving words would you have for the talking serpent who screwed up Jeremiahs mind?
Its difficult to say without knowing more about his journey. Most extremists are products of their environment and upbringing.

A simplified message operating on a dull intellect can do a huge amount of damage to an individual.


People like that should never be in any position of public service. If they get something as simple as love thy neighbor wrong and as important as what constitutes a holy life how could they possibly be right about anything more complicated or less important? They shouldn't even be allowed to operate heavy machinery or work with children.
There are a lot of damaged people out there. They should not be allowed to spread hatred. That isnt a christian standpoint either, its just common decency.

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