As Faith in Police Drops, so Do Arrest Rates


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

As Faith in Police Drops, so Do Arrest Rates

15 Apr 2024 ~~ By Dean Weingarten

A paper at the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC), founded by researcher John Lott, shows how faith in the police, arrest rates, and crime reporting are all interrelated. The paper is titled " The Collapse in Law Enforcement: As Arrest Rates Plummet, People Have Been Less Willing to Report Crime", published on April 5, 2024.
As faith in the police collapses, reporting of crime drops, and so do arrest rates and clearance rates for both violent crimes and property crimes. This has the classic look of a positive feedback loop. The consequences are far from positive. It is not a clear case of simple cause and effect. Faith in the police, reporting of crimes, and arrest rates are all interconnected in complex ways. From the paper:
Not only does the arrest rate fall when most crimes are not reported, a falling arrest rate makes faith in the system decline even more, which results in a lower reporting of crimes. This explains a phenomena mentioned in the paper. While the official statistics of crime may be lower, people's perception of the crime they experience tells them the crime rate is worse.
In high trust societies, crime rates are low because crimes are not tolerated by the culture; because crimes are diligently reported; and because citizen and police co-operation is high. Trust, once lost, is hard to rebuild, but it can be done. First, there has to be a general acceptance of crime as wrong by society. In the United States, a consensus exists. Theft is wrong. Murder is wrong. Self Defense is legitimate.

It’s not the police, it’s their political masters that is the root problem.
I feel sorry for the idealistic 20 year-old who enters the Law enforcement in a desire to do the good and ends up becoming part of the problem. Such a sad state of affairs that we live in these days, so sad!
Why would a LEO bother to report, give a statement, fill out paperwork, possibly have to take time off work to testify, and maybe even become a target for the criminals’ friends, if a DA like Bragg is just going to let most of them walk anyway?
My faith in police has eroded greatly because I've became a watcher of 1st Amendment Audit Videos.
My faith in police has eroded greatly because I've became a watcher of 1st Amendment Audit Videos.

As Faith in Police Drops, so Do Arrest Rates

15 Apr 2024 ~~ By Dean Weingarten

A paper at the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC), founded by researcher John Lott, shows how faith in the police, arrest rates, and crime reporting are all interrelated. The paper is titled " The Collapse in Law Enforcement: As Arrest Rates Plummet, People Have Been Less Willing to Report Crime", published on April 5, 2024.
As faith in the police collapses, reporting of crime drops, and so do arrest rates and clearance rates for both violent crimes and property crimes. This has the classic look of a positive feedback loop. The consequences are far from positive. It is not a clear case of simple cause and effect. Faith in the police, reporting of crimes, and arrest rates are all interconnected in complex ways. From the paper:
Not only does the arrest rate fall when most crimes are not reported, a falling arrest rate makes faith in the system decline even more, which results in a lower reporting of crimes. This explains a phenomena mentioned in the paper. While the official statistics of crime may be lower, people's perception of the crime they experience tells them the crime rate is worse.
In high trust societies, crime rates are low because crimes are not tolerated by the culture; because crimes are diligently reported; and because citizen and police co-operation is high. Trust, once lost, is hard to rebuild, but it can be done. First, there has to be a general acceptance of crime as wrong by society. In the United States, a consensus exists. Theft is wrong. Murder is wrong. Self Defense is legitimate.

It’s not the police, it’s their political masters that is the root problem.
I feel sorry for the idealistic 20 year-old who enters the Law enforcement in a desire to do the good and ends up becoming part of the problem. Such a sad state of affairs that we live in these days, so sad!
Why would a LEO bother to report, give a statement, fill out paperwork, possibly have to take time off work to testify, and maybe even become a target for the criminals’ friends, if a DA like Bragg is just going to let most of them walk anyway?
I still have the same faith, I have always had. I never assumed them to be perfect, always profession, or even honest, all the time. Taken as a whole, on an average day, with the huge numbers of local police, county sheriff departments, state police and investigators, FBI, US Marshals, Bureau of Treasury/Secret Service investigators, and other unnamed domestic agencies with armed LEO on the streets and/or sitting on their asses in offices in front of phones and computers, all having interactions daily with the public, I am frankly surprised we do not hear of more dumbassed things being reported. These are normal humans for the most part. What they do can get pretty complicated, pretty quick. Does somebody screw up notably? Sure, but just think, how many there are and the number of daily interactions, decision, instructions, etc. Overall, I am not unhappy with the general performance. I thank them for what they do and the chances they take, doing it, for the most part.
Sure, if crime isnt recorded as crime, it doesnt exist.
And then the overloaded prisons are given a respite!

The rest of the modern world has discovered that incarceration is inversely proportion to an efficiently working justice system.
That doesn't seem to be intuitive at all does it?

If police murder a black man, his brother(s) will be motivated to commit more crimes.

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