As Dems demand to pussify police departments..Have they showed us where such methodology works?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Keep in mind, this nation is packed full of very low grade human beings ...Make no mistake about it, we are no Nordic nation by any metric.
I think we all know this is simply a very neat talking point for Dems right now as they bust their asses passively putting whitey in their place...Even they know that a nation full of thirdworlders and thugs can not pussify law enforcement without total chaos becoming the end result.
Keep in mind, this nation is packed full of very low grade human beings ...Make no mistake about it, we are no Nordic nation by any metric.
I think we all know this is simply a very neat talking point for Dems right now as they bust their asses passively putting whitey in their place...Even they know that a nation full of thirdworlders and thugs can not pussify law enforcement without total chaos becoming the end result.

By the word "pussified", you obviously mean an all-women police force. YES! YES! However, I agree that some people
ask for the rough treatment when they taunt the police or don't follow instructions. A big mistake because shit may happen when police overreact.
Keep in mind, this nation is packed full of very low grade human beings ...Make no mistake about it, we are no Nordic nation by any metric.
I think we all know this is simply a very neat talking point for Dems right now as they bust their asses passively putting whitey in their place...Even they know that a nation full of thirdworlders and thugs can not pussify law enforcement without total chaos becoming the end result.

Easy, they decriminalize everything then there will be no crime.
Keep in mind, this nation is packed full of very low grade human beings ...Make no mistake about it, we are no Nordic nation by any metric.
I think we all know this is simply a very neat talking point for Dems right now as they bust their asses passively putting whitey in their place...Even they know that a nation full of thirdworlders and thugs can not pussify law enforcement without total chaos becoming the end result.
Do I once again see you white mf's whining about dems? Truth be told, if none of us ever set eyes on white skin in uniform ever again, I honestly believe we'd survive. Most of the country are gun owners, cops only show up after a crime has been committed anyways, I say let go back to the days of the wild west and the hell with policings
Keep in mind, this nation is packed full of very low grade human beings ...Make no mistake about it, we are no Nordic nation by any metric.
I think we all know this is simply a very neat talking point for Dems right now as they bust their asses passively putting whitey in their place...Even they know that a nation full of thirdworlders and thugs can not pussify law enforcement without total chaos becoming the end result.

Easy, they decriminalize everything then there will be no crime.

Jaywalking is racist, man. It is an offense against the white patriarchal system designed to force people to only cross at the corner of intersections.
Keep in mind, this nation is packed full of very low grade human beings ...Make no mistake about it, we are no Nordic nation by any metric.
I think we all know this is simply a very neat talking point for Dems right now as they bust their asses passively putting whitey in their place...Even they know that a nation full of thirdworlders and thugs can not pussify law enforcement without total chaos becoming the end result.

Easy, they decriminalize everything then there will be no crime.

Jaywalking is racist, man. It is an offense against the white patriarchal system designed to force people to only cross at the corner of intersections.

Well, ya gotta eliminate the laws too. So jaywalking will not be racist, so that would be a twofer.
Keep in mind, this nation is packed full of very low grade human beings ...Make no mistake about it, we are no Nordic nation by any metric.
I think we all know this is simply a very neat talking point for Dems right now as they bust their asses passively putting whitey in their place...Even they know that a nation full of thirdworlders and thugs can not pussify law enforcement without total chaos becoming the end result.
Do I once again see you white mf's whining about dems? Truth be told, if none of us ever set eyes on white skin in uniform ever again, I honestly believe we'd survive. Most of the country are gun owners, cops only show up after a crime has been committed anyways, I say let go back to the days of the wild west and the hell with policings

Slow that camel down, aren't many of the cops in Minneapolis (that you want to defund) black?
Keep in mind, this nation is packed full of very low grade human beings ...Make no mistake about it, we are no Nordic nation by any metric.
I think we all know this is simply a very neat talking point for Dems right now as they bust their asses passively putting whitey in their place...Even they know that a nation full of thirdworlders and thugs can not pussify law enforcement without total chaos becoming the end result.

Well, we could lock up all of the racists on some off-shore island and get rid of most of the "very low grade human beings". The nation would be much, much better off without people like you.

Think of the untapped power of the nation being unleashed. Think of ALL children getting a decent 21st Century education to work and succeed in the Information Age, instead of just the children of rich white people. Think of opening up the pool of talent to ALL workers, based solely on their ability to do the job, and not giving preference to white males, because people like you have been holding the nation back for 400 years.

Love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear
Again, have any of the LefTarded folks calling for the scaling back of departments and castrating of law enforcement officers SHOWED us the data to prove that such a move would improve our nation for the bulk of the citizenry?
Come on, that’s all the rage right now...someone has done some due diligence....RIGHT?
I thought we wanted smaller government and less nanny-ism from our political leaders ...

Here you seem to be advocating more police and more government control ... and you seem to have a very dim view of personal freedoms and liberties ... frankly I think you're wrong, folks here in the United States are used to taking care of themselves without a mess of police hanging around looking for things to do ...

If George Floyd was white, would we be just as outraged? ... I certainly would be ... four officers nine minutes each could have jailed a drunk driver ... better use of police resources than bailing out some stupid cashier who took an obviously bogus $20 bill ... has anyone bothered to call the Secret Service? ...

Minneapolis police are a sorry bunch ... better than the 93rd percentile in crime rate {Cite} ... maybe instead of pussifing the force they should try simple police training ... "once the suspect is in hand-cuffs, go ahead and let them thrash ... do not murder them in cold blood" ...
Think of the untapped power of the nation being unleashed. Think of ALL children getting a decent 21st Century education to work and succeed in the Information Age, instead of just the children of rich white people. Think of opening up the pool of talent to ALL workers, based solely on their ability to do the job, and not giving preference to white males, because people like you have been holding the nation back for 400 years.

Think of that never happening because people like you profit off of disparity and professional injustice.
Keep in mind, this nation is packed full of very low grade human beings ...Make no mistake about it, we are no Nordic nation by any metric.
I think we all know this is simply a very neat talking point for Dems right now as they bust their asses passively putting whitey in their place...Even they know that a nation full of thirdworlders and thugs can not pussify law enforcement without total chaos becoming the end result.

Well, we could lock up all of the racists on some off-shore island and get rid of most of the "very low grade human beings". The nation would be much, much better off without people like you.

Think of the untapped power of the nation being unleashed. Think of ALL children getting a decent 21st Century education to work and succeed in the Information Age, instead of just the children of rich white people. Think of opening up the pool of talent to ALL workers, based solely on their ability to do the job, and not giving preference to white males, because people like you have been holding the nation back for 400 years.

Love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear

Your post makes me all warm and fuzzy did a fine job packaging it all up in FEELZ...but you lie and twist shit in perfect LefTarded fashion....NOW let’s talk reality...This nations founders were racists and they built the greatest nation on earth so we know RACISM builds great nations.....WHOOPS!

Affirmative Action or reverse discrimination has been in full effect for decades with no measurable improvement among minorities....Yep, our government has participated in racist discrimination against the UK it is illegal to hire someone for the color of their skin while in the US employers are FORCED to hire folks for their dark skin color...weird huh?
Back to the drawing board you go...try harder, inject some reality in with your FEELZ.
Keep in mind, this nation is packed full of very low grade human beings ...Make no mistake about it, we are no Nordic nation by any metric.
I think we all know this is simply a very neat talking point for Dems right now as they bust their asses passively putting whitey in their place...Even they know that a nation full of thirdworlders and thugs can not pussify law enforcement without total chaos becoming the end result.

Well, we could lock up all of the racists on some off-shore island and get rid of most of the "very low grade human beings". The nation would be much, much better off without people like you.

Think of the untapped power of the nation being unleashed. Think of ALL children getting a decent 21st Century education to work and succeed in the Information Age, instead of just the children of rich white people. Think of opening up the pool of talent to ALL workers, based solely on their ability to do the job, and not giving preference to white males, because people like you have been holding the nation back for 400 years.

Love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear

Your post makes me all warm and fuzzy did a fine job packaging it all up in FEELZ...but you lie and twist shit in perfect LefTarded fashion....NOW let’s talk reality...This nations founders were racists and they built the greatest nation on earth so we know RACISM builds great nations.....WHOOPS!

Affirmative Action or reverse discrimination has been in full effect for decades with no measurable improvement among minorities....Yep, our government has participated in racist discrimination against the UK it is illegal to hire someone for the color of their skin while in the US employers are FORCED to hire folks for their dark skin color...weird huh?
Back to the drawing board you go...try harder, inject some reality in with your FEELZ.

Reagan ended Affirmative Action in 1980, just as he ended the War on Poverty. The arguments you're making today, are the same ones that Reagan used when ending both, and those arguments have been utterly debunked and proven to be lies, but here you are spouting them because nothing else justifies your position.

Now you're using the excuse that the Founding Fathers were racist slave owners and therefore the USA should cling to a way of life that disappeared with slavery, and using the same arguments that whites used for subjugating and enslaving blacks - they're inferior beings.

You're like the overweight, 3 pack a day smoker, spending his days watching TV and living on junk food, having a massive heart attack and being saved by open heart surgery, who then refuses to change the unhealthy and dangerous habits which lead to the heart attack in the first place, on the grounds that you've always lived this way, and its working really well for you.

Every statistic shows that violent crime is on the decrease all across the nation. That cities are now safer than rural areas, and yet here you are saying that the most heavily militarized police forces in the world are being "pussified", because people think it's wrong for the police to be murdering unarmed civilians on your streets, in broad daylight.

Every city budget is being cut - recreation centres, community programs, public schooling - all being cut, but you need more and more police to deal with less and less crime. Shouldn't the increasingly safe and secure communities be investing the savings into community resources to further help to reduce crime in poor neighbourhoods?

The City of Toronto closed about a half dozen free to the public community centres in the poorest neighbourhoods in the City of Toronto, and instituted user fees in all of the rest of the centres which remained open, all while cutting welfare by 20%. 8 years later, the City had a serious gang problem in the same neighbourhoods where they closed the community centres. It caused the City to reopen community centres and free to all recreation programs within these communities. Police volunteered to work with youth in these centres, building trust and respect.
Keep in mind, this nation is packed full of very low grade human beings ...Make no mistake about it, we are no Nordic nation by any metric.
I think we all know this is simply a very neat talking point for Dems right now as they bust their asses passively putting whitey in their place...Even they know that a nation full of thirdworlders and thugs can not pussify law enforcement without total chaos becoming the end result.

Well, we could lock up all of the racists on some off-shore island and get rid of most of the "very low grade human beings". The nation would be much, much better off without people like you.

Think of the untapped power of the nation being unleashed. Think of ALL children getting a decent 21st Century education to work and succeed in the Information Age, instead of just the children of rich white people. Think of opening up the pool of talent to ALL workers, based solely on their ability to do the job, and not giving preference to white males, because people like you have been holding the nation back for 400 years.

Love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear

Your post makes me all warm and fuzzy did a fine job packaging it all up in FEELZ...but you lie and twist shit in perfect LefTarded fashion....NOW let’s talk reality...This nations founders were racists and they built the greatest nation on earth so we know RACISM builds great nations.....WHOOPS!

Affirmative Action or reverse discrimination has been in full effect for decades with no measurable improvement among minorities....Yep, our government has participated in racist discrimination against the UK it is illegal to hire someone for the color of their skin while in the US employers are FORCED to hire folks for their dark skin color...weird huh?
Back to the drawing board you go...try harder, inject some reality in with your FEELZ.

Reagan ended Affirmative Action in 1980, just as he ended the War on Poverty. The arguments you're making today, are the same ones that Reagan used when ending both, and those arguments have been utterly debunked and proven to be lies, but here you are spouting them because nothing else justifies your position.

Now you're using the excuse that the Founding Fathers were racist slave owners and therefore the USA should cling to a way of life that disappeared with slavery, and using the same arguments that whites used for subjugating and enslaving blacks - they're inferior beings.

You're like the overweight, 3 pack a day smoker, spending his days watching TV and living on junk food, having a massive heart attack and being saved by open heart surgery, who then refuses to change the unhealthy and dangerous habits which lead to the heart attack in the first place, on the grounds that you've always lived this way, and its working really well for you.

Every statistic shows that violent crime is on the decrease all across the nation. That cities are now safer than rural areas, and yet here you are saying that the most heavily militarized police forces in the world are being "pussified", because people think it's wrong for the police to be murdering unarmed civilians on your streets, in broad daylight.

Every city budget is being cut - recreation centres, community programs, public schooling - all being cut, but you need more and more police to deal with less and less crime. Shouldn't the increasingly safe and secure communities be investing the savings into community resources to further help to reduce crime in poor neighbourhoods?

The City of Toronto closed about a half dozen free to the public community centres in the poorest neighbourhoods in the City of Toronto, and instituted user fees in all of the rest of the centres which remained open, all while cutting welfare by 20%. 8 years later, the City had a serious gang problem in the same neighbourhoods where they closed the community centres. It caused the City to reopen community centres and free to all recreation programs within these communities. Police volunteered to work with youth in these centres, building trust and respect.
Go take a walk in Chicago, get back to me if you are still alive.
Keep in mind, this nation is packed full of very low grade human beings ...Make no mistake about it, we are no Nordic nation by any metric.
I think we all know this is simply a very neat talking point for Dems right now as they bust their asses passively putting whitey in their place...Even they know that a nation full of thirdworlders and thugs can not pussify law enforcement without total chaos becoming the end result.

Well, we could lock up all of the racists on some off-shore island and get rid of most of the "very low grade human beings". The nation would be much, much better off without people like you.

Think of the untapped power of the nation being unleashed. Think of ALL children getting a decent 21st Century education to work and succeed in the Information Age, instead of just the children of rich white people. Think of opening up the pool of talent to ALL workers, based solely on their ability to do the job, and not giving preference to white males, because people like you have been holding the nation back for 400 years.

Love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear

Your post makes me all warm and fuzzy did a fine job packaging it all up in FEELZ...but you lie and twist shit in perfect LefTarded fashion....NOW let’s talk reality...This nations founders were racists and they built the greatest nation on earth so we know RACISM builds great nations.....WHOOPS!

Affirmative Action or reverse discrimination has been in full effect for decades with no measurable improvement among minorities....Yep, our government has participated in racist discrimination against the UK it is illegal to hire someone for the color of their skin while in the US employers are FORCED to hire folks for their dark skin color...weird huh?
Back to the drawing board you go...try harder, inject some reality in with your FEELZ.

Reagan ended Affirmative Action in 1980, just as he ended the War on Poverty. The arguments you're making today, are the same ones that Reagan used when ending both, and those arguments have been utterly debunked and proven to be lies, but here you are spouting them because nothing else justifies your position.

Now you're using the excuse that the Founding Fathers were racist slave owners and therefore the USA should cling to a way of life that disappeared with slavery, and using the same arguments that whites used for subjugating and enslaving blacks - they're inferior beings.

You're like the overweight, 3 pack a day smoker, spending his days watching TV and living on junk food, having a massive heart attack and being saved by open heart surgery, who then refuses to change the unhealthy and dangerous habits which lead to the heart attack in the first place, on the grounds that you've always lived this way, and its working really well for you.

Every statistic shows that violent crime is on the decrease all across the nation. That cities are now safer than rural areas, and yet here you are saying that the most heavily militarized police forces in the world are being "pussified", because people think it's wrong for the police to be murdering unarmed civilians on your streets, in broad daylight.

Every city budget is being cut - recreation centres, community programs, public schooling - all being cut, but you need more and more police to deal with less and less crime. Shouldn't the increasingly safe and secure communities be investing the savings into community resources to further help to reduce crime in poor neighbourhoods?

The City of Toronto closed about a half dozen free to the public community centres in the poorest neighbourhoods in the City of Toronto, and instituted user fees in all of the rest of the centres which remained open, all while cutting welfare by 20%. 8 years later, the City had a serious gang problem in the same neighbourhoods where they closed the community centres. It caused the City to reopen community centres and free to all recreation programs within these communities. Police volunteered to work with youth in these centres, building trust and respect.
Go take a walk in Chicago, get back to me if you are still alive.

Chicago is the failure of racism and police oppression as a tool of peace and order, when dealing with poverty. There are lots of areas in American cities I won't walk in.

I walked around in downtown Toronto - alone, at 3:00 am, without fear. But Moss Park, past the homeless shelters, half way houses, flop house, and Regent Park public housing, near St. Mike's hospital, I took transit through that area after dark. This is the poorest part of Toronto, where the generational poverty lives, and it's one of the most crimes dangerous and crime infested areas of the city. It's a mostly white neighbourhood.
Keep in mind, this nation is packed full of very low grade human beings ...Make no mistake about it, we are no Nordic nation by any metric.
I think we all know this is simply a very neat talking point for Dems right now as they bust their asses passively putting whitey in their place...Even they know that a nation full of thirdworlders and thugs can not pussify law enforcement without total chaos becoming the end result.
What could possibly go wrong in urban areas ?
I can't wait to see what Minneapolis does
Keep in mind, this nation is packed full of very low grade human beings ...Make no mistake about it, we are no Nordic nation by any metric.
I think we all know this is simply a very neat talking point for Dems right now as they bust their asses passively putting whitey in their place...Even they know that a nation full of thirdworlders and thugs can not pussify law enforcement without total chaos becoming the end result.
Do I once again see you white mf's whining about dems? Truth be told, if none of us ever set eyes on white skin in uniform ever again, I honestly believe we'd survive. Most of the country are gun owners, cops only show up after a crime has been committed anyways, I say let go back to the days of the wild west and the hell with policings
Exactly. This is exactly what we need.
Think of the untapped power of the nation being unleashed. Think of ALL children getting a decent 21st Century education to work and succeed in the Information Age, instead of just the children of rich white people. Think of opening up the pool of talent to ALL workers, based solely on their ability to do the job, and not giving preference to white males, because people like you have been holding the nation back for 400 years.

Think of that never happening because people like you profit off of disparity and professional injustice.

People like me? I live in a country where police who kill civilians are prosecuted and jailed. Where gang bangers are rounded up and jailed periodically just for owning handguns. Where every poor neighbourhood had sports and community programs, free to poor families. I lived in a city where white people were only 45% of the population, and where our worst and most dangerous neighbourhoods, could be tracked by income, not race.

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