As early as 2009, GAO reported security issues at embassies


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011

Finally, State has expanded Diplomatic Security without the benefit of solid strategic planning.

As a result of the low level of available staff, Diplomatic Security reported that many posts go for years without updating their security training.5 Officials noted that this lack of available agents is particularly problematic given the high number of critical threat posts that are only 1-year tours that would benefit from frequent training.

Diplomatic Security requested funding to add over 350 security positions in fiscal year 2010. However, new hires cannot be immediately deployed overseas because they must meet training requirements.

Diplomatic Security faces a number of other operational challenges that impede it from fully implementing its missions and activities, including:

Inadequate buildings: State is in the process of updating and building many new facilities. However, we have previously identified many posts that do not meet all security standards delineated by the Overseas Security Policy Board and the Secure Embassy Construction and Counterterrorism Act of 1999.

Foreign language deficiencies: Earlier this year, we found that 53 percent of Regional Security Officers do not speak and read at the level required by their positions, and we concluded that these foreign language shortfalls could be negatively affecting several aspects of U.S. diplomacy, including security operations.

Experience gaps: Thirty-four percent of Diplomatic Security’s positions (not including those in Baghdad) are filled with officers below the position’s grade. For example, several Assistant Regional Security Officers with whom we met were in their first overseas positions and stated that they did not feel adequately prepared for their job, particularly their responsibility to manage large security contracts. We previously reported that experience gaps can compromise diplomatic readiness.

Host country laws: At times, host country laws prohibit Diplomatic Security from taking all the security precautions it would like outside an embassy. For example, Diplomatic Security officials said that they prefer to arm their local guard forces and their special agents; however, several countries prohibit this. In cases of attack, this prohibition limits Diplomatic Security’s ability to protect an embassy or consulate.

Balancing security with the diplomatic mission: Diplomatic Security’s desire to provide the best security possible for State’s diplomatic corps has, at times, been in tension with State’s diplomatic mission. For example, Diplomatic Security has established strict policies concerning access to U.S. facilities that usually include both personal and vehicle screening. Some public affairs officials—whose job it is to foster relations with host country nationals—have expressed concerns that these security measures discourage visitors from attending U.S. Embassy events or exhibits. In addition, the new embassies and consulates, with their high walls, deep setbacks, and strict screening procedures, have evoked the nickname, “Fortress America.”

While State’s strategic plan for 2007-2012 has a section identifying security priorities and goals, we found it did not identify the resources needed to meet these goals or address all of the management challenges we identified in this report.

In our report, we recommended that the Secretary of State—as part of the QDDR or as a separate initiative—conduct a strategic review of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security to ensure that its missions and activities address State’s priority needs. This review should also address key human capital and operational challenges faced by Diplomatic Security, such as

  • operating domestic and international activities with adequate staff;
  • providing security for facilities that do not meet all security standards;
  • staffing foreign missions with officials who have appropriate language skills;
  • operating programs with experienced staff, at the commensurate grade levels; and
  • balancing security needs with State’s need to conduct its diplomatic mission

State agreed with our recommendation and noted that, although it is currently not planning to perform a strategic review of the full Diplomatic Security mission and capabilities in the QDDR, the Under Secretary for Management and the Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security are completely committed to ensuring that Diplomatic Security’s mission will benefit from this initiative.

They were told there were security issues back in 2009. Apparently, they didn't feel the need to do a full review. Dumb asses.
and even in light of all that the republicans cut the funding

oh, fuck off and die.

The Republicans do NOT control the government. They control 1/3. Obama owns this shit, and you know it. You simply are too big a partisan hack and fucking liar to admit it.

That is why your party is dying.
that's right, little lying bitch. Run away when asked for proof of your lies.
There were 12 us Embassy attacks (MAYBE it was 10?)during the 8 years of President Bush, do you know if the GAO wrote up a report back then on our weaknesses at embassies? Are they the same? Did we have host countries that kept us from protecting ourselves back then too?
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that's right, little lying bitch. Run away when asked for proof of your lies.
There were 12 us Embassy attacks during the 8 years of President Bush, do you know if the GAO wrote up a report back then on our weaknesses at embassies? Are they the same? Did we have host countries that kept us from protecting ourselves back then too?

feel free to research that, like I did this. If they did offer the same type of report, and nothing was done, I'll be right there with you screaming about it.
and even in light of all that the republicans cut the funding

2009 Humm, 60 Democratic Senators and a majority in the House. Both Houses had democratic majorities since 2007. In 2010 mid terms the Dems lost the House but retained the Senate.

You made the claim, back it the fuck up. How EXACTLY did the minority party cut security at State? be specific.
Also, how do you know we did nothing after this 2009 report C?

How, by the statement of the Government, blanket refusal to do a review. Further we know because in Egypt the Marines were refused the right to have ammunition and in Libya the Ambassador was TOLD by the Libyan Government he had inadequate security.
Also, how do you know we did nothing after this 2009 report C?

Still looking for anything showing they did do something. However, I am currently going by the statement in the last thing I quoted in the OP...
it is currently not planning to perform a strategic review of the full Diplomatic Security mission and capabilities
and even in light of all that the republicans cut the funding

2009 Humm, 60 Democratic Senators and a majority in the House. Both Houses had democratic majorities since 2007. In 2010 mid terms the Dems lost the House but retained the Senate.

You made the claim, back it the fuck up. How EXACTLY did the minority party cut security at State? be specific.

She already ran away. No use asking her to prove yet another of her lies. She'll just say it's not a lie and claim victory, without ever providing proof.

It's what she does.
that's right, little lying bitch. Run away when asked for proof of your lies.
There were 12 us Embassy attacks (MAYBE it was 10?)during the 8 years of President Bush, do you know if the GAO wrote up a report back then on our weaknesses at embassies? Are they the same? Did we have host countries that kept us from protecting ourselves back then too?

Was an Ambassador killed while Bush was in office?
how do you know the us gvt did nothing since this 2009 report? It seems that they must have done something, because attacks on our embassies went way way down the past 4 years?

Here were the embassy attacks and deaths during the 8 years previous to President Obama and there were 12 attacks on usa diplomatic facilities: (last number is deaths)

22 January 2002 Calcutta Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami gunmen attack Consulate 5

14 June 2002 Karachi al-Qaeda truck bomb detonates outside Consulate (more details) 12

12 October 2002 Denpasar Consular Office bombed by Jemaah
Islamiyah as part of the Bali bombings none

28 February 2003 Islamabad Unknown gunmen attack Embassy 2

30 June 2004 Tashkent Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan suicide bomber attacks Embassy 2

6 December 2004 Jeddah al-Qaeda gunmen raid diplomatic compound 9

2 March 2006 Karachi Car bomb explodes outside Embassy unknown 2

12 September 2006 Damascus Gunmen raid US Embassy 4

12 January 2007 Athens RPG Fired at Embassy by Revolutionary Struggle none

18 March 2008 Sana'a Mortar attack against US Embassy 2

9 July 2008 Istanbul Armed attack against Consulate (more details) 6

17 September 2008 Sana'a Two car bombs outside US embassy in Yemeni capital 16

The last number after each one of those attacks were the deaths that occurred due to the attacks. I think the GAO report in 2009 was reporting on the 'previous years of weaknesses' and how we could mentioned, I don't know if our gvt took action on the report, but it appears that they did to have only 2 attacks in 4 years vs an average of 6 attacks every 4 years that we were trending.
how do you know the us gvt did nothing since this 2009 report? It seems that they must have done something, because attacks on our embassies went way way down the past 4 years?

Here were the embassy attacks and deaths during the 8 years previous to President Obama and there were 12 attacks on usa diplomatic facilities: (last number is deaths)

22 January 2002 Calcutta Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami gunmen attack Consulate 5

14 June 2002 Karachi al-Qaeda truck bomb detonates outside Consulate (more details) 12

12 October 2002 Denpasar Consular Office bombed by Jemaah
Islamiyah as part of the Bali bombings none

28 February 2003 Islamabad Unknown gunmen attack Embassy 2

30 June 2004 Tashkent Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan suicide bomber attacks Embassy 2

6 December 2004 Jeddah al-Qaeda gunmen raid diplomatic compound 9

2 March 2006 Karachi Car bomb explodes outside Embassy unknown 2

12 September 2006 Damascus Gunmen raid US Embassy 4

12 January 2007 Athens RPG Fired at Embassy by Revolutionary Struggle none

18 March 2008 Sana'a Mortar attack against US Embassy 2

9 July 2008 Istanbul Armed attack against Consulate (more details) 6

17 September 2008 Sana'a Two car bombs outside US embassy in Yemeni capital 16

The last number after each one of those attacks were the deaths that occurred due to the attacks. I think the GAO report in 2009 was reporting on the 'previous years of weaknesses' and how we could mentioned, I don't know if our gvt took action on the report, but it appears that they did to have only 2 attacks in 4 years vs an average of 6 attacks every 4 years that we were trending.

First, let's clear up a misunderstanding. I did not say they did nothing after the report. Here is exactly what I said...
Apparently, they didn't feel the need to do a full review.

Now that we've got your mistake corrected, I'll say this. I do not know if they did anything or not to address security issues. Is it possible? Sure, anything is possible.

I simply said that as early as 2009, the GAO reported concerns over security, and that according to the GAO, the administration did not feel the need to do a full review of the situation.

Take that as you wish.
that's right, little lying bitch. Run away when asked for proof of your lies.
There were 12 us Embassy attacks (MAYBE it was 10?)during the 8 years of President Bush, do you know if the GAO wrote up a report back then on our weaknesses at embassies? Are they the same? Did we have host countries that kept us from protecting ourselves back then too?

Was an Ambassador killed while Bush was in office?

You post that as if you actually think that's the relevant measure.
There were 12 us Embassy attacks (MAYBE it was 10?)during the 8 years of President Bush, do you know if the GAO wrote up a report back then on our weaknesses at embassies? Are they the same? Did we have host countries that kept us from protecting ourselves back then too?

Was an Ambassador killed while Bush was in office?

You post that as if you actually think that's the relevant measure.

shitheads killing non Americans OUTSIDE the Embassies does NOT qualify for relavancy in this thread.

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