As Expected- Obamacare misses target of Younger Enrollees


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Duh- And just the ones the leftist anti-american machine needs, um, as they say, ain't happening



Obamacare misses target on younger enrollees despite late surge

Obamacare misses target on younger enrollees despite late surge |

Despite a late surge that led to 8 million Americans signing up for coverage through President Obama's health care law, just 28 percent of those signing up were from the crucial younger demographic, according to new data from the Department of Health and Human Services. The number is below the original HHS target.

Though there was a surge of 1.2 million signups coming from the ages 18-to-34 demographic (representing 31 percent of enrollees, an increase from earlier months), the final number of 2.2 million signups, out of 8 million total, was just 28 percent.
And this is a surprise to you? They can't get hurt or die remember, they're young.
Obviously this is a lie.....
Eveyone knows that ObamaCare was a success that surpasses anything that humans have achieved over the centuries.

Nancy Pelosi said .... discovery of fire...Please don't even go there.
Harry Reid... The Pyramids.... Don't insult my intelegiensde.... heh hhe
Alan Grayson...Better then a one two punch to my wife's face.
Joe Biden.... Better then 7-11
Barbara Boxer...It puts my plastic surgeon to shame.
Finally. Eric Cantor today was talking about reform of ACA, not repeal. The GOP will campaign on the latter and to the former. We know now that we can't go back to the way it was.
And this is a surprise to you? They can't get hurt or die remember, they're young.

They certainly don't need nursing home coverage or maternity coverage. Or the other crap Obamacare lards onto their policies to ramp up expense so they can pay for older people.
This is the beginning of the death spiral for Obamacare. It doesnt take a prophet to see it either.
Obamacare was passed on a lie.
1) 10 million of Obama's 46 million "uninsured" were NOT citizens. Leaves 36 million.
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

2) Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. That leaves 22 million.

3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k. That leaves 4 million.

So a 2,000 page bill, that has so much destructiveness and passed by just 7 votes WILL be repealed by Congress.
The repeal legislation will be vetoed by Obama. He will hang around and the GOP wins 2016 and Congress and it will be repealed.

I've written the above dozens of times now. NOT ONE person has refuted the above. So folks if you don't like Obamacare and
you are NOW comprehending there NEVER were 46 million uninsured Americans as Obama said, get pissed.
And if you are still so stupid as to defend Obamacare, PLEASE EXPLAIN how those three groups don't add up to 42 million falsely used.
Finally. Eric Cantor today was talking about reform of ACA, not repeal. The GOP will campaign on the latter and to the former. We know now that we can't go back to the way it was.

And now the big test, how many will stay signed up... you know, keep making payments...

What happens when 6 months in Obamacare's 8 million is around 5 million? Oh I know, you will still be here defending progressive policies while calling yourself a Republican.
Finally. Eric Cantor today was talking about reform of ACA, not repeal. The GOP will campaign on the latter and to the former. We know now that we can't go back to the way it was.

And now the big test, how many will stay signed up... you know, keep making payments...

What happens when 6 months in Obamacare's 8 million is around 5 million? Oh I know, you will still be here defending progressive policies while calling yourself a Republican.

Well, we don't know how many have actually paid since the mega billion dollar software can't tell us


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