As expected, there will be a recount in Georgia. When the results will say Biden still won the state, will republicans accept it?

I will be kneeling for any national Anthem to protest the new Soviet America
It’s OVER for the Toxic Orange Turd and his cult members. I have a feeling they will act out. If you know one of these creepy cretins, best to keep your distance for awhile. ;)
You got that right
We got 71 million and all packing heat

Oh nice, u gonna start keeling people because ya didn’t get your way?

Fuck off with the empty threats Trumpturd. Y’all are a bunch of pussies ;)

The murder fantasies are getting more vivid and detailed among the conservatives. Thankfully the chickenshit is far stronger than their authoritarian streak.
We’re the folks who actually work for a living !! It is you fascist thugs who burn and loot

So do I. So does everyone I know. In fact, every biden supporters I know works for a living.

And if all you red state people are 'working', while we blue state people aren't.....why are we net producers of federal tax money, while red states are net consumers of federal tax money?

Not all of us had daddy to give us $432,000,000 like your fired, failed Trump's daddy gave his kids.
Trump made several billions dealing with the worst scum on earth ??
What are you worth ?? Maybe 20 grand lol

Trump's daddy gave his kids $432,000,000.

That's 'working for a living'?

Donnie lost all that despite being bailed out by Daddy multiple times. That was followed by umpteen failed businesses and 5 bankruptcies. Some “businessman”!! :D
That is why he has had hundreds of lucrative businesses !! What have you ever accomplished??
Nothing , I bet
You hate T ( like all self hating whites ) because you have no money , a fat ugly wife , an ugly family ;plus you are a “spineless half man “

What 'hundreds of lucratve businesses'? You don't pay $750 dollars in taxes when you're making profits. But when you're losing tons of money.

Your ilk may have daddy to give you hundreds of millions of dollars. But we working class Biden voters have to work for a living.

Per his tax records, Donald has lost more money than any other “businessman” in US history! :)
Why does he have hotels and property all over the World?? You’re a pathetic , self hating white loser who should have been dead along time ago

Donnie actually OWNS very few of those Trump properties.
He branded most of them and is in debt up to his ears on the ones he owns.
But thanks for the death wish you insufferable ill-informed moron! :113:
Has Hillary or the Democrats ever accepted the 2016 election?
Hillary conceded 10 minutes after the election was called by the media. Obama met Trump in the first few days after his victory and had a thorough cooperative transition that started very quickly (or at least as soon as Trump could get his shit together since they never really expected to win).
I will be kneeling for any national Anthem to protest the new Soviet America
It’s OVER for the Toxic Orange Turd and his cult members. I have a feeling they will act out. If you know one of these creepy cretins, best to keep your distance for awhile. ;)
You got that right
We got 71 million and all packing heat

Oh nice, u gonna start keeling people because ya didn’t get your way?

Fuck off with the empty threats Trumpturd. Y’all are a bunch of pussies ;)

The murder fantasies are getting more vivid and detailed among the conservatives. Thankfully the chickenshit is far stronger than their authoritarian streak.
We’re the folks who actually work for a living !! It is you fascist thugs who burn and loot

So do I. So does everyone I know. In fact, every biden supporters I know works for a living.

And if all you red state people are 'working', while we blue state people aren't.....why are we net producers of federal tax money, while red states are net consumers of federal tax money?

Not all of us had daddy to give us $432,000,000 like your fired, failed Trump's daddy gave his kids.
Trump made several billions dealing with the worst scum on earth ??
What are you worth ?? Maybe 20 grand lol

Trump's daddy gave his kids $432,000,000.

That's 'working for a living'?

Donnie lost all that despite being bailed out by Daddy multiple times. That was followed by umpteen failed businesses and 5 bankruptcies. Some “businessman”!! :D
That is why he has had hundreds of lucrative businesses !! What have you ever accomplished??
Nothing , I bet
You hate T ( like all self hating whites ) because you have no money , a fat ugly wife , an ugly family ;plus you are a “spineless half man “

What 'hundreds of lucratve businesses'? You don't pay $750 dollars in taxes when you're making profits. But when you're losing tons of money.

Your ilk may have daddy to give you hundreds of millions of dollars. But we working class Biden voters have to work for a living.

Per his tax records, Donald has lost more money than any other “businessman” in US history! :)
Why does he have hotels and property all over the World?? You’re a pathetic , self hating white loser who should have been dead along time ago

Having a hotel and making money doing it aren't the same thing. As Trump's Daddy having to funnel millions into Donny's failing Taj Mahal project demonstrate elegantly. And Trump being given over 400 million by his Daddy.

Your ilk may have daddy to give you hundreds of millions of dollars. But we working class Biden voters have to work for a living.
Biden has never worked a day in his worthless life !
Trump works harder than any president in US history

LoL!! :auiqs.jpg:

AM's until 11:00 - "Executive Time" aka Take a dump, rage tweet, watch TeeVee
11:00 - Lunch
Noon - Play golf
3 PM - Rage tweet some more
5 PM - Hamburders
6 PM - More TeeVee
11 PM - More rage tweeting sometimes until 2 AM

Yeah, helluva schedule for the Hardest Working POTUS in US history!
Historically, state recounts only show a difference of about a couple hundred votes. Biden took the state by 14,000 votes.

Keep in mind this isn’t a normal recount either. Republicans are going to comb through that shit and have a new audit. I’m not at all worried. Bring it.

No, of course not.

They'll blame the recount being fixed.

Because cult.
No one likes to lose, better they vent their anger here, than take it out on some working person just trying to walk to work
If trump wins will you stop shame blocking the rest of the investigations? Because i guarantee you Trump won Georgia by 5 percent +.
Historically, state recounts only show a difference of about a couple hundred votes. Biden took the state by 14,000 votes.

Keep in mind this isn’t a normal recount either. Republicans are going to comb through that shit and have a new audit. I’m not at all worried. Bring it.

There has been exactly 0 damage done by Republicans since election day. How much damage was done by blm and antifa this past summer?
"When the results will say Biden still won the state, will republicans accept it?"

"When the results will say Biden still won the state, will republicans accept it?"

Thank you for confirming the right’s contempt for the will of the people and our democratic institutions.
Actually that is a reaction to the lefts' contempt for anyone's will other than their own as well as their contempt for law and order. The left has been blatantly trying to oust the President ever since he was elected four years ago. Corrupting the voting process is just more of the same.

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