As government lose, we all lose.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

Stupids who complain about too many government employees, too much government spending and government too big don’t realize that government had to become bigger because we became bigger. Don’t realize they are talking about themselves.

Government grew since 1776 because the population grew and more services and programs were needed. Then with the addition of 20 million illegal aliens and drug smuggling more money and employees were needed for Homeland Security. ICE, ATF, etc.

If government is cut in any way, spending or employees, the people lose their jobs, government lose tax revenue, people lose services and programs. And if government lose we all lose. Government cuts put our lives in danger. Any cuts to education, healthcare, firefighters, policemen, social services puts all our lives in danger.

Only thing that is going to solve the budget problem is tax increase across board with cuts of unnecessary spending. Cutting social security, Medicare and Medicaid, teachers, education, fireman, policemen are not unnecessary spending.
Where the hell do you think big gubmint gets the money to be big gubmint, from Lucky the goddamn Leprechaun?


Stupids who complain about too many government employees, too much government spending and government too big don’t realize that government had to become bigger because we became bigger. Don’t realize they are talking about themselves.

Government grew since 1776 because the population grew and more services and programs were needed. Then with the addition of 20 million illegal aliens and drug smuggling more money and employees were needed for Homeland Security. ICE, ATF, etc.

If government is cut in any way, spending or employees, the people lose their jobs, government lose tax revenue, people lose services and programs. And if government lose we all lose. Government cuts put our lives in danger. Any cuts to education, healthcare, firefighters, policemen, social services puts all our lives in danger.

Only thing that is going to solve the budget problem is tax increase across board with cuts of unnecessary spending. Cutting social security, Medicare and Medicaid, teachers, education, fireman, policemen are not unnecessary spending.

Those have been my arguments all along. I guess you have to be a little older to get it. In 1776, the population was only 4 million and mail was delivered by pony express. We're now topping at 309 million and the information highway runs at light speed. (Just as examples.) To think "government" shouldn't grow along with modern advances which every citizen demands (together with inherent problems), is ignorant. Is government too big? Probably, but you still can't go back and start over.

Stupids who complain about too many government employees, too much government spending and government too big don’t realize that government had to become bigger because we became bigger. Don’t realize they are talking about themselves.

Government grew since 1776 because the population grew and more services and programs were needed. Then with the addition of 20 million illegal aliens and drug smuggling more money and employees were needed for Homeland Security. ICE, ATF, etc.

If government is cut in any way, spending or employees, the people lose their jobs, government lose tax revenue, people lose services and programs. And if government lose we all lose. Government cuts put our lives in danger. Any cuts to education, healthcare, firefighters, policemen, social services puts all our lives in danger.

Only thing that is going to solve the budget problem is tax increase across board with cuts of unnecessary spending. Cutting social security, Medicare and Medicaid, teachers, education, fireman, policemen are not unnecessary spending.

LOL. My favorite part of your ode to government was where you said cutting government spending reduces government revenue. That was just funny.

BTW, explain in your premise why government is growing as a percent of GDP. Since that's true, the rest of your argument's lost.

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